metaconginition activity 1


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  1. Determine two metacognitive strategies you will try from those suggested in the videos.
  2. Answer the following question about each strategy. 

    What is the metacognitive strategy?
    Why do you want to try it?
    How are you going to implement it?

  3. Use a Word document or Google document that you download and save as a Word document.  Microsoft Word is free for any student at GS.  See information technology to get a free copy installed on your computer if you don’t have it.
  4. The lengths is one page, use a standard 12pt font (e.g. Times New Roman, Ariel, etc.), normal 1″ margins, and single line to 1.5 line spacing.  If you double space then double the length.
  5. Upload your word document to the Metacognitive Activity #1

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