Management Aptitude


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Introduction: What is the objective or purpose in taking a self-assessment to identify management aptitude?

Results: Explain your management aptitude scores and which leadership style you can apply in a contemporary organizational context.

Aptitude scores are:

Technical 16 (highest)

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Conceptual (14) 

Human (7) Lowest

Discuss servant leadership style

Interpretation: Interpret and discuss which management theory skills you currently practice; analyze areas of strength and weakness. Evaluate how this self-assessment adds value to your plans to identify and attain goals for future management performance.

Discuss Technical as the strongest and Human as the weakest.

Conclusion: Under what conditions could your management weakness hinder your success as a leader or present challenges as a leader? Under what conditions would your management strengths be useful in an organizational situation? Evaluate which management skills you think are most valuable and relevant in becoming an effective manager who can respond to organizational challenges in the 21st century.

References should include 2 peer reviewed articles.


The purpose of taking a self-assessment is to identify out of three skillsets (conceptual,

human, and technical) are my most reliable and the weakest. The aptitude test gives me a better

understanding of my strengths and the skills I must work on to better myself. Considering the

assessment gives me a concept of knowing if I have what it takes to be a good manager in today’s



My score for Conceptual skills was 22, which demonstrates that a possibility exists

organizing the organization without acting naturally focused. Conceptual skills include the

capacity to distinguish where the group or gathering fits into the whole organization and how the

organization provides into the business, the network, and the entire company and social condition (Daft, 2017, p. 24 ). Conceptual skills are qualities of a leader in the transactional management, which highlights organization, performance assessment, and incentives, and remains on task and outcome positioned.

My score for human skillset was 23, which did not surprise me, as I thrive on a high level

of customer service, and believe everyone should be treated equally with respect. Avoiding

conflict is my motto; I rather create a solution for a problem instead of being the problem of the

solution. My active listening skills allow me to listen and understand an individual point of view

and disagree to agree. Being a people person, I do recognize that everyone has an opinion and

their opinion matters, which allow me to listen well to others and discreetly chooses the battles

that will assists in the task at hand and compromise while maintaining the principle of the


My score for technical skillset was 20; I am not shocked that I scored low on technology

skills. Even if I am not tech-savvy, I do get the job done by incorporating my communication,

leadership; team-work; decision-making. Also, situation-awareness with conceptual and human

skills running back to back and my technology skills the last. What that said, I agree with the

assessment as I am a tech-savvy person. However, I am very strategic and a people person.

Therefore, my strengths are in social skills, and my weakest is in technology skills. I

think to identify with my capacity to see the bigger picture and how my actions and abilities may

influence my organization. Also, this is significant because my interaction requires collaboration

with our clients, and it has consistently been my objective to make goals that would help

improve our client’s experience, retain their loyalty, and increment their fulfillment. So, this is

what I look at Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency (DCSA) and how it affects our

organization overall.

Upon studying the many management theories, I can say that I applied all three –

conceptual, technical, and human perceptions of management in my everyday professional life.

The theoretical perspective emphasizes the importance of the people that create an organization,

their needs, their attitudes, and job satisfaction. The self-assessment focuses on strengths and

weaknesses; however, with the flaws, one must continue self-evaluating themselves, read and

take courses to build up their fault to strengthen their management skills (Daft, 2017, p. 30).

Also, I came across individuals that do not carry their weight from time to time, and this

is where an open conversation comes into play and find out what’s their strengths and weakness.

As much as I do not like micromanaging individuals to complete a task one time, one must apply all member’s strengths and overcome their weaknesses to the project.


Based on my results, and as I explained above, I am more influential in applying

management theories that center on the people, its employees, and its clients. I believe that

employees can make or break an organization, so it is essential to offer an open communication

policy where trust and empowerment are vital. Also, the most important of management is

motivation, empowerment, and create ideas for the organization (Hahm, 2018, pp. 115 – 116).

As a lead background investigator, I feel I have an obligation to ensure that my team on every

project are happy and satisfied, as well as productive. I utilize the tools provided by my

organization to ensure that all team members are meeting their performance goals without

controlling or nitpicking. So, these are some of my most definite strengths.

However, I found that the management theories that people that do not carry their weight

required management to find a solution as much as our world is moving in different directions

with technological developments advocating new methods of working, bigdata driven ideas, and

the internet of things and automation poised to revolutionized operations in an organization.

Populism ideology can present itself in the workplace. In contrast, individuals are divide into

specific groups and supporting the belief that causes they are associated with, or because they are

with higher management, they do not have to pull their weight. (Ciccariello-Maher, 2020, p.


Bureaucracy is an organizational plan rule for overseeing associations, including a

structure of power and a characterized set of rules and guidelines. But it places too much power

on managers and allows communication gaps (Daft, 2017, p. 11).

I am excited about my job, as a team leads, I with management experience, I want to become better in my position. The self- assessment has opened my eyes to the point I know that I must brush up on my technical skills to achieve my goals. Therefore, I am going to challenge

myself to sign up for self-learn management courses on technology that is offered by the

organization that would boost my knowledge and enrichment my skills.

In light of my results, and as I clarified above, I am more influential in applying the

management speculations that focus on the individuals, its representatives, and its clients. I

accept that employees can represent the moment of truth an organization, so it is critical to offer

a clear communication strategy where trust and strengthening are crucial. As a group captain, I

believe I commit to guarantee that my representatives are cheerful and fulfilled. I use the devices

gave by my association to ensure that my workers are meeting their exhibition objectives without

being micromanaged. These are my qualities. Then again, I found that the administration

speculations that necessary directors to authorize rules and control their representatives can not

help contradicting my administration style. For instance, even though I see the commitments of

logical administration hypotheses, I can not so much concur with the little significance it places

on people. I accept there are numerous consistent angles in each activity; at the end of the day,

the individuals are more basic. Something very related can be said for the bureaucratic

organization approach. It has some advantageous hypotheses, yet I do not trust it thinks about

individual commitments and compensating employees for their extraordinary exhibition.

Also, the term authentic leader alludes to leaders who are profoundly mindful of how to

think and perform and are perceived and are seen by others as monitoring their own and others’

qualities/moral points of view. The information and qualities; mindful of the setting in which they work; and wh


Common sense places a critical factor in both skillsets in Management Aptitude Analysis.

However, if one puts the wrong individual into the wrong position can hinder the project. With

the skillset that aligns with the organization, goals can help the organization be productive. The

skillset, I mostly think that it is valuable to the organization, is social skills. The reason being,

social skills acknowledge their employees; in turn, their employees are loyal and productive.

With skillsets of Conceptual and Social aptitudes alongside, with common sense, will always be

vital skillsets in any organizational growth.

Even though I concur that I must improve my technical aptitudes, I accept that it would

have been more terrible on the off chance that I had needed reasonable or human abilities. Daft

clarifies that technical skills are essential for individual contributors and first-line bosses (Daft,

2017). My short-term objectives are to improve as a leader, which I realize I will not achieve if I

do not enhance my specialized aptitudes. Be that as it may, my most important objective is to

develop inside my association. Along these lines, my quality in the calculated and human

abilities reveals to me I am in good shape since they are the most basic aptitudes for midmanager

and top managers to have (Daft, 2017).

Generally, I am delighted with the exercises I gained from this activity, mainly what I

found out about myself and my management aptitude. I presently realize that I have a great deal

to add to my organization.

A manager in the 21st century needs to have power, yet not the one that accompanies the

position, or by micromanaging, yet by driving affecting emphatically. They need to be able to be practical and not reactive, help their team members get through ecological changes, and build an

environment based on trust and open communication. They must make objectives that attention to client dedication, maintenance, and fulfillment. Thus, this is all obvious to me, which is the

reason I will continue moving myself to improve as a leader, become familiar with the aptitudes I

need, and attempt to reflect the supervisors that I appreciate.

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