Milestone Four: The Ethical Decision-Making Process Assignment


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Koocher, G. P., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2008). Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions. 

Case study 14-37 Bonnie Bruised  

PSY 570 Final Project Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric

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Prompt: The four milestone assignments in this course will prepare you to complete your final project, a case study analysis. In Milestone Four you will create
two decision-making models to assess your case study vignette’s ethical conflict and address additional considerations. This milestone will further refine the
outline you worked on in Milestones Two and Three.

First, work on element 9 and list the eight-step ethical decision-making model and apply the eight-step ethical decision-making model to analyze your case study
vignette’s ethical conflict. You will develop an ethical strategy to address the ethical issues you identified in Milestone Three and which you could use to resolve
your case’s ethical conflict. After working with the eight-step decision-making model, you will identify an alternative decision-making model to analyze your case
study vignette’s ethical conflict.

Besides discussing ethical decision-making models to resolve your case study vignette’s ethical conflict, you will also look at additional considerations for the
ethical conflict. Address whether or not multiple-role relationships were present in your case study. If they are present, detail their importance in problem solving
a dilemma. If they are not present, provide a statement that shows you understand what these standards are and their importance in all psychology disciplines.
Expand upon element 7 and explain how you considered diversity issues, social concerns, multicultural considerations, and equality in your problem solving of an
ethics dilemma.

1. Title Page
2. Case Study Analysis Abstract
3. Detailed Case Study Vignette Description
4. The Ethical Conflict
5. The APA Code of Ethics Principles

a. Identify and define all five principles
b. Highlight, bold, or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict
c. Justify why highlighted or bolded principles apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict

6. The APA Code of Ethics Standards
a. List and define all ten standards
b. Highlight, bold, or summarize all that might apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict
c. Justify why highlighted or bolded standards apply to your case study vignette’s ethical conflict

7. Statement of Culture and Social Orientations in the Case


8. Statement of Multiple Relationship Issues in the Study
9. The Ethical Decision-Making Model (Eight-Step Model)
10. An Alternative Decision-Making


11. Summary and Conclusion

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-
inch margins, and any sources referenced cited in APA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Ethical Decision-
Making Model

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes examples of what
standards and guidelines should
inform decision making

Lists the eight-step ethical
decision-making model and
applies model to ethical conflict in
case study vignette

Lists the eight-step ethical
decision-making model but does
not apply model to ethical conflict
in case study vignette

Does not list the eight-step ethical
decision-making model


Ethical Strategy Meets “Proficient” criteria and
discusses why proposed ethical
strategy would be preferable to
other strategies

Develops an ethical strategy and
explains how it could be applied to
the case’s ethical conflict

Develops an ethical strategy but
strategy does not address ethical

Does not develop an ethical




Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explains whether or not model is
supported or unsupported by
ethical guidelines and standards

Describes an alternative decision-
making model and applies model
to ethical conflict in case study

Describes an alternative decision-
making model but does not apply
model to ethical conflict in case
study vignette

Does not describe an alternative
decision-making model


Statement of
Culture and

Orientations in
the Case Study

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
illustrates with specific, concrete
examples of how the ethical
strategy considers issues of
diversity and culture

Explains how culture and social
orientations influenced the
development of the proposed
ethical strategy and assesses how
strategy addresses ethical
problems associated with
multicultural competence issues

Explains how culture and social
orientations influenced the
development of the proposed
ethical strategy but does not
assess how strategy addresses
ethical problems associated with
multicultural competence issues

Does not explain how culture and
social orientations influenced the
development of the proposed
ethical strategy


Statement of
Multiple Role
Issues in the


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
illustrates with specific, concrete
examples of how the ethical
strategy considers the
appropriateness of the different
relationships psychologists can
have with clients

Explains how considerations of
multiple role relationship issues
influenced the development of
the proposed ethical strategy and
assesses how strategy addresses
ethical problems associated with
multiple role relationship issues

Explains how considerations of
multiple role relationship issues
influenced the development of
the proposed ethical strategy but
does not assess how strategy
addresses ethical problems
associated with multiple role
relationship issues

Does not explain how
considerations of multiple role
relationship issues influenced the
development of the proposed
ethical strategy


APA Writing

No errors related to APA style or

Minor errors related to APA style
and citations

Some errors related to APA style
and citations

Major errors related to APA style
and citations


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, and organization and is
presented in a professional and
easy to read format with language
that is appropriate to the intended

Submission has no major errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, organization or audience-
appropriate terminology

Submission has some errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, organization, or audience-
appropriate language that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to grammar, spelling,
syntax, organization, or audience-
specific language that prevent
understanding of ideas


Earned Total 100%

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