due 2/10/22 at 10am

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TOPIC:Module 07 Assignment – Pediatric Assessment: PDA with RSV

Purpose of Assignment

The goal of creating a nursing concept map and create a plan of care for a child with bronchiolitis. The nursing interventions would reflect the underlying respiratory syncytial virus with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) history.


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Apply the foundations of pediatric nursing when caring for clients with health alterations.


You are working in a large urban pediatric clinic after-hours.

A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter, Vivi Mitchell, to the clinic for rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough. Upon assessment, you identify the child has wheezing upon auscultation and on inspection, you identify retractions.

· The child is in less than 10th percentile of weight and has a cardiac history of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).

· Born at 36 weeks gestation.

· Mother states this child doesn’t go to day care but her two other children ages 2 and 3 do attend daycare.

· T- 102.1 HR 140 RR 40 BP 83/58 Pulse ox 96%

· A swab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is positive.

Doctor orders – Nasal bulb suction and saline drops PRN, Tylenol 15mg/kg Q4 PRN for fever, Albuterol nebulizer in office and push po fluids as tolerated.

After the albuterol neb treatment, respirations are 36 and oxygen saturation is 100%. Wheezing has diminished. Mom is an ER nurse and the doctor feels comfortable that she has a nebulizer at home and can return to pediatric afterhours or ER if needed.

Client is discharged with these orders:

· methylprednisolone 0.4 mg/kg oral BID for 3

· Albuterol Q4 hours for 24 hours, then Q 6 hours for 24 hours, and Q6 as needed.

· Call if needed prior to the Q4 dose.

· Manage fever with Tylenol and continue hydration and nasal bulb suction Q6 while awake.

· Return for re-evaluation in 3 days


In a two to three-page APA formatted paper, provide reponses for these questions and requests for information:


1. Describe the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis and identify the most common organism causing this infection. What laboratory testing can confirm your suspicion?

2. Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.

3. What risk factors place Vivi Mitchell at a greater risk for the development of bronchiolitis?

4. What are the characteristic signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis?

5. Vivi Mitchell been prescribed the following medications; acetaminophen, albuterol nebulizer, corticosteroids. Provide the rationale for why each medication has been included as part of her medical management and explain any potential contraindications related to these medications.

6. You are designing Vivi Mitchell’s plan of care. Identify two priority nursing diagnoses to include in your plan. For each nursing diagnosis, identify two SMART goals, and two interventions for each goal.

7. What short and long-term possible complications should the nurse anticipate?

8. What client education is appropriate for Vivi Mitchell as she is discharged from the after-care clinic?

 Include a minimum of four scholarly sources


· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· Logical, original and insightful

· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format




DUE 2/10/22



· Criteria 1, 2, 3

23% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Addresses criteria correctly with thorough development of the topic. Gives clinical examples. Includes research in the answer.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates solid understanding of the topic. Gives examples without research.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates basic understanding of the topic.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Addresses criteria incorrectly.


· Criteria 4, 5, 6

15% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
Addresses criteria correctly with thorough development of the topic. Gives clinical examples. Includes research in the answer.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates solid understanding of the topic. Gives examples without research.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates basic understanding of the topic.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Addresses criteria incorrectly.


· Criteria 7, 8, 9

31% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement
Addresses criteria correctly with thorough development of the topic. Gives clinical examples. Includes research in the answer.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement
Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates solid understanding of the topic. Gives examples without research.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement
Addresses criteria correctly. Demonstrates basic understanding of the topic.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement
Addresses criteria incorrectly.


· Tone
15% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Uses consistent professional tone with excellent use of medical terminology.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Tone is professional. Good use of medical terminology.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Tone is professional. Inconsistent use of medical terminology.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Tone is consistently unprofessional with poor use of medical terminology.

· Spelling and Grammar

9% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Displays proper grammar application and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph.


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-on’s or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage.


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that makes sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent.


· APA Style

7% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

APA citations are free of style and formatting errors.


Proficiency: Clear/effective achievement

Errors in APA citations are less noticeable and do not detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, a missing or misused comma or period, missing parentheses, author name not properly abbreviated, indentation is misaligned).


Competence: Adequate/basic achievement

Errors in APA citations are noticeable and may detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, no title provided, year of publication is missing, no punctuation).


Emerging: Limited or growing achievement

Citations do not follow APA Style. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not cited, or there is no attempt to cite them using APA style.


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