Milestone 3

 Introduction A. Identify and briefly summarize the topic related to psychology, which you will study. B. Summarize articles relevant to the topic you want to research (see the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric for specific details).  C. Hypothesis 1. State your hypothesis. The hypothesis should be logical and appropriate to the topic you want to research. 2. Explain where your hypothesis fits in the context of the literature reviewed.  3. Discuss specific examples from relevant literature that support your hypothesis. II. Methods A. Methodology 1. Explain the research design and method you selected, and justify why they are appropriate for your research. 2. Discuss the research participants who will be involved in your study, including how they will be selected and how many will be used.  B. Data Collection 1. Describe your sampling frame. 2. Discuss the data collection instrument you will use and how the data collected will address your hypothesis.  3. Explain how you will ensure the protection of participants in your study and adherence to the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists. III. Discussion A. Using the articles you previously evaluated, explain how the evidence presented by the authors of the articles supports your research proposal.  B. Explain how you would appropriately convey your research findings to your audience. How would this be written? What aspects of the research  would be referenced? C. Explain what further research could be conducted that goes beyond or in a different direction than your research proposal 

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