
The Health Care Manager
Volume 35, Number 1, pp. 80–89
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Deciding to Decide
How Decisions Are Made and How Some
Forces Affect the Process

Charles R. McConnell, MBA, CM

There is a decision-making pattern that applies in all situations, large or small, although in small
decisions, the steps are not especially evident. The steps are gathering information, analyzing
information and creating alternatives, selecting and implementing an alternative, and following up
on implementation. The amount of effort applied in any decision situation should be consistent
with the potential consequences of the decision. Essentially, all decisions are subject to certain
limitations or constraints, forces, or circumstances that limit one’s range of choices. Follow-up on
implementation is the phase of decision making most often neglected, yet it is frequently the phase
that determines success or failure. Risk and uncertainty are always present in a decision situation, and
the application of human judgment is always necessary. In addition, there are often emotional forces
at work that can at times unwittingly steer one away from that which is best or most workable under
the circumstances and toward a suboptimal result based largely on the desires of the deci

sion maker.

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Key words: constraints, decisions, decision making, emotionalism, risk


Most people make a great many decisions
in the course of a typical day. Many decisions,

surely the greatest number of those made in a

day, are small and made very nearly uncon-

sciously. Some decisions are indeed so elemen-

tary in scope and execution that one who might

experience difficulty making them quickly

could be considered troubled in some possibly

serious manner. Occasionally, however, some
of the decisions encountered in a workday are

significant and require considerably more con-

scious effort than the small automatically made

decisions. Some of these more significant de-

cisions can take days and weeks and even

months to finalize. The little decisions are

made as the situations arise with hardly a seri-

ous thought, whereas the significant decisions
receive what often amounts to our complete

attention. Yet little or big, each and every

Author Affiliation: McConnell Editorial Services,

Ontario, New York.

The author has no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Charles R. McConnell, MBA, CM, 5943

WalworthRoad, Ontario, NY14519 (

DOI: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000096

decision encompasses all of the elements of

the basic decision-making process.

Those always-present elements of the decision-
making process are the following:

1. Gathering information

2. Analyzing information and arranging it
into alternatives

3. Selecting a preferred alternative (ie,


4. Implementing the chosen alternative

5. Following up on implementation

Rather, it should be said that the foregoing

5 elements should always be present. Four of

them are in fact always present, but 1, specif-
ically the final element, following up on im-

plementation, is sometimes overlooked. Small

decision or large decision, however, the first 4

elements are always present. Their presence,

however, may not be especially notable in the

instance of a small decision.

There are essentially 2 factors or forces that

determine the prominence of the steps of the
process of making any particular decision.

One is the amount of experience the decision

maker has had, and thus in part the amount of

‘‘preprogramming’’ that person has experienced,

and the other is the potential consequences of

the decision.

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Decision Making and Forces That Affect the Process 81

Consider some simple examples, decisions

a hypothetical individual called Robert could

face today. The first example is the process

Robert goes through in determining what

necktie to wear today. He is familiar with the

clothes he owns and knows how his neckties
match up with his shirts and suits. He is work-

ing with a limited, known, field of information,

making the same general decision he has made

many times previously. His ‘‘information’’ is

what he knows of his ties and other clothes,

and his alternatives are the matches he can

possibly consider, all or most of which he has

considered previously. Choosing means pick-
ing 1 of the combinations, implementing is tying

the necktie in place, and perhaps even follow-up

on implementation is present as he glances in

the mirror to check the knot. This is a decision

made readily because Robert is so well experi-

enced at it that he is preprogrammed.

The second major force in determining the

prominence of the steps in the process is the
potential consequences of an incorrect deci-

sion. In the foregoing necktie example, the

potential consequences are negligible. If Robert

has made a poor choice, someone he encoun-

ters that day might think, probably off-handedly

or fleetingly, that he had poor taste in ties or

that he did not match up his outfit very well.

Hardly consequences of lasting or major impact
(unless, of course, Robert happens to be inter-

viewing today for an executive position with a

men’s clothing manufacturer, a circumstance

suggesting that potential consequences often

hinge, in part, on the total decision context and

not just on economics).

Take the necktie decision up a level, how-

ever, and consider that Robert has gone into a
store to purchase a new tie. This is an entirely

new situation. Unless Robert buys neckties far

more often than most men do, he will not

have nearly as much experience with this kind

of decision. Therefore, he has far less informa-

tion about his field of choices. There are dozens

or perhaps hundreds of neckties available, and

his ability to select 1 or more consistent with his
wardrobe is somewhat hampered by the fact the

except for what he is wearing, his wardrobe is at

home. Less experience translates to little or no

preprogramming, requiring Robert to ponder

more. Then there is the matter of potential con-

sequences. If he simply chose the wrong tie to

wear today, he might look a bit foolish or out of

place or he may suffer no consequences at all.

But if he makes an improper decision by pur-

chasing a necktie that turns out to be inappro-
priate for him, then he is out perhaps $20 or $30

or more.

Consider, then, decisions for Robert of

progressive importance—buying a new suit,

selecting a new automobile, or even buying a

home. At each succeeding level, chances are

he has had less and less experience with the

kind of decision he is facing, and at each
succeeding level, the potential consequences

loom larger and larger. Thus, the forces of

experience (rather, lack thereof) and potential

consequences affect the amount of effort that

goes into a particular decision. More experi-

ence, quicker decision—which is why the lit-

tle matters that are decided every day seem to

be decided automatically. And the greater the
potential consequences are, the greater the

thought and deliberation going into the deci-

sion. Or this generally should be the case, for

with what confidence would the staff go

forth if their chief executive officer made a snap

decision to launch a new, expensive program

without thoroughly examining the idea?

Essentially by definition, the first 4 elements
of the decision-making process are always

present. The first 2, gathering information

and forming alternatives, may be invisible

because of preprogramming, and the third

and fourth may seem to happen instanta-

neously. And the final step, follow-up on im-

plementation, may not always occur (more on

this later).


In addressing business decisions that may

be faced during the workday, the initial step

is always the gathering of information on which

to base each decision. If a particular decision

requires the solution of a problem, also required
is the appropriate identification of the problem.

The principal task in this phase is to assemble

information that will ultimately suggest the di-

rection of the decision to be made. The principal

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


means of gathering information include re-

search, study, and—especially—observation.

Observations lead to conclusions. However,

1 of the greatest trouble spots in decision mak-

ing exists because of the human tendency to

move from observation to conclusion on lim-
ited information. Never will our information

be perfect. Some decision-making theorists

speak of the concept of perfect information,

the state of knowing everything there is to

know about a specific problem or decision

situation. Perfect information is a theoretical

ideal; it does not exist in the day-to-day world.

If it did exist, there would be no decision to
make because the appropriate alternative

would be self-evident; the decision would

have made itself.

In a practical sense, we can never know

everything about a given situation, but we

should strive to learn enough to guide and

temper our judgment in deciding. In the pro-

cess, we need to remain aware of the weak-
nesses inherent in observation and our human

tendency to infer the presence of things not

present and to discount the importance of

things not seen.

There can be considerable difference be-

tween true observation, that is, effective infor-

mation gathering, and simply ‘‘seeing what is

happening.’’ When we see something, the
image strikes the mind and we immediately

begin to catalog impressions or formulate judg-

ments about what we have seen. However, all

too frequently, we permit ourselves to misinter-

pret what has been placed before us simply

because we have seen rather than observed.

When something is seen, the visual sense is

used essentially automatically and the resulting
mental process is allowed to ‘‘just happen.’’ On

the other hand, when something is truly ob-

served, it is seen but seen with a purpose.

And because seeing is occurring with a pur-

pose, the observer is at least partially protected

against the tendency to automatically accept

surface appearances as pertinent.

Observation is a mental skill that can be
refined and improved through practice. It re-

quires strict attention to what is being observed

and genuine interest in gaining something from

the observation. It is necessary to be selective in

observation, recognizing that no one can effec-

tively observe everything. The intent should be

to observe what is worthwhile, what is perti-

nent to the problem at hand or the decision that

will have to be made.

It is also essential to remain aware that when-
ever information is taken in and reordered and

conveyed to others who will in turn make use

of it, something is lost at every step. Consider

the simple concept of cumulative informa-

tion losses :

1. One misses part of what is occurring

upon initial observation;

2. One omits part of what was taken in
when relating the information to another;

3. The person receiving the information

misses part of what is provided by the

original observer; and

4. The receiver of the information in turn

omits part of what was taken in when

passing the information to yet another

or expressing it in another form.
Observation, therefore, including essentially

any and all means of gathering information on

which to base decisions, is always flawed, and

thus, the information acquired is less than com-

plete except in the most elementary of situations.


In actual practice, this supposed phase of the

decision-making process will greatly overlap

the preceding phase in which information is

collected. As information accrues, it can logi-

cally be arranged in an appropriate order and

placed in the proper context for evaluation. In

this manner, it is possible to ‘‘fill in the gaps’’
as the decision maker progresses, and this in

fact is what usually occurs. Arranging and cor-

relating data and other information as they

accrue help the decision maker address the

often-present problem of when to stop collecting

information and proceed with


One of the common failings exhibited by

some persons in decision-making situations,
especially decision makers lacking confidence

or practical experience, is the tendency to

continue collecting information well beyond

the limits of practicality. Often, the timid or

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Decision Making and Forces That Affect the Process 83

overcautious decision maker, under the guise

of being thorough and conscientious, will con-

tinue gathering information of diminishing

value. Because a decision maker’s information

is never complete or perfect, there is always

room for asking ‘‘what if?’’ Anyone who has
spent any appreciable time in organizational

life has known a supposed decision maker

who will ‘‘if a problem to death’’ rather than


At the opposite extreme from the ‘‘iffer’’ is

the individual who decides compulsively, emo-

tionally, with little or no substantive informa-

tion, going forward on no more than personal
preferences, ‘‘hunches,’’ and ‘‘gut feel,’’ thereby

making what is very often an inappropriate

decision. This extreme is no more tolerable

in a working manager than the extreme rep-

resented by the chronic ‘‘iffer.’’

Overall, the amount of time and effort put

into analyzing information and creating alter-

natives should be consistent with the weight
or potential consequences of the decision. In

other words, it makes little sense to pour a

dollar’s worth of time and effort into prepar-

ing to make a 10-cent decision; far from being

cost effective, this kind of overly cautious

behavior is decidedly counterproductive.

The assembling of information in order—

into evident alternative choices—as it is ac-
crued, when coupled with common-sense

judgment, should be sufficient to tell most

managers when to stop gathering and decide.


Upon arriving at this point in the process,

the decision maker may discover that if the

previous steps have been appropriately thor-

ough, the decision may have almost made it-

self. That is, the analysis of alternatives may

have revealed which potential choice is ‘‘best’’

based on the available information. However,

what is the apparent ‘‘best’’ will perhaps have
to tempered with the decision maker’s knowl-

edge of what is possible. It is at this stage that

constraints must enter the picture if they

have not already done so.


The common constraints, those circumstances

placing either absolute, partial, or practical lim-

itations on the some of the decision alterna-
tives, involve, either singly or in combination,

5 factors or forces: time, money, quality, per-

sonalities, and politics. Some constraints can

be absolute in that they present a firm, immov-

able barrier that cannot be passed. Many con-

straints, however, possess some flexibility in

that there is room for trade-offs in which it is

possible to settle, for instance, for less of 1 char-
acteristic for the sake of obtaining more of an-

other. But whether they are encountered singly

or jointly, the common constraining factors will

ultimately scribe boundaries around every de-

cision situation. The only significant difference

from one situation to another will be how much

freedom exists between the decision and the



Many activities that take place in the deliv-

ery of health care must happen in a timely

fashion. Emergency room response time must

be consistent with patient needs, for example,

and the turnaround time of laboratory tests
must be appropriate to the treatment of the

patient. Bills must be paid in sufficient time to

maintain the payer’s credibility and credit

standing. There are any number of activities

that can be made to take place more econom-

ically if it does not matter how long they have

to wait before getting done. However, many

activities simply cannot be pursued in what
might seem the most ‘‘efficient’’ manner be-

cause doing so takes more time than can be

allowed. In one way or another, time will be a

constraint in a great many decision situations.


Money is perhaps the single most encoun-

tered constraint in the decision-making pro-

cess, or at least the constraint of which we

are the most aware and the constraint that is

most easily understood. Money is often an

absolute constraint; you cannot buy a $3000

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


machine if you have only $2500 available, as

Robert of the earlier examples cannot buy a

$30 necktie if he has only $25 with him (and

no credit cards). In business, we understand

financial constraints better than other con-

straints probably because we can relate per-
sonally to the manner in which limitations on

the amount of money available automatically

rule out unaffordable alternatives.

Within its absolute limits, however, money

can be flexible in permitting trade-offs with

other factors. Some activities, for instance,

can be performed in less time using more

costly processes or can be allowed to require
more time using less costly inputs.


An acceptable level of quality is frequently

a constraining force. The problem, however,

is frequently one of agreeing on what is

‘‘acceptable.’’ Quality is legitimately subject

to frequent 3-way trade-offs with both time
and money, although some predetermined

level of quality will frequently be the determin-

ing factor and will in effect drive the amounts

of time and money involved.

Quality is also the least understood and,

therefore, the most abused of the constraining

factors so far discussed. The ‘‘abuse’’ referred

to is the abuse created by misunderstanding,
reflected in the tendency of many in health care

to treat cost and quality together as though they

were coupled in a direct relationship. That is, to

behave as though quality goes up as expendi-

tures go up and, conversely, quality goes down

when expenditures go down. Behind this,

there has been a long-standing tendency of

many in health care (and elsewhere—the atti-
tude is hardly unique to health care) to believe

that they way something is accomplished at

present is the most efficient way to produce

the desired quality. There follows the belief

that it is not possible to spend less money on

a particular activity without reducing the qual-

ity of its output.

The age-old cost-versus-quality controversy
has gained momentum in recent decades be-

cause of concern over the rising cost of

health care. As concern over escalating costs

translated into pressure to reduce costs, walls

of resistance were encountered among med-

ical professionals and other caregivers who

firmly believe that it is not possible to reduce

cost without adversely affecting quality. As to

whether it is or is not possible to do this, the

answer is: It depends. There is of course an
optimum relationship between cost and qual-

ity for every set of circumstances. The diffi-

culty, however, lies in the near impossibility

of determining this optimum relationship in

many situations. Frequently, however, it is pos-

sible to reduce cost without adversely affecting

quality, and sometimes, it is even possible to

reduce cost while improving quality. At other
times and in other situations, reducing cost

can indeed reduce quality. What is important

to keep in mind about the relationship be-

tween cost and quality is that it is neither di-

rect nor constant.

Personalities and politics

Although often separable and capable of
existing one without the other, these 2 areas

of constraint are discussed jointly for 2 reasons.

First, they are frequently present together—

one having its effect primarily because of the

other; and second, we are inclined to believe

that these are forces or factors that should not

exert influence on business decision making.

We may indeed agree that personalities and
politics should not place constraints on rational

decision making. However, in the real world,

they do just that and refusing to consider them

legitimate is to ignore the reality of their pres-

ence. Political considerations are a fact of life

in many health care organizations. One who

has spent any time at all working in a hospital,

for example, knows the unofficial power and
authority possessed by some medical staff

members. It quickly becomes apparent that the

physician has more clout than the nonphysician

in many instances regardless of placement in

the organizational hierarchy. It becomes equally

apparent that the strong-willed physician—

adding the impact of personality to the poli-

tics of position—can determine the fate of
any potential decision regardless of its indi-

vidual merits.

Thus, personalities and politics become

potential barriers to be reckoned with. These

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Decision Making and Forces That Affect the Process 85

sometimes place insurmountable obstacles in

the path, and they always suggest that certain

groups or individuals need to become in-

volved in making many decisions not because

of what they can contribute but because of

who or what they are. It has been proven time
and again that the surest way to guarantee the

opposition of certain individuals or groups is

to exclude them from all deliberations leading

up to a decision. On the other hand, there are

times when inclusion alone paves the way

toward cooperation in the decision-making

process. Of course, inclusion of all potentially

or even remotely involved parties will not en-
sure the acceptance of a particular decision,

and it may be necessary to spend considerable

time working out a solution acceptable to all.

But exclusion of some people because they

are only potentially or remotely involved—or

worse, exclusion of parties who are consid-

ered likely to present obstacles—moves the

situation in the direction of ensuring maximum
opposition to whatever decision is made.


Brief mention was made above of the fre-

quently present ability to make trade-offs be-

tween and among constraints. However, there
are some situations in which certain con-

straints must be considered absolute at a

given level. For example, if the upper limit

placed on a certain capital purchase is $3000,

then only trade-offs involving purchase costs

not exceeding $3000 can be considered. Sim-

ilarly, trade-offs involving quality are possible

only subject to maintaining a level of quality as
measured by some externally imposed stan-

dard. An absolute constraint, therefore, is a

limitation that cannot be exceeded in formu-

lating a decision alternative.

A practical constraint arises from a flexible

characteristic of a decision situation that can

become a restricting factor if flexed beyond

some point. Consider, for example, choosing a
new home. In deciding where to locate your

residence relative to where you work, you

obviously have some trade-off opportunity in-

volving distance. Perhaps you can flex with

the necessity to travel 5, 10, or 20 miles or more

to work, giving on distance to secure more of

what you want in a residence. However, if you

happen to find your dream home at a price you

can afford but it is 150 miles from work, dis-

tance has presented a practical limitation. This
can place you in a position of considering new

decisions—find new employment?—commute

weekends?—or whatever, or it can rule out

the dream-home alternative. This is a practical


Overall, constraints delineate the partly

firm and partly flexible boundaries within

which we must operate in every decision sit-
uation. Rarely can we seriously consider all

possible alternatives. Rather, we are limited

in our choices to those alternatives that fall

within the boundaries drawn by the con-

straints of each situation.


Implementation is action. It is taking the

chosen alternative and putting it to work,

and it may take a number of different forms.

Implementation may be as simple as initiating

a purchase order and in a few days or weeks,

uncrating a new piece of equipment and turn-

ing it on. On the other hand, it may be as

complex as the design and planning and other
preparation required to realize a building ex-

pansion or establish a new service.

Implementation is also everything. The

wisest, most rational, most well-considered

decision amounts to nothing unless it is put

to work. Taken in its entirety, a decision

actually has 2 major components, the choice

and the action. Without action following
choice, the decision remains hypothetical

and is thus no decision at all.


Follow-up is invariably the weakest and most

neglected link in the decision-making process,

and as such, it is often the stage during which
good ideas can perish for lack of attention.

One executive with whom the problems of

follow-up were discussed estimated that he

spent as much as 70% of his available time

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


following up on previous decisions, ensuring

that tasks he has assigned are actually accom-

plished and that activities he has initiated have

been followed through to completion.

Now and then, follow-up may not be nec-

essary, but this is usually so only with minor
decisions of the kind that are made automat-

ically. Any decision of any appreciable scope

or potential consequences requires conscien-

tious follow-up.

The importance of follow-up on decision

implementation is readily revealed through

the observation of newly installed or recently

changed working methods and procedures. If
a form is redesigned and its initial use is not

closely monitored, shortly after its introduc-

tion, employees will begin drifting back to

the use of the old form. At times, it may seem

necessary to go through a department and lit-

erally clean out every copy of an outdated form

so it cannot be used. Likewise, in implementing

an improvement requiring a change in the way
people accomplish a task they have been per-

forming for years, you may find that without

close follow-up old habits or simple resistance

to change will carry people back toward the

original method.

Also, any new method or improved proce-

dure of any scope will consist of a number of

steps or individual parts. It is highly likely, in
fact usually true, that the revised process con-

tains flaws or inadequacies. Proper follow-up

is required to reveal these weaknesses so they

may be corrected.

The greater the potential consequences of

the decision and the broader and more com-

plex its implementation, the more follow-up is

required. Usually, a great deal of initial follow-
up will be necessary to ensure that implemen-

tation is carried out in the manner intended

and that people become accustomed to differ-

ent ways of working. Only after a certain de-

gree of familiarity develops can follow-up be

eased, and then it cannot be ended entirely

until the decision makers are assured that the

new way has become the accepted way.
It bears repeating that follow-up is often the

weakest and most neglected link in the decision-

making process, yet it is often the most critical.

As time passes after the rendering of a decision,

the circumstances surrounding that decision are

subject to change. Sometimes, a considerable

amount of unforeseen change can occur in a

short time, necessitating adjustments in the

implementation process. Overall, a manger’s

approach to following up on the implementa-
tion of a decision of any particular consequence

will include the following considerations:

1. Communication and clarification—applying

extra effort to ensure that the employees

who will be carrying out the actual imple-

mentation truly understand what is ex-

pected of them

2. Timing of implementation—especially
important in introducing changes in me-

thods and procedures, making certain that

new demands do not coincide any more

than necessary with peak workloads, other

extraordinary demands, and stressful oc-

currences (layoffs, reorganization, etc)

3. Ongoing analysis—monitoring possibly

changing circumstances that call for ad-
justments to the implementation plan;

in others words, accounting for changes

that occur between finalization of deci-

sion and completion of implementation

4. Evaluation of suggestions—remaining open

to the suggestions and input of the people

involved in the actual implementation, rec-

ognizing that no one knows the inner work-
ing details of a particular task better than the

person who does it every day

5. Withdrawing a poor choice—recogniz-

ing that not every decision will prove to

be appropriate, and if a particular deci-

sion is generating negative results despite

a conscientious implementation effort,

pulling it back and going ‘‘back to the
drawing board’’

6. Admitting mistakes—as much as it is

doing, implementation is also learning,

and when one learns he or she has made

an error, taking advantage of the imple-

mentation period to admit the error and

seek correction

7. Sticking with the right decision—having
weathered many of the storms of implemen-

tation and being convinced thereby that

the decision, although perhaps unpopular

with many, is the correct one, exhibiting the

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Decision Making and Forces That Affect the Process 87

courage and determination necessary to see

it through to complete implementation.


Earlier mention was made of the concept
of perfect information, that state that theo-

retically exists only when you know all there

is to know about every available choice. If

there truly were such a thing as perfect infor-

mation, there would be no decision to make; it

would have made itself because the only true

alternative would be self-evident.

Because perfect information does not exist,
there will always be elements of risk and un-

certainty in a decision-making situation. Risk is

there because something may be lost, whether

time, money, effectiveness, or perhaps life

itself, if the wrong decision is made. Uncer-

tainty also exists. Because you do not know

and will never know everything about all

aspects of the situation and have no guaran-
tees that results will be acceptable, you do

not know whether your choice will truly be

the right one; you are uncertain.

A major objective in the decision-making

process is to minimize risk and uncertainty

by learning as much as practical about each

decision-making situation. Because risk and

uncertainty are always present, there is always
the need for judgment in decision making.

Decisions do not make themselves; people

make decisions. All of our efforts at gather-

ing and analyzing information, as well as all

quantitative decision-making techniques, are

no more than efforts to reduce the extent of

pure judgment required in decision making.

For example, 1 of your staff lines up 3 copy
machines for you and asks, ‘‘Which one do

you want to buy?’’ Imagine that you make a

purely judgmental decision by pointing and

saying, ‘‘I’ll take the blue one.’’ The probabil-

ity that you have made the most appropriate

decision is literally one-third, based on a ran-

dom choice of 3 available alternatives, so you

experience a two-thirds chance of being ‘‘wrong.’’
However, if you analyze all the data you can

obtain about the 3 machines and allow your

judgment to be influenced by quantitative

information, although you might never be

absolutely sure you are making the right deci-

sion, you could well reduce the chance of being

wrong to considerably less than two-thirds.
In the last analysis, many decisions will be

right or wrong because of human judgment
regardless of the quantitative information in-
volved. It is not your objective to try to completely
eliminate judgment from decision making; this
cannot be done. Rather, you must refine that
judgment by learning as much as it is practical
to learn about the alternatives.


In even the simplest decision-making situa-
tion, there are always at least 2 options: to
decide or not to decide. The no-decision option
is the case in which the latter choice applies. In
effect, what one does is to ‘‘decide not to
decide.’’ This does not have to be a consciously
made decision, but it can, and very often does,
occur by default through procrastination. Tak-
ing no action on a known problem amounts to
the exercise of the no-decision option.

Appreciate that whether the no-decision
option is exercised by choice or through pro-
crastination it is still a decision, and frequently,
it is the decision with the most potentially far-
reaching consequences. All too often, we adopt
an attitude, either consciously or unconsciously,
that suggests, ‘‘If I’m really quiet, maybe it’ll go
away.’’ Sometimes, it does indeed go away and
things get better. However, circumstances usu-
ally do not improve by themselves. To cite one
of the corollaries of the well-known Murphy’s
Law: ‘‘Left unto themselves, things invariably
go from bad to worse.’’


Decision-making situations may range from

the highly objective (though rarely totally ob-
jective), with plenty of factual information

available, to the purely subjective or totally

judgmental. The decision-making process de-

scribed in the preceding discussion essentially

applies to all decisions; the differences lie in

the kinds of information with which one must

deal in developing alternatives.

It is usually possible to develop a greater de-
gree of comfort with so-called objective decisions.

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.



There are facts, figures, and other hard data to

work with. One can compare prices, statistics,

hours, pieces, or other specific indicators and

make choices. Orderly approaches to decision

making are possible, and improved facility at

making such decisions comes with practice in
conscientiously following the steps of the pro-

cess through decision after decision.

The highly subjective decision is a completely

different matter. Little or no data present them-

selves. Choices must be made based on rules

and regulations, policies, procedures, and pre-

cedents and very often on a basic sense of what

is right or wrong, fair or unfair, or logical or
illogical. Many personnel-related decisions fall

in the area of the subjective, and while the

decision-making process does not apply nearly

as specifically as with most objective decisions,

improved decision-making ability again comes

largely through experience.

Although decisions may range from the mostly

objective to the highly subjective, the character
of any particular decision may be influenced by

the conditions under which it must be made.

The single circumstance that probably has the

greatest effect on the character of any particular

decision is the imposition of pressure.

Decision-making pressure is often felt as a

limitation of the time available in which to

investigate properly and render a rational de-
cision. It is one thing to face a situation in

which there is more than adequate time to

develop and assess the workable alternatives.

It becomes another matter entirely when one

realizes that undesirable consequences will re-

sult if a decision is not rendered by a deadline—

and that this deadline does not seem to leave

enough time for reasonable investigation. Un-
fortunately, many managerial decisions are

pressure decisions, and it is necessary to ac-

cept the fact that limited time will force the

decision making into a less-than-desirable

pattern of analysis and action. In this regard,

time may constrain not only the alternatives

but also the entire decision-making process.


An anonymous quotation claims, ‘‘It’s all

right to pull decisions out of a hat as long as

you’re wearing it.’’ Although this statement is

only partly true—it is not usually all right to

pull decisions ‘‘out of a hat’’—the point about

responsibility is well made. One who is exercis-

ing the authority to make a decision should of

course be charged with equivalent responsi-
bility. In making decisions for your depart-

ment, you are consistent with your charge as a

manager; you are responsible for the output

and actions of your employees. However, it is

not your place to make a decision with which

employees other than your own or the man-

agers of other departments must comply. In

accepting a given amount of responsibility, you
ordinarily acquire decision-making authority con-

sistent with that responsibility. No manager’s

decisions should exceed the limits of the des-

ignated authority of that person’s position.


It is all well and good to spell out orderly

steps for the decision-making process and ex-

pect that these will be followed and thus lead

to rational decisions. However, even when the

all of the steps are followed or the decision

maker believes the steps have been followed,

the result is not always a rational decision.

Decision making is not always a completely
rational process; the process and, thus, the

outcomes are frequently affected, perhaps

even governed, by the emotions of the deci-

sion maker.

The 2 principal emotions that seem to

most affect decision making are fear and de-

sire. This is of course an over-simplification in

that human emotion can be experienced as an
incredibly mixed bag of feelings that often

defy specific labels. Yet, the decision maker

who is afraid is often guided at least in part

by that fear, and the decision maker who

personally desires something—who wants to

satisfy a personal need—can similarly and of-

ten unconsciously be diverted from the most

sensible decision.

Guided by fear?

Fear comes into the process in a manner

implied in earlier parts of this article: The

decision maker is afraid of making a mistake.

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Decision Making and Forces That Affect the Process 89

This person is perhaps uneasy concerning

what may be lost if a given decision is wrong,

or perhaps the individual is lacking in self-

confidence or unwilling to accept responsi-

bility. The fearful decision maker is usually

keenly aware of the risks inherent in any
particular decision and is hesitant, sometimes

to the point of paralysis, to decide. The fear-

ful decision maker is often the one who will

‘‘if’’ a problem endlessly and keep gathering

information—subject to what is sometimes

described as analysis paralysis—rather than

take a position and decide.

Often, the fearful decision maker will be a
procrastinator, ignoring the problem or put-

ting off deciding—in effect, exercising the

no-decision option—until 1 of 2 things hap-

pens: the problem goes away on its own (un-

consciously hoped for by the fearful decision

maker) or the matter escalates to a point at which

damage occurs or the issue has become so prom-

inent and potentially harmful that it can no
longer be ignored. Of course, it is not often that

the problem simply goes away, but this seems to

happen often enough to keep some measure

of hope alive for the fearful decision maker.

Driven by desire

Individual wants and needs and personal

desires sometimes channel a decision-making

process toward a conclusion that is less ef-

fective than what might be ideal or most

practical. There will of course be a certain

measure of desire in most decision processes;

often, the desire of the decision maker is to

resolve a problem in a manner that is best for
all concerned, so in this context, desire is

supportive of the process.


1. McCay JT. The Management of Time. Englewood

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc; 1959:77-78.

However, the effects of desire can result in

a suboptimal decision when the decision is

made based largely on what the decision maker

personally wants even though this is not the

best for all concerned or is apparently not the

best available solution to the problem. It is
likely that the decision-related effects of de-

sire are experienced considerably more fre-

quently in personal decisions than in business

decisions, although the realm of organizational

life is not immune to such effects. Consider

the discussion of constraints, especially those

presented by personalities or politics. It is

not unusual for a strong-willed or self-centered
decision maker to decide upon what he or she

wants personally rather than allowing the de-

cision to turn on that which is best for all



It is possible to create valid guidelines for

making many kinds of decisions. This is done

constantly. We generate rules, regulations, poli-

cies, and procedures to guide our decisions.

However, despite of what the occasional ded-

icated bureaucratic leader may believe, it is
not possible to cover all contingencies in ad-

vance and essentially premake all decisions.

It is not possible to cover everything with

remedies that say, in effect, ‘‘When this situa-

tion arises, apply this solution.’’ Good mana-

gerial decisions will remain a matter of arriving

at a proper emphasis on all decision elements

through judgment based on facts and figures,
knowledge, experience, advice, intuition, and


Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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