Management Information Systems Task Questions

a) Responsible IS management is more than just security and complying with the law. It is also a matter of ethics. A newly appointed manager has been instructed to monitor employees’ emails to ensure that they are not using it for private use. The manager does not feel `comfortable’ about accessing employees’ emails. Discuss THREE ethical issues associated with the above management approach, and whether you consider this approach to be acceptable (6 Marks)
b) Briefly describe TWO key symptoms of structural fit and THREE for structural misfit between business operation and the Information Technology (IT) function. (5 Marks)
c) Suggest TWO ways in which the symptoms of misfit might be avoided (4 Marks)
Discuss SIX in which Information Systems management has fallen behind in the race to manage an evolving and increasingly areas complex Information Systems environment. (6 Marks).
Discuss FOUR implications of outsourcing health data registry services in the context of data protection act in Kenya (9 Marks)

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