Middle Child Development Papers ( PSCY ) DUE TONIGHT in 12HRS.. PROPER GRAMMAR AND ENGLISH

assignment must be doubled spaced, 12 point font, 1 ½ – 2 pages, and turned in by due date. Proper grammar and English must be used.  Please have someone proof read your paper in order to catch errors

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The text suggests that there exist effective programs for teaching social skills to unpopular children. Children must both know the skills and have the opportunity to use them for the child to become popular. Consider the negative effects of being an unpopular child. There are many obvious side issues to this debate. Discuss your opinion keeping in mind the following questions: Who will identify the children, and on what basis will the diagnosis be made? What role do self-fulfilling prophecies play in unpopularity? What standards of social skills must be met before children can leave the program? What constitutes popularity? Whose responsibility is it to teach social skills? Should parents and others be required to take “remedial social skills learning” if popularity levels are below average?


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