ITCC121 SDSU PowerPoint Presentation Speech Navigating the Digital Realm Essay

  • HI, I only need someone to write a PowerPoint speech script for me to read off of for a Presentation addressing the following:

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    Introduction – provide the reader a bulleted list of all the points your will discuss in the presentation.

    From the Analog to the Digital Age – discuss how digital and analog data differ and what a modem does

    Explain Network Architectures

    Networks – discuss the benefits of networks and three types of networks, their components, and variations

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    Wired Communication Media – discuss three types of wired communications media

    Wireless Communication Media – discuss three types of wireless communications media

    Cyberthreats, Hackers, & Safeguards – describe areas of concern for keeping a computer system safe

  • Summary – provide the reader a bulleted list of all the major points you discussed in the presentation.
  • Remember to give your source credit using APA format! Please be sure that the sources that you use are credible or scholarly
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