Old Testament DB
DB 5
Old Testament: Textbook Reading from:
An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach.
1) Deuteronomy Chapter 17: The Gift of I AM
2) Deuteronomy Chapter 18: The Gift of Land – Part 1
3) Deuteronomy Chapter 19: The Gift of Land – Part 2
4) Deuteronomy Chapter 20: The Gift of Land – Part 3
God’s Kingdom Through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology
Chapter 10: The New Covenant
Chapter 11: Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Summary.
Video Presentation:
Deuteronomy: Covenant and Land. by Dr. Ted Hildebrandt
NOTE: You are only required to watch a segment of this presentation, from 1:02:38 to 1:32:08 [end], but are welcome to watch the entirety if so desired.
Presentation Length (required segment): 29:30
Discussion Board Question
1). With respect to the period of the Mosaic covenant, explain both God’s and Israel’s respective relationships to the land of Canaan. (250-300 words)
Old Testament Discussion Board Instructions:
NOTE: In your discussion board posts, it is expected that you use sources. The posts should not
be merely your own opinion, but rather your thoughts as developed through the material you
have studied that week. Here are some guidelines about using sources:
1) In order to get full points, you must make reference to at least two separate sources in
each post.
2) Your initial post should make reference to at least one of the textbooks.
3) Listing sources at the end of a post does not count as using them. You must include a
specific page that you are referring to in your post.
4) You are expected to use the Bible when relevant to the question, but it is not considered a
5) A source is an assigned textbook, one of the readings or videos identified in Blackboard,
or another source that you find through your own research
CHRI 3301 | Old Testament Theology Page 1 of 1
Discussion Board Rubric
CHRI 3301: Old Testament Theology
Criteria Point Value
Points Earned &
Instructor Comments
All key components of the Discussion Board
question(s) are answered in a new thread.
Major points are supported by the following:
• Reading & Study materials
• Good examples (pertinent, conceptual, or personal
examples are acceptable)
• Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,
analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting
Proper spelling & grammar are used. 5
Required word count (250-300 words) is met. 5
Required word count (150-200 words each) for two
replies is met. 5
Major points are supported by the following:
• Reading and Study materials
• Good examples (pertinent, conceptual, or personal
examples are acceptable),
• Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions,
analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting
Proper spelling & grammar are used. 3
Total 40