MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form Nursing

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MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form

This is a building assignment that you will be completing over Week 1 through Week 9. This is a stepwise project proposal assignment in which you will complete one (1) section each week for your MSN Capstone Project Proposal. By the end of the Week 9, this form will have been filled in completely and your MSN Capstone Project Proposal will be completed. It is important that you keep up with the Weekly Assigned Section. Each section is graded separately on a weekly basis while the final completed form will be graded with an overall grade. Each week the student will receive feedback from the instructor and the student is expected to incorporate the instructor feedback to edit and improve the weekly sections. The Week 9 final Capstone Project Proposal with be based on students incorporating the instructor’s weekly feedback.
How to use this form.
· Must use the same form for all sections. The purpose is to have a completed the entire form by the end of the course.
· Complete the week’s section with the requested information.
· There are suggested word counts for each weekly section to provide you with an idea of what is expected.
· You are to write in full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar, and spelling.
· Use APA formatting with citations and references list.
· Refer to the
MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form Example
found in Week 1 and in the Course Resources tab.

· Do not delete or edit the week section instructions.

· Do not lock the form because that will stop you from editing and revising within the form.

· Leave NO blank sections. All sections are graded separately.

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· You may work ahead; however, the instructor will only grade the week’s section due for the assigned week and the form must be submitted each week.

· Read the item descriptions carefully. Items request very specific information. Be sure you understand what is requested.

· Use primary sources for any references. Textbooks are not acceptable as references.

Week 3

Literature Search Strategies

[150 to 200 words]

Provide details of your exhaustive search process. Be certain to list:

· Databases searched.

· All the keywords or search phrases used.

· How many articles in total that were found?

· List the inclusion/exclusion criteria.

· Provide the number of articles that were retained and a description on why those articles were retained.

Consider using a flowchart to outline the search process


MEDLINE, and PsycINFO (via Ovid), CINAHL Plus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials in the Cochrane Library (via Wiley), ProQuest, and OpenGrey databases were searched from January 2010 to October 2021. Search terms were identified from existing reviews. Free-text terms for searching titles, abstracts, and key words were combined with database-specific MeSH terms that reflect the following aspects: [opioids] AND [pain] AND [older adult population] AND [chronic pain OR persistent [pain] AND [skilled nursing OR nursing home OR long-term care]. Full-text electronic limits were applied to database searches. Inclusion criteria included studies with adults 50 year and older and assessment tools while exclusion criteria included articles that were non-English, non-full text, primarily focused on adults 50 years and younger, and acute pain. A total of 541 articles were identified and included 22 systematic reviews. Total articles after duplications were removed were 128. Articles meeting the inclusion criteria resulted in 47 for scanning. After scanning and determining those articles that were not studies or that had weak methodology were removed. The total number of articles remaining for the literature review was 10 articles. These articles were used for the review because they all included persistent or chronic pain assessment and management in older adults in skilled nursing facilities or long-term care

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