IT 117 UP Challenges of Using Cascading Style Sheets Discussion

Part 1: You will download the provided HTML file,

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Unit 5 Debug.html

, which has errors that need debugging. Please note, when you select the link, you will not be able to see the file contents in the browser. Instead, you will need to save the file and correct the code. Once you have corrected the code, respond in this forum with what you have learned in the debugging process.

What troubles did you have? What breakthroughs? How will you apply what you have learned in this debugging process to future development?

Part 2: This week, you will use CSS to format a website layout and navigation. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a formatting language that can be used with HTML to format website page elements.

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Discuss the advantages and challenges of using CSS on a website. Include at least two advantages and two challenges of using CSS to format a website.


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