Marine Biology



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Clare Fieseler describes herself: Ecologist specialized in climate change resilience, coral reefs, and resource management. Multimedia journalist and science writer. Producer of digital science outreach. National Geographic Explorer. (

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Materials to Review

Watch this brief National Geographic documentary about Clare Fieseler’s portrait project about women scientists, titled “Outnumbered”, by

clicking here

(Links to an external site.)
. Then listen to this Nerdette Podcast interview with Clare Fieseler (minute 1:20 to 18:45) by

clicking here

(Links to an external site.)
.You may wish to explore Claire Fieseler’s

Twitter feed (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

and the

projects (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

the section on her website, as well as other productions she has been involved with, such as

this multimedia documentary (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

about conservation of the Boca del Toro region of Panama.

Discussion Posts

Initial post: You will then compose your 250 words or more reflection on the following questions. No credit will be given for posts after this date

1. What was most interesting, surprising, or unusual about the portrait project or interview with Clare Fieseler?

2. What is your personal experience with science in the media? What types of science multimedia for the public would you like to see more of in the future?

3. What do the documentary, interview, and other media sources tell you about the types of people who do science?

4. What new questions do you have after doing this scientist spotlight?

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