IT 117 UP Website Creation & Coding from Scratch Discussion

Discussion Overview

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Tessa is a novice website developer. She understands the basics of HTML5 and CSS3. She has been asked by her boss to develop an informational website for the veterinary office where she works. The website will require schedule information and services offered, as well as contact information and a blog for people to ask questions about their pets.


Research website content managers, (e.g., WordPress, Joomla, etc.) and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) development applications, (e.g., Dreamweaver, Kompozer, etc.). Explore the options available and recommend a plan of action for Tessa. Should she create the website from scratch using Notepad, consider a content manager, or use a development application? Discuss why your recommended plan is the best choice for Tessa. Consider multiple elements such as cost, features, ease of use of the application, efficiency, etc.

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