LWC Leadership Through Faith and Transformation Presentation

Presentation that summarizes your leadership development in the program.

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The purpose of this assignment is to summarize your leadership development journey, with a particular emphasis on what you have learned during the program.

Utilize a presentation software like PowerPoint or Prezi.

  • Consider using the following outline:
  • i.   Creative Introduction—Use a quote, image, selected lyrics from a song, etc.
  • ii.   Your Past—Outline your areas for growth (or limitations) as a leader prior to joining the program.
  • iii.  Your Present Experience—Outline three or four of the most significant leadership lessons that you have learned in the program (including where and how you learned those leadership lessons, and why they are so important in your personal and/or professional life). Note well: At least one of your lessons should address what you have learned about the relationship between leadership and the Christian faith.

  • iv.  Your Future—Outline where and how you would like to grow as a leader in the future (which might include things like your areas for improvement, and your plans for continuing education, another degree program, a reading plan, or your desired mentoring relationships).
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