Journal Entry

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something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase “sexual

harassment” was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how

often it was used in print in English since 1900.)

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Before then, it was ca

lled “being fresh” or

“making a pass”. You can’t solve a problem, for example, if something doesn’t have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to

describe something had consequences.


250 words

Giving something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase “sexual

harassment” was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how
often it was used in print in English since 1900.)

Before then, it was ca
lled “being fresh” or
“making a pass”. You can’t solve a problem, for example, if something doesn’t have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to
describe something had consequences.


250 words

Giving something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase “sexual
harassment” was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how

often it was used in print in English since 1900.) Before then, it was called “being fresh” or

“making a pass”. You can’t solve a problem, for example, if something doesn’t have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to

describe something had consequences.

In 250 words

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