The purpose of the Leadership in Action assignments is for you to do things to grow in the five leadership
practices – to develop your leadership skills. You will not be graded on whether you had a positive outcome in
taking the step, but rather in how sincerely you tried to develop the skill or practice.
• Your paper should be written in essay format to respond to the questions that are provided.
• Use headings for each of the sections to organize your paper.
• Your paper should be double-spaced with a 750-word minimum (about 3 pages minimum). Note: Meeting
the minimum word count does not guarantee a high score.
• The assignment will be graded as follows:
Good (30 points) Satisfactory (22 points) Unsatisfactory (4 points)
• Responses to all items are
detailed, well-developed, and
supported with specific
• A clear effort was made to
practice the identified
leadership behavior(s).
• Uses critical thinking and
shows depth in application of
course content.
• Most responses are detailed,
well-developed, and
supported with specific
• Demonstrates surface-level
understanding in application
of course content.
• An adequate effort was made
to practice the identified
leadership behavior(s).
• Item responses are incomplete
and/or brief.
• Demonstrates little insight into
application of course content.
• Effort to practice two
leadership behaviors appears
superficial or lacking.
Writing must be appropriate for upper-division course.
Points will be deducted for grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation errors.
1) Record your overall score from the SLP for INSPIRE A SHARED VISION.
2) Of the six leadership behaviors that are a part of INSPIRE A SHARED VISION, which behavior statement is
indicated that you engage in most frequently? After learning more about INSPIRE A SHARED VISION, would
you say this is accurate or not? Explain.
3) Which behavior statement is indicated that you engage in least frequently? After learning more about
Model the Way, would you say this is accurate or not? Explain.
4) Complete this statement: When it comes to INSPIRE A SHARED VISION, my areas of leadership strengths are:
5) What INSPIRE A SHARED VISION behaviors do you see as opportunities for improving and strengthening your
For the Discussion Board, you watched a TEDTalk by DeWitt Jones about the power of framing, creating a vision,
and communicating that vision. Think about what you learned from Jones’ example as you complete this
For this Leadership in Action assignment, CHOOSE 1 of the following options:
Think about an organization or group that you are a member of that is struggling right now to see any positives
in the future. Covid and the changes it has caused has really challenged organizations and individuals and it is
hard to find or see the future. That is why organizations/individuals need a vision to guide us through the crisis
or indifference or day-to-day is very important.
Think about what that vision should be for the short term (now – 1 or 2 years forward). Create that vision using
powerful, impactful words, images, etc. to convey that vision to others.
Then share that vision with others either in person or share on a forum to get a reaction/dialogue.
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT – Explain the process you used, your vision, how you shared it, impact to it, and what
happened next.
Perhaps you are part of a group/team/organization and you believe that the group of you developing a shared
vision would have some positive impact on the organization. Facilitate the group/team/organization coming
together to develop a shared vision.
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT – Explain what tools will you use to facilitate discussion and the coming together?
Explain your planning, what happened when you came together, outcome of the coming together, and what
happened next. Discuss what worked and what would you do differently next time?
Practice 2 is INSPIRE A SHARED VISION and has 2 commitments:
Envision the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities.
Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations.
Perhaps you are part of an organization or group that has a strong vision that on paper seems to be appropriate
and great for the times. The challenge is that most members do not know about it or are using it to guide them
forward. Your focus will be on using the tools from The Leadership Challenge to better communicate/share the
vision with others with the goal of getting people to integrate this vision into their own.
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT – Explain your plan for getting others to “share” this vision – to really own it as their
own? What did you do? What was the impact of your actions? What did you learn from trying to get others to
buy into the vision?
Your Personal Leadership Philosophy is a vision for how you want to lead. Think about how you will share that
vision with others and get them to better understand who you are as a leader. Use your Linked In page (create
one if you do not have one) as a platform for communicating the vision to others.
Of course, you can say “here is my leadership philosophy” but what else can you do? In your bio, do you tell a
story that relates to your leadership vision? Do you link to articles or outside sources that represent this vision?
Look at your word choice in your bio and resume. Do the words you choose reflect this vision? Do pictures on
your site also relate to this vision?
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT – Show me a before and after Linked In page. Highlight what you changed and why you
did so to communicate your leadership vision with others.