ISYS 100: Digital Foundations Excel project 3

It’s now time to apply all that you have learned so far in this course. For this assignment, you will use the file below to summarize regional sales for the company SHOE CENTRAL.

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To Get Started

Using the files below, follow the instructions to compare the data provided.

  • A Few Guidelines
  • You will need to submit an Excel file for your assignment – not another type of file.
  • The Excel file must allow me to see the formulas and functions used in order to qualify for credit. So if a question asks for the average body weight of the cars, and only the answer is provided and not the equation itself, full credit cannot be granted.
  • You can ask questions on this assignment in the discussion forum, but responses should provide direction not the answer themselves. (e.g. review the module on SumIf() function)
  • The work you submit must be your own. 0 credit will be earned if the work submitted is not your own.


Your submission must include:

  • The theme as specified by the assignment
  • Merged cells
  • All required formatting
  • Sum of quarter sales
  • Accounting number format where required
  • Additional row of information
  • Absolute cell reference
  • Computed percentages
  • Sparklines
  • Clustered Column chart with Title
  • Landscape page orientation

When You Are Finished

  • When you upload your XLSX assignment file, be sure you keep it in the same format/structure as the original assignment file.
  • Be sure to add your last name to the assignment submission.

Important Note

  • Since there are multiple ways to accomplish goals in Excel, make sure you use the learning modules within the course to answer and solve these problems. To ensure full credit, you must demonstrate that you’re using the elements taught in the learning modules. Let me know if you have any questions about this.
  • Please do not wait until the last minute to ask questions. Ideally, students can work through this assignment while reviewing the learning modules.

Shoe Central
2017 Regional Shoe Sales
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Northeast 225684.5 210760.5 181555.3 228634.9
Southeast 128698.1 144465.3 132106.8 155874.8
292416.7 247941.5 262774.1
Total Sales
% of Total Sales
No. Question
1 Which quarter had the highest shoe sales?
2 Which region sold the most shoes in 2017?
Which region sold the highest percentage
3 of total sales in 2017?
Excel Project 3
ISYS 100 – Excel Project 3
Project Description:
In the following project, you will create a worksheet summarizing the regional sales for the company SHOE
CENTRAL for the year 2017.
Perform the following tasks:
Start Excel. Download and open the file named ISYS 100 – Excel 3 project.
Change the Theme to Retrospect, and then widen column A to 80 pixels and columns B:H to
110 pixels. Mac users, change the width of column A to 10.67 (69 pixels) and the width of
columns B:H to 15 (95 pixels).
Merge & Center the title across the range A1:H1, and then apply the Title cell style. Merge &
Center the subtitle across the range A2:H2, and then apply the Heading 1 cell style.
Select the seven column titles, apply Center formatting, and then apply the Heading 4 cell
By using the Quick Analysis tool, Sum the Quarter 1 sales, and then copy the formula across
for the remaining Quarters. Note, Mac users, on the Home tab, use the Sum tool.
Select the Northeast sales for the four quarters, and then display the Quick Analysis Totals
gallery. Click the second Sum option—the sixth item in the gallery—which displays the column
selection in yellow. Note, Mac users, on the Home tab, use the Sum tool. Apply Bold
formatting to the total.
Copy the formula down through cell F7.
Apply the Accounting Number Format to the first row of sales figures and to the total row, and
the Comma Style to the remaining sales figures. Format the totals in row 7 with the Total cell
Insert a new row 6 with the row title Midwest and the following sales figures for each
quarter: 110985.45 and 118674.91 and 100548.50 and 120621.17 Copy the formula
from F5 to F6.
Using absolute cell references as necessary so that you can copy the formula, in cell G4
construct a formula to calculate the Percent of Total Sales for the first region. Copy the
formula down for the remaining regions.
To the computed percentages, apply Percent Style with two decimal places, and then center
the percentages.
ISYS 100 Excel Project 2.docx
Excel Project 3
Insert Line sparklines in the range H4:H7 that compare the quarterly data. Do not include the
totals. Show the sparkline Markers and apply Sparkline Style Accent 2, Darker 25%.
Select the range that represents the sales figures for the four quarters, including the quarter
names and each region—do not include any totals in the range. With this data selected, by
using the Recommended Chart command, insert a Clustered Column chart with the regions as
the category axis and the Quarters as the legend.
Apply Chart Style 8 and Color 3 under Colorful. Position the chart so that its upper right corner
aligns with the upper right corner of cell F10.
Change the Chart Title to 2017 Regional Shoe Sales.
Deselect the chart. Change the page orientation to Landscape, center the worksheet
Horizontally on the page, and then insert a footer with the file name in the left section. If
necessary return the worksheet to Normal view.
Answer the 3 questions found on the “Questions” tab; put your answers in the proper cell in
column B. Each question is worth 4 points.
Save and close the document. Close Excel. Submit the file in Canvas.
Total Points
ISYS 100 Excel Project 2.docx

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