I need to make my admissions essay strong. fill in gaps and make it great. Make the sentences cohesive and coherent. paper is attached but just make it great. fix punctuations and grammar.
A Step of Faith
By: Shana Williams
One night I had the most horrific dream. I was at the biggest case of stairs I had ever seen in my life. Each step seemed to measure about 1feet tall, very translucent and not all that wide. I spent most of my time measuring the steps with my eyes because although they seem to be so tall in height, they were quite narrow. So I thought to myself, “narrow- wide stairs? How could this be?” Pacing back in forth, I thought to myself, “if you do this, you could fall”. So I did a hand test. I placed my hand on the first step. It did nothing. So I thought at that moment, what did I have to lose? So I decided to take a step on faith. I gathered up all my strength and took my first step. As my foot landed on the step, I could some of my future in that very vivid step. I saw myself at a college or university. That indeed made me smile. Made me smile so much that I was ready to take the next step. So I did. The second step transpired visuals of me graduating. My eyes began to widen. I got so excited, but even though I got every excited, I reminded myself that I had to take my time so I wouldn’t tire out. The more steps I took, the more I realized how much of a future there is for me if I just take the first step of faith. With each step being a surprise. I realized that I may not know what the future entails, but I never will if I let life scare me out of accomplishing my dreams. Applying to Empire State College is a part of that dream. I’ve spent the last five years living some of my dream. I’ve had the blessing of working in film and television for many success t.v. shows, commercials, and movies. Although I was receiving work, I had no skill-set to become a director. I worked on sets being a production assistant. However, I realized that I had no validity behind what I could do with no degree. I wanted to make the transition. I just didn’t know how. Then, right in the end of the beginning of my new career, I had my son Miles. I was happy about it, but I realized I had nothing to fall on. No degree left me unemployed during a high risk pregnancy. This is what I feared most. Not being able to take care of my son. I then realized that I could no longer have the luxury of working when I wanted. Taking breaks from two months of work to do what I wanted. Working 18 hour day shoots. I needed stability. I needed validity behind my name. So I went back to school. Going back to Mercy College was good. I got back into the momentum of a structured routine. The online classes were convenient, but something was missing. The school didn’t offer my expertise; Film. Although, Mercy didn’t offer my major, I kept myself busy by creating my own projects. I wrote and directed a public service announcement to encourage women and girls to pursue filmmaking as careers. I received wonderful feedback and won second place in the Made In NY Film Festival, but because I can never be satisfied with life, I wanted more. You see, just as before, I have realized the importance of the staircase. I realized that in life, sometimes you have to make things work. I was once a 11 year old who was a few years behind in her reading, but did the work. I pushed myself so hard that a became an advanced English student by the time I reached high school. I was once a young woman who moved to New York with two hundred dollars to her name and all she had was a dream to make profound films that would make people think. I am her. I am all of these things. So now I am here. As I write this essay, I think of the staircase. The stair case with Empire State College being a wonderful addition to the life that I have been given.