Labs 5 and Lab 6

Creating a Security Awareness Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 05

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Student: Email:

Laljibhai Valiya

Time on Task: Progress:


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Report Generated: Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 2:12 PM

Guided Exercises

Part 1: Research Security Awareness Policies

2. For each sample security awareness training policy that you reviewed in the step above,
discuss the policy’s main components. You should focus on the need for a security
awareness program and its key elements.


Part 2: Create a Security Awareness Policy

Policy Statement
Define your policy verbiage.


Define the policy’s purpose as well as its objectives.


Define whom this policy covers and its scope. What elements, IT assets, or organization-owned

assets are within this policy’s scope?


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Free Hand

Creating a Security Awareness Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 05

Does the policy statement point to any hardware, software, or configuration standards? If so, list them

here and explain the relationship of this policy to these standards.


Explain how you intend to implement this policy for the entire organization.


Explain any roadblocks or implementation issues that you must overcome in this section and how you

will surmount them per defined guidelines. Any disputes or gaps in the definition and separation of
duties responsibility may need to be addressed in this section.


Page 2 of 3

Creating a Security Awareness Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 05

Challenge Exercise

Identify three security awareness training software providers.


Identify 10 questions that you would include in your RFI.


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Page 3 of 3

Creating a Remote Access Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 06

Student: Email:

Laljibhai Valiya

Time on Task: Progress:


Report Generated: Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 2:13 PM

Guided Exercises

Part 1: Research Remote Access Policies

4. Write a brief summary of the information during your research. In your summary, focus on the
key elements of the remote access policy. You should also identify any unique elements of
remote access policies for higher education and healthcare institutions. Be sure to provide
links to the remote access policies you identified in steps 2 and 3.


Part 2: Create a Remote Access Policy

2. Identify a security control or countermeasure to mitigate each risk and threat identified in the
Remote Access Domain. These security controls or countermeasures will become the basis of
the scope of the Remote Access Domain policy definition to help mitigate the risks and threats
commonly found within the Remote Access Domain.


Policy Statement
Define your policy verbiage.


Define the policy’s purpose as well as its objectives and policy definitions


Page 1 of 3

Free Hand

Creating a Remote Access Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 06

Define whom this policy covers and its scope. What elements, IT assets, or organization-owned

assets are within this policy’s scope?


Does the policy statement point to any hardware, software, or configuration standards? If so, list them

here and explain the relationship of this policy to these standards. In this case, Remote Access
Domain standards should be referenced, such as encryption standards and VPN standards; make any

necessary assumptions.


Explain how you intend to implement this policy for the entire organization.


Explain any roadblocks or implementation issues that you must overcome in this section and how you

will surmount them per defined guidelines. Any disputes or gaps in the definition and separation of
duties responsibility may need to be addressed in this section.


Page 2 of 3

Creating a Remote Access Policy (3e)
Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Third Edition – Lab 06

Challenge Exercise

Use the internet to find information about remote access policies and home network protection, and
then use this information to create a training document for remote employees.


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