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TheCuban Missile Crisis is considered to be a watershed event in U.S. history, marking the

closest the United States and Soviet Union came to all

out war during the Cold War Era. It is

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also considered one of the highest

stakes negotiations of all time. Ba

sed on what you’ve

learned so far about negotiations, discuss the crisis from the perspective of a negotiation

lesson. What did this situation tell you about positioning, pie expansion, saving face, influence

of outside stakeholders, and other negotiating

concepts we’ve learned? Please include specific

facts and cite any outside sources you use.

The Cuban Missile Crisis is considered to be a watershed event in U.S. history, marking the

closest the United States and Soviet Union came to all

out war during the Cold War Era. It is
also considered one of the highest

stakes negotiations of all time. Ba
sed on what you’ve
learned so far about negotiations, discuss the crisis from the perspective of a negotiation
lesson. What did this situation tell you about positioning, pie expansion, saving face, influence
of outside stakeholders, and other negotiating
concepts we’ve learned? Please include specific
facts and cite any outside sources you use.

The Cuban Missile Crisis is considered to be a watershed event in U.S. history, marking the

closest the United States and Soviet Union came to all-out war during the Cold War Era. It is

also considered one of the highest-stakes negotiations of all time. Based on what you’ve

learned so far about negotiations, discuss the crisis from the perspective of a negotiation
lesson. What did this situation tell you about positioning, pie expansion, saving face, influence

of outside stakeholders, and other negotiating concepts we’ve learned? Please include specific

facts and cite any outside sources you use.

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