Question 1.
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- Describe Microsoft Access and its components (tables, relationships, forms, queries, reports).
- Distinguish key differences between ACCESS and EXCEL.
- Give a brief overview of the case study.
- Evaluate the ACCESS features that enabled Ken Steward to develop the daily product inspection database without programming experience or expertise.
- Explain the responsibilities of a database administrator as they relate to assuring data security and integrity.
Writing Requirements
- The Essay must be 4-5 pages long. Double Space.
- Must have an introduction with a clear thesis statement, three to four main points and a conclusion
- Conduct research to find relevant information using reliable sources to support your views.
- Use at least 2 academic books and 3 scholarly articles from a library database or software manufacturer’s website
Question 2.
1. Create a report outlining good security practices for email and discuss the technology used to protect users from spam, phishing, and attachments.
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2. Research and discuss several hardware encryption devices. What are advantages and disadvantages of using a hardware device vs. software encryption?
3. Compare and contrast the privacy policies of popular social media services such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat. Explain which social media services provide the highest amount of personal privacy.
4. Explain mobile device security best practices such as smartphones and laptops.
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