IT 476 discussion board

IT476 – Discussion BoardPurpose
The purpose of this assessment is to help students to learn more about the development of
Information Security Policy.
Topic of the Discussion
The first step in creating an Information Security program is to create an inventory of
information assets.
• Give a definition of information assets management (also called cybersecurity assets
management) and its importance.
• Support your answer with several examples of assets.
• Then discuss briefly the risk associated with poor information assets management.
Submission Instructions

You should write one main post and at least two replies.
Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions on this topic on the
Assure uniqueness, qualities and academic writing when posting your discussion
Due date is Thursday 21-09-2023 @23:59. After the due date, the discussion will not
be available.
Marking: total of 4 marks:

3 Marks for having your post.
1 Mark for the informative and useful replies to other students’ posts, with 0.5 for
each reply (At least two replies). An example of unacceptable replies: “I agree with
you”, “good post I like it”, “I think your post it good” or any similar replies.

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