Management and information systems


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The research project is a research-based paper on a current Management of Information Systems topic, to be approved by your instructor.

You will develop your research project in stages throughout the course, including selecting a topic, submitting an abstract/outline, presenting draft project (paper) for instructor review and feedback, and submitting your final project (paper) for evaluation.  You must support your materials by using at least five appropriate, properly cited sources in addition to your course textbook. Your project (paper) will comprise 1500 to 2000 words (not including title and reference pages).  Your project (paper) must be formatted according to APA guidelines as a Word document, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-font, with one-inch margins.


COVID and Work-life Balance

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COVID and work-life balance

The study paper would discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the lives of working people all around the world. The study will look into the issues that the working population faced as a result of the operational changes caused by the epidemic. Because of the epidemic, business practices had to be altered, and people had to adapt to meet the new demands. The article will discuss concerns related to the corporate world’s changing method of functioning. The article investigates how people all over the world are compelled to change in order to meet their job and personal needs. The article will discuss the changes brought forth by COVID-19 (Irawanto et al., 2021). The article will discuss how the epidemic is influencing both work and home operations. Because of the epidemic, most organizations required employees to work from home, which is a novel form of operation in the workplace. The transition from working in offices to working from home has consequences for both business and life (Gigauri, 2020). The report will attempt to address the management of work and home activities when working from home as a result of the pandemic. The article will investigate the notion that working from home makes life and work more difficult because the two must be separated for successful management.


Gigauri, I. (2020). Effects of Covid-19 on Human Resource Management from the Perspective of Digitalization and Work-life-balance. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, (4 (31)).

Irawanto, D. W., Novianti, K. R., & Roz, K. (2021). Work from home: Measuring satisfaction between work–life balance and work stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Economies, 9(3), 96.

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