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Based on your readings throughout the course, write a 1-2 page paper explaining your opinions about what it might be like in the year 2050 for a family to manage its resources. Be sure to address the following:

  1. Discuss examples of the extremes of what families might look like at all levels of society. Some examples include:
  2. families living in poverty
  3. middle income families
  4. wealthy families
  5. homeless families
  6. single parent families
  7. foster families
  8. same sex parent families
  9. How will these different families live and work?
  10. How will they manage enormous, or scarce resources? What resources do you think may be plentiful and what resources may be scarce?
  11. What will the home and community environments be like?


Examples of future families

15 possible points (30%)


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Student includes more than one example of the extremes of what families might look like at all levels of society – 15


Home and Work Life Description

10 possible points (20%)


A description of what the family’s home life and work life may look like is included – 10


Resource Management

10 possible points (20%)

A description of how families may manage their resources are included. Resources that are plentiful and scarce are identified – 10


Home and Community

10 possible points (20%)

Student describes what the home and community environment may look like – 10

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