See Attached
Inher Ted Talk, Professor Ann Cuddy discusses the impact of body language on the perception
of ourselves to others and our own perception and behavior
Share an example of a business
or personal experience where you feel you exhibited non
verbal cues that
may have given off
the wrong impression. What would you have done differently to display more appropriate non
verbal cues. Also, think of a time when a negotiation counterpart gave off non verbal cues that
were not appropriate for the situation
In her Ted Talk, Professor Ann Cuddy discusses the impact of body language on the perception
of ourselves to others and our own perception and behavior. Share an example of a business
or personal experience where you feel you exhibited non
verbal cues that
may have given off
the wrong impression. What would you have done differently to display more appropriate non
verbal cues. Also, think of a time when a negotiation counterpart gave off non verbal cues that
were not appropriate for the situation
In her Ted Talk, Professor Ann Cuddy discusses the impact of body language on the perception
of ourselves to others and our own perception and behavior. Share an example of a business
or personal experience where you feel you exhibited non-verbal cues that may have given off
the wrong impression. What would you have done differently to display more appropriate non-
verbal cues. Also, think of a time when a negotiation counterpart gave off non verbal cues that
were not appropriate for the situation.