
This assignment comes in three parts; homework submission for all 3 parts should be limited a single page with 3 sections, labled 1., 2., and 3. accordingly.  

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  • Compare and contrast the relationships and intricacies that link the project schedule, cost and resource management functions.  This is one short paragraph. 
  • Discuss a few project management tools you may use for estimating project funding requirements and the project cost baseline. Include a discussion of reserves in your answer.  This is one short paragraph. 
  • Solve the problem on the slide – attached.  List the answer(s). 


    PDM / CPM / AON

    Activity Preceding Activity Duration

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    A. N/A 5

    B. N/A 8

    C. A, B 6

    D. C 7

    E. D 3

    F. D 4

    G. F 9

    H. E, G 4

    • Draw the Network Diagram using the Critical Path Method

    • Determine Critical Path

    • Which task is not on the CP?

    1. B

    2. D

    3. F

    4. A



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