mod 1 slp

Module 2 – SLP

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Healthcare Finance Policy in the U.S.

The Affordable Care Act was one of the most significant pieces of legislation ever enacted regarding health care in the United States. It continues to be a contentious policy and will likely have some kind of modifications made to it or a new policy to replace it.

Review Longest Appendix 1 and the RAND document in the background materials. Choose one of the options listed below from the RAND report and write a persuasive essay on why this is the best policy choice to pursue.

· Repealing the ACA with No Replacement

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· Replacing ACA with a Single Payer Plan

· The Patient CARE Act

· The American Health Care Act

· Modifying the ACA (Please note that there are several suggested ways to modify the ACA. You may choose one or multiple ones to address.) (RAND, n.d.)

You must do additional research. Be sure that you are using scholarly, academic, and government sources to support your position. Keep in mind that this is not an opinion piece, but a supported persuasive essay.

In drafting your paper, you must use the outline presented at the following link:

Laviolette, J. (n.d.) Persuasive essay outline. HCC Learning Web. Retrieved from

SLP Assignment Expectations

1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.

2. Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages (title and reference page is not included in page number count).

3. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from

4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from

5. For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source:
Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from

6. This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.

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