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IT352 – Human Computer Interaction
Discussion Board
Total Marks Allotted: 4 Marks
Due Date: 21/09/2023
To help in understanding the basics of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Understand the
diverse types of cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of human computer interaction.
Discussion topic details
Topic: The Evolution of Keyboards: Bridging the Gap between Human Thought and Digital
Introduction: The keyboard, from typewriters to modern-day computers, has been the primary
interface for humans to communicate with digital systems. As technology has evolved, we’ve
seen the integration of touch keyboards, voice-to-text systems, and even gesture-based inputs.
Yet, the QWERTY layout and fundamental structure remain persistent. In the world of humancomputer interaction (HCI), how can we reimagine keyboards to be more intuitive, efficient,
and suited for the future?
Discussion Point:
• How can advancements in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshape the design and functionality of keyboards to better
align with modern digital interactions, and what insights from your experiences in
interaction design can guide this evolution over the next decade?
Submission Instructions
• Share your thoughts, examples, insights, and discussions related to this topic on the
• Ensure you contribute a minimum of ONE original post and provide feedback on TWO
posts shared by your classmates.
Marking Criteria
For your Original Post: 3 [2 (for discussion) + 1 (for example)]
For your two responses: 1 [0.5 +0.5] (for meaningful feedback to at least two classmates)
Important notice
• Please note that any copy and paste from the Internet leads to zero marks.
• Please remember to provide constructive feedback, share your insights, and respect
different perspectives.

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