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This week you will continue to build your agenda items for your critical assignment. Using the same grade level you chose in CAP 1, decide upon a unit you will teach. Example: soccer, softball, tennis, swimming, track & field, cricket, lacrosse, archery, etc. Make it a unit that will fit into your curriculum map from last week’s assignment.

Part 1: Create a purchase order request for the equipment you will need to teach this unit. Assume this is the first time this unit will be taught or all the previous equipment for this unit was destroyed. Explain how each item will be used in this unit. Use a physical education equipment website to find appropriate prices for the items. Pretend you will be ordering from this company. Be sure to include the following in your requisition. Quantity, item name, unit price, total price, company name and address. Include the total for all items adding shipping of 15% and tax of 8%. (Please look up what a “purchase order” looks like. This can be done by Google-searching) 

For this same unit, decide upon one piece of technology you will use. It may be as simple as an app students download and use during class or as complex as a Wii group fitness pack. Explain how this technology will be used in this unit. Include this in the requisition also, if it needs to be purchased.

Part 2: Having equipment and technology so we can teach our lessons is important. So is keeping that equipment and technology in good order.

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  • Describe how you will care for the equipment and technology you just requested. What kind of maintenance and storage is needed?
  • Describe the procedure teachers will follow when they are teaching this unit and needing to use the equipment. How will teachers be held accountable for taking care of the equipment?
  • How will you monitor the proper student use of the technology? 

All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include current APA citations when appropriate, an appropriate APA title page, and be uploaded as or x documents. There is no page limit for this assignment. There is no need to have a reference for this assignment, but if you must reference anything, please make sure you include a reference page. 

P.E. Map 2

Physical Education Curriculum Map Year at a Glance, High school 1 -2

Wah-Nee-Ota Colvin

California Baptist University

KIN 423: Organization and Administration of Physical Education

Dr. Garrett


Physical Education Curriculum Map Year at a Glance, High school 1 -2

First quarter introduction

Essential Question: What are motor skills and movement patterns?

Content standards

Learning Targets

Instructional activities

1.3 Identify, explain, and apply the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power, and speed that enhance performance levels in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities

2.3 Identify and achieve levels of excellence in physical fitness that enhance physical and
mental performance beyond the standards established by scientifically based health-related
fitness assessments.

3.4 Describe the enjoyment, self-expression, challenge, and social benefits experienced by
achieving one’s best in physical activities.

· I can identify, explain, and apply skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power, and speed.

· I can Identify the crucial level of excellence in physical fitness.

· I can describe the enjoyment, self-expression, challenge, and social benefits experience by achieving target goals.

Introduction: Swimming

Fitness: teacher leader

Focus: orientation practical education

Game: swimming

Introduction: swimming

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: orientation practical education

Game: swimming

Second Quarter

Questions: what are levels of physical fitness for health and performance?

2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.

2.4 Assess levels of physical fitness and adjust physical activity to accommodate changes in age, growth, and development.

· I can do physical activity comfortable

· I can assess physical education level and adjust physical activity

Introduction: water aerobic

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: orientation practical education
Game: swimming

Introduction: dancing

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: orientation practical education

Game: dancing

Third Quarter

Question: How to design personal Fitness plan and health performance

2.6 Develop and describe a physical fitness plan that enhances personal health and performance in future leisure and workplace activities.

2.9 Identify and evaluate ergogenic aids that claim to enhance body composition, appearance, physical fitness, and performance.

· I can describe personal physical education plan

· I can Identify and evaluate ergogenic aid

Introduction: handball

Fitness: teacher leader

Focus: Advance practical education

Game: physical gaming

Introduction: Obstacle course

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: Advance practical education
Game: physical gaming

Fourth Quarter

Question: How do you apply knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

3.4 Explain and analyse the role of individual attitude, motivation, and determination in
achieving personal satisfaction from challenging physical activities.

3.6 Identify the effects of individual differences, such as age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic
status, and culture, on preferences for and participation in physical activity.

· I can identify role of individual attitude, motivation, and determination for physical health.

· Identify effects of individual demographic differences

Introduction: Soccer

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: Advance practical education
Game: physical gaming

Introduction: Bicycle riding

Fitness: teacher leader
Focus: Advance practical education

Game: Physical gaming


Forey, G., & Cheung, L. M. E. (2019). The benefits of explicit teaching of language for curriculum learning in the physical education classroom. English for Specific Purposes, 54, 91-109.

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