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Resource: Ch. 9 in the text

Read Exercises 9.1 on p. 130 & 9.3 on p. 131.

Forecast personnel expenses and total revenues respectively, using weighted moving averages and moving averages.

Explain how financial trends affect forecasting.

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9 Forecasting
As part of the planning and budgeting processes that precede each new fiscal year,
human service agencies are confronted with a series of questions: What will the
agency caseload be? Will the caseload go up, go down, or remain the same? Wha


does the revenue situation look like? Will revenues increase, stay the same, or
decline? What about expenses? In light of changes in caseload and revenues, can
the current pattern of expenses be maintained? Should expenses be reduced


Without some estimate of how many clients a human service agency will serve in
the coming fiscal year and what the revenue and expense picture will look like, it
is difficult to prepare a realistic line-item operating budget for a human service

There are essentially two ways human service administrators can estimate
future case loads, revenues, and expenses: by educated guessing or by one or more
of a variety of generally accepted forecasting techniques. As a general rule, the use
of one or more generally recognized forecasting techniques is preferable to simply
guessing. While an educated guess can sometimes turn out to be quite accurate, it
is hard to defend during the budget process.

Forecasting can be defined as techniques that predict the future based on his-
torical data (Lee & Shim, 1990:442). One of the interesting discoveries that
researchers have made about forecasting is that simple techniques perform (pro-
duce estimates) that are frequently just as accurate as complex forecasting tech-
niques (Cirincione, Gurrieri, & Van de Sande, 1999). Consequently, one doesn’t
have to be an expert in math or statistics to use many of the commonly recognized
forecasting techniques. This chapter presents four commonly recognized time
series forecasting techniques: (1) simple moving averages, (2) weighted moving
averages, (3) exponential smoothing, and (4) time series regression. The first three
of these forecasting techniques are relatively simple and the calculations can be
done by hand. Time series regression is a more complex forecasting technique that
requires the use of a computer and a basic understanding of some statistical con-
cepts. Today, a variety of low-cost computer programs can perform not only time
series forecasting, but moving averages, weighted moving averages, exponential
smoothing, and assorted other techniques that are not covered in this chapter.

Before proceeding directly to the discussion of the four forecasting tech-
niques, a few basic forecasting rules of thumb are presented.


Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.

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Some Basic Forecasting Rules of Thumb

Several rules of thumb can be used as guides in conducting forecasts and inter-
preting the results.

Rule 1. Examine the data for the presence or absence of a trend. Revenues and expenses
and, to a lesser extent, caseload, tend to change incrementally. Consequently, either
an upward or downward trend may be present in the data. Looking at Table 9.1, an
upward trend is clearly evident in the caseload data. The caseload has been trend-
ing upward for the past four fiscal years. On the other hand, the donation data do
not demonstrate a trend, but rather vary (increase and decrease) from year to year.
In the absence of any other data or any other contextual information about the
nature of the human service agency, the type of service involved, the client popu-
lation, the community, the local economy, and so on, we would expect that the
trend in the caseload data would continue for fiscal year 20X5. We are less sure
about the forecast for donations because of the absence of a trend.

Rule 2. The farther out the forecast, the less reliable the forecast. A forecast that looks
ahead one fiscal year will generally be more reliable (more accurate) than a forecast
that looks ahead three fiscal years. The reason is simple: Things change! A good
example of the problem with forecasts that look too far ahead is provided by the
U.S. space program. When the United States put a man on the moon in 1969, all
kinds of forecasts about the future of space exploration were made based on how
long it took us to reach the moon. According to many of these forecasts, we should
already have a space colony on Mars. But we don’t. Why? Because things change!
In the case of the space program, government funding for space exploration was
cut back and our space exploration policy changed from using manned spacecraft
to using unmanned spacecraft.

Rule 3. Older data are less important than more recent data. Table 9.1 could include
donation data for fiscal years 1999, 1998, 1997, and so on. But we know that a prob-
lem in forecasting is that things change. So, the older the data included in a fore-
cast, the more opportunity for things to change and, consequently, the less reliable
the forecast is likely to be.

Rule 4. The last actual value of the forecast variable is the single most important piece of
information. In Table 9.1, the caseload and donation forecasts are to be made for fis-
cal year 20X5; the last actual value for the caseload is 1,450 and the last actual value
for donations is $25,000. In the absence of any other data, the single best predictor of
the future is the last value of the forecast variable. The reason is that the last actual
value is the single piece of datum that is temporarily closest to the forecast. For
example, if the only datum we had in Table 9.1 was the last actual value for caseload
(1,450) for fiscal year 20X4, our best forecast for 20X5 would be 1,450. The last actual

Forecasting 119

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.


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value also provides a reality check for a forecast. For any forecast, the question
should be asked, Does the forecast seem reasonable given the last actual data?

Rule 5. The more one knows about the data, the better one can interpret the forecast. One
can forecast anything. The real gut issue is how to interpret the results of the fore-
cast. In Table 9.1, any one of a number of forecasting techniques could be used to
forecast the caseload for fiscal year 20X5. But the critical issue is, What are the data
trying to tell us? A trend in the caseload data is clearly evident over the past four
fiscal years. The caseload was 1,200 in FY 20X1 and increased 100 cases per year for
fiscal year 20X2 and 20X3. But then something happened to the trend. In FY 20X4,
the caseload increased by only 50. Why? What is going on? Unfortunately, we
don’t know anything about the Palmdale Human Service Agency, the type of ser-
vice involved, the client population, the community, the local economy, and
numerous other factors that could help provide us with a context in which to inter-
pret the forecast. If we had contextual information, we would be better able to
understand what the data are trying to tell us and we would be better able to inter-
pret the forecast. Something may be occurring with the agency, the service, or the
community that might explain the caseload data for fiscal year 20X4 and thus help
to interpret the forecast for 20X5.

With this brief discussion of some forecasting rules of thumb completed, we
can proceed to a discussion of our four forecasting techniques.

Simple Moving Averages

The forecasting technique called simple moving averages involves taking historical
data on the forecast variable for a series of time periods and computing a simple
arithmetic (mean) average. The forecaster must decide how many time periods of
the forecast variable to include in the moving average. For example, in Table 9.1,
we have historical values of the forecast variables of caseload and donations for
four fiscal years. Rule 3 comes into play here: Older data are less important than
more recent data. Following this guideline, we might decide to use only three years
of historical data on the caseload and donations to make our forecasts. Table 9.


takes this approach to forecasting caseload and donation data for fiscal year


using simple moving averages.

120 C H A P T E R 9

TABLE 9.1 The Palmdale Human Service Agency

Fiscal Year


















Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.

: 0-536 -12114-1

Using simple moving averages, the caseload forecast for fiscal year 20X5 is
1,383, whereas the donations forecast is $24,667. The caseload forecast is derived
by adding the caseload data for the three time periods and dividing by the num-
ber of time periods. The same procedure is used to forecast donations. At this
point we are reminded of Rule 1 relating to the presence or absence of a trend. We
know that an upward trend exists in the caseload data, but that no trend appears
to exist in the donations data. Thus, we should anticipate that the caseload fore-
cast will show a continuation of the trend, whereas the donations forecast will
continue to fluctuate.

Our expectations are satisfied with respect to the donations forecast, but not
for the caseload forecast. The donations forecast for fiscal year 20X5 is 24,667,
which is less than the last actual data for fiscal year 20X4. The donations forecast
continues to jump around. Our expectation is not satisfied for the caseload fore-
cast. The caseload forecast for fiscal year 20X5 is 1,383, which is again less than the
actual data for fiscal year 20X4. But we should expect, based on the observed trend
in the caseload data, a forecast that is greater than the actual caseload for fiscal year

What is the problem with the simple moving averages forecast of caseload for
fiscal year 20X5? Rules 3 and 4 provide some guidance. Rule 3 tells us that older
data are less important than more recent data. All the data in the two simple mov-
ing averages forecasts are weighted the same. Actually, no weights are used, which
has the effect of treating all data as though they were weighted equally. Rule 4 sug-
gests that the last actual value of the forecast variable is more important than the
other data and should perhaps be given greater weight in the forecast.

The point needs to be made that the moving in simple moving averages means
that for fiscal year 20X6, the forecast would be comprised of the actual caseload
and donations data for fiscal years 20X3, 20X4, and 20X5. The actual caseload and
donations data for 20X5 would be added to the moving averages and the caseload
and donations data for 20X2 would be deleted. This process keeps the simple mov-
ing average’s base of three fiscal years.

Forecasting 121

TABLE 9.2 Palmdale Human Service Agency

Caseload and Donations Forecasts
Using Simple Moving Averages

Fiscal Year






= 1,383





= $24,667

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
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Weighted Moving Averages

The second of our four forecasting techniques, weighted moving averages, attempts
to improve on simple moving averages by assigning weights to the data that com-
prise the forecast. In keeping with Rules 3 and 4, the idea is to place more weight
on the last actual value of the forecast variable and decreasing weights on the older
data. For example, a common practice in weighted moving averages is to assign a
weight of “1” to the oldest datum to be used in the forecast and then assign increas-
ing weights to more recent data so that the last actual value receives the greatest
weight. Following this approach, Table 9.3 shows the results of a weighted moving
average forecast for caseload and donations for fiscal year 20X5.

Using weighted moving averages, the caseload forecast for fiscal year 20X5 is
1,408 and the donations forecast is $25,167. The caseload forecast is arrived at by
multiplying the caseload data for each year by its weight, adding the results
together, and dividing by the total number of weights. The forecast for donations
is obtained using the same approach. The caseload forecast of 1,408 appears more
realistic than the simple moving averages forecast of 1,383, but it is still less than
the last actual caseload data of 1,450 for fiscal year 20X4. Again, we are confronted
with the problem that we cannot put a lot of confidence in a forecast of 1,408 unless
we have some contextual information that explains why we should accept a case-
load forecast that does not demonstrate a continuation of the identified trend. The

122 C H A P T E R 9

TABLE 9.3 Palmdale Human Service Agency

Forecasts Using Weighted Moving Averages

Fiscal Year

8,450/6 = 1,408



Weighted Score





Fiscal Year

$151,000/6 = $25,167

Weighted Score

$ 22,000




Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
: 0-536 -12114-1

donations forecast of $25,167 appears reasonable given the historical way in which
donations have tended to fluctuate.

Exponential Smoothing

In order to perform a forecast using either simple moving averages or weighted
moving averages, the forecaster must collect and save data for several historical
time periods. Exponential smoothing is a forecasting technique that requires only
two pieces of information: (a) the last actual value of the forecast variable and
(b) the last actual forecast. With these two pieces of information and the use of a
simple formula, we can forecast caseload, revenues, expenses, or any other vari-
able. One might say that exponential smoothing takes to heart Rule 4 that the last
actual value of the forecast variable is the single most important piece of informa-
tion. The forecasting formula used in exponential smoothing is

NF = LF + α (LD – LF) where NF = New forecast
LF = Last forecast
α = 0 to 1
LD = Last data

The formula is relatively straightforward with the exception of the alpha (α).
Alpha is a value between 1 and 0 that is selected by the forecaster. The alpha deter-
mines how much weight in the new forecast will be placed on the last data (the last
value of the forecast variable) and, conversely, how much weight will be placed on
the last forecast. An alpha of 1 means that 100 percent of the new forecast will be
based on the last data and 0 per cent on the last forecast. An exponential smooth-
ing forecast using an alpha of 1 would result in a number that would be exactly the
same as the last actual value of the forecast variable. An alpha of zero means that 0
percent of the new forecast will be based on the last data and 100 percent on the last
forecast. An exponential smoothing forecast using an alpha of 0 would result in a
number that is exactly the same as the last forecast. An alpha of .5 means that 50
percent of the new forecast will be based on the last actual data and 50 percent on
the last forecast.

When using exponential smoothing, the alpha selected is determined by the
accuracy of the last forecast. For example, if the caseload forecast for fiscal year
20X4 was 1,700 and the actual caseload was 1,450, then the forecast was not very
accurate. In such a situation, the forecaster would want to select for the next fore-
cast (fiscal year 20X5) a high alpha (.7 to .9) that places more weight on the last
data and less weight on the last forecast. If, however, the caseload forecast for fis-
cal year 20X4 was 1,460 and the actual caseload for fiscal year 20X4 was 1,450,
then the forecast was quite accurate. In such a situation, the forecaster would
want to select for the next forecast (fiscal year 20X5) a low alpha (.2 to .3) that
places more weight on the last forecast and less weight on the last data. A small
alpha (.2 to .4) has the same effect as if data for several time periods were included

Forecasting 123

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in the forecast. In other words, a small alpha “smooths” the forecast, hence the
name exponential smoothing.

Let’s assume that the caseload forecast for fiscal year 20X4 was 1,500 and that
the donations forecast was $26,000. We know that the actual caseload and dona-
tions data for fiscal year 20X4 were, respectively, 1,450 and $25,000. Because the
caseload forecast was quite accurate, we will select an alpha of .2 for use in our
forecast of caseload for 20X5. Because the forecast for donations was somewhat
less accurate, we will select a higher alpha (.5) that will place equal emphasis on
both the last forecast and the last data. This information can now be entered into
the exponential smoothing formula (Table 9.4) and a fiscal year 20X5 forecast can
be made for both caseload and donations.

The exponential smoothing caseload forecast is 1,490 for 20X5. This forecast
appears to be realistic because the upward trend evidenced over the last four fiscal
years is continued and because the new forecast is greater than the actual caseload
data of 1,450 for fiscal year 20X4. Similarly, the exponential smoothing forecast for
donations of $25,500 for fiscal year 20X5 appears reasonable, but we are less sure of
this forecast because of the tendency of the donations data to fluctuate.

Time Series Regression

Time series regression is the last of the four generally recognized forecasting tech-
niques to be discussed in this chapter and the only one that requires the use of a
computer. Time series regression is more sophisticated than the other forecasting

124 C H A P T E R 9

TABLE 9.4 Palmdale Human Service Agency

Caseload and Donations Forecasts
Using Exponential Smoothing


NF = LF + α(LD – LF)
= 1,500 + .2(1,450 – 1,500)
= 1,500 + .2(–50)
= 1,500 + (–10)
= 1,490


NF = LF + α (LD – LF)
= $26,000 + .5($25,000 – $26,000)
= $26,000 + .5(–$1,000)
= $26,000 + (–$500)
= $25,500

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
: 0-536 -12114-1

techniques considered, but it also more powerful and provides more insights into
the data and the forecast. Time series regression forecasting also yields an estimate
of how much confidence one should have in the forecast. These features make it
one of the most commonly used forecasting techniques (Forester, 1993). Time series
regression forecasting can be performed using any computer software package
that contains a simple linear regression program.

Time series regression is an application of what is called the ordinary least
squares regression model. Time series regression forecasting attempts to find a
linear relationship between time (the independent variable) and the forecast vari-
able (the dependent variable). A linear relationship can be thought of as a trend.
In other words, time series regression analyzes the data looking for a trend. The
time series regression model looks for (a) a positive linear relationship (or trend)
between time and the forecast variable, (b) a negative linear relationship (or
trend) between time and the value of the forecast variable, or (c) no linear rela-
tionship (or trend). A positive linear relationship (or trend) means that over time
the values of the forecast variable are increasing. A negative linear relationship (or
trend) means that over time the values of the forecast variable are decreasing. If
the time series regression model finds a moderate to strong positive or negative
linear relationship (or trend), the computer output can be used to make a forecast
using the formula

Y = A + BX where Y is the forecast (an unknown quantity)
A is the base or constant
B is the unit value change in the forecast variable
X is the increment of time to be forecasted

The use of an example should help make the discussion of time series regres-
sion forecasting more understandable. Table 9.5 demonstrates how time series
regression can be used to conduct a caseload forecast using the caseload data we
have used in the other forecasts. In conducting a caseload forecast using time series
regression, we are going to use all four years of available caseload data. Using
older data here does not violate Rule 3, because (a) a time series regression forecast
needs at least four (some would say five) data points to function properly and
(b) the analysis is able to differentiate between changes attributable to time (the
trend) and changes attributable to other factors.

The first part of Table 9.5 shows how the data for a time series regression fore-
cast are entered into a computer program. Time is always treated as the indepen-
dent variable (IV), whereas the forecast variable (e.g., caseload or donations) is
always treated as the dependent variable (DV). When the data are inputted into the
computer program, it is important not to reverse these variables. Time must
always be the independent variable or the computer output will be meaningless.
When inputting data into a time series regression, the time periods are trans-
formed into consecutive numbers. For example, we have four years of caseload
data (the time period) so fiscal year 20X1 = 1, 20X2 = 2, 20X3 = 3, and 20X4 = 4. The
oldest time period is always designated 1.

Forecasting 125

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
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The second part of Table 9.5 shows the resulting computer output, specifi-
cally the “coefficients” and the “model summary” sections. Computer programs
such as Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) provide a lot of output
that is not essential to the purposes of conducting and interpreting the results of a
time series regression forecast. For forecasting purposes, one needs to know the
value of R-square, the value of A (the constant), and the value of B (Var1). In SPSS,
the value of R-square is usually found as part of the model summary output, while
values of the A (constant) and the B (Var1) are usually found as part of the coeffi-
cients output.

The R-square tells us how much confidence we should have in the forecast.
R-square can vary between 0 and 1. R-square can also be thought of as a measure
of the strength of a trend (either positive or negative) in the values of the forecast
variable over time. If the R-square is greater than .7, a strong trend exists. An R-
square between .5 and .7 indicates a moderate trend; R-square less than .5 indicates
a weak trend. Looking at the model summary portion of the computer output
(Table 9.5), we can see that the R-square for the time series regression is .980, which
is significantly greater than .7. In terms of interpretation, we can say that we can

126 C H A P T E R 9

TABLE 9.5 Caseload Forecast Using Time Series Regression

Computer Input

Time Caseload
(IV) (DV)

1 1,200
2 1,300
3 1,400
4 1,450

Computer Output



Var 1

Unstandardized Coefficients



Std. Error
















Standard Error
of the Estimate


Standardized Coefficients

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
: 0-536 -12114-1

have a high degree of confidence in the result of a time series regression forecast.
Another interpretation is that the time series regression analysis has found a strong
trend in the caseload data. This strong trend can be used for forecasting purposes.

In order to perform a time series regression forecast, we must substitute the
relevant values into the formula Y = A + BX (Table 9.6). To the base value of A (a
constant), we add B (Var1) multiplied by X (the time period to be forecasted). Since
we are using four years of caseload data in the time series regression and we are
performing a forecast for the next fiscal year, X = 5. The result is a caseload forecast
of 1,550. This caseload forecast looks good because it is a continuation of the
observed trend in the caseload data and because it is greater than the last actual
caseload data for fiscal year 20X4.

Why does the time series caseload forecast perform so much better than the
other forecasting techniques? The answer is that time series regression is particu-
larly sensitive to, and performs best, when a strong trend is present. The three
other forecasting techniques discussed in this chapter are not as sensitive to trends.

At this point it is probably advisable to pause for a moment and explain
exactly what the values of the A (constant) and the B (Var1 or variable 1) mean in a
time series regression. When conducting a time series regression, many computer
programs provide for the optional generation of a graph of the linear relationship
between time and the forecast variable. Figure 9.1 is such a graph. The indepen-
dent variable (time) is shown on the x-axis and the dependent variable (caseload)
is shown on the y-axis. In the middle of the graph are four data points. The first
data point represents the caseload data (1,200) for fiscal year 20X1 (year 1). The sec-
ond data point represents the caseload data (1,300) for fiscal year 20X2 (year 2). The
third data point represents the caseload data (1,400) for fiscal year 20X3 (year 3).
And finally, the fourth data point represents the caseload data (1,450) for 20X4
(year 4).

The line in the center of the graph is the regression line. The regression line can
be thought of as “the best line” that expresses the linear relationship (the trend)
between time and the forecast variable. The line begins at 1,125. This point is called
A (constant) because it is the fixed point at which the regression line begins. This
point is also called the y-intercept because it is the point at which the regression line
crosses the y-axis. The slope of the regression line then goes up 85 (B or Var1) for
each time period (year). In performing the actual time series regression forecast,
the regression line is simply extended out to the time period being forecasted. In

Forecasting 127

TABLE 9.6 Caseload Forecast Using Time
Series Regression

Y = A + BX
= 1125 + 85(5)
= 1125 + 425
= 1550

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
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this example, caseload is being forecasted for the fifth year. The mathematics of the
forecast are simply to begin with the value of A (constant) and then to add the
value of B (Var1) for each time period (year) up to the forecast time period (year):

1,125 + 85 (year 1) + 85 (year 2) + 85 (year 3) + 85 (year 4) + 85 (year 5) = 1,550

Now let’s do a time series regression forecast for donations. The top portion of
Table 9.7 shows how the data are entered into the computer program; the lower por-
tion shows the computer output. In the “coefficients” section of the output, we see
that the value of A (constant) is 23,500 and the value of B (Var1) is 500. In the model
summary section, we see that the R-square is .098. The R-square is extremely low,
which means that we can have little confidence in any forecast made using time
series regression. Another way of interpreting the low R-Square is that the com-
puter could not find a trend in the data. Knowing that we can have no confidence in
the results, let’s go ahead anyway and do a time series regression forecast using the
formula Y = A + BX (see Table 9.8) The resulting forecast for donations is $27,000 in
fiscal year 20X5, but we know that we can have absolutely no confidence in this

The two time series regression forecasts for caseload and for donations
demonstrate the strengths and limitations of this forecasting technique. Time series
regression forecasting works well when a strong (R-square = .7 or greater) trend
exists, works less well when a moderate (R-square = .4 to .7) trend exist, and does
not work well at all when a weak (R-square = less than .4) exists.

128 C H A P T E R 9

FIGURE 9.1 Graph of Time and Caseload
with Regression Line







1 2 3 4 5

x -axis



Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
: 0-536 -12114-1

When to Use Which Forecasting Technique

The preceding discussion of the four generally recognized forecasting techniques
(in particular, the discussion of time series regression) allows three more rules of
thumb to be offered:

Rule 6. When a strong trend (R-square = .7 or greater) is present in the data, use
time series regression.

Forecasting 129

TABLE 9.7 Donations Using Time Series Regression

Computer Input
Time Caseload
(IV) (DV)

1 $25,000
2 22,000
3 27,000
4 25,000

Computer Output
Var 1
Unstandardized Coefficients


Std. Error









Model Summary




Standard Error
of the Estimate


Standardized Coefficients

TABLE 9.8 Donations Using Time
Series Regression

Y = A + BX
= $23,500 + $500(5)
= $23,500 + $2,500
= $27,000

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
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Rule 7. When a moderate trend (R-square = .4 to .7) is present in the data, use
moving averages or weighted moving averages.

Rule 8. When a weak trend (R-square = less than .4) or no trend is present in the
data, use exponential smoothing with the choice of alpha dependent upon the
accuracy of the last forecast.

Following Rule 6, for any given forecast, a forecaster should first use time
series regression and determine if a trend is present in the data and the strength of
any such trend.


This chapter presented four generally recognized forecasting techniques: (1) sim-
ple moving averages, (2) weighted moving averages, (3) exponential smoothing,
and (4) time series regression. The advantages and disadvantages of each forecast-
ing technique were identified and several rules of thumb were provided to guide
human services administrators in the selection of the most appropriate forecasting
technique and in interpreting the results of forecasts.


Exercise 9.1

The following data represent total personnel expenses for the Palmdale Human
Service Agency for past four fiscal years:

20X1 $5,250,000
20X2 $5,500,000
20X3 $6,000,000
20X4 $6,750,000

Forecast personnel expenses for fiscal year 20X5 using moving averages, weighted
moving averages, exponential smoothing, and time series regression. For moving
averages and weighted moving averages, use only the data for the past three fiscal
years. For weighted moving averages, assign a value of 1 to the data for 20X2, a
value of 2 to the data for 20X3, and a value of 3 to the data for 20X4. For exponen-
tial smoothing, assume that the last forecast for fiscal year 20X4 was $6,300,000.
You decide on the alpha to be used for exponential smoothing. For time series
regression, use the data for all four fiscal years. Which forecast will you use? Why?

130 C H A P T E R 9

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
: 0-536 -12114-1

Exercise 9.2

The following data represent total “person trips” (service outputs or units of ser-
vice) provided by the Palmdale Human Service Agency’s specialized transporta-
tion program for the past four fiscal years:

20X1 12,000
20X2 15,000
20X3 13,500
20X4 14,250

Forecast person trips for fiscal year 20X5 using moving averages, weighted mov-
ing averages, exponential smoothing, and time series regression. For moving aver-
ages and weighted moving averages, use only the data for the past three fiscal
years. For weighted moving averages, assign a value of 1 to the data for 20X2, a
value of 2 to the data for 20X3, and a value of 3 to the data for 20X4. For exponen-
tial smoothing, assume that the last forecast for fiscal year 20X4 was 15,000. You
decide on the alpha to be used for exponential smoothing. For time series regres-
sion, use the data for all four fiscal years. Which forecast will you use? Why?

Exercise 9.3

The following data represent total revenues (from all sources) for the Palmdale
Human Service Agency for the past four fiscal years:

20X1 $15,000,000
20X2 $14,250,000
20X3 $14,000,000
20X4 $13,500,000

Forecast total revenues for fiscal year 20X5 using moving averages, weighted mov-
ing averages, exponential smoothing, and time series regression. For moving aver-
ages and weighted moving averages, use only the data for the past three fiscal
years. For weighted moving averages, assign a value of 1 to the data for 20X2, a
value of 2 to the data for 20X3, and a value of 3 to the data for 20X4. For exponen-
tial smoothing, assume that the last forecast for fiscal year 20X4 was $13,000,000.
You decide on the alpha to be used for exponential smoothing. For time series
regression, use the data for all four fiscal years. Which forecast will you use? Why?

Forecasting 131

Financial Management for Human Service Administrators, by Lawrence L. Martin. Copyright © 2001 by Allyn and Bacon, a Pearson Education Company.
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