Microbial Discussion Module 13

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Microbial Discussion Module 13


Microbial Discussion Module 13

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Advantages of rapid methods

Rapid testing techniques are very helpful as compared to traditional methods. These methods have a very high sensitivity, a high specificity and are very reproducible. The methods are also automated and give very reliable results. In addition, they are relatively fast and can detect multiple pathogens simultaneously. When working with a large number of samples, the rapid methods are highly applicable and saves on labor. Some of the rapid methods have a low cost.

Why traditional tests such as metabolic test are not always used to ID clinically important microbes.

Traditional methods have various limitations in the detection of microbes. One of them is their limited accuracy. The colonies must grow to very many cells to be countable. The clinician may still miscount them, leading to errors. These methods also require a lot of time for the microbes to grow and multiply to a level that is easily seen by human eyes. These methods can also not handle many samples at the same time, thus wasting a lot of time. Transfers errors might also occur where serial incubation is required leading to errors in the results. The methods also have low sensitivity and specificity.

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I agree that rapid methods are very helpful in clinical settings due to the benefits they come with. Details about antimicrobial susceptibility help clinicians to prescribe appropriate antimicrobial drugs. It is important to understand that the multi-resistance of bacteria is a major challenge to clinicians using culture-based methods. Due to the increase in antimicrobial increase worldwide, it is important that clinicians obtain information on antimicrobial susceptibility rapidly (Frickmann et al., 2014). Despite the traditional having low costs and being easy to perform, they cannot generate timely susceptibility results. Consequently, they delay the initiation of treatment.


Frickmann, H., Masanta, W. O., & Zautner, A. E. (2014). Emerging rapid resistance testing methods for clinical microbiology laboratories and their potential impact on patient management. BioMed research international, 2014.

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