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#6 Discussion

Mental health disorders affect nearly 20 percent of American adults; nearly 4 percent are severely impaired and classified as having serious mental illness. (SMI) These disorders are often associated with chronic physical illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. They also increase the risk of physical injury and death through accidents, violence, and suicide. (Stuart, 2013).

1.     How would you describe recognizing mental health as essential to physical health; And how might mental health related issues hinder physical recovery?
2.     Do you believe human interaction with mental health self-help over the internet can be personally and socially transformative? Describe the benefits and challenges of this method of connection.
3.     Reflecting on what you have learned so far in this class -How can society help people with mental health problems or prevent its development ?

Initial Post DUE Thursday 

1.     Create a thread/initial discussion post.

2.     Write at least 200 words per question.

3.     The majority of your post(s) must be original thoughts, words and ideas.

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4.     Identify additional source of all information you use. 

5.     Utilize APA formatting for your responses and citations.

6.     Post must be typed in the discussion message box, not attached as a document.

Reply Post(s)

1.     Post at least two replies to either peers or the professor.

2.     Write at least 100 words per reply.

3.     Identify additional source of all information you use. 

4.     Utilize APA formatting for your responses and citations. 

5.     Post must be typed in the discussion message box, not attached as a document.

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