Marketing Plan

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1. The Marketing Plan

The marketing plan format is one that is utilized by major corporations all over the country. However, writing a comprehensive marketing plan is a difficult and challenging task, yet, the ability to write such a plan is critical to the development of a marketing manager and an organization. As the culmination of the course, apply all that you have learned to develop a comprehensive marketing plan.


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First, find a real-world organization or product that you want to assess in terms of the current situation analysis. In other words, ask yourself: Is the industry growing? What is the market share for the organization that they represent? Who is the dominant player in the market place? Remember, you will need to justify your approach using market research and data.

The second step in the process is the actual writing of the plan. Think about the following: What are the goals and objectives for the organization? What is the timing of the plan? What resources will be required to achieve the plan? What are the financial goals?

In your marketing plan, make sure to include the following sections:

Executive Summary and Table of Contents

In the executive summary, make sure you address all the main goals and objectives of your plan. These goals and objectives need to be clear, measureable, and reasonable.

Situational Analysis

A situational analysis presents a snapshot of the market in its current state by describing the company’s products/services, target segments, distribution networks, and position of the products/services in the segment, along with competing offerings and relative positioning. It includes current and future assessment of the business conditions and challenges. Within your situational analysis, analyze all the following points:

· Market Summary

· SWOT analysis

· Competitor analysis

· Product offering

· Keys to success

· Critical issues

· Pricing

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy describes the planned direction and goals of the marketing activities, incorporating facts and assumptions about the market size, growth, and financial objectives. Think about the following questions: Where do you see your business going in the next 3-5 years? What is unique about your product portfolio? How will you tell the consumer about your products and unique value proposition? How will you stay connected to your target market’s needs and wants? How will you price your product? Within your market analysis, make sure to address the following:

· Mission

· Marketing Objectives

· Product positioning

· Marketing mix (4 P’s)

· Marketing research


The financials of the marketing plan describe a set of five-year revenue, cost, and profit projections for the marketing plan, including any initial startup costs, sales by channel and segment, and profit margins. Think about the following questions: How much do you plan to sell? What are your factory cost targets? What is your profit target by percent and dollar amount? Remember to include the following in your financials:

· Sales Forecast

· Profit targets


The controls of the marketing plan describe the budget tactical activities for implementing the plan, as well performance benchmarks for each activity. These include pricing, product configuration, promotion, and distribution performance benchmarks, and plans for changing any of the parameters if performance measures are not met. They are in place to measure forecast and profit attainment. Forecasts should be reviewed monthly and quarterly. Secondly, a


month calendar should be developed to clearly target specific dates for product introductions and promotional activity. 

Remember to include the following:

· Milestones

· Implementations and timelines


The summary of the marketing plan should summarize the plan by summarizing the size and scope of the opportunity, and reiterating the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning) and 4 P (product, price, place, promotion) elements of the plan. It should tell the reader that the plan is real, how you will win, and why it is worth pursuing as an organization (RRW). This section should be no longer than one page.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources



Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Developed a proper and detailed situational analysis.


Developed a proper and detailed marketing strategy.

Explained the financials completely and clearly.


Identified the control and provided milestones and timelines.

Provided a complete and well-reasoned summary.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



2.Executive Summary Presentation

In a PowerPoint presentation, create an executive summary of your findings from Marketing Plan.

The presentation should be 12 slides and should include a statement of the problem or topic of Marketing Plan, a concise analysis of the findings, and a recapitulation of any main conclusions or recommendations found in Marketing Plan.

Maximum Points



Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Grading Criteria

Summarize the problem/topic, findings, conclusions/recommendations from Marketing Plan

Organize the presentation to include a cohesive introduction, solid transitions, and conclusions.


Style the presentation in a clear, appropriate, and balanced way between text and other visuals.




Assignment Components


70 – 77%

(C- to C)


78 – 82%

(C+ to B-)


83 – 89%
(B to B+)

90 – 100 %(
A- to A)

Develop a situational analysis:

· Market Summary

· SWOT analysis

· Competitor analysis

· Product offering

· Keys to success

· Critical issues

· Pricing

CO 1, 2

, 4

Using a few different sources, analysis discusses the market size, SWOT, its competitors, products, keys to success, and critical issues, but more detail and specification is needed.

Pricing philosophy of the organization in terms of consumer psychology, mark-up pricing, target, etc., is present, but is slightly inappropriate for this market or unclear. Evidence and research from market are sporadic and its relation to pricing philosophy is unclear.

Using a few different sources, analysis clearly discusses the market size, SWOT, its competitors, products, keys to success, and critical issues.

Pricing philosophy of the organization in terms of consumer psychology, mark-up pricing, target, etc., is somewhat clear and appropriate for this market. More specifications is needed. Evidence and research from market are present, but how it justifies pricing philosophy is unclear.

Using a good variety of sources, analysis discusses in-depth the market size, SWOT, its competitors, products, keys to success, and critical issues.

Pricing philosophy of the organization in terms of consumer psychology, mark-up pricing, target, etc., is clear and appropriate for this market and product. Evidence and research from the market are used to justify pricing philosophy.

Using a variety of sources and type of evidence, analysis critically discusses in-depth the market size, SWOT, its competitors, products, keys to success, and critical issues.

Pricing philosophy of the organization in terms of consumer psychology, mark-up pricing, target, etc., is focused, insightful, and appropriate for this market and product. Evidence and research from the market are incisively used to justify pricing philosophy.

Design a marketing strategy:

· Mission

· Marketing Objectives

· Product positioning

· Marketing mix (4 P’s)

· Marketing research

CO 1, 2, 3, 4

The mission statement, objectives, product positioning, and mix of the products offered in the market place are appropriate for this market and product. Research is present, but how it is used to benchmark is unclear.

Using research to benchmark other organizations, the mission statement, objectives, product positioning, and mix of the products offered in the market place are appropriate for this market and product. Relation between products and benchmarking needs more direct explanation.

Using research to benchmark other organizations, the mission statement, objectives, product positioning, and mix of the products offered in the market place are clear and appropriate for this market and product.

Using a variety of research to benchmark other organizations, the mission statement, objectives, product positioning, and mix of the products offered in the marketplace are clear, insightful, and detailed for this market and product. Specific relations are drawn across the research.

Explain the financials:

· Sales Forecast

· Profit targets

CO 2


Financials provide a sales forecast, but it is not grounded enough in data or research for both the market and the business, or it is not wholly reasonable. Profit targets are generally within sensible range but do not account for both market and business. Research is sporadically present, and how it supports the ideas is unclear.

Financials provide a somewhat reasonable sales forecast that is grounded in data or research for both the market and the business. However, forecast needs more specificity. Profit targets are generally within sensible range for the specific product given the market and business. Research is present but how it supports the ideas is somewhat unclear.

Financials provide reasonable sales forecast that is grounded in data and research for both the market and the business. Profit targets are within sensible range for the specific product given the market and the business. Research is used to support ideas.

Financials provide intuitive sales forecast that is grounded in data and research for both the market and the business. Profit targets are within sensible range for the specific product given the market and business. A variety of specific research is used to justify ideas.

Identify the controls:

· Milestones

· Implementations and timelines

CO 2

The controls identified are accurate and important, but some controls are clearly missing. Explanation on how they are appropriate for the business and product is incomplete or unclear. Milestones are unreasonable or not systematically organized. Implementations and timelines are also unreasonable; they do not take into account set-backs or provide solutions. Research is present, but how it supports ideas is somewhat unclear. A general plan for a competitive response to proposal along with the changing landscape of the marketplace environment, regulatory and competition is present but incomplete throughout or inaccurate.

The most important controls are identified and accurate, but need more explanation on how they are appropriate for the business and product. Milestones are somewhat achievable, clear, and systematically organized. Implementations and timelines are also somewhat reasonable; they take into account a few set-backs and provide solutions. Research is present, but how it supports ideas is somewhat unclear. A general plan for a competitive response to proposal along with the changing landscape of the marketplace environment, regulatory and competition is present but incomplete in some places.

The most important controls are identified and accurate for the business and product. Milestones are achievable, clearly labeled, and systematically organized. Implementations and timelines are also reasonable and take into account all obvious or typical set-backs by providing solutions. Research is used to support ideas. A plan for a competitive response to proposal along with the changing landscape of the marketplace environment, regulatory and competition is present and accurate.

All important, but obvious and subtle, controls are identified and accurate for the business and product. Milestones are achievable, clearly labeled, systematically organized, and indicate critical thinking across many platforms. Implementations and timelines are also reasonable and take into account all set-backs, both obvious and unique, by providing solutions. Research is used throughout to support ideas. An insightful plan for a specific competitive response to proposal along with the changing landscape of the marketplace environment, regulatory and competition is present and accurate.

Write a summary.

CO 1, 2

Process and key deliverables, timelines, and challenges for the organization’s marketing objectives are reviewed but are somewhat incomplete. Most ideas are appropriate for market and product.

Process and key deliverables, timelines, and challenges for the organization’s marketing objectives are reviewed at a general level. All ideas are appropriate for market and product.

Process and key deliverables, timelines, and challenges for the organization’s marketing objectives are reviewed at a high level. All ideas are appropriate for market and product.

Process and key deliverables, timelines, and challenges for the organization’s marking objectives are insightfully reviewed at a critical thinking level. All ideas are appropriate for market and product.

Ensure academic writing has proper grammar, spelling, and attribution.

Writing is unclear and disorganized and rereading to solidify understanding is frequently necessary. Although an attempt at ethical scholarship is attempted, it is sloppy or incomplete throughout.  Spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors severely interfere with readers’ comprehension.

Writing is somewhat clear and is somewhat organized, although rereading to solidify understanding is occasionally necessary.  It demonstrates an attempt at ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, but errors are occasional or minor. Writing has good spelling, grammar, and punctuation, but errors somewhat interfere with readers’ comprehension.

Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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