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Living in the Environment

20th Edition

· G. Tyler Miller

· Scott E. Spoolman


Living in the Environment

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Core Case StudyLearning from the Earth

Learning Objectives

· LO


Define sustainability.

· LO


State the definition of the term biomimicry as coined by Janine Benyus.

Sustainability is the capacity of the earth’s natural systems that support life and human economic systems to survive or adapt to changing environmental conditions indefinitely. Sustainability is the big idea and the integrating theme of this book.

The earth is a remarkable example of a sustainable system. Life has existed on the earth for about 3.8 billion years. During this time, the planet has experienced several catastrophic environmental changes. They include gigantic meteorite impacts, ice ages lasting millions of years, long warming periods that melted land-based ice and raised sea levels by hundreds of feet, and five mass extinctions—each wiping out more than half of the world’s species. Despite these dramatic environmental changes, an astonishing variety of life has survived.

How has life survived such challenges? Long before humans arrived, organisms had developed abilities to use sunlight to make their food and to recycle all of the nutrients they needed for survival. Organisms also developed a variety of ways to find food and survive. Spiders create webs that are strong enough to capture fast-moving flying insects. Bats have a radar system for finding prey and avoiding collisions. These and many other abilities and materials were developed without the use of the high-temperature or high-pressure processes or the harmful chemicals that we employ in manufacturing.

This explains why many scientists urge us to focus on learning from the earth about how to live more sustainably. Biologist Janine Benyus is a pioneer in this area. In 1997, she coined the term 


 to describe the rapidly growing scientific effort to understand, mimic, and catalog the ingenious ways in which nature has sustained life on the earth for 3.8 billion years. She views the earth’s life-support system as the world’s longest and most successful research and development laboratory.

How do geckos (

Figure 1.1

, left) cling to and walk on windows, walls, and ceilings? Scientists have learned that these little lizards have many thousands of tiny hairs growing in ridges on the toes of their feet and that each hair is divided into a number of segments that they use to grasp the tiniest ridges and cracks on a surface (
Figure 1.1
, right). They release their iron grip by tipping their foot until the hairs let go.

Figure 1.1

The gecko (left) has an amazing ability to cling to surfaces because of projections from many thousands of tiny hairs on its toes (right).

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This discovery led to the development of a sticky, toxin-free “gecko tape” that could replace toxin-containing glues and tapes. It is an excellent example of biomimicry, or earth wisdom, and you will see many more of such examples throughout this book.

Nature is a vast and largely unread library that can teach us how to live more sustainably on the amazing planet that is our only home. As Benyus puts it, after billions of years of trial-and-error research and development: “Nature knows what works, what is appropriate, and what lasts here on Earth.”

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1.1Principles of Sustainability

· LO 1.1AOutline the three scientific principles of sustainability.

· LO 1.1BExplain how biomimicry can be used to learn from the earth about how to live more sustainably.

· LO 1.1CExplain how our lives and economies depend on the sun and on natural capital.

· LO 1.1DList five key components of sustainability.

· LO 1.1EIdentify six principles of sustainability.

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1.1aEnvironmental Science Is a Study of Connections in Nature



 is everything around you. It includes all the living things (such as plants and animals) and the nonliving things (such as air, water, and sunlight) with which you interact. You are part of nature and live in the environment, as reflected in the title of this textbook. Despite humankind’s many scientific and technological advances, our lives depend on sunlight and the earth for clean air and water, food, shelter, energy, fertile soil, a livable climate, and other components of the planet’s life-support system.

Environmental science

 is a study of life systems and connections in the natural environment. It is an interdisciplinary study of

1. how the earth (nature) works and has survived and thrived,

2. how humans interact with the environment, and

3. how we can live more sustainably.

It strives to answer several questions: What environmental problems do we face? How serious are they? How do they interact? What are their causes? How has nature solved such problems? How can we solve such problems? To answer such questions, environmental science integrates information and ideas from fields such as biology, chemistry, geology, geography, economics, political science, and ethics.

A key component of environmental science is 


, the branch of biology that focuses on how living organisms interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment. Each of the earth’s organisms, or living things, belongs to a 


, or a group of organisms having a unique set of characteristics that set it apart from other groups.

A major focus of ecology is the study of ecosystems. An ecosystem is a biological community of organisms within a defined area of land or volume of water that interact with one another and with their environment of nonliving matter and energy. For example, a forest ecosystem consists of trees and other plants, animals, and organisms that decompose organic materials. These organisms interact with one another, with solar energy, and with the chemicals in the forest’s air, water, and soil.

Environmental science and ecology should not be confused with 



environmental activism

, which is a social movement dedicated to protecting the earth’s life and its resources. Environmentalism is practiced more in the realms of politics and ethics than in science. However, the findings of environmental scientists can provide evidence to back the claims and activities of environmentalists.

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1.1bLearning from the Earth: Three Scientific Principles of Sustainability

Modern humans have been around for about 200,000 years—less time than the blink of an eye, relative to the 3.8 billion years during which life has existed on the earth. During our short time on the earth, and especially since 1900, we have expanded into and dominated almost all of the earth’s ecosystems, especially during the last 100 years.

We have cleared forests and plowed grasslands to grow food on 40% of the earth’s land and built cities that are home for more than half of the world’s population. We use many of the world’s natural resources and add pollution and wastes to the environment. We control 75% of the world’s freshwater and most of the ocean waters that cover 71% of the earth’s surface. This large and growing human impact threatens the existence of many species and biological centers of life such as tropical rainforests and coral reefs. Human activities also add pollutants to the earth’s air, water, and soil. According to a 2017 study of more than 130 countries by the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, pollution kills about 9 million people a year, mostly from air pollution—more than the combined annual death toll from hunger and war. Many environmental scientists warn that we are degrading the planet’s life-support system that sustains all life and human economies.

Scientific studies of how the earth works reveal that three science-based natural factors play key roles in the long-term sustainability of the planet’s life, as summarized below and in 

Figure 1.2

. Understanding these three scientific principles of sustainability, or major lessons from nature, can help us move toward a more sustainable future.

Figure 1.2

Three scientific principles of sustainability based on how nature has sustained a huge variety of life on the earth for 3.8 billion years, despite drastic changes in environmental conditions.


Solar energy

: The sun’s energy warms the planet and provides energy that plants use to produce 


, the chemicals that plants and animals need to survive.



: The variety of genes, species, ecosystems, and ecosystem processes are referred to as biodiversity (short for biological diversity). Interactions among species provide vital ecosystem services and keep any population from growing too large. Biodiversity also provides ways for species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and for new species to arise and replace those wiped out by catastrophic environmental changes.


Chemical cycling

: The circulation of chemicals or nutrients needed to sustain life from the environment (mostly from soil and water) through various organisms and back to the environment is called chemical cycling, or 
nutrient cycling
. The earth receives a continuous supply of energy from the sun, but it receives no new supplies of life-supporting chemicals. Through billions of years of interactions with their living and nonliving environment, organisms have developed ways to recycle the chemicals they need to survive. This means that the wastes and decayed bodies of organisms become nutrients or raw materials for other organisms. In nature, .

Learning from Nature

The three principles of sustainability provide countless examples of learning from nature, including solar energy technologies, composting of organic waste for use as a natural fertilizer, and growing more than one crop on a plot of land to preserve and enrich topsoil. Can you match each of these examples with the appropriate principle of sustainability?

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1.1cKey Components of Sustainability

Sustainability, the integrating theme of this book, has several key components that we use as subthemes. One is 

natural capital

—natural resources and ecosystem services that keep humans and other species alive and that support human economies (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3

Natural capital consists of natural resources (blue) and ecosystem services (orange) that support and sustain the earth’s life and human economies.

Natural resources

 are materials and energy provided by nature that are essential or useful to humans. They fall into three categories: inexhaustible resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable (exhaustible) resources (Figure 1.4). Solar energy is an 

inexhaustible resource

 because it is expected to last for at least 5 billion years until the death of the star we call the sun.

Figure 1.4

We depend on a combination of inexhaustible, renewable, and exhaustible (nonrenewable) natural resources.

Left: Carole Castelli/ Center: Alexander Kalina/ Right: Karl Naundorf/

renewable resource

 is a resource that can be used indefinitely because it is replenished through natural processes. It is available as long as it is not used faster than nature can renew it. Examples are forests, grasslands, fertile topsoil, fishes, clean air, and freshwater. The highest rate at which people can use a renewable resource indefinitely without reducing its available supply is called its 

maximum sustainable yield

. However, according to ecologist Daniel Botkin, in the real world, it is difficult to establish meaningful maximum sustainable yields because there are too many factors and changes in environmental conditions that affect such estimates.



exhaustible resources

 are those that exist in a fixed amount, or stock, in the earth’s crust. Technically, these resources can be renewed through geological processes, but this takes millions of years. On the much shorter human time scale, we can use these resources faster than nature can replace them, which makes them nonrenewable (

Figure 1.5

). Examples of nonrenewable resources include fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal, metallic mineral resources such as copper and aluminum, and nonmetallic mineral resources such as salt and sand.

Figure 1.5

It would take more than a million years for natural processes to replace the coal that was removed from this strip mine within a couple of decades.


Ecosystem services

 are the natural services provided by healthy ecosystems that support life and human economies at no monetary cost to us (

Figure 1.3

). Key ecosystem services include purification of air and water, renewal of topsoil, pollination, and pest control. For example, forests help purify air and water, reduce soil erosion, regulate climate, and recycle nutrients. Thus, our lives and economies are sustained by energy from the sun and by natural resources and ecosystem services (natural capital) provided by the earth.

Learning from Nature

Agricultural scientists have studied organisms that protect themselves by emitting toxic chemicals when attacked by predators. They have thus learned to make pesticides derived from nature, for use against weeds and pest insects.

A vital ecosystem service is nutrient cycling, which is a scientific principle of sustainability. The earth gets no new supplies of chemicals but over billions of years, the planet’s life has developed ways to recycle the chemicals or nutrients that sustain us and all other forms of life. Without nutrient cycling in topsoil, there would be no land plants, no pollinators (another ecosystem service), and no humans or other land animals. This would also disrupt the ecosystem services that purify air and water.

A second component of sustainability—and another subtheme of this text—is that human activities can degrade natural capital. We do this by using renewable resources faster than nature can restore them and by overloading the earth’s normally renewable air, water, and soil with pollutants and wastes. For example, people in many parts of the world are replacing forests with crop plantations (

Figure 1.6

) that require large inputs of energy, water, fertilizer, and pesticides. Many human activities add pollutants to the air and chemicals and wastes into rivers, lakes, and oceans faster than they can be cleansed through natural processes. Many of the plastics and other synthetic materials people use poison wildlife and disrupt nutrient cycles because they cannot be broken down and used as nutrients by other organisms.

Figure 1.6

Deforestation: Tropical rainforest in


was cleared to create this soybean field. More crop fields are shown in the upper portion of the photograph.


A third component of sustainability involves people finding solutions to the environmental problems we face. People can work together to protect the earth’s natural capital and to use it sustainably. For example, a solution to the loss of forests is to stop burning or cutting down mature forests faster than they can grow back. This requires that citizens become educated about the ecosystem services forests provide and work to see that forests are used sustainably.

Conflicts can arise when environmental protection has a harmful economic effect on groups of people or certain industries. Dealing with such conflicts often involves both sides making compromises or trade-offs—the fourth component of sustainability and subtheme of this book. For example, a timber company might be persuaded to plant and harvest trees in an area that it had already cleared or degraded instead of clearing an undisturbed forest area. In return, the government may subsidize (pay part of the cost) of planting new trees.

Each individual—including you—can play an important role in learning how to live more sustainably. Thus, individuals matter—the fifth component of sustainability and subtheme of this book.

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1.1dThree Additional Principles of Sustainability

Economics, politics, and ethics can provide us with three additional principles of sustainability (Figure




Full-cost pricing

 (from economics): Some economists urge us to find ways to include the harmful environmental and health costs of producing and using goods and services in their market prices. This practice, called full-cost pricing, would give consumers information about the harmful environmental impacts of the goods and services they use.

· Win-win solutions (from political science): Political scientists urge us to look for win-win solutions to environmental problems. This involves cooperation and compromise that will benefit the largest number of people as well as the environment.


Responsibility to future generations (from ethics): According to environmental ethicists, we have a responsibility to leave the planet’s life-support systems in a condition as good as or better than what we inherited for future generations and for other species.

Figure 1.7

Three principles of sustainability based on economics, political science, and ethics can help us make a transition to a more environmentally and economically sustainable future.

Left: Minerva Studio/ Center: mikeledray/ Right: Nine LLC

These six principles of sustainability (see inside back cover of book) can serve as guidelines to help us live more sustainably. This includes using biomimicry as a major tool for learning from the earth about how to live more sustainably (

Core Case Study


Individuals Matter 1.1


Individuals Matter 1.1

Janine Benyus: Using Nature to Inspire Sustainable Design and Living

Janine Benyus has a strong interest in learning how nature works and how to live more sustainably. She realized that 99% of the species that have lived on the earth became extinct because they could not adapt to changing environmental conditions. She views the surviving species as examples of natural genius that we can learn from.

Benyus says that when we need to solve a problem or design a product, we should ask: Has nature done this and how did it do it? We should also think about what nature does not do as a clue to what we should not do, she argues. For example, nature does not produce waste materials or chemicals that cannot be broken down and recycled.

Benyus has set up the nonprofit Biomimicry Institute that has developed a curriculum for K–12 and university students and has a 2-year program to train biomimicry professionals. She has also established a network called Biomimicry 3.8, named for the 3.8 billion years during which organisms have developed their genius for surviving. It is a network of scientists, engineers, architects, and designers who share examples of successful biomimicry through an online database called

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1.1eCountries Differ in Their Economic Development and Resource Use

The United Nations (UN) classifies the world’s countries as economically more developed or less developed, based primarily on their average income per person. 

More-developed countries

 are industrialized nations with high average incomes per person. They include the

United States







, New Zealand,


, and most other European countries. These countries, with 17% of the world’s population, use about 70% of the earth’s natural resources. The United States, with only 4.3% of the world’s population, uses about 30% of the world’s resources.

All other nations are classified as 

less-developed countries

, most of them in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Some are middle-income, moderately developed countries such as




, Brazil, Thailand, and


. Others are low-income, least-developed countries such as Nigeria,


, Congo, and Haiti. The less-developed countries, with


of the world’s population, use about 30% of the world’s natural resources.

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1.2Human Impacts on the Earth

· LO 1.2AExplain the tragedy of the commons in terms of open-access and shared resources.

· LO 1.2BDefine ecological footprint and per capita ecological footprint.

· LO 1.2CExplain how a country’s ecological deficit is related to its biocapacity.

· LO 1.2DList the three major cultural changes that have influenced the human ecological footprint.

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1.2aGood News: Many People Have a Better Quality of Life

Humans have an awesome power to degrade or sustain the planet’s life-support system. For example, humans decide whether forests are preserved or cut down. Human activities affect the temperature of the atmosphere, the temperature and acidity of ocean waters, and which species survive or become extinct. At the same time, creative thinking, scientific research, political pressure by citizens, and regulatory laws have improved the quality of life for many of the earth’s people, especially in the more-developed countries.

Humans have developed an amazing array of useful materials and products. We have learned how to use wood, fossil fuels, the sun, wind, flowing water, the nuclei of certain atoms, and the earth’s heat (geothermal energy) to supply us with enormous amounts of energy. Most people live and work in artificial environments within buildings and cities. We have invented computers to extend our brainpower, robots to perform repetitive tasks with great precision, and electronic networks to enable instantaneous global communication.

Globally, life spans are increasing, infant mortality is decreasing, education is on the rise, some diseases are being conquered, and the world’s population growth rate has slowed. While one out of nine people live in extreme poverty, on $2 per day or less, we have brought about the greatest reduction in poverty in human history. The food supply is generally more abundant and safer, air and water are getting cleaner in many parts of the world, and exposure to toxic chemicals is more avoidable. People have protected some endangered species and ecosystems, restored some grasslands and wetlands, and forests are growing back in some areas that we cleared.

Scientific research and technological advances financed by affluence helped achieve these improvements in life and environmental quality. Education also spurred many citizens to insist that businesses and governments work toward improving environmental quality. We are a globally connected species with growing access to information that could help us shift to a more sustainable path.

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1.2bBad News: We Are Living Unsustainably

According to a large body of scientific evidence, we are living unsustainably. People waste, deplete, and degrade much of the earth’s life-sustaining natural capital—a process known as 

environmental degradation

, or 

natural capital degradation





Figure 1.8

Natural Capital Degradation: Degradation of normally renewable natural resources and natural services (Figure 1.3), mostly from population growth and increased resource use per person.

According to research, by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network, human activities directly affect about 83% of the earth’s land surface (excluding Antarctica) (

Figure 1.9

). This land is used for urban development, growing crops, energy production, pasture for livestock, mining, timber cutting, and other purposes that support the world’s people and their economies.

Figure 1.9

Natural Capital Use and Degradation: Human activities have an impact on about 83% of the earth’s total land surface. Colors represent the percentage of each area influenced by human activities.

(Compiled by the authors using National Geographic Earth Pulse; Data from Mark Levy at Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science Information, Wildlife Conservation Society, National Footprints Accounts, and Research Gate)


Percentage of the earth’s land area affected by human activities

In parts of the world, renewable forests are shrinking (Figure 1.6), deserts are expanding, topsoil is eroding, and a third of the earth’s land is severely degraded. The lower atmosphere is warming, floating ice and many glaciers are melting at unexpected rates, sea levels are rising, and ocean acidity is increasing. There are more intense floods, droughts, heat waves, and forest fires in many areas. In a number of regions, rivers are running dry and 20% of the world’s species-rich coral reefs are gone and others are threatened. Species are becoming extinct at least 100 times faster than in prehuman times and extinction rates are projected to increase sharply during this century. Since 1970, the number of wild animals on the planet has been cut in half.

Water is also being withdrawn from some rivers and underground aquifers faster than nature replenishes them. Many fish species are being harvested faster than they can be renewed. The land and oceans are being overloaded with wastes faster than they can be recycled by the earth’s natural chemical cycles. In addition, human activities pollute the atmosphere, soil, aquifers, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

In 2005, the UN released its Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a 4-year study by 1,360 experts from 95 countries. According to this study, human activities have overused about 60% of the ecosystem services provided by nature (see orange boxes in 

Figure 1.3), mostly since 1950. According to these researchers, “human activity is putting such a strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet’s ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted.” They also concluded that there are scientific, economic, and political solutions to these problems that could be implemented within a few decades. Since this 2005 study, the harmful impact of human activities on the planet’s life-sustaining natural capital has increased.

There is much talk about saving the earth, but the earth does not need saving. It has been around for 4.5 billion years, has sustained life for 3.8 billion years, and has survived massive changes in environmental conditions (Core Case Study). The human species has been around for only an eye blink of the 3.8 million years of life on the earth. Human activities are degrading the earth’s life-support system but over millions of years, it will recover as it has in the past. What needs saving are our civilizations and perhaps the existence of our species and most of the earth’s other species if we continue to degrade the earth’s life-support system that sustains us and our economies. Earth will survive but we may not.

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1.2cDegrading Commonly Shared Renewable Resources: The Tragedy of the Commons

Some renewable resources, called open-access resources, are not owned by anyone and can be used by almost anyone. Examples are the atmosphere and the open ocean and its fish. Other examples of less open, but often shared resources, are grasslands, forests, streams, and underground bodies of water (aquifers). Many of these renewable resources have been environmentally degraded. In 1968, biologist Garrett Hardin (1915–2003) called such degradation the tragedy of the commons.

Degradation of such shared or open-access renewable resources occurs because each user reasons, “The little bit that I use or pollute is not enough to matter, and anyway, it’s a renewable resource.” When the level of use is small, this logic works. Eventually, however, the cumulative effect of large numbers of people trying to exploit a widely available or shared renewable resource can degrade it, eventually exhausting or ruining it. Then no one benefits and everyone loses. That is the tragedy.

One way to deal with this difficult problem is to use a shared or open-access renewable resource at a lower rate. This is done by mutually agreeing to use less of the resource, regulating access to the resource, or doing both.

Another way is to convert shared renewable resources to private ownership. The reasoning is that if you own something, you are more likely to protect your investment. However, history shows that this does not necessarily happen. In addition, this approach is not possible for open-access resources such as the atmosphere and the open ocean, which cannot be divided up and sold as private property.

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1.2dOur Growing Ecological Footprints

The effects of environmental degradation by human activities can be described as an 

ecological footprint

—a rough measure of the total environmental impacts of individuals, cities, and countries on the earth’s natural resources, natural capital, and life-support system. A 

per capita ecological footprint

 is the average ecological footprint of an individual in a given population or defined area. Figure 1.9 shows that the human ecological footprint has impacted 83% of the earth’s land surface. 

Figure 1.10

 shows per capita ecological footprints for various countries in 2018.

Figure 1.10

Per capita ecological footprints for various countries in 2018, in global hectares.

Compiled by the authors from the Global Footprint Network

An important measure of sustainability is 


, or 

biological capacity

—the ability of an area’s ecosystems to regenerate the renewable resources used by a population, city, region, country, or the world, and to absorb the resulting wastes and pollution. The largest component of our ecological footprint is the air pollution, climate change, and ocean acidification caused by the burning of fossil fuels—oil, coal, and natural gas—to provide about 85% of the commercial energy used in the world and in the United States. If the total ecological footprint is larger than its biocapacity, the area is said to have an ecological deficit. Such a deficit occurs when people are living unsustainably by depleting natural capital instead of living off the renewable resources and ecosystem services provided by such capital. 

Figure 1.11

 is a map of ecological debtor and creditor countries.

Figure 1.11

Ecological debtors and creditors. The ecological footprints of some countries exceed their biocapacity, while other countries have ecological reserves.

Critical Thinking


1. Why do you think that the United States is an ecological debtor country?

Compiled by the authors using data from the Global Footprint Network and WWF: Living Planet Reports


Number of planet Earths needed to sustain the global rate of renewable resource use per person indefinitely

Ecological footprint data and models have been in use since the 1990s. Though imperfect, they provide useful rough estimates of individual, national, and global environmental impacts. In 2018, the


Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Global Footprint Network estimated that humanity is using the world’s potentially renewable resources 1.7 times faster than the world’s ecosystems can replenish them. In other words, we would need the equivalent of 1.7 planet Earths to sustain the world’s average rate of renewable resource use per person far into the future. They estimated that by 2050, we would need the equivalent of 3 planet Earths to sustain the world’s projected rate of renewable resource use per person indefinitely. The current and projected future overdraft of the earth’s renewable resources and the resulting environmental degradation will be passed on to future generations.


Estimated number of Earths needed to sustain the global rate of renewable resource use per person indefinitely by 2050

Throughout this book, we discuss ways to use existing and emerging technologies and economic tools to reduce our harmful ecological footprints and to increase our beneficial environmental impacts by working with, rather than against, the earth. For example, we can cut energy waste and reduce our inputs of wastes and pollutants into the air, water, and soil. We can replant forests on degraded land, restore degraded wetlands and grasslands, and protect some species from becoming extinct.

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1.2eIPAT Is Another Environmental Impact Model

The IPAT model was developed in the early 1970s by scientists Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren. According to this model, the environmental impact (I) of human activities is the product of three factors: population size (P), affluence (A) or resource consumption per person, and the beneficial and harmful environmental effects of technologies (T). The following equation summarizes this IPAT model:

While the ecological footprint model emphasizes the use of renewable resources, the IPAT model includes the environmental impact of using both renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Between 1950 and 2018, the world’s population (P) almost tripled from 2.6 billion to 7.6 billion and could reach 9.9 billion by 2050. The rate of growth of the world’s population has slowed somewhat, but there were 91 million more of us in 2018—an average of 249,000 more people every day. Between 1950 and 2018, the global economy expanded tenfold which led to a tenfold increase in the consumption of natural resources. This has greatly increased affluence or resource use per person (the A factor), especially in more developed countries.

The T factor can be harmful or beneficial. Some forms of technology such as polluting factories, gas-guzzling motor vehicles, and coal-burning power plants increase our harmful environmental impact by raising the T factor. Other technologies reduce our harmful environmental impact by decreasing the T factor. Examples are pollution control and prevention technologies, fuel-efficient cars, and wind turbines and solar cells that generate electricity with a low environmental impact. By developing technologies that mimic natural processes (Core Case Study), scientists and engineers are finding ways to have positive environmental impacts, and we introduce such developments in biomimicry throughout this book.

In a moderately developed country such as India, population size is a more important factor than affluence based on high resource use per person, in determining the country’s environmental impact. In a highly developed country such as the United States with a much smaller population, resource use per person and the ability to develop environmentally beneficial technologies play key roles in the country’s environmental impact.

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1.2fCultural Changes Can Increase or Shrink Our Ecological Footprints

Until about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, we were mostly hunter–gatherers who obtained food by hunting wild animals or scavenging their remains and gathering wild plants. Our hunter–gatherer ancestors lived in small groups, consumed few resources, had few possessions, and moved as needed to find enough food to survive.

Since then, three major cultural changes have occurred. First was the agricultural revolution, which began around 10,000 years ago when humans learned how to grow and breed plants and animals for food, clothing, and other purposes and began living in villages instead of frequently moving to find food. They had a more reliable source of food, lived longer, and produced more children who survived to adulthood.

Second was the industrial–medical revolution, beginning about 300 years ago when people invented machines for the large-scale production of goods in factories. Many people move from rural villages to cities to work in the factories. This shift involved learning how to get energy from fossil fuels (such as coal and oil) and how to grow large quantities of food. It also included medical advances that allowed a growing number of people to have longer and healthier lives.

Third, about 50 years ago the information–globalization revolution began when we developed new technologies for gaining rapid access to all kinds of information and resources on a global scale.

Each of these three cultural changes gave us more energy and new technologies with which to alter and control more of the planet’s resources to meet our basic needs and increasing wants. They also allowed expansion of the human population, mostly because of larger food supplies and longer life spans. In addition, these cultural changes resulted in greater resource use, pollution, and environmental degradation and allowed us to dominate the planet and expand our ecological footprints (

Figures 1.9

) and per capita ecological footprints (Figure 1.10).

On the other hand, some technological leaps have enabled us to shrink our ecological footprints by reducing our use of energy and matter resources and our production of wastes and pollution. For example, the use of the energy-efficient LED light bulbs and energy-efficient cars and buildings, recycling, sustainable farming, and solar energy and wind energy to produce electricity are on the rise.

Many environmental scientists and other analysts see such developments as evidence of an emerging fourth major cultural change: a 

sustainability revolution

, in which we could learn to live more sustainably during this century and thereafter. This would involve avoiding degradation and depletion of the natural capital that supports all life and our economies and restoring natural capital that we have degraded (Figure 1.3). Making this shift involves learning how nature has sustained life for over 3.8 billion years and using these lessons from nature to shrink our ecological footprints and increase our beneficial environmental impacts.

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1.3Causes of Environmental Problems

· LO 1.3ADescribe exponential growth in terms of human population growth.

· LO 1.3BExplain how affluence can cause environmental problems.

· LO 1.3CGive three examples of hidden harmful environmental and health costs.

· LO 1.3DList three effects of the nature deficit disorder.

· LO 1.3EList the three major categories of environmental worldviews.

· LO 1.3FList six biomimicry principles identified by people working in the field of biomimicry.

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1.3aMajor Environmental Problems

Here are six major environmental problems that we face:

· Climate change

· Loss of species and habitats (biodiversity loss)

· Ocean acidification

· Diminishing access to freshwater

· Resource waste

· Hazardous pollutants.

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1.3bBasic Causes of Environmental Problems

To deal with the environmental problems we face we must understand their causes. According to a significant number of environmental and social scientists, the major causes of today’s environmental problems are:

· population growth

· wasteful and unsustainable resource use

· omission of the harmful environmental and health costs of goods and services in market prices

· increasing isolation from nature

· competing environmental worldviews.

We discuss each of these causes in detail in later chapters. Let us begin with a brief overview of them.

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1.3cHuman Population Growth

Exponential growth

 occurs when a quantity increases at a fixed percentage per unit of time, such as


% or 2% per year. Exponential growth starts slowly, but after a few doublings it grows to enormous numbers because each doubling is twice the total of all earlier growth. When we plot the data for an exponentially growing quantity, we get a curve that looks like the letter J.

For an example of the awesome power of exponential growth, consider a simple form of bacterial reproduction in which one bacterium splits into two every 20 minutes. Starting with one bacterium, after 20 minutes, there would be 2; after an hour, there would be 8; ten hours later, there would be more than 1,000; and after just 36 hours (assuming that nothing interfered with their reproduction), there would be enough bacteria to form a layer


meters (1 foot) deep over the entire earth’s surface.

The human population has grown exponentially (

Figure 1.12

). In 2018, the global population of 7.6 billion people was growing at a rate of 1.2%, which added 91 million people to the earth’s population. By 2050, the population could reach 9.9 billion—an addition of 2.3 billion people within your lifetime.

Figure 1.12

Exponential growth: The J-shaped curve represents past exponential world population growth, with projections to 2100 showing possible population stabilization as the J-shaped curve of growth changes to an S-shaped curve. The top 10 countries (left) had 58% of the world’s total population in 2018.

Data Analysis:

1. By what percentage did the world’s population increase between 1960 and 2018? (This figure is not to scale.)

Compiled by the authors using data from the World Bank, United Nations, and Population Reference Bureau. Photo: NASA.


Exponential Growth and Doubling Time: The Rule of 70

The doubling time of the human population or of any exponentially growing quantity can be calculated by using the rule of 70: . The world’s population is growing at about 1.20% per year. At this rate how long will it take to double its size?

No one knows how many people the earth can support indefinitely and how much average resource consumption per person will increase. However, humanity’s large and expanding ecological footprints and the resulting natural capital degradation are disturbing warning signs.

Some analysts call for us to reduce environmental degradation by slowing population growth with the goal of leveling it off at around 8 billion by 2050 instead of the projected 9.9 billion. We examine the possible ways to do this in 

Chapter 6

. Other analysts call for us to shift from environmentally harmful to environmentally beneficial forms of economic growth, which we discuss in 

Chapter 23


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1.3dAffluence and Unsustainable Resource Use

The lifestyles of the world’s expanding population of consumers are built on growing affluence, or resource consumption per person, as more people earn higher incomes. As total resource consumption and average resource consumption per person increase, so do environmental degradation, resource waste, and pollution, unless we can live more sustainably.

The effects of affluence can be dramatic. The WWF and the Global Footprint Network estimate that the United States, with only 4.3% of the world’s population, is responsible for about 23% of the global ecological footprint. The average American consumes about 30 times the amount of resources that the average Indian consumes and 100 times the amount consumed by the average person in the world’s poorest countries. The WWF has projected that we would need the equivalent of 5 planet Earths to sustain the world’s current population indefinitely if everyone used renewable resources at the same rate as the average American did in 2014.


Number of Earths needed to sustain the world’s population indefinitely if everyone used renewable resources at the same rate as the average American

On the other hand, affluence can allow for widespread and better education, which can lead people to become more concerned about environmental quality and sustainability. Affluence also makes more money available for developing technologies to reduce pollution, environmental degradation, and resource waste. In addition, it can provide ways for humans to increase their beneficial environmental impacts.

Critical Thinking

1. Some see the rapid population growth in less-developed countries as the primary cause of our environmental problems. Others say that the high rate of resource use per person in more-developed countries is a more important factor. Which factor do you think is more important? Why?

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1.3eExclusion of Harmful Environmental and Health Costs

Another basic cause of environmental problems has to do with how the marketplace prices goods and services. Companies using resources to provide goods for consumers generally are not required to pay for most of the harmful environmental and health costs of supplying such goods. For example, timber companies pay the cost of clear-cutting forests but do not pay for the resulting environmental degradation and loss of wildlife habitat.

The primary goal of a company is to maximize profits for its owners or stockholders, so it is not inclined to add these costs to its prices voluntarily. Because the prices of goods and services do not include most of their harmful environmental and health costs, consumers have no effective way to know the harm caused by what they buy.

For example, producing and using gasoline results in air pollution and other problems that damage the environment and people’s health. Scientists and economists have estimated that the price of gasoline to U.S. consumers would rise by $


8 per liter ($12 per gallon) if the estimated short- and long-term harmful environmental and health costs, or hidden costs, were included in its pump price. Thus, when gas costs $2 per gallon, the actual cost is about $14 per gallon. Consumers pay these hidden costs, but not at the gas pump.

Critical Thinking

1. Would you oppose increasing the tax on gasoline to include its harmful environmental and health costs? Why or why not? Suppose the price of gasoline included its harmful environmental and health effects and was therefore $14 a gallon. How would this affect your decision on what type of car to buy or whether to go without a car and instead make greater use of walking, bicycling, and mass transit?

Another problem can arise when governments give companies subsidies such as tax breaks and payments to assist them with using resources to run their businesses. This helps create jobs and stimulate economies, but environmentally harmful subsidies encourage the depletion and degradation of natural capital, and they are another form of hidden costs to taxpayers.

According to environmental economists, people could live more sustainably and increase our beneficial environmental impact if the harmful environmental and health costs of the goods and services were included in market prices of what they buy. This would place a monetary value on the natural capital that supports all economies. Such full-cost pricing is a powerful economic tool and is one of the six principles of sustainability.

Economists propose two ways to implement full-cost pricing over the next few decades. One is to shift from environmentally harmful government subsidies to environmentally beneficial subsidies that sustain or enhance natural capital. Examples of environmentally beneficial subsidies are those that reward sustainable forest management, replanting degraded forests and grasslands, sustainable agriculture, and increased use of wind and solar power to produce electricity. A second way to implement full-cost pricing is to increase taxes on pollution and wastes and reduce taxes on income and wealth. We discuss such subsidy shifts and tax shifts in Chapter 23.

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1.3fIsolation from Nature

Today, more than half of the world’s people and three out of four people in more-developed countries live in urban areas, and this shift from rural to urban living is continuing at a rapid pace. Urban environments and the increasing use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices are isolating people, especially children, from the natural world. Most people have lost their connectedness to the land and the rest of their natural life support system. As a result, they don’t understand that the air they breathe, the water they drink, the food they eat, everything they use, and every chemical element in their body comes from the earth. When we harm or degrade the earth’s life support system we harm ourselves.

Some argue that this has led to a phenomenon called nature deficit disorder. People with this disorder may suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, and other problems. Research indicates that experiencing nature can reduce stress, improve mental abilities, activate one’s imagination and creativity, and lead to better health. The research also shows that when people are isolated from nature, they are less likely to act in ways that will lessen their harmful environmental impacts, because they are not aware of their impacts and their utter dependence on the earth.

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1.3gDiffering Environmental Views

Another reason why environmental problems persist is that people differ over the nature and seriousness of the world’s environmental problems and their possible solutions. These disagreements arise mostly because of differing environmental worldviews. Your 

environmental worldview

 is your set of assumptions and values concerning how the natural world works and how you think you should interact with the environment. Environmental worldviews influence how people interact with their environment and how they respond to environmental problems.

Your environmental worldview is determined partly by your 

environmental ethics

—what you believe about what is right and what is wrong in your behavior toward the environment. Here are some important ethical questions relating to the environment:

· Why should we care about the environment?

· Are humans the most important species on the planet or are they just another one of the earth’s millions of life forms?

· Do people have an obligation to see that their activities do not cause the extinction of other species? If so, should people try to protect all species or only some? How do we decide which to protect?

· Does the current generation have an ethical obligation to pass the natural world on to future generations in a condition that is as good as or better than what they inherited?

· Should every person be entitled to equal protection from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, national origin, income, social class, or any other factor? (This is the central ethical and political issue for what is known as the environmental justice movement; see 

Chapter 24

 for more on this topic.)

· Should we seek to live more sustainably, and if so, how?

Critical Thinking

1. How would you answer each of the questions above? Compare your answers with those of your classmates. Record your answers and, at the end of this course, return to these questions to see if your answers have changed.

People with different environmental worldviews can take the same data, be logically consistent with it, and arrive at quite different answers to such questions. This happens because they start with different assumptions and moral, ethical, or religious beliefs. Environmental worldviews are discussed in detail in 

Chapter 25

, but here is a brief introduction.

There are three major categories of environmental worldviews: human-centered, life-centered, and earth-centered. A 

human-centered environmental worldview

 sees the natural world primarily as a support system for human life. Two variations in this worldview are the planetary management worldview and the stewardship worldview. Both worldviews hold that humans are separate from and in charge of nature and that we should manage the earth for benefit of humans. They also contend that if we degrade or deplete a natural resource or ecosystem service, we can use our technological ingenuity to find substitutes. According to the stewardship worldview, we have a responsibility to be caring and responsible managers, or stewards, of the planet for current and future human generations.

According to the 

life-centered environmental worldview

, all species have value in fulfilling their ecological roles, regardless of their potential or actual use to society. Eventually, all species become extinct. However, most people with a life-centered worldview believe that we ought to avoid hastening the extinction of species through human activities because each species is a unique part of the biosphere that sustains all life.

According to the 

earth-centered environmental worldview

, we are part of and live within nature, as the title of this textbook Living in the Environment indicates. This view also holds that we are dependent on nature, and that the earth’s natural capital exists for all species, not just for humans. When we harm the earth’s life support system, we harm ourselves because everything in nature is connected. According to this worldview, our economic success and the long-term survival of our cultures, our species, and many other species depend on learning how life on the earth has sustained itself for billions of years (Figure 1.2) and integrating such lessons from nature (Core Case Study and 

Science Focus 1.1

) into the ways we think and act.

Science Focus 1.1

Some Biomimicry Principles

According to Janine Benyus (

Individuals Matter 1.1): “The study of biomimicry reveals that life creates conditions conducive to life.” She calls for us to evaluate each of the goods and services we produce and use by asking: Is it something nature would do? Does it help sustain life? Will it last?

Benyus recognizes three levels of biomimicry. The first involves mimicking the characteristics of species such as bumps on a whale’s fins or the wing and feather designs of birds that are believed to have enhanced the long-term survival of such species. The second and deeper level involves mimicking the processes that species use to make shells, feathers, and other parts that benefit their long-term survival without using or producing toxins and without using the high-temperature or high-pressure processes we use in manufacturing. The third and deepest level involves mimicking the long-term survival strategies and beneficial environmental effects of natural ecosystems such as forests and coral reefs. Benyus is working with others to use this third level of biomimicry to design more sustainable cities.

Since 1997, scientists, engineers, and others working in the field of biomimicry have identified several principles that have sustained life on the earth for billions of years. They have found that life:

· Runs on sunlight, not fossil fuels

· Adapts to changing environmental conditions

· Depends on biodiversity for population control and adaptation

· Creates no waste because the matter outputs of one organism are resources for other organisms

· Does not pollute its own environment

· Does not produce chemicals that cannot be recycled by the earth’s chemical cycles.

By learning from nature and using such principles, innovative scientists, engineers, and business people are leading a biomimicry revolution by creating life-friendly goods and services and profitable businesses that could enrich and sustain life far into the future.

Critical Thinking

1. Which, if any, of the proposed principles of biomimicry do you follow in your life? How might your lifestyle change if you followed all of these principles? Would you resist or embrace doing this? Why or why not?

Learning from Nature

Some applications of nature’s lessons are so common they easy to overlook. For example, engineers developed water filters by studying how nature filters water through rock and soil. Can you think of another obvious examples?

Case Study

The Rise of Environmental Conservation and Protection in the United States

When European colonists arrived in North America in the early 1600s, they viewed it as a land with inexhaustible resources and as a wilderness to be conquered and managed for human use. It offered the newcomers abundant land and fresh water, rich soils, diverse forests, vast grasslands, abundant renewable fish and furs, and a great diversity of minerals. As settlers spread across the continent, they cleared forests to build settlements, plowed up grasslands to plant crops, and mined for gold, lead, and other minerals.

In 1864, George Perkins Marsh, a scientist and member of the U.S. Congress from Vermont, questioned the idea that America’s resources were inexhaustible. He used scientific studies and case studies to show how the rise and fall of past civilizations were linked to the use and misuse of their soils, water supplies, and other resources. Marsh was one of the founders of the U.S. conservation movement.

Early in the 20th century, this movement split into two factions that differed over how to use U.S. public lands owned jointly by all American citizens. The preservationist view, led by naturalist John Muir (

Figure 1.13

), wanted wilderness areas on some public lands to be left untouched so they could be preserved indefinitely. The conservationist view was promoted by President Teddy Roosevelt (

Figure 1.14

) and Gifford Pinchot. Roosevelt was president of the United States and Pinchot was the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service. They believed that all public lands should be managed wisely and scientifically, primarily to provide resources for people.

Figure 1.13

As leader of the preservationist movement, John Muir (1838–1914) called for setting aside some of the country’s public lands as protected wilderness, an idea that was not enacted into law until 1964. Muir was also largely responsible for establishing Yosemite National Park in 1890. In 1892, he founded the Sierra Club, which is, to this day, a political force working on behalf of the environment.

Figure 1.14

Effective protection of forests and wildlife on federal lands did not begin until Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt (1858–1919) became president. His term of office, 1901–1909, has been called the country’s Golden Age of Conservation. He established 36 national wildlife reserves, 5 national parks, and more than tripled the size of the national forest reserves.

Aldo Leopold (

Figure 1.15

)—wildlife manager, professor, writer, and conservationist—was trained in the conservation view but shifted toward the preservation view. In 1935, he helped found the U.S. Wilderness Society. Through his writings, especially his 1949 book A Sand County Almanac, he laid the groundwork for the field of environmental ethics. He argued that the role of the human species should be to protect nature, not conquer it.

Figure 1.15

Aldo Leopold (1887–1948) became a leading conservationist and his book, A Sand County Almanac, is considered an environmental classic that helped to inspire the modern conservation and environmental movements.

Courtesy of the Aldo Leopold Foundation,

Later in the 20th century, the concept of resource conservation was broadened to include preservation of the quality of the planet’s air, water, soil, and wildlife. A prominent pioneer in that effort was biologist Rachel Carson (

Figure 1.16

). In 1962, she published Silent Spring, which documented the pollution of air, water, and wildlife from the widespread use of pesticides such as DDT. This influential book heightened public awareness of pollution problems and led to the regulation of several dangerous pesticides.

Figure 1.16

Rachel Carson (1907–1964) alerted us to the harmful effects of the widespread use of pesticides. Many environmental historians mark Carson’s wake-up call as the beginning of the modern environmental movement in the United States during the late 1960s and the 1970s.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Between 1940 and 1970, the United States underwent rapid economic growth and industrialization. The by-products of industrialization were increased air and water pollution and large quantities of solid and hazardous wastes. Air pollution was so bad in many cities that drivers had to use their car headlights during the daytime. Thousands died each year from the harmful effects of air pollution. A stretch of the Cuyahoga River running through Cleveland, Ohio, was so polluted with oil and other flammable pollutants that it caught fire several times. A devastating oil spill off the California coast occurred in 1969. Well-known wildlife species such as the American bald eagle, the grizzly bear, the whooping crane, and the peregrine falcon became endangered.

Growing publicity over these problems led the American public to demand government action. When the first Earth Day was held on April 20, 1970, some 20 million people in more than 2,000 U.S. communities and college and university campuses attended rallies to demand improvements in environmental quality. The first Earth Day and the resulting bottom-up political pressure it created led the U.S. government to establish the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970 and to pass most of the U.S. environmental laws now in place during the 1970s, which became known as the decade of the environment.

Since 1970, many grassroots environmental organizations have sprung up to help deal with environmental threats. Interest in environmental issues has grown on many college and university campuses, resulting in the expansion of environmental science and environmental studies courses and programs. In addition, awareness of critical, complex, and largely invisible environmental issues has increased. They include threats to species and ecosystems where they live, depletion of underground water supplies (aquifers), ocean warming, ocean acidification, and climate change.

Since 1980, there has been a backlash against U.S. environmental laws and regulations led by some corporate leaders, some members of Congress, landowners, and state and local government officials who resented having to implement environmental laws and regulations with little or no federal funding. They contended that environmental laws hinder economic growth and threaten private property rights and jobs. Since 1980, they have pushed to weaken or eliminate many environmental laws passed during the 1970s and to eliminate the EPA. These efforts continue today. Since the 1980s, environmental leaders and their supporters have had to spend much of their time and financial resources fighting efforts to weaken or repeal key environmental laws.

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1.4Environmentally Sustainable Societies

· LO 1.4AExplain why an environmentally sustainable society protects natural capital.

· LO 1.4BList six requirements for living more sustainably.

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1.4aProtecting Natural Capital and Living on Its Income

Living sustainably means living in a way that does not reduce the environment’s ability to support the earth’s current and future life. An 

environmentally sustainable society

 protects natural capital and lives on its income. Such a society would meet the current and future basic resource needs of its people in a just and equitable manner without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their basic resource needs. This is in keeping with the ethical principle of sustainability.

Imagine that you win $1 million in a lottery. Suppose you invest this money (your capital) and earn 10% interest per year. If you live on just the interest income made by your capital, you will have a sustainable annual income of $100,000. You can spend $100,000 each year indefinitely and not deplete your capital. However, if you consistently spend more than your income, you will deplete your capital. Even if you spend just $10,000 more per year while still allowing the interest to accumulate, your money will be gone within 18 years.

This lesson here is an old one: Protect your capital and live on the income it provides. Deplete or waste your capital and you will move from a sustainable to an unsustainable lifestyle.

The same lesson applies to using the earth’s natural capital (Figure 1.3). This natural capital is a global trust fund of natural resources and ecosystem services that are available to people now and in the future and to all of the earth’s other species. Living sustainably means living on 

natural income

, which is the renewable resources such as plants, animals, soil, clean air, and clean water, provided by the earth’s natural capital. By preserving and replenishing the earth’s natural capital that supplies this income, people can reduce their ecological footprints and expand their beneficial environmental impact. For example, the earth’s elephants are in trouble and some people are working to help protect them (

Individuals Matter 1.2


Individuals Matter 1.2

Tuy Sereivathana: Elephant Protector

© Allison Shelley/Wild Earth Allies

Since 1970, Cambodia’s forest cover has declined from 70% of the country’s land area to 30%, primarily because of population growth, rapid development, illegal logging, and civil war. This severe forest loss forced elephants to search for food and water on farmlands and led to conflict between elephants and people, who sometimes killed elephants to protect their food supply.

Since 1995, Tuy Sereivathana (Vathana), with a master’s degree in forestry, has been working to accomplish two goals. One is to double the population of Cambodia’s endangered Asian elephants by 2030. The other is to develop effective mitigation strategies with farmers that reduce conflicts with elephants while improving food security for local people.

Vathana has helped farmers set up nighttime lookouts and shared strategies that scare away elephants using foghorns, fireworks, and fences. He has also encouraged farmers to plant crops that elephants find unpalatable such as eggplant and chili to protect traditional crops that elephants love, like watermelons and bananas.

Thanks to Vathana’s efforts, human-elephant conflict has declined significantly in Cambodia. In 2010 Sereivathana was one of the six recipients of the Goldman Environmental prize (often dubbed the “Nobel prize for the environment”). In 2011 he was named a National Geographic Explorer.

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1.4bWe Can Live More Sustainably

Living more sustainability means learning to live within limits imposed by the earth. Doing this requires:

· Learning from nature (Core Case Study and Science Focus 1.1)

· Protecting natural capital

· Not wasting resources (there is no waste in nature)

· Recycling and reusing nonrenewable resources

· Using renewable resources no faster than nature can replenish them

· Including the harmful health and environmental costs of producing and using goods and services in their market prices

· Preventing future ecological damage and repairing past damage

· Cooperating with one another to find win-win solutions to the environmental problems we face

· Accepting the ethical responsibility to pass the earth’s life-support system on to future generations in a condition as good as or better than what we inherited.

One of our goals in writing this book has been to provide a realistic vision of how we can live more sustainably. We base this vision not on immobilizing fear, gloom, and doom, but on education about how the earth sustains life and human economies and on energizing and realistic hope.

Big Ideas

· We can ensure a more sustainable future by relying more on energy from the sun and other renewable energy sources, protecting biodiversity through the preservation of natural capital, and not disrupting the earth’s vital chemical cycles.

· A major goal for achieving a more sustainable future is full-cost pricing—the inclusion of harmful environmental and health costs in the market prices of goods and services.

· We will benefit ourselves and future generations if we commit ourselves to finding win–win solutions to environmental problems and to leaving the planet’s life-support system in a condition as good as or better than what we inherited.

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Tying It All TogetherLearning from the Earth and Sustainability

Vaclav Volrab/

We opened this chapter with a 

Core Case Study

 about learning from nature by understanding how the earth—the only truly sustainable system—has sustained an incredible diversity of life for 3.8 billion years despite drastic and long-lasting changes in the planet’s environmental conditions. Part of the answer involves learning how to apply the six principles of sustainability (

Figures 1.2

 and inside back cover of this book) to the design and management of our economic and social systems, and to our individual lifestyles.

We can use such strategies to slow the rapidly expanding losses of biodiversity, to sharply reduce our production of wastes and pollution, to switch to more sustainable sources of energy, to promote more sustainable forms of agriculture and other uses of land and water, and to slow climate change. We can also use these principles to sharply reduce poverty and slow human population growth.

You are a member of the 21st century’s transition generation, which will play a major role in deciding whether humanity creates a more sustainable future or continues on an unsustainable path toward further environmental degradation and disruption. It is an incredibly exciting and challenging time to be alive as we struggle to develop a more sustainable relationship with the earth that keeps us alive and supports our economies.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. Why is biomimicry so important? Find an example of something in nature that you think could be mimicked for some beneficial purpose. Explain that purpose and how biomimicry could apply.

2. What do you think are the three most environmentally unsustainable components of your lifestyle? List two ways in which you could apply each of the six principles of sustainability (

Figures 1.2 and 1.7 and inside back cover of book) to making your lifestyle more environmentally sustainable.

3. For each of the following actions, state one or more of the three scientific principles of sustainability that are involved:

1. recycling aluminum cans;

2. using a rake instead of a leaf blower;

3. walking or bicycling to class instead of driving;

4. taking your own reusable bags to a store to carry your purchases home; and

5. volunteering to help restore a prairie or other degraded ecosystem.

4. Explain why you agree or disagree with the following propositions:

1. Stabilizing the human population is not desirable because, without more consumers, economic growth would slow.

2. The world will never run out of resources because we can use technology to find substitutes and to help us reduce resource waste.

3. We can shrink our ecological footprints while creating beneficial environmental impacts.

5. Should nations with large ecological footprints (such as the United States and China) reduce their footprints to decrease their harmful environmental impact and leave more resources for nations with smaller footprints and for future generations? Why or why not?

6. When you read that at least 19,000 children age 5 and younger die each day (13 per minute) from preventable malnutrition and infectious disease, what is your response? How would you address this problem?

7. Explain why you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

1. humans are superior to other forms of life;

2. humans are in charge of the earth;

3. the value of other forms of life depends only on whether they are useful to humans;

4. all forms of life have a right to exist;

5. all economic growth is good;


nature has an almost unlimited storehouse of resources for human use;

7. technology can solve our environmental problems;

8. I don’t have any obligation to future generations; and

9. I don’t have any obligation to other forms of life.

8. What are the basic beliefs of your environmental worldview? Record your answer. At the end of this course, return to your answer to see if your environmental worldview has changed. Are the beliefs included in your environmental worldview consistent with the answers you gave to 

Question 7

 above? Are your actions that affect the environment consistent with your environmental worldview? Explain.

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

Estimate your own ecological footprint by using one of the many estimator tools available on the Internet. Is your ecological footprint larger or smaller than you thought it would be, according to this estimate? Why do you think this is so? List three ways in which you could reduce your ecological footprint. Try one of them for a week, and write a report on this change. List three ways you could increase your beneficial environmental impact.

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Chapter Review

Ecological Footprint Analysis

If the ecological footprint per person of a country or the world is larger than its biocapacity per person to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste products and pollution, the country or the world is said to have an ecological deficit. If the reverse is true, the country or the world has an ecological credit or reserve. See Figure 1.11 for a map of the world’s ecological debtor and creditor countries. Use the data in the accompanying table to calculate the ecological deficit or credit for the countries listed. (As an example, this value has been calculated and filled in for World.)

1. Which three countries have the largest ecological deficits? For each of these countries, why do you think it has a deficit?

2. Rank the countries with ecological credits in order from highest to lowest credit. For each country, why do you think it has an ecological credit?

3. Rank all of the countries in order from the largest to the smallest per capita ecological footprint.








Per Capita Ecological Footprint (hectares per person)

Per Capita Biocapacity (hectares per person)

Ecological Credit (+) or Deficit (−) (hectares per person)





United States









Brazil 3.1


South Africa



United Arab Emirates





Germany 5.0

Russian Federation



India 0.5











United Kingdom


Compiled by the authors using data from World Wide Fund for Nature: Living Planet Report 2017, and the Global Footprint Network 2018.

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Chapter Introduction

Endangered wild Siberian tiger

Tiago Jorge da Silva Estima/

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Case Study

Where Have All the Honeybees Gone?

Learning Objective

· LO


.1Explain how honeybees illustrate that the decline of a species can threaten vital ecosystem and economic services.

In meadows, forests, farm fields, and gardens around the world, industrious honeybees (

Figure 9.1

) flit from one flowering plant to another. They are collecting nectar and pollen that they take back to their hives. They feed young honeybees the protein-rich pollen, and the adults feed on the honey made from the collected nectar and stored in the hive.

Figure 9.1

European honeybee drawing nectar from a flower.

Darlyne A. Murawski/National Geographic Image Collection

Honeybees provide us one of nature’s most important ecosystem services: pollination. It involves a transfer of pollen stuck on their bodies from the male to female reproductive organs of the same flower or among different flowers. This fertilization enables the flower to produce seeds and fruit. Honeybees pollinate many plant species and some of our most important food crops, including many vegetables, fruits, and tree nuts such as almonds. European honeybees pollinate about 71% of vegetable and fruit crops that provide 90% of the world’s food and a third of the U.S. food supply.

Nature relies on the earth’s free pollination service provided by a diversity of bees and other wild pollinators. In contrast, farmers practicing industrialized agriculture on vast croplands and orchards rely mostly on this single honeybee species to pollinate their crops. Many U.S. growers rent European honeybees from commercial beekeepers that truck about 2.7 million hives to farms across the country to pollinate different crops.

However, European honeybee populations have been in decline since the


80s because of a variety of factors including exposure to new parasites, viruses, fungal diseases, and pesticides. In


6, a new threat emerged. Massive numbers of European bees in the

United States

and some European countries began disappearing from their colonies, especially during winter. Between 2006 and 2016, this phenomenon, named 

colony collapse disorder (CCD)

, affected 23% to 33% of the European honeybee colonies in the United States. Since 20


, U.S. beekeepers have been losing 30% to 40% of their stock every season. Researchers are looking for the causes and for ways to reverse this decline of European honeybee populations.

Many farmers believe that we need the industrialized honeybee pollination system to grow enough food. However, many ecologists view heavy dependence on a single bee species as a potentially dangerous violation of the earth’s biodiversity principle of sustainability. They warn that this dependence could put food supplies at risk if the population of European honeybees continues to decline. If this occurs, food prices and hunger will rise. Ecologists call for more reliance on the free crop pollination services provided by variety of wild bee species and other pollinators as a way to implement the biodiversity sustainability principle.

The honeybee crisis is a classic case of how the decline of a species can threaten vital ecosystem and economic services. Scientists project that during this century, human activities, especially those that contribute to habitat loss and climate change, are likely to play a key role in the extinction of one-fifth to one-half of the world’s known plant and animal species. Many scientists view this threat as one of the most serious and long lasting environmental and economic problems we face. In this chapter, we discuss the causes of this problem and possible ways to deal with it.

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9.1Species Extinction

· LO 9.1ASummarize what scientists have learned about the number and extent of mass extinctions throughout the earth’s history.

· LO 9.1BState the scientifically estimated range of current extinction rates, in terms of species lost per year, along with the estimated background extinction rate.

· LO 9.1CList three causes of today’s higher extinction rate identified by biodiversity researchers.

· LO 9.1DList two reasons why researchers like Edward O. Wilson and Stuart Pimm argue that currently projected extinction rates might be too low.

· LO 9.1EExplain why some biologists argue we are creating a speciation crisis that will slow recovery from a possible sixth mass extinction.

· LO 9.1FExplain the difference between endangered species and threatened species.

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9.1aExtinctions Are Natural but Sometimes They Increase Sharply

The disappearance of all members of a species from the earth is called 


. A species can become extinct when it cannot adapt and successfully reproduce under new environmental conditions, or when a catastrophic environmental event wipes out its members. Extinction is a natural process and has occurred at a low rate throughout most of the earth’s history. This natural rate is known as the background extinction rate. Scientists estimate that the background rate typically amounts to a loss of about 1 species per year for every 1 million species living on the earth. This amounts to 10 natural extinctions a year if the earth has 10 million species. Most species that have existed on the earth have gone extinct.

However, extinction does not always happen at a constant rate. The extinction of many species in a relatively short period of geologic time is called a mass extinction. Mass extinctions are global. Geologic, fossil, and other records indicate that the earth has experienced five mass extinctions, during which 50–90% of the species present at that time went extinct (see 

Figure 4.19

) over thousands of years. The largest mass extinction took place some 250 million years ago and wiped about 90% of the world’s existing species.

The causes of past mass extinctions are poorly understood but probably involved global changes in environmental conditions. Examples are sustained and significant global warming or cooling, large changes in sea levels and ocean water acidity, and catastrophes such as multiple large-scale volcanic eruptions and large asteroids or comets hitting the planet.

Although mass extinctions devastate life on the earth, they also provide opportunities for new life forms to emerge, diversify, and fill empty ecological niches. Scientific evidence indicates that after each mass extinction the earth’s overall biodiversity returned to equal or higher levels (

Figure 4.19). However, each recovery took 5-10 million years. The existence of millions of species today means speciation, on average, has kept ahead of extinction. It also demonstrates the biodiversity principle of sustainability as a factor in the long-term sustainability of life on the earth.

Scientific evidence indicates that extinction rates have increased as the human population has grown and spread over most of the globe, creating large and growing ecological footprints (see 

Figure 1.9

). The extinction of one species can lead to the extinction of other species that depend on it for food or ecosystem services, and biodiversity researchers project that the rate of extinction will continue to increase. In the words of biodiversity expert Edward O. Wilson (see 

Individuals Matter 4.1

), “The natural world is everywhere disappearing before our eyes—cut to pieces, mowed down, plowed under, gobbled up, replaced by human artifacts.”

Scientists estimate that the current annual extinction rate is 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural background extinction rate—mostly because of habitat loss and degradation, climate change, ocean acidification, and other environmentally harmful effects of human activities (

Science Focus 9.1

). Assuming there are 10 million species on the earth, this means that today we are losing an estimated 10,000 to 100,000 species per year, compared to the background extinction rate of 10 species per year. The higher of those estimates amounts to an average of about 2


species per day or about


every hour.

Science Focus 9.1

Estimating Extinction Rates

Scientists who try to catalog extinctions, estimate past extinction rates, and project future extinction rates face three problems. First, because the natural extinction of a species typically takes a long time, it is difficult to document. Second, we have identified only about 2 million of the world’s estimated 7 million to 10 million and perhaps as many as 100 million species. Third, scientists know little about the ecological roles of most of the species that have been identified.

One approach to estimating future extinction rates is to study records documenting past rates at which easily observable mammals and birds (

Figure 9.A

) have become extinct. Most of these extinctions have occurred since humans began to dominate the planet about 10,000 years ago. This information can be compared with fossil records of extinctions that occurred before that time.

Figure 9.A

Painting of the last pair of North American passenger pigeons, once the world’s most abundant bird species. They became extinct in the wild in 1912 mostly because of habitat loss and overhunting.

Louis Agassi Fuertes/National Geographic Image Collection

Another approach is to observe how reductions in habitat area affect extinction rates. The species–area relationship, studied by Edward O. Wilson (see Individuals Matter 4.1) and Robert MacArthur, suggests that, on average, a 90% loss of land habitat in a given area can cause the extinction of about 50% of the species living in that area. Thus, we can base extinction rate estimates on the rates of habitat destruction and degradation, which are increasing around the world.

Scientists also use mathematical models to estimate the risk of a particular species becoming endangered or extinct within a certain period and run them on computers. These models include factors such as trends in population size, past and projected changes in habitat availability, interactions with other species, and genetic factors.

Researchers are working hard to get more and better data and to improve the models they use in order to make better estimates of extinction rates and to project the effects of such extinctions on vital ecosystem services such as pollination (

Core Case Study

). These scientists contend that our need for better data and models should not delay our acting now to keep from hastening extinctions and the accompanying losses of ecosystem services through human activities.

Critical Thinking

1. Does the fact that extinction rates can only be estimated make them unreliable? Why or why not?

Biodiversity researchers project that these higher rates are mostly due to habitat loss and degradation, climate change, ocean acidification, and other environmentally harmful effects of human activities. By the end of this century, most of the big carnivorous cats, including cheetahs, tigers (see 

chapter-opening photo

), and lions may exist only in zoos and small wildlife sanctuaries. Most elephants, rhinoceroses, gorillas, apes, chimpanzees, and orangutans will likely disappear from the wild.

Why does this matter? According to biodiversity researchers, including Edward O. Wilson and Stuart Pimm, an estimated 20% to 50% of the world’s 2 million identified animal and plant species could vanish from the wild by the end of this century because of climate change and various human activities. Many other species that have not been identified will also disappear. If these estimates are correct (see Science Focus 9.1), the earth is entering a sixth mass extinction caused primarily by human activities. Unlike previous mass extinctions, much of this mass extinction is projected to take place within a human lifetime instead of over many thousands of years, as past extinctions have done. As conservation ecologist Thomas E. Lovejoy (

Individuals Matter 3.1

) puts it: “The sixth great extinction has started and the issue is how far do we let it go.”


Percentage of the earth’s known species that could disappear this century primarily because of human activities

A sixth mass extinction would likely impair some of the earth’s vital ecosystem services such as air and water purification, natural pest control, and pollination (

Core Case Study). According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 15 of 24 of the earth’s major ecosystem services are already in decline. Conservation scientists view this potential massive loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services within the span of a human lifetime as one of the most important and long-lasting environmental and economic problems humanity faces. By saving as many species as possible from extinction—especially keystone species (see 

Chapter 4

)—we could increase our beneficial environmental impact and help sustain and enrich our own lives and economies.

Wilson, Pimm, and other extinction experts consider a projected extinction rate of 10,000 times the background extinction rate to be low, for two reasons. First, both the rate of extinction and the resulting threats to ecosystem services are likely to increase sharply during the next 50–100 years because of the harmful environmental impacts of the rapidly growing human population and its growing per capita use of resources.

Second, we are eliminating, fragmenting, or degrading many biologically diverse environments—including tropical forests, coral reefs, wetlands, and estuaries—that serve as potential sites for the emergence of new species. Thus, in addition to greatly increasing the rate of extinction, we may be limiting the long-term recovery of biodiversity by eliminating many places where new species can evolve. In other words, we are also creating a speciation crisis.

Biologists Philip Levin, Donald Levin, and others warn that, while our activities are likely to reduce the speciation rates and population sizes for some species, they could increase the speciation rates and population sizes for rapidly reproducing species such as weeds, rats, and species of insects such as cockroaches. Rapidly expanding populations of such species could reduce the populations of various other species, further accelerating their extinction and threatening key ecosystem services.

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9.1bEndangered and Threatened Species Are Ecological Smoke Alarms

Biologists classify species that are heading toward biological extinction as either endangered or threatened. An 

endangered species

 has so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct. A 

threatened species

 has enough remaining individuals to survive in the short term, but because of declining numbers, it is likely to become endangered in the near future. Some species have characteristics that increase their chances of becoming extinct (Figure 9.2). As biodiversity expert Edward O. Wilson puts it, “The first animal species to go are the big, the slow, the tasty, and those with valuable parts such as tusks and skins.” Figure 9.3 show four species that are listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

Figure 9.2

Certain characteristics put a species in greater danger of becoming extinct.

Figure 9.3

Endangered natural capital: These four endangered species are threatened with extinction, largely because of human activities. The number below each photo indicates the estimated total number of individuals of that species remaining in the wild.

Geoffrey Kuchera/; Ferenc Cegledi/; Catcher of Light, Inc./; Tiago Jorge da Silva Estima/

Species can also become regionally extinct in the areas where they are normally found. A species can also become functionally extinct when its populations crash to the point where its interactions with other species are lost or greatly diminished. Important ecosystem services that depend on these interactions might also then be lost or diminished, and this is often difficult to detect until it is too late.

For example, the American alligator is a keystone species in its marsh and swamp habitats of the southeastern United States. (See 

Case Study, Chapter 4.) When its numbers dwindled in the 1960s, certain ecosystem services, such as the building of gator nests, diminished, and bird species that depended on these nesting sites declined. After the alligator was placed on the U.S. endangered species list, it made a strong comeback and its ecosystems recovered.

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9.2Why Should We Care about Species Extinction?

· LO 9.2AIdentify two reasons for the decline of the orangutans.

· LO 9.2BState four major reasons why biologists argue we should prevent our activities from causing or hastening the extinction of other species.

· LO 9.2CIdentify the ecosystem service provided by honeybees (

Core Case Study

) that makes them vital to our own survival.

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9.2aSpecies Are a Vital Part of the Earth’s Natural Capital

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), about 119,000 orangutans (Figure 9.4) remain in the wild, down from 230,000 about a century ago. About 104,700 of them are in the tropical forests of Borneo, Asia’s largest island.

Figure 9.4

Natural capital degradation: These endangered orangutans depend on a rapidly disappearing tropical forest habitat in Borneo.

Critical Thinking:

1. What difference will it make if human activities hasten the extinction of the orangutan?


These highly intelligent animals are disappearing at an estimated rate of 1,000–2,000 per year. A key reason is that much of their tropical forest habitat is being cleared for plantations that grow oil palms, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. They are a source of palm oil, a vegetable oil that is used in numerous products, including cookies, cosmetics, and biodiesel fuel for motor vehicles. Another reason for the orangutan’s decline is smuggling. An illegally smuggled, live orangutan sells for thousands of dollars on the black market. Because of their low birth rate, orangutans have a hard time increasing their numbers. Without urgent protective action, the endangered orangutan may disappear in the wild within the next two decades.

Orangutans are considered keystone species in the ecosystems they inhabit. The dispersal of fruit and plant seeds in their wastes throughout their tropical rain forest habitat is an important ecosystem service. If orangutans disappear, many rain forest plants and some of the animals that consume them may become threatened.

Does it matter that orangutans—or any species, for that matter—may disappear in the wild largely due to human activities? New species eventually evolve to take the places of species lost through background and mass extinctions, so why should we care if we greatly speed up the global extinction rate over the next 50–100 years? According to biologists, there are four major reasons why we should prevent our activities from causing or hastening the extinction of other species.

First, the world’s species provide vital ecosystem services (see 

Figure 1.3

) that help to keep us alive and support our economies. For example, we depend on honeybees (Core Case Study) and other insects for pollination of many food crops. We also depend on certain species of birds, amphibians (see Chapter 4 Core Case Study), and spiders for natural control of insect pests. Aquatic species that live in streams can help purify flowing water. Trees produce oxygen that organisms need to survive. Earthworms aerate topsoil, which helps improve soil health. By eliminating a species or sharply reducing its population—especially a species such as the orangutan that plays a keystone role—we can speed up the extinction of other species. This can upset ecosystems and degrade their important ecosystem services.

Second, many species contribute to economic services that we depend on. Various plant species provide economic value as food crops, wood for fuel, lumber for construction, paper from trees, and substances for medicines. Bioprospectors search tropical forests and other ecosystems to find plants and animals, which scientists can use to make medicinal drugs (

Figure 9.5

)—an example of learning from nature. For example, aspirin, the widely used painkiller, was originally developed from the bark and leaves of the willow tree. Less than 0.5% of the world’s known plant species have been examined for their medicinal properties. GREEN CAREER: Bioprospecting.

Figure 9.5

Natural capital: These plant species are examples of nature’s pharmacy. Once the active ingredients in the plants have been identified, scientists can usually produce them synthetically. The active ingredients in 9 of the 10 leading prescription drugs originally came from wild organisms.

Learning from Nature

The wandering spider, a tropical species, has the ability to detect slight vibrations from several meters away. By studying its physiology, engineers have developed sensors that can detect human speech and a pulse. It could be used to make wearable electronics for health monitoring and other applications.

Another economic benefit from preserving species and their habitats is the revenues from ecotourism. This rapidly growing industry specializes in environmentally responsible travel to natural areas and generates more than $1 million per minute in tourist expenditures, worldwide. Conservation biologist Michael Soulé estimates that a male lion living to age 7 generates about $515,000 through ecotourism in Kenya but only about $10,000 if it is killed for its skin. Ecotourism promotes conservation, low environmental impact, respect for local cultures, and support for local economies. Travelers who sign up for ecotours have the chance to see endangered species such as orangutans and parrots (

Figure 9.6

) in the wild. Revenues from ecotourism generate more than $1 million per minute in tourist expenditures worldwide. GREEN CAREER: Ecotourism guide

Figure 9.6

Many species of wildlife such as this endangered hyacinth macaw in Brazil are sources of beauty and pleasure. Habitat loss and illegal capture in the wild by pet traders endanger this species.

Roy Toft/National Geographic Image Collection

A third reason for preventing a mass extinction is that it will take 5 million to 10 million years for natural speciation to replace the species we are likely to wipe out during this century (Figure 4.19).

Fourth, many people believe that wild species, such as orangutans, have a right to exist, regardless of their usefulness to us. This ethical viewpoint raises a number of challenging questions. Since we cannot save all species from the harmful consequences of our actions, we have to make choices about which ones to protect. Should we protect more animal species than plant species and, if so, which ones should we protect? Some people support protecting familiar and appealing species such as elephants, whales, tigers, giant pandas, and orangutans (

Figure 9.4

), but care much less about protecting plants that serve as the base of the food supply for other species (Core Case Study). Others might think little about getting rid of species that most people fear or dislike, such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, disease-causing bacteria, snakes, sharks, and bats.

In summary, a flourishing diversity of life on the earth is essential for sustaining the planetary life-support system on which the human species and other species depend, in keeping with the biodiversity principle of sustainability. To biologist Edward O. Wilson, carelessly and rapidly eliminating species that make up an essential part of the world’s biodiversity is like burning millions of books that we have never read.

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9.3Humans and Species Extinction

· LO 9.3AIdentify the four ecosystems most threatened by habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation, according to biodiversity researchers.

· LO 9.3BExplain how an invasive species can threaten habitats and other species using two of the following species as examples: the kudzu vine, wild boar, red fire ants, or the Burmese python.

· LO 9.3CList five steps you can take to prevent or slow the spread of invasive species.

· LO 9.3DExplain how a toxic chemical such as DDT can move through a food chain in a process called bioaccumulation.

· LO 9.3FDescribe five possible causes identified by scientists for the decline of honeybees.

· LO 9.3FDescribe five examples of how the illegal killing, capturing, and selling of wild animals is threatening some species.

· LO 9.3GUse the factors represented by the acronym HIPPCO to explain why many of the world’s bird species are declining.

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9.3aHabitat Destruction and Fragmentation: Remember HIPPCO

Biodiversity researchers summarize the most important direct causes of species extinction and threats to ecosystem services using the acronym 


: Habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation; Invasive (nonnative) species; Population growth and increasing use of resources; Pollution; Climate change; and Overexploitation.

According to biodiversity researchers, the greatest threat to wild species is habitat destruction (

Figure 9.7

), degradation, and fragmentation. Specifically, deforestation in tropical areas (see 

Figure 3.1

) is the greatest threat to species and to the ecosystem services they provide. The next largest threat is the destruction and degradation of coastal wetlands and coral reefs (see 

Chapter 8

 Core Case Study), the plowing of grasslands for planting of crops (see 

Figure 7.1


), and the pollution of streams, lakes, and oceans. In Brazil, 93% of its once diverse Atlantic Forest has been lost because of logging, mining, cattle ranching, and clearance for sugar cane plantations. According to a 2019 UN study by 450 experts in 50 countries, there has been a 30% reduction in global habitat since 1970 and about 1 million plant and animal species are at risk of becoming extinct over the next few decades.

Figure 9.7

Natural capital degradation: These maps reveal the reductions in the ranges of four wildlife species, mostly as the result of severe habitat loss and fragmentation and illegal hunting for some of their valuable body parts.

Critical Thinking:

1. Would you support expanding these ranges even though this would reduce the land available for human habitation and farming? Why or why not?

(Compiled by the authors using data from International Union for Conservation of Nature and World Wildlife Fund.)

Island species—many of them found nowhere else on earth—are especially vulnerable to extinction when their habitats are destroyed, degraded, or fragmented, because they have nowhere else to go. This is why the Hawaiian Islands are America’s “extinction capital”—with 63% of its species at risk.

Habitat fragmentation

 occurs when a large, intact area of habitat such as a forest or natural grassland is divided into smaller, isolated patches or habitat islands (



)—typically by roads, logging operations, crop fields, and urban development. Fragmentation can divide populations of a species into increasingly isolated small groups that are more vulnerable to predators, competitor species, diseases, and catastrophic events such as storms and fires. In addition, habitat fragmentation creates barriers that limit the abilities of some species to disperse and colonize areas, locate adequate food supplies, and find mates. Scientists are using drones with cameras to count and monitor populations of endangered and threatened species and degradation and fragmentation of their habitats.

Figure 9.8

The fragmentation of landscapes reduces biodiversity by eliminating or degrading grassland and forest wildlife habitats and degrading ecosystem services.


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9.3bBeneficial and Harmful Nonnative Species

After habitat loss and degradation, the spread of harmful invasive species is the second largest cause of extinctions and loss of the ecosystem services. The introduction of many nonnative species to the United States has been beneficial. According to a study by ecologist David Pimentel, nonnative species such as corn, wheat, rice, and other food crops, as well as some species of cattle, poultry, and other livestock, provide more than 98% of the U.S. food supply. Similarly, nonnative tree species are grown in about 85% of the world’s tree plantations. Other deliberately introduced species have helped control pests. In the 1600s, English settlers brought highly beneficial European honeybees (Core Case Study) to North America to provide honey. Today, they pollinate one-third of the crops grown in the United States.

A problem can occur when an introduced species does not face the natural predators, competitors, parasites, viruses, bacteria, or fungi that controlled its populations in its native habitat. This can allow some nonnative species to outcompete populations of many native species for food, disrupt ecosystem services, transmit new diseases, and lead to economic losses. Such nonnative species are viewed as harmful invasive species. The spread of such species into ecosystems is the second largest cause of extinctions and loss of ecosystem services. Invasive species rarely cause the global extinction of other species, but they can cause population declines and local and regional extinctions of some native species.


Giant Snails and Meningitis

In 1988, the giant East African land snail was imported to Brazil from East Africa as a cheap substitute for conventional escargot (snails), used as a source of food. It is the world’s largest land snail, growing to the size of a human fist, and can feed on at least 500 different types of plants. When export prices for escargot fell, breeders dumped the imported snails into forests and other natural systems. Since then, they have spread widely around the world, devouring many native plants and food crops such as lettuce. They also can carry rat lungworm, a parasite that burrows into the human brain and causes potentially lethal meningitis.

Figure 9.9

 shows some of the 7,100 or more invasive species that, after being deliberately or accidentally introduced into the United States, have caused ecological and economic harm. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), about 42% of the species listed as endangered or threatened in the United States and 95% of those in the U.S. state of Hawaii are at risk mainly because of threats from invasive species.

Figure 9.9

Some of the estimated 7,100 harmful invasive species that have been deliberately or accidentally introduced into the United States.




Estimated hourly global cost of invasive species

According to Achim Steiner, head of the UN Environment Program (UNEP), and environmental scientist David Pimentel, invasive species cause $1.4 trillion a year in economic and ecological damages, globally—an average of $2.7 million a minute. Some species that became invasive species were deliberately introduced into ecosystems (see the two Case Studies that follow).

Case Study

The Kudzu Vine and Kudzu Bugs

Some invasive species, such as kudzu vine (Figure 9.9), have been deliberately introduced into ecosystems. In the 1930s, this plant was imported from Japan and planted in the southeastern United States in an effort to control soil erosion.

Kudzu does control erosion, but it grows so rapidly that it engulfs hillsides, gardens, trees, stream banks, cars, buildings (

Figure 9.10

), and anything else in its path. Dig it up or burn it, and it still keeps spreading. It can grow in sunlight or shade and is very difficult to kill, even with herbicides that can contaminate water supplies. Scientists have found a common fungus that can kill kudzu within a few hours, but they need to investigate any harmful side effects it may have.

Figure 9.10

Abandoned building covered with kudzu.

Luke ferguson/

Nicknamed “the vine that ate the South,” kudzu has spread throughout much of the southeastern United States. As the climate gets warmer, it could spread to the north.

Kudzu is considered a menace in the United States. However, for thousands of years Asians have used a powdered form of kudzu in herbal remedies to treat a range of ailments such as fever, inflammation, flu, dysentery, hangovers, and the effects of insect and snakebites.

Almost every part of the kudzu plant is edible, making it an inexpensive and readily available source of nutrition. Because it can grow rapidly where other plants cannot and is drought tolerant, it has helped people survive droughts and famines and restore severely degraded land.

Because ingesting small amounts of kudzu powder can lessen one’s desire for alcohol, it can be used to reduce alcoholism and binge drinking. Although kudzu can engulf and kill trees, it might eventually help to save some of them. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found that kudzu could replace trees as a source of fiber for making paper. It is also being evaluated as a raw material for producing biofuel.

The brown, pea-sized Kudzu bug is another invasive species that was imported into the United States from Japan. It breeds in and feeds on patches of kudzu, and it can help to reduce the spread of the vine. However, it spreads even more rapidly than the kudzu vine. It also feeds on soybeans and thus could pose a major threat to soy crops.

Some pesticides can kill this bug, but might end up boosting their numbers by promoting genetic resistance to the pesticides. Researchers hope to change this bug through genetic engineering in such a way that it will stop eating soybeans. They are also evaluating the use of a wasp whose larvae attack kudzu bug embryos. However, so far, scientists see no way to eradicate this rapidly spreading invader species.

Case Study
Wild Boar Invasions

The wild boar (

Figure 9.11

, also known as wild hog or feral pig) is widely distributed over the earth’s land surface. Humans have introduced different versions of this species to numerous countries so that they can be hunted for sport and as a source of game meat.

Figure 9.11

Wild boar.

Neil Burton/

In the early 1900s, the Eurasian wild boar was introduced to the U.S. states of New York and North Carolina and kept in privately owned fenced hunting reserves. Some escaped from the reserves and others were moved to new areas and released into the wild for hunting. Wild boars have multiplied rapidly and have established populations in at least 36 states. In order, the three states with the most wild boars are Texas (with an estimated 3 million), Florida, and California.

Wild boars have many of the ideal qualities for a successful and destructive invasive species. They are big, strong, fast, intelligent, hard to kill or trap, and vicious when trapped. As adults, they typically weigh around 90 kilograms (200 pounds), run up to 40 kilometers per hour (25 miles per hour), jump as high as 0.9 meters (3 feet), and climb out of traps with walls as high as 1.8 meters (6 feet). In 2004, a legendary wild boar known as Hogzilla was shot. It was about 2.4 meters (8 feet) long, weighed about 360 kilograms (800 pounds), and had sharp tusks nearly 46 centimeters (18 inches) long.

Wild boars prefer forests but can live almost anywhere. They prefer plants and roots but can eat pretty much anything, including quail, the eggs of endangered sea turtles, and baby lambs, goats, calves, and deer. They come out at night to forage for food.

They use their long, plow-like snouts and strong necks to dig up land to a depth of 0.9 meters (3 feet), upturning large rocks as they go. They devour crops and uproot pastures, lawns, and forest floors. This causes soil erosion that muddies streams and destroys habitats for many animals, including ground-nesting birds, voles, and salamanders. By destroying native vegetation, boars can alter forest food webs and open the door to invasive plant species.

Wild boars breed at a high rate and do not have enough natural predators to control their dispersed and rapidly growing populations. They are among the most destructive invasive species in the United States and each year cause about $1.5 billion in damages and control costs.

Efforts to control wild boar populations include shooting and trapping. Researchers are also trying to develop poisons and birth control chemicals to use on the boars. After several decades of such efforts, the boars have been eliminated from several small islands. However, eliminating them in the continental United States and on other continents seems to be impossible.

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9.3cSome Accidentally Introduced Species Can Disrupt Ecosystems

Many unwanted nonnative invaders arrive from other continents as stowaways on aircraft, in the ballast water of tankers and cargo ships, and as hitchhikers on imported products such as wooden packing crates. Cars and trucks can also spread the seeds of nonnative plant species embedded in their tire treads. Many tourists return home with living plants that can multiply and become invasive. Some of these plants might also contain insects that can invade new areas, multiply rapidly, and threaten crops.

In the 1930s, the extremely aggressive red fire ant (

Figure 9.9) was accidentally introduced into the United States probably on shiploads of lumber or coffee imported from South America. These ants have no natural predators in the southern United States where they have spread rapidly by land and by water because they can float. They have also invaded other countries.

When these ants invade an area, they can displace up to 90% of native ant populations, which provide important ecosystem services such as enrichment of topsoil, dispersal of plant seeds, and control of pest species such as flies, bedbugs, and cockroaches. Step on a red fire ant mound and as many as 100,000 ants may swarm out of their nest to attack you with painful, burning stings. Fire ants have killed deer fawns, ground-nesting birds, baby sea turtles, newborn calves, pets, and at least 80 people who were allergic to their venom.

Widespread insecticide spraying in the 1950s and 1960s temporarily reduced red fire ant populations. However, the insecticides also reduced populations of many native ant species. Widespread insecticide use also promoted genetic resistance to the insecticides in red fire ants through natural selection. The introduction of a species of tiny parasitic fly has shown some success in controlling red fire ant populations, but more research is needed to understand the long-term impacts of this biological remedy.

Florida is the global capital for invasive species. Some of its many harmful invasive species include Burmese pythons, African pythons, and several species of boa constrictors, all of which have invaded the Florida Everglades. About 1 million of these snakes, imported from Africa and Asia, have been sold as pets.

The Burmese python (

Figure 9.12

) is an example of what can happen when nonnative species escape or are released into the wild and become invasive species. Large numbers of these snakes are imported from Asia for sale as pets. Some buyers, after learning that these reptiles do not make good pets, let them go in the wetlands of Florida’s Everglades.

Figure 9.12

Employees of the South Florida Water Management District hunted and captured this invasive Burmese python in the Florida Everglades.

Dan Callister/Alamy Stock photo

The Burmese python can live 20 to 25 years and grow as long as 5 meters (16 feet), weigh as much 77 kilograms (170 pounds), and be as big around as a telephone pole. They have huge appetites, seizing prey with their sharp teeth, wrapping around them, and squeezing them to death before feeding on them. They feed at night and eat a variety of birds and mammals such as rabbits, foxes, raccoons, and white-tailed deer. Occasionally the pythons eat other reptiles, including young American alligators—a keystone species in the Everglades ecosystem (see Chapter 4, Case Study). They have also been known to eat pet cats, dogs, small farm animals, and geese. Research indicates that predation by these snakes is altering the complex food webs and ecosystem services of the Everglades.

According to wildlife scientists, the Burmese python population in Florida’s wetlands cannot be controlled. They are hard to find and kill or capture and they reproduce rapidly. Trapping and moving the snakes from one area to another has not worked because they are able to return to the areas where they are captured. Another concern is that the Burmese python could spread to other swampy wetlands in the southern half of the United States.

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9.3dControlling Invasive Species

Invasive species are a serious ecological and economic threat, but the situation is not hopeless. A rule of thumb is that only 1 of every 100 species that invade an area is able to establish a self-sustaining population and reduce the biodiversity of the ecosystem it has invaded. In addition, scientists have found that some invaders end up increasing the biodiversity of the areas they have moved into by creating new habitats and niches for other species.

However, once a harmful nonnative species becomes established in an ecosystem, removing it is almost impossible. Americans pay more than $160 billion a year to eradicate or control an increasing number of invasive species—without much success. Thus, the best way to limit the harmful impacts of these organisms is to prevent them from being introduced into ecosystems.

Scientists suggest several ways to do this, including

· Greatly increasing research to identify the major characteristics of successful invaders, the types of ecosystems that are vulnerable to invaders, and the natural predators, parasites, bacteria, and viruses that could be used to control populations of established invaders.

· Increasing ground surveys and drone and satellite observations to track invasive plant and animal species, and developing better models for predicting how they spread and what harmful effects they could have.

· Identifying major harmful invader species and establishing international treaties banning their transfer from one country to another, as is now done for many endangered species, and increasing inspection of imported goods to enforce such bans.

· Educating the public about the effects of releasing exotic plants and pets into the environment near where they live.

Figure 9.


 shows some things you can do to help prevent or slow the spread of harmful invasive species.

Figure 9.13

Individuals matter: Some ways to prevent or slow the spread of harmful invasive species.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of these actions do you think are the most important ones to take? Why? Which of these actions do you plan to take?

$2.7 Million

Estimated global cost per minute of harm from invasive species.

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9.3ePopulation Growth, High Rates of Resource Use, Pollution, and Climate Change

Past and projected human population growth (see 

Figure 1.12

) and rising rates of resource use per person have greatly expanded the human ecological footprint (see Figure 1.9). People have eliminated, degraded, and fragmented vast areas of wildlife habitat (

Figures 9.7

 and 9.8) as they have spread out over the planet, and they use resources at increasing rates. This has threatened and caused the extinction of many species.

Pollution of the air, water, and soil by human activities also threatens some species with extinction. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), each year pesticides kill about one-fifth of the European honeybee colonies that pollinate almost a third of all U.S. food crops (Core Case Study and 

Science Focus 9.2

). The USFWS estimates that pesticides also kill more than 67 million birds and 6 to 14 million fish each year. They also threaten about 20% of the country’s endangered and threatened species.

Science Focus 9.2

Honeybee Losses: A Search for Causes

Over the past 50 years, the European honeybee population in the United States has been cut in half. Scientific research has found several possible reasons for this decline. They include parasites, viruses, pesticides, stress, and poor nutrition.

Parasites such as the varroa mite feed on the blood of adult honeybees and their larvae, weakening their immune systems and shortening their lives. Varroa mites that feed on bees’ body fluids have killed millions of honeybees since first appearing in the United States in 1987—probably among bees imported from South America.

Several viruses are known to affect the winter survival of European honeybees. One example is the tobacco ringspot virus, which can infect honeybees that feed on pollen containing the virus. The virus is thought to attack the bees’ nervous systems. The virus has also been detected in varroa mites, which may help spread the virus as they feed on honeybees.

As honeybees forage for nectar, they are exposed to a number of harmful insecticides sprayed on crops and can carry these chemicals back to the hives. Research, including a 2018 report from the European Food Safety Authority based on 588 recent studies, indicates that widely used insecticides called neonicotinoids may play a role in colony collapse disorder (CCD). Neonicotinoids can disrupt the nervous systems of bees and decrease their ability to find their way back to their hives. These chemicals can also disrupt the reproductive and immune systems of bees and make them vulnerable to the harmful effects of other threats. Makers of neonicotinoids dispute these findings.

A researcher at a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) laboratory in North Carolina found more than 170 different pesticides in samples of bees, honeycomb wax, and stored pollen. Each pesticide exposes the bees to a harmless dose, but exposure to such a cocktail of pesticides can weaken bees’ immune systems and make them vulnerable to deadly parasites, viruses, and fungi.

Stress from being transported long distances around the United States (

Figure 9.B

) can also play a role. Overworking and overstressing honeybees by moving them around the country can weaken their immune systems and make them more vulnerable to death from parasites, viruses, fungi, and pesticides.

Figure 9.B

European honeybee hive boxes in an acacia orchard. Each year, commercial beekeepers rent and deliver several million hives by truck to farmers throughout the United States.


Another factor is diet. In natural ecosystems, honeybees gather nectar and pollen from a variety of flowering plants. However, industrial worker honeybees feed mostly on pollen or nectar from one crop or a small number of crops that may lack the nutrients they need. In winter, bees in hives where most of the honey has been removed for sale are often fed sugar or high fructose corn syrup that provide calories but not enough protein for good health. Recent research indicates that rising levels of  in the atmosphere might play a role in declining honeybee populations by decreasing protein levels in pollinated plants. The bees then get lower levels of the protein from the plant nectar, which can reduce their reproductive success.

The growing consensus among bee researchers is that colony collapse disorder and the decline of bee populations occurs because of a combination of these factors. These annual bee deaths raise the costs for beekeepers and farmers who use their services and could put many of them out of business if the problem continues. This could lead to higher food prices.

Critical Thinking

1. Can you think of some ways in which commercial beekeepers could lessen one or more of the threats described here? Explain.

During the 1950s and 1960s, populations of fish-eating birds such as ospreys, brown pelicans, and bald eagles plummeted because of the widespread use of a pesticide called DDT. The concentration of a chemical derived from the DDT remained in the environment and built up in the fatty tissues of organisms—a process called 



Figure 9.14

). Then, as the chemical moved up through food chains and webs, it became successively more concentrated in the fatty tissues of higher-level organisms—a process called 



Figure 8.12

). In some top predator birds, this decreased their ability to produce calcium in the shells of the eggs they laid, which made the eggshells so thin that they cracked before hatching and reduced the ability of the species to reproduce successfully.

Figure 9.14

Bioaccumulation and biomagnification: DDT is a fat-soluble chemical that can accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals. In a food chain or food web, the accumulated DDT is biologically magnified in the bodies of animals at each higher trophic level, as it was in the case of a food chain in the U.S. state of New York, illustrated here.

Critical Thinking:

1. How does this effect demonstrate the value of pollution prevention?

Populations of other predatory birds also declined sharply. They included the prairie falcon, sparrow hawk, and peregrine falcon, which helped control populations of rabbits, ground squirrels, and other crop eaters. Since the U.S. ban of DDT in 19


, most of these bird species have made a comeback—an example of the effectiveness of pollution prevention. For example, the population of bald eagles in North America went from 500 in 1967 to 70,000 in 2018, and the bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list in 2007.

According Conservation International, habitat loss and disruption of food webs associated with projected climate change could drive one-fifth to one-half of all known land animals and plants to extinction by the end of this century and accelerate the human-caused sixth mass extinction with a major loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

For example, scientific studies indicate that the polar bear is threatened because higher temperatures are melting sea ice in its Arctic habitat. Shrinkage of this floating ice makes it harder for polar bears to find seals, their favorite prey (

Figure 9.15


Figure 9.15

On floating ice in the Arctic sea, this polar bear has killed a bearded seal, one of its major sources of food.

Critical Thinking:

1. Do you think it matters that the polar bear may become extinct in the wild during this century primarily because of human activities? Explain.

Vladimir Seliverstov/

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9.3fKilling, Capturing, and Selling Wild Species

Some protected animals are illegally killed (poached) for their valuable parts or are captured and sold live to collectors. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the global wildlife trade is worth an estimated $19 billion a year. Organized crime has moved into illegal smuggling of parts of wildlife species and live members of species because of the huge profits involved. Live animals and their parts can sell from tens of thousands of dollars to as much as $500,000 on the black market. At least two-thirds of all live animals illegally smuggled around the world die in transit. Few smugglers are caught or punished.

It is highly profitable for poachers and organized crime to capture and sell highly endangered eastern mountain gorillas (of which there are about 700 left in the wild) and threatened giant pandas (1,864 left in the wild in


as of 2017) for their valuable pelts.

Four of the five rhino species, including the northern white rhino, are critically endangered, mostly because so many have been illegally killed for their valuable horns (

Figure 9.16

). In Asia, a rhino horn is worth about $9,000 per pound. A rhino’s horn is composed of keratin, the same protein that makes up your fingernails. Powdered rhino horn has long been used in traditional medicines for a variety of ailments and as an alleged aphrodisiac in many Asian countries including China,


, and Vietnam even though there is no verifiable evidence for such claims.

Figure 9.16

A poacher in South Africa killed this critically endangered northern white rhinoceros for its two horns. This species is now extinct in the wild.


1. What would you say if you could talk to the poacher who killed this animal?

Avalon/Photoshot License/Alamy Stock Photo

The illegal killing of elephants, especially African savanna elephants (see Figure 7.1), for their valuable ivory tusks has increased in recent years, despite an international ban on the trade of ivory. An adult male elephant’s two tusks can be worth $375,000 on the black market in China, which has the largest market for illegal ivory, followed by the United States. Elephants are being killed at a rate of 30,000 a year, according to WildAid.


Drones, Elephants, and Poachers

Researchers are using small drones with cameras connected to smart phones to track and monitor wildlife species such as endangered elephants and rhinos in Africa, tigers in Nepal, and orangutans in Sumatra. Drones with infrared cameras can find illegal poachers at night, expose their locations to wildlife rangers, and deter them by using bright strobe lights.

Since 1900, the overall number of the world’s wild tigers (see 

chapter opening photo

) has declined by 99%, mostly because of a 90% loss of habitat (Figure 9.7), caused primarily by rapid human population growth, and poaching. About 70% of the world’s remaining 3,890 wild tigers are in India, which is doing more than other countries to protect them by establishing tiger reserves and working hard to protect the tigers in such reserves from poaching (

Figure 9.17


Figure 9.17

India has done more than any country to protect its remaining highly endangered tiger population. These poachers were caught while trying to sell a tiger skin in Madhya Pradesh State, India.

Steve Winter/National Geographic Image Collection

The Indian, or Bengal, tiger is at risk because a coat made from its fur can sell for as much as $100,000 in Tokyo. The bones and penis of a single tiger can fetch tens of thousands of dollars in China, the world’s biggest market for such illegal items. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), without emergency action to curtail poaching and preserve tiger habitat, few if any tigers, including the Sumatran tiger (

Figure 9.3

d), will be left in the wild within a few years. During the past 100 years, the number of cheetahs—the world’s fastest land animal—has dropped about 100,000 to 7,100 mainly because of habitat loss and poachers killing them for their coats.

In India, conservation scientist and National Geographic Explorer Krithi Karanth is studying conflicts between the rapidly growing number of humans and the declining populations of wildlife such as tigers and Asian elephants. As wildlife habitats shrink, animals often damage farmers’ livestock and crops while trying to find food. Karanth has visited more than 10,000 households across 3,000 villages in India, and has enlisted 500 “citizen scientists” to help her interview villagers and collect data. Her goals are to document the disappearance of wildlife and the conflicts between humans and wildlife, and to find effective ways to reduce such conflicts.

Critical Thinking

1. Would it matter to you if all of the world’s wild tigers were to disappear? Why or why not? List two steps you could take to help protect the world’s remaining wild tigers from extinction.

Around the globe, the legal and illegal trade in wild species for use as pets is a huge and very profitable business. However, many owners of exotic wild pets do not know that, for every live animal captured and sold in the legal and illegal pet market, many others are killed or die in transit. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), more than 60 bird species, mostly parrots (

Figure 9.6), are endangered or threatened because of the wild bird trade (see Case Study that follows and 

Individuals Matter 9.1

). In response, the United States passed the Wild Bird Conservation Act in 1992, making it illegal to import parrots into the United States. Any parrot purchased today in the United States must be from a domestic breeder, but some parrots are still illegally smuggled and sold in the Unites States.

Case Study

A Disturbing Message from the Birds

Approximately 70% of the world’s 10,000 or more known bird species are declining in numbers, and much of this decline is related to human activities, summarized by HIPPCO. According to the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, roughly one of every eight (13%) of all bird species is threatened with extinction, mostly by habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation (the H in HIPPCO)—primarily in tropical forests.

According to a State of the Birds study, more than one-third (37%) of the 1,150 bird species in North America are endangered (

Figure 9.3b

 and c), threatened, or in decline, mostly because of habitat loss and degradation and invasive species (Individuals Matter 9.1). About one-third of all endangered and threatened bird species in the United States live in Hawaii.

Sharp declines in bird populations have occurred among songbird species that migrate long distances. These birds nest deep in North American woods in the summer and spend their winters in Central or South America or on the Caribbean Islands. Research indicates that the primary causes of these population declines are habitat loss and fragmentation of the birds’ breeding habitats in North America and Central and South America.

After habitat loss, the intentional or accidental introduction of nonnative species is the second greatest danger, affecting about 28% of the world’s threatened birds. Other invasive species (the I in HIPPCO) include bird-eating rats, the brown tree snake, and mongooses. In the United States, feral cats and pet cats kill at least 1.4 billion birds each year, according to a study by Peter Mara of the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute.

Population growth, the first P in HIPPCO, also threatens some bird species, as more people spread out over the landscape each year and increase their use of timber, food, and other resources, which results in destruction or disturbance of bird habitats. According to bird expert Daniel Klem, Jr., about 600 million birds die each year from collisions with windows in the United States and Canada. Pollution, the second P in HIPPCO also threatens birds. Countless birds are exposed to oil spills, insecticides, and herbicides. Research led by Leanne M. Flair found that persistent chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be hindering the ability of some common migratory songbirds to migrate, thereby playing a role in their decline.

Learning from Nature

While millions of birds collide with glass windows, birds in flight avoid spider webs because the webs reflect ultraviolet (UV) light. One company used this knowledge to create window glass incorporating web-like strands that reflect UV light without affecting the clarity of the glass.

Another rapidly growing threat to birds is climate change, the C in HIPPCO. A study done for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) found that the effects of climate change, such as heat waves and flooding, are causing declines of some bird populations in every part of the globe. Such losses are expected to increase sharply during this century.

Overexploitation (the O in HIPPCO) is also a major threat to bird populations. Fifty-two of the world’s 388 parrot species are threatened, partly because so many parrots are captured for sale as pets, often illegally and usually to buyers in Europe and the United States. Collectors of exotic birds will pay thousands of dollars for an endangered hyacinth macaw (

Figure 9.6) smuggled out of Brazil. However, during its lifetime, a single hyacinth macaw left in the wild could attract an estimated $165,000 in ecotourism revenues.

Biodiversity scientists (

Individuals Matter 9.2

) view this decline of bird species with alarm. One reason is that birds are excellent indicator species because they live in every climate and biome, respond quickly to environmental changes in their habitats, and are relatively easy to track and count. To these scientists, the decline of many bird species indicates widespread environmental degradation.

Individuals Matter 9.1

Juliana Machado Ferreira: Conservation Biologist and National Geographic Explorer

REBECCA DROBIS/National Geographic Image Collection

Every year, poachers illegally remove many millions of wild animals from their natural habitats in Brazil. Some of these animals stay in Brazil and others end up in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world. Juliana Machado Ferreira is a conservation biologist with a PhD in genetics who fights this illegal removal of wildlife in her native country of Brazil.

She founded Freeland Brasil to help combat this highly profitable illegal trade. Many people in Brazil keep parrots, macaws, songbirds, monkeys, and other wild animals in their homes as pets and believe that it is a harmless cultural tradition. Her organization educates the public about the harmful ecological effects of removing birds and other species from the wild for the amusement of people who take them.

Ferreira has used her knowledge of genetics to develop molecular markers that can help identify the origins of illegal birds seized by police so that the birds can be returned to the areas where they lived. Ferreira is also trying to get the Brazilian government to pass and enforce strict laws against illegal wildlife trafficking. One of Freeland Brasil’s key projects is to establish a Molecular Biology Laboratory to help law enforcement agencies fight wildlife trafficking by using DNA tests to identify animals illegally taken from the wild.

In 2014, she was selected as a National Geographic Explorer. When asked what people can do to help save wild species she says: “Do not regard wild animals as pets.”

Individuals Matter 9.2

Çağan Hakkı Sekercioğlu: Protector of Birds and National Geographic Explorer

Rebecca Hale/National Geographic Image Collection

Çağan Sekercioğlu, assistant professor in the University of Utah Department of Biology, is a bird expert, a tropical biologist, an accomplished wildlife photographer, and a National Geographic Explorer. He has seen over 64% of the planet’s known bird species in 75 countries, developed a global database on bird ecology, and become an expert on the causes and consequences of bird extinctions around the world.

Sekercioğlu founded KuzeyDoğa. It is an award-winning ecological research and community-based conservation organization devoted to conserving and protecting the wildlife of northeastern Turkey. He also developed Turkey’s first protected wildlife corridor, which would stretch across the eastern half of the country, according to his plan. In 2011, he was named Turkey’s Scientist of the Year.

Based on his extensive research Sekercioğlu estimates that the percentage of the world’s known bird species that are endangered could approximately double from 13% today to 25% by the end of this century. He says. “I don’t see conservation as people versus nature, I see it as a collaboration.”

Buyers of wild animals might also be unaware that some imported exotic animals carry diseases such as Hantavirus, Ebola virus, Asian bird flu, herpes B virus (carried by most adult macaques), and salmonella (from pets such as hamsters, turtles, and iguanas). These diseases can spread from pets to their owners and then to other people.

Other wild species whose populations are depleted because of the pet and collector trade include many amphibians (see Chapter 4 Core Case Study), reptiles, exotic butterflies and other insects, and tropical fishes taken mostly from the coral reefs of Indonesia and the Philippines. Some divers catch tropical fish by using plastic squeeze bottles of poisonous cyanide to stun them. For each fish caught alive, many more die and the cyanide solution kills the polyps, the tiny animals that create coral reefs. Some exotic plants, especially orchids and cacti (see 

Figure 7.15

, center), are endangered because they are removed, and sold, often illegally, to collectors for thousands of dollars to decorate houses, offices, and landscapes.


African Vultures and Poachers

Detritus feeders such as vultures circle above animals such as elephants and rhinos that have been killed by poachers for their valuable ivory tusks and horns. This can help wildlife protection rangers in Africa locate poachers. To prevent this, poachers in parts of Africa have been killing thousands of vultures by poisoning the carcasses of dead elephants and rhinos. This is endangering some vulture species and preventing them from playing their important role in the chemical cycling of nutrients needed by plants.

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9.3gRising Demand for Bushmeat Threatens Some African Species

For centuries, indigenous people in much of West and Central Africa have sustainably hunted wildlife for bushmeat as a source of food. In the last four decades, bushmeat hunting in some areas has skyrocketed. Some hunters provide the bushmeat as a food source for rapidly growing populations. Others make a living by supplying restaurants in major cities with exotic meats from gorillas (

Figure 9.18

) and other species. Logging roads in once-inaccessible forests have made hunting these animals much easier. As a result, some forests in areas such as Africa’s Congo basin are being stripped of many of their antelopes (the most commonly hunted bushmeat animal), monkeys, apes, elephants, hippos, and other wild animals.

Figure 9.18

Bushmeat such as this severed head of an endangered lowland gorilla in the Congo is consumed as a source of protein by local people in parts of West and Central Africa. It is also sold in national and international marketplaces and served in some restaurants, where wealthy patrons regard gorilla meat as a source of status and power.

Critical Thinking:

1. How, if at all, is this different from killing a cow for food?

Avalon/Photoshot License/Alamy Stock Photo

Bushmeat hunting has driven at least one species—Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkey—to extinction. It is also a factor in the reduction of some populations of orangutans (Figure 9.4), gorillas, chimpanzees, elephants, and hippopotamuses. Another problem is that butchering and eating some forms of bushmeat has helped to spread fatal diseases such as HIV/AIDS and the Ebola virus from wild animals to humans.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is trying to reduce unsustainable hunting for bushmeat in some areas of Africa by introducing alternative sources of food, including farmed fish. They are also showing villagers how to breed large rodents such as cane rats as a source of protein.

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9.4Sustaining Wild Species and Ecosystem Services

· LO 9.4AExplain how the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has helped reduce the international trade of many threatened species.

· LO 9.4BExplain why the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a landmark in international law.

· LO 9.4CList four reasons why most biologists view the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as one of the world’s most successful environmental laws.

· LO 9.4DDescribe an example of a wildlife refuge and how it has protected a species.

· LO 9.4EList four limitations of seed banks, botanical gardens, zoos, aquariums, and wildlife farms in terms of protecting wild species.

· LO 9.4FState the Precautionary Principle and explain how it applies to reducing species extinction and sustaining ecosystem services.

· LO 9.4GList five difficult issues involved in the protection of wild species.

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9.4aTreaties and Laws

Some governments are working to reduce species extinction and sustain ecosystem services (see the Case Study that follows) by establishing and enforcing international treaties and conventions, as well as national environmental laws.

Case Study

The U.S. Endangered Species Act

The United States enacted the 

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

 in 1973 and has amended it several times. The act is designed to identify and protect endangered species in the United States and abroad. The ESA creates recovery programs for the species it lists. The goal is to help the populations of protected species recover to levels where legal protection is no longer needed. When that happens, a species can be taken off the list, or delisted.

Under the ESA, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is responsible for identifying and listing endangered and threatened ocean species, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) identifies and lists all other endangered and threatened species. Any decision by either agency to list or delist a species must be based on biological factors alone, without consideration of economic or political factors, although there are continuing political efforts to do away with this requirement. However, the two agencies can use economic factors in deciding whether and how to protect endangered habitat and in developing recovery plans for listed species.

The ESA also forbids federal agencies (except the U.S. Department of Defense) to carry out, fund, or authorize projects that would jeopardize any endangered or threatened species or destroy or modify its critical habitat. The law also makes it illegal for Americans to sell or buy any product made from an endangered or threatened species or to hunt, kill, collect, or injure such species in the United States.

For offenses committed on private lands, fines as high as $100,000 and a year in prison can be imposed to ensure protection of the habitats of endangered species. Although this provision has rarely been used, it has been controversial because at least 90% of the listed species spend part of their life cycles on private lands. Since 1982, the ESA has been amended to give private landowners various economic incentives to save endangered species living on their lands.

The ESA also requires that all commercial shipments of wildlife and wildlife products enter or leave the country through one of 17 designated airports and ocean ports. The 140 full-time USFWS inspectors can inspect only a small fraction of the more than 200 million wild animals brought legally into the United States annually. Each year, tens of millions of wild animals are also brought in illegally, but few illegal shipments of endangered or threatened animals or plants are confiscated. In addition, many violators are not prosecuted and convicted violators often pay only a small fine.

Between 1973 and December 2018, the number of U.S. species on the official endangered and threatened species lists increased from 78 to 1,661, with 1,164 (70%) having active recovery plans. According to a study by the Nature Conservancy, 33% of the country’s species are at risk of extinction, and 15% of all species are at high risk—far more than the current number listed.

According to a study by the CBD, 90% of the ESA-protected species are recovering at the rate projected in their recovery plans and 99% of the listed species have been saved from extinction. In addition, since 2003, the cumulative area designated as critical habitats increased almost tenfold. Successful recovery plans include those for the American alligator (

Chapter 4 Case Study), gray wolf, peregrine falcon, bald eagle (

Figure 9.19

), humpback whale, and brown pelican.

Figure 9.19

The American bald eagle has been removed from the U.S. endangered species list. This eagle is about to catch a fish with its powerful talons.


Since 1995, there have been numerous efforts to weaken the ESA and to reduce its meager annual budget. Opponents of the act contend that it puts the rights and welfare of endangered plants and animals above those of people. Some critics would do away with this act entirely. They call it an expensive failure because, by 2018, only 52 species had recovered enough to be removed from the endangered list.

Most biologists view the act as one of the world’s most successful environmental laws, for several reasons. First, species are listed only when they are in serious danger of extinction. ESA supporters argue that this is similar to a hospital emergency department set up to take only the most desperate cases, often with little hope for recovery. Such a facility could not be expected to save all or even most of its patients.

Second, according to federal data, the conditions of more than half of the listed species are stable or improving, 90% are recovering at rates specified by their recovery plans, and 99% of the protected species are still surviving. A hospital emergency department having similar results would be considered an astounding success story.

Third, it takes many decades for a species to reach the point where it is in danger of extinction. Thus, it takes many decades to bring a species back to the point where it can be removed from the endangered list.

Fourth, the small federal budget for protecting endangered species has been flat or declining in recent years. To ESA supporters, it is amazing that the federal agencies responsible for enforcing the act have managed to stabilize or improve the conditions of 99% of the listed species on such a small budget.

A national poll conducted by the CBD and Public Policy Polling found that two out of three Americans polled want the ESA strengthened or left alone. However, some members of Congress and the executive branches have worked to weaken the law, essentially since it was passed in 1973.

In 2018, the Interior Department–under pressure from oil and gas companies, ranchers in western states, farmers, landowners, and real estate developers—proposed several major changes in the ESA:

· Allow economic factors based on cost-benefit analysis (explained in 

Chapter 23

) to be used in listing and delisting species.

· Downgrade protections for threatened species and judge each threatened species on a case-by-case basis.

· Make it harder for a species to be listed as threatened

· Decrease or eliminate the role that climate change can play in judging whether a species is in danger of extinction.

A U.S. National Academy of Sciences study recommended three major changes in the law to make it more scientifically sound and effective:

· Greatly increase funding for implementing the act.

· Develop recovery plans more quickly.

· When a species is first listed, establish the core of its habitat as critical for its survival and give that area maximum protection.

· Provide more technical and financial assistance to landowners who want to help protect endangered species on their property.

Most biologists and wildlife conservationists believe that the United States also needs a new law that emphasizes protecting and sustaining biological diversity and ecosystem services rather than focusing mostly on saving individual species. (We examine this idea further in 

Chapter 10


One of the most far reaching of international agreements is the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This treaty, signed by


countries, bans the hunting, capturing, and selling of threatened or endangered species. It lists 1,003 species that are in danger of extinction and that cannot be commercially traded as live specimens or for their parts or products. It restricts the international trade of roughly 5,800 animal species and 30,000 plant species that are at risk of becoming threatened.

CITES has helped reduce the international trade of many threatened animals, including elephants, crocodiles, cheetahs, and chimpanzees. The treaty has also raised public awareness about the illegal trade of wildlife and poaching.

However, CITES is limited because enforcement varies from country to country and convicted violators often pay only small fines. Member countries can also exempt themselves from protecting any listed species. In addition, much of the highly profitable illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products goes on in countries that have not signed the treaty.

Another important treaty is the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), ratified or accepted by 196 countries. It legally commits participating governments to reducing the global rate of biodiversity loss and to sharing the benefits from use of the world’s genetic resources. It also aims to prevent or control the spread of harmful invasive species.

This convention is a landmark in international law because it focuses on ecosystems rather than on individual species. However, implementation has been slow because some key countries (including the United States, as of 2018) have not ratified it. The law also lacks severe penalties or other enforcement mechanisms.

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9.4bWildlife Refuges and Other Protected Areas

In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt (Figure 1.17) established the first U.S. federal wildlife refuge at Pelican Island, Florida, to help protect the brown pelican and other birds from extinction (

Figure 9.2

0). In 2009, the brown pelican was removed from the U.S. Endangered Species list, thanks to Roosevelt’s early protection. By 2018, there were


6 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Each year, more than 53 million Americans visit these refuges to hunt, fish, hike, and watch birds and other wildlife.

Figure 9.20

The Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge in Florida was America’s first National Wildlife Refuge.

George Gentry/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Inset: Chuck Wagner/

More than three-fourths of the refuges serve as wetland sanctuaries that are vital for protecting migratory waterfowl. At least one-fourth of all U.S. endangered and threatened species have habitats in the refuge system, and some refuges have been set aside specifically for certain endangered species. Such areas have helped Florida’s key deer, the brown pelican, and the trumpeter swan to recover.

Despite their benefits, activities that are harmful to wildlife, such as mining, oil drilling, and use of off-road vehicles, take place in nearly 60% of the nation’s wildlife refuges, according to a General Accounting Office study. Biodiversity researchers urge the U.S. government to set aside more refuges and increase the long-underfunded budget for the refuge system.

Elsewhere in the world, reserves and refuges have also been successful, and public awareness has played a big role in their success. Dereck and Beverly Joubert are National Geographic Explorers and award-winning filmmakers who, for more than 30 years, have been studying, filming, and writing about threatened lions, leopards, cheetahs, and other big-cat predators in Africa. They hope to heighten public awareness of the plight of these animals. Their efforts have contributed to the establishment of protected reserves for big cats and other African wildlife in Botswana, Tanzania, and Kenya.

National Geographic is funding several other efforts to preserve wild species, including that of Maia Raymundo, who is studying a critically endangered species of fruit bat in the Philippines, threatened by hunting and high rates of deforestation. Conservation biologists are alarmed about the steep decline of many bat species, which provide vital pollination and insect control services. Some populations of these fruit bats have decreased by as much as 98% in large areas of their range. Raymundo’s goal is to identify and protect critical habitat areas for the endangered bats.

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9.4cSeed Banks and Botanical Gardens

Recent research indicates that between 60,000 and 100,000 species of the world’s plants—roughly one-fourth of all known plant species—are in danger of extinction. Seed banks are refrigerated, low-humidity storage environments used to preserve genetic information and the seeds of endangered and other plant species. More than 1,750 seed banks around the world collectively hold about 3 million samples.

Some species cannot be preserved in seed banks. Seed banks also vary in quality, are expensive to operate, and are difficult to protect against destruction by fire or other mishaps. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, an underground facility on a remote island in the Arctic has the capacity for 4.5 million samples of the world’s plant species. It was designed to withstand natural and human-caused disasters. However, it is threatened by flooding that could occur because a warmer climate is thawing out the surrounding permafrost that keeps the facility cold.

The world’s 1,600 botanical gardens contain living plants that represent almost one-third of the world’s known plant species. However, they contain only about 3% of the world’s rare and threatened plant species and have limited space and funding to preserve most of those species. Similarly, an arboretum is land set aside for protecting, studying, and displaying various species of trees and shrubs. There are hundreds of arboreta around the world.

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9.4dZoos, Aquariums, and Wildlife Farms

Zoos, aquariums, game parks, and animal research centers preserve some individuals of critically endangered animal species. The long-term goal is to reintroduce the species into protected wild habitats.

Two techniques for preserving endangered terrestrial species are egg pulling and captive breeding. Egg pulling involves collecting wild eggs laid by critically endangered bird species and then hatching them in zoos or research centers. In captive breeding, some or all of the wild individuals of a critically endangered species are collected for breeding in captivity, with the aim of reintroducing the offspring into the wild. Captive breeding has been used to save the peregrine falcon and the California condor (Figure 9.3b).

Several other techniques are used to increase the populations of captive species. They include artificial insemination, insertion of semen into a female’s reproductive system, embryo transfer (the surgical implantation of eggs of one species into a surrogate mother of another species), and cross fostering (in which the young of a rare species are raised by parents of a similar species). Scientists also match individuals for mating by using DNA analysis along with computer databases that hold information on family lineages of endangered zoo animals—a computer dating service for zoo animals.

The ultimate goal of captive breeding programs is to build populations to a level where they can be reintroduced into the wild. Successes include the black-footed ferret, the golden lion tamarin (a highly endangered monkey species), the Arabian oryx, and the California condor (Figure 9.3b). However, most reintroductions fail because of a lack of suitable habitat, an inability of the individuals bred in captivity to survive in the wild, renewed overhunting or poaching, or pollution and other hazards in the environment.

One problem for captive breeding programs is that a captive population of an endangered species must typically number 100 to 500 individuals in order to avoid extinction resulting from accidents, diseases, or the loss of genetic diversity through inbreeding. Recent genetic research indicates that 10,000 or more individuals are needed for an endangered species to maintain its capacity for biological evolution. Zoos and research centers do not have the funding or space to house such large populations.

Public aquariums (

Figure 9.21

) that exhibit unusual and attractive species of fish and marine animals such as seals and dolphins help educate the public about the need to protect such species. Some carry out research on how to save endangered species. However, mostly because of limited funds, public aquariums have not served as effective gene banks for endangered marine species, especially marine mammals that need large volumes of water in which to live.

Figure 9.21

The Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California (USA) with visitors viewing a kelp forest community.


We can take pressure off some endangered or threatened species by raising individuals of these species on farms for commercial sale. In Florida, American alligators are raised on farms for their meat and hides. Butterfly farms established to raise and protect endangered species flourish in Papua New Guinea, where many butterfly species are threatened by development activities. These farms are also used to educate visitors about the need to protect butterfly species.

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9.4eThe Precautionary Principle

Biodiversity scientists call for us to take precautionary action to avoid hastening species extinction and disrupting essential ecosystem services. This approach is based on the 

precautionary principle

: When substantial preliminary evidence indicates that an activity can harm human health or the environment, we should take precautionary measures to prevent or reduce such harm even if some of the cause-and-effect relationships have not been fully established scientifically. It is based on the commonsense idea behind many adages, including “Better safe than sorry” and “Look before you leap.”

Scientists use the precautionary principle to argue for both the preservation of species and protection of entire ecosystems and their ecosystem services. Implementing this principle puts the emphasis on preventing species extinction instead of waiting until a species is nearly extinct before taking emergency action that can be too late.

The precautionary principle is also used as a strategy for dealing with other challenges such as preventing exposure to harmful chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. We discuss the pros and cons of using this principle to prevent pollution in 

Chapter 17


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9.4fProtecting Species and Ecosystem Services Raises Difficult Questions

Efforts to prevent the extinction of wild species and the accompanying losses of ecosystem services require the use of financial and human resources that are limited. This raises some challenging questions:

· Should we focus on protecting species or should we focus more on protecting ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide?

· How do we allocate limited resources between these two priorities?

· How do we decide which species should get the most attention in our efforts to protect as many species as possible? For example, should we focus on protecting the most threatened species or on protecting keystone species?

· Protecting species that are appealing to humans, such as the giant panda, orangutans (Figure 9.4), and tigers, can increase public awareness of the need for wildlife conservation. Is this more important than focusing on the ecological importance of species when deciding which ones to protect?

· How do we determine which habitat areas are the most critical to protect?

Conservation biologists continually struggle to deal with these questions. Because of limited funds, they must decide which species will get priority. 

Figure 9.22

 lists some guidelines you can follow to help protect species and increase your beneficial environmental impact.

Figure 9.22

Individuals matter: Ways you can help prevent the extinction of species.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of these actions do you believe are the most important ones to take? Why?

Big Ideas

· We are hastening the extinction of wild species and degrading the ecosystem services they provide by destroying and degrading natural habitats, introducing harmful invasive species, and increasing human population growth, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation.

· We should avoid causing or hastening the extinction of wild species because of the ecosystem and economic services they provide and because their existence should not depend primarily on their usefulness to us.

· We can work to prevent the extinction of species and to protect overall biodiversity and ecosystem services by establishing and enforcing environmental laws and treaties and by creating and protecting wildlife sanctuaries.

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Tying It All TogetherHoneybees and Sustainability

Malwina Szweda/

In this chapter, we learned about the human activities that are hastening the extinction of many species and about how we might curtail those activities. We learned that as many as half of the world’s known wild species could go extinct during this century, largely because of human activities that threaten many species and some of the vital ecosystem services they provide. For example, populations of honeybees, vital for pollinating crops that supply much of our food, have been declining for a variety of reasons (

Core Case Study
), many of them related to human activities. One of the key reasons for such problems is that most people are unaware of the highly valuable ecosystem and economic services provided by the earth’s species.

Acting to prevent the extinction of species from human activities implements two of the three scientific principles of sustainability. It preserves not only the earth’s biodiversity, but also the vital ecosystem services that sustain us, including chemical cycling. It also implements the ethical principle of sustainability that call for us to leave the earth in a condition that is as good as or better than what we inherited (see Inside Back Cover).

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. What are three aspects of your lifestyle that might directly or indirectly contribute to declines in European honeybee populations and the endangerment of other pollinator species (

Core Case Study)?

2. Give your response to the following statement: “Eventually, all species become extinct. So, it does not really matter that the world’s remaining tiger species or a tropical forest plants are endangered mostly because of human activities.” Be honest about your reaction, and give arguments to support your position.

3. Do you accept the ethical position that each species has the right to survive without human interference, regardless of whether it serves any useful purpose for humans? Why or why not? Would you extend this right to the Anopheles mosquito, which transmits malaria, and to harmful infectious bacteria? Explain. If your answer is no, where would you draw the line?

4. Wildlife ecologist and environmental philosopher Aldo Leopold wrote this with respect to preventing the extinction of wild species: “To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.” Explain how this statement relates to the material in this chapter.

5. What would you do if wild boar (Figure 9.11) invaded and tore up your yard or garden? Explain your reasoning behind your course of action. How might your actions affect other species or the ecosystem you are dealing with?

6. How do you think your daily habits might contribute directly or indirectly to the extinction of some bird species? What are three things that you think should be done to reduce the rate of extinction of bird species?

7. Which of the following statements best describes your feelings toward wildlife?

1. As long as it stays in its space, wildlife is okay.

2. As long as I do not need its space, wildlife is okay.

3. I have the right to use wildlife habitat to meet my own needs.

4. When you have seen one redwood tree, elephant, or some other form of wildlife, you have seen them all, so preserve a few of each species in a zoo or wildlife park and do not worry about protecting the rest.

5. All wildlife species should be protected in their current ranges.

8. How might your life change if human activities contribute to the projected extinction of 20–50% of the world’s identified species during this century? How might this sixth mass extinction affect the lives of any children or grandchildren you eventually might have?

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Identify examples of habitat destruction or degradation in the area in which you live or go to school. Try to determine and record any harmful effects that these activities have had on the populations of one wild plant and one animal species. (Name each of these species and describe how they have been affected.) Do some research on the Internet and/or in a school library on wildlife management plans, and then develop a management plan for restoring the habitats and species you have studied. Try to determine whether trade-offs are necessary with regard to the human activities you have observed, and account for these trade-offs in your management plan. Compare your plan with those of your classmates.

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Chapter Review

Data Analysis

Examine the following data released by the World Resources Institute and answer these questions:



Total Land Area in Square Kilometers (Square Miles)

Protected Area as Percent of Total Land Area (2003)

Total Number of Known Breeding Bird Species (1992–2002)

Number of Threatened Breeding Bird Species (2002)

Threatened Breeding Bird Species as Percent of Total Number of Known Breeding Bird Species


647,668 (250,000)





181,088 (69,900)


183 19

9,599,445 (3,705,386)




Costa Rica

51,114 (19,730)





27,756 (10,714)

62 14

3,288,570 (1,269,388)





26,344 (10,169)


200 9
United States

9,633,915 (3,718,691)




Compiled by the authors using data from World Resources Institute, Earth Trends, Biodiversity and Protected Areas, Country Profiles.

1. Complete the table by filling in the last column. For example, to calculate this value for Costa Rica, divide the number of threatened breeding bird species by the total number of known breeding bird species and multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage.

2. Arrange the countries from largest to smallest according to total land area. Does there appear to be any correlation between the size of country and the percentage of threatened breeding bird species? Explain your reasoning.

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Scientists Are Curious and Skeptical and Demand Evidence

Good scientists are curious about how nature works (

Individuals Matter 2.1

), but also skeptical about new data and hypotheses. They say, “Show me your evidence. Explain the reasoning behind the scientific ideas or hypotheses that you propose to explain your data.”

Individuals Matter 2.1

Jane Goodall: Chimpanzee Researcher and Protector

A photo shows Jane Goodall expressing her love to a chimpanzee.


Jane Goodall is a scientist who studies animal behavior. She has a PhD from England’s Cambridge University and is a National Geographic Explorer. At age 26, she began a decades-long career of studying chimpanzee social and family life in the Gombe Stream Game Reserve in Tanzania, Africa.

One of her major scientific discoveries was that chimpanzees make and use tools. She watched chimpanzees modifying twigs or blades of grass and then poking them into termite mounds. When the termites latched on to these primitive tools, the chimpanzees pulled them out and ate the termites. Goodall and several other scientists have also observed that chimpanzees, including captive chimpanzees, can learn simple sign language, do simple arithmetic, play computer games, develop relationships, and worry about and protect one another.

In 1977, she established the Jane Goodall Institute, an organization that works to preserve great ape populations and their habitats. In 1991, Goodall started Roots & Shoots, an environmental education program for youth with chapters in more than 130 countries. She has received many awards and prizes for her scientific contributions and conservation efforts. She has written 30 books for adults and children and has been involved with more than 40 films about the lives and importance of chimpanzees.

Over the years Goodall has spent as many as 300 days a year traveling and educating people throughout the world about chimpanzees, which are an endangered species, and the need to protect the environment. She says, “I can’t slow down … If we’re not raising new generations to be better stewards of the environment, what’s the point?”

An important part of the scientific process is peer review, in which scientists publish details of the methods they used, the results of their experiments, and the reasoning behind their hypotheses for other scientists working in the same field (their peers) to evaluate. Scientific knowledge advances in this self-correcting way, with scientists questioning and confirming the data and hypotheses of their peers. Sometimes new data and analysis can lead to revised hypotheses (

Science Focus 2.1


Science Focus 2.1

Revisions in a Popular Scientific Hypothesis

For years, the story of Easter Island has been used in textbooks as an example of how humans can seriously degrade their own life-support system and as a warning about what we are doing to our life-support system.

What happened on this small island in the South Pacific is a story about environmental degradation and the collapse of an ancient civilization of Polynesians living there. Over the years, John Fenley, his colleagues, and other researchers have studied the island and its remains, including hundreds of huge statues (

Figure 2.A


Figure 2.A

These and several hundred other statues were created by an ancient civilization of Polynesians on Easter Island. Some of them are as tall as a five-story building and weigh as much as 89 metric tons (98 tons).

A photo shows several statues of human head with upper body made of rock, arranged in a sequence.


Some of these scientists drilled cores of sediment from lakebeds and studied grains of pollen from palm trees and other plants in sediment layers to reconstruct the history of plant life on the island. Based on these data, they hypothesized that as their population grew, the Polynesians began living unsustainably by using the island’s palm forest trees faster than they could be renewed.

By studying charcoal remains in the island’s layers of soil, scientists hypothesized that when the forests were depleted, there was no firewood for cooking or keeping warm and no wood for building large canoes used to catch fish, shellfish, and other forms of seafood. They also hypothesized that, with the forest cover gone, soils eroded, crop yields plummeted, famine struck, the population dwindled, violence broke out, and the civilization collapsed.

In 2001, anthropologist Terry L. Hunt and archeologist Carl Lippo carried out new research to test the older hypotheses about what happened on Easter Island. They used radiocarbon data and other analyses to propose some new hypotheses. First, their research indicated that the Polynesians arrived on the island about 800 years ago, not 2,900 years ago, as had been thought. Second, their population size probably never exceeded 3,000, contrary to the earlier estimate of up to 15,000.

Third, the Polynesians did use the island’s trees and other vegetation in an unsustainable manner, and visitors reported that by 1722, most of the island’s trees were gone. However, one question not answered by the earlier hypothesis was, why did the trees never grow back? Based on new evidence Hunt and Lippo hypothesized that rats, which either came along with the original settlers as stowaways or were brought along as a source of protein for the long voyage, played a key role in the island’s permanent deforestation. Over the years, the rats multiplied rapidly into the millions and devoured the seeds, palm nuts, and shoots that would have regenerated large areas of the forests. According to this new hypothesis, the rats played a key role in the fall of the civilization on Easter Island.

Fourth, evidence led Hunt, Lippo and others to propose when faced with the loss of trees and poor soil, the islanders developed rock gardens to protect plants from the wind and replenish soil nutrients. In other words, they found ways to sustain themselves.

Fifth, the collapse of the island’s civilization was not due to famine and warfare. Earlier researchers found tools that they contended were weapons, but to Hunt and Lippo they were farming tools. In addition, skeletal remains indicated that lethal injuries from widespread fighting were rare.

Sixth, the collapse of the island’s civilization likely resulted from epidemics when European visitors unintentionally exposed the islanders to infectious diseases to which they had no immunity. This was followed by invaders who raided the island and took away some islanders as slaves. Later Europeans took over the land, used the remaining islanders for slave labor, and introduced sheep that devastated the island’s vegetation.

Hunt and Lippo’s research and hypotheses indicate that the Easter Island tragedy may not be as clear an example of the islanders bringing about their own ecological collapse as was once thought. This story is an excellent example of how science works. The gathering of new scientific data and the reevaluation of older data led to revised hypotheses that challenged some of the earlier thinking about the decline of civilization on Easter Island. Scientists are gathering new evidence to test these two versions of what happened on Easter Island. This could lead to some new hypotheses.

Critical Thinking

Does the new doubt about the original hypothesis about the collapse of Easter Island’s civilization mean that we should not be concerned about using resources unsustainably on the island in space that we call Earth? Explain.

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2.1cCritical Thinking and Creativity Are Important in Science

Scientists use logical reasoning and critical thinking skills to learn about nature. (See Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills in the Learning Skills section following the Table of Contents.) Thinking critically involves three steps:

1. Be skeptical about everything you read or hear.

2. Evaluate evidence and hypotheses using inputs and opinions from a variety of reliable sources.

3. Identify and evaluate your personal assumptions, biases, and beliefs and distinguish between facts and opinions before coming to a conclusion.

Logic and critical thinking are important tools in science, but imagination, creativity, and intuition are also vital. According to Albert Einstein, “There is no completely logical way to a new scientific idea.”

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2.1dScientific Theories and Laws: The Most Important and Certain Results of Science

We should never take a scientific theory lightly. It has been tested widely, is supported by extensive evidence, and is accepted by most scientists in a particular field or related fields of study as being a useful explanation of some phenomenon. So when you hear someone say, “Oh, that’s just a theory,” you will know that he or she does not have a clear understanding of what a scientific theory is and how it is one of the key outcomes of science.

Another important and reliable outcome of science is a 

scientific law

, or 

law of nature

—a well-tested and widely accepted description of what we find always happening in the same way in nature. An example is the law of gravity. After making many thousands of observations and measurements of objects falling from different heights, scientists developed the following scientific law: all objects fall to the earth’s surface at predictable speeds. Scientific laws cannot be broken.

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2.1eReliable, Unreliable, and Tentative Science

Reliable science

 consists of data, hypotheses, models, theories, and laws that are accepted by most of the scientists who are considered experts in the field under study. Scientific results and hypotheses that are presented as reliable without having undergone peer review, or that are discarded because of peer review or additional research, are considered to be 

unreliable science


Preliminary scientific results that have not undergone adequate testing and peer review are viewed as 

tentative science

. Some of these results and hypotheses will be validated and classified as reliable. Others may be discredited and classified as unreliable. This is how scientific knowledge advances.

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2.1fLimitations of Science

Environmental science and science in general have several limitations. First, scientific research cannot prove that anything is absolutely true. This is because there is always some degree of uncertainty in measurements, observations, models, and the resulting hypotheses and theories. Instead, scientists try to establish that a particular scientific theory has a very high probability or certainty (typically 90–95%) of being useful for understanding some aspect of the natural world. It is rare but a scientific theory can be modified and or even discarded if new data strongly support a new conclusion.

Many scientists do not use the word proof because it can falsely imply “absolute proof.” For example, most scientists would not say: “Science has proven that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer.” Instead, they might say: “Overwhelming evidence from thousands of studies indicates that people who smoke regularly for many years have a greatly increased chance of developing lung cancer.”

Critical Thinking

1. Does the fact that science can never prove anything absolutely mean that its results are not valid or useful? Explain.

A second limitation of science is that some scientists are not always free of bias about their own results and hypotheses. However, the high standards for evidence and peer review uncover or greatly reduce personal bias and falsified scientific results.

A third limitation is that many systems in the natural world involve a huge number of variables with complex interactions. This makes it too difficult, costly, and time consuming to test one variable at a time in controlled experiments such as the one described in this chapter’s 

Core Case Study

. To deal with this, scientists develop mathematical models that can take into account the interactions of many variables, and they run the models on high-speed computers.

A fourth limitation of science involves the use of statistical tools. For example, there is no way to measure accurately the number of metric tons of soil eroded annually worldwide. Instead, scientists use statistical sampling and mathematical methods to estimate such numbers.

Despite these limitations, science is the most useful way that we have of learning about how nature works and projecting how it might behave in the future.

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2.2Matter and Changes in Matter

· LO 2.2AList the three major types of subatomic particles.

· LO 2.2BExplain why the atomic number of a carbon atom is 6 and its mass number is 12.

· LO 2.2CList two examples of each of the four major types of organic polymers.


LO 2.2DExplain how genes, traits, and chromosomes are related in terms of how they explain physical differences among you and your friends.

· LO 2.2EDescribe the difference between a physical change and a chemical change in matter in terms of how such changes affect a common object.

· LO 2.2FState the Law of Conservation of Matter.

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2.2aMatter Consists of Elements and Compounds


 is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter can exist in three physical states—solid, liquid, and gas—at a given temperature and pressure and in two chemical forms—elements and compounds.



 such as gold or mercury (

Figure 2.3

) is a fundamental type of matter with a unique set of properties that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Chemists refer to each element with a unique one- or two-letter symbol such as C for carbon and Au for gold. They have arranged the known elements based on their chemical behavior in a chart known as the 

periodic table of elements


Figure 2.3

Mercury (left) and gold (right) are chemical elements. Each has a unique set of properties and cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

Andraz Cerar/; Hurst Photo/

Some matter is composed of one element, such as carbon (C) and oxygen gas . However, most matter consists of 


, which are combinations of two or more different elements held together in fixed proportions. For example, carbon and oxygen gas combine to form the compound carbon dioxide . Water  is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen, and sodium chloride (NaCl) contains the elements sodium and chlorine.

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2.2bAtoms, Molecules, and Ions

The basic building block of matter is an 


—the smallest unit of matter into which an element can be divided and still have its distinctive chemical properties. The idea that all elements are made up of atoms is called the 

atomic theory

 and is the most widely accepted scientific theory in chemistry.

Atoms are incredibly small. For example, more than 3 million hydrogen atoms could sit side by side on the period at the end of this sentence. If you could view atoms with a super microscope, you would find that each different type of atom contains a certain number of three types of subatomic particles: 


, with no electrical charge; 


, each with a positive electrical charge (+); and 


, each with a negative electrical charge (−).

Each atom has an extremely small center called the 


, which contains one or more protons and, in most cases, one or more neutrons. Outside of the nucleus, we find one or more electrons in rapid motion (

Figure 2.4


Figure 2.4

Simplified model of a carbon-12 atom. It consists of a nucleus containing six protons, each with a positive electrical charge, and six neutrons with no electrical charge. Six negatively charged electrons are found outside its nucleus.

Each element has a unique 

atomic number

 equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of its atom. Carbon (C), with 6 protons in its nucleus, has an atomic number of 6, whereas uranium (U), has 92 protons in its nucleus and thus an atomic number of 92.

Because electrons have so little mass compared to protons and neutrons, most of an atom’s mass is concentrated in its nucleus. The mass of an atom is described by its 

mass number

, the total number of neutrons and protons in its nucleus. For example, a carbon atom with 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus (Figure 2.4) has a mass number of  and a uranium atom with 92 protons and 143 neutrons in its nucleus has a mass number of .

Each atom of a particular element has the same number of protons in its nucleus. However, the nuclei of atoms of a particular element can vary in the number of neutrons they contain, and, therefore, in their mass numbers. The forms of an element having the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called 


 of that element. Scientists identify isotopes by attaching their mass numbers to the name or symbol of the element. For example, the three most common isotopes of carbon are carbon-12 (with six protons and six neutrons, Figure 2.4), carbon-13 (with six protons and seven neutrons), and carbon-14 (with six protons and eight neutrons). Carbon-12 makes up about 98.9% of all naturally occurring carbon.

A second building block of matter is a 


, a combination of two or more atoms of the same or different elements held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are the basic building blocks of many compounds. Examples are water  and hydrogen gas .

A third building block of some types of matter is an 


. It is an atom or a group of atoms with one or more net positive (+) or negative (−) electrical charges resulting from the loss or gain of negatively charged electrons. Chemists use a superscript after the symbol of an ion to indicate the number of positive or negative electrical charges. The hydrogen ion  and sodium ion  are examples of positive ions. Examples of negative ions are the hydroxide ion  and chloride ion . Another example of a negative ion is the nitrate ion , a nutrient essential for plant growth. In this chapter’s Core Case Study, Bormann and Likens measured the loss of nitrate ions (

Figure 2.5

) from the deforested area (

Figure 2.1

, right) in their controlled experiment. 

Table 2.1

 lists the chemical ions used in this book.

Figure 2.5

Loss of nitrate ions  from a deforested watershed in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Core Case Study, Figure 2.1).

Data Analysis


1. By what percent did the nitrate concentration increase between 1965 and the peak concentration between 1967 and 1968?

Compiled by the authors using data from F H Bormann and Gene Likens.

Table 2.1

Chemical Ions Used in This Book


Positive Ion


Negative Ion

Hydrogen ion

Chloride ion

Sodium ion

Hydroxide ion

Calcium ion

Nitrate ion

Aluminum ion

Carbonate ion

Ammonium ion

Sulfate ion

Phosphate ion

Ions are important for measuring a substance’s 


, a measure of the comparative amounts of hydrogen ions  and hydroxide ions  in a particular volume of a water solution. Scientists use 


 as a measure of acidity. Pure water (not tap water or rainwater) has an equal number of  and  ions. It is called a neutral solution and has a pH of 7. An acidic solution has more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions and has a pH less than 7. A basic solution has more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions and has a pH greater than 7.

Each change of a whole number unit on the pH scale represents a tenfold increase or decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in a liter of solution. For example, an acidic solution with a pH of 3 is 10 times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 4. 

Figure 2.6

 shows the approximate pH and hydrogen ion concentration per liter of solution for various common substances.

Figure 2.6

The pH scale measures the acidity of solutions. A neutral solution has a pH of 7, an acidic solution has a pH less than 7, and a basic solution has a pH greater than 7. A one-unit change in pH means a tenfold change, that is, a tenfold increase or decrease in acidity.

Data Analysis:

1. How many times more acidic is a solution with a pH of 2 than one with a pH of 6?

Chemists use a 

chemical formula

 to show the number of each type of atom or ion in a compound. The formula contains the symbol for each element present and uses subscripts to show the number of atoms or ions of each element in the compound’s basic structural unit. Examples of compounds and their formulas encountered in this book are sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (, read as “H-two-O”). Sodium chloride is an ionic compound that is held together in a three-dimensional array by the attraction between oppositely charged sodium ions  and chloride ions  (

Figure 2.7

). Sodium chloride and many other compounds tend to dissolve in water and beak apart into their individual ions  and .

Figure 2.7

A solid crystal of an ionic compound such as sodium chloride (NaCl) consists of a three-dimensional array of oppositely charged ions held together by the strong forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Other compounds called covalent compounds are made up of uncharged atoms. An example is water . The bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules are called covalent bonds and form when the atoms in the molecule share one or more pairs of their electrons. 

Figure 2.8

 shows the chemical formulas and shapes of molecules that are the building blocks for several common covalent compounds. 

Table 2.2

 lists compounds important to the study of environmental science in this book.

Figure 2.8

Chemical formulas and shapes for some covalent compound molecules.

Table 2.2

Compounds Used in This Book





Sodium chloride



Sodium hydroxide



Carbon monoxide



Carbon dioxide

Hydrogen sulfide

Nitric oxide


Sulfur dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide

Sulfuric acid

Nitrous oxide


Nitric acid

Calcium carbonate

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2.2cOrganic Compounds

Plastics, table sugar, vitamins, aspirin, penicillin, and most of the chemicals in your body are called 

organic compounds

, which contain at least two carbon atoms combined with atoms of one or more other elements. The exception is methane , with only one carbon atom.

The millions of known organic (carbon-based) compounds include hydrocarbons—compounds of carbon and hydrogen atoms—such as methane , the main component of natural gas. They also include simple carbohydrates (simple sugars) that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. An example is glucose , which most plants and animals break down in their cells to obtain energy.

Several types of larger and more complex organic compounds essential to life are called polymers. They form when a number of simple organic molecules (monomers) are linked together by chemical bonds, somewhat like rail cars linked in a freight train. Four types of organic polymers—complex carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids—are the molecular building blocks of life.

Complex carbohydrates

 consist of two or more monomers of simple sugars (such as glucose,  linked together. One example is the starches that plants use to store energy and to provide energy for animals that feed on plants. Another is cellulose, the earth’s most abundant organic compound, which is found in the cell walls of bark, leaves, stems, and roots.


 are large polymer molecules formed by linking together long chains of monomers called amino acids. Living organisms use about 20 different amino acid molecules to build a variety of proteins. Some proteins store energy. Others are components of the immune system and chemical messengers, or hormones, which turn various bodily functions of animals on or off. In animals, proteins are also components of hair, skin, muscle, and tendons. In addition, some proteins act as enzymes that catalyze or speed up certain chemical reactions.

Nucleic acids

 are large polymer molecules made by linking large numbers of monomers called nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar molecule, and one of four different nucleotide bases (represented by A, G, C, and T, the first letter in each of their names). Two nucleic acids—DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)—help build proteins and carry hereditary information used to pass traits from parent to offspring. Hydrogen bonds between parts of the nucleotides in DNA hold two DNA strands together like a spiral staircase, forming a double helix (

Figure 2.9


Figure 2.9

Portion of a DNA molecule, which is composed of spiral (helical) strands of nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains three units: phosphate (P), a sugar (S), which is deoxyribose, and one of four different nucleotide bases represented by the letters A, G, C, and T.

The different molecules of DNA in the millions of species found on the earth are like a vast and diverse genetic library. Each species is a unique book in that library. If the DNA coiled in your body were unwound, it would stretch about 960 million kilometers (600 million miles)—more than six times the distance between the sun and the earth.


, a fourth building block of life, are a chemically diverse group of large organic compounds that do not dissolve in water. Examples are fats and oils for storing energy, waxes for structure, and steroids for producing hormones.

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2.2dCells, Genes, and Chromosomes

All organisms are composed of one or more 


—the fundamental structural and functional units of life. The idea that all living things are composed of cells is called the 

cell theory

. It is the most widely accepted scientific theory in biology.

Within some DNA molecules (
Figure 2.9
) are certain sequences of nucleotides called 


. Each of these segments of DNA contains instructions, or codes, called genetic information for making specific proteins. The coded information in each segment of DNA is a 


 that passes from parents to offspring during reproduction in an animal or plant.

Thousands of genes make up a single 


, a double helix DNA molecule wrapped around one or more proteins. Genetic information coded in your chromosomal DNA is what makes you different from an oak leaf, a mosquito, and your parents. 

Figure 2.10

 shows the relationships of genetic material to cells.

Figure 2.10

The relationships among cells, nuclei, chromosomes, DNA, and genes.

Photo: Flashon Studio/

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2.2ePhysical and Chemical Changes

Matter can undergo physical and chemical changes. When matter undergoes a 

physical change

, there is no change in its chemical composition. A piece of aluminum foil cut into small pieces is still aluminum foil. When solid water (ice) melts and when liquid water boils, the resulting liquid water and water vapor remain as  molecules.

When a 

chemical change

, or 

chemical reaction

, takes place, there is a change in the chemical composition of the substances involved. Chemists use a chemical equation to show how chemicals are rearranged in a chemical reaction. For example, coal is made up almost entirely of the element carbon (C). When coal is burned completely in a power plant, the solid carbon in the coal combines with oxygen gas  from the atmosphere to form the gaseous compound carbon dioxide . Chemists use the following shorthand chemical equation to represent this chemical reaction:

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2.2fLaw of Conservation of Matter

Elements and compounds can change from one physical form (solid, liquid, or gas) and elements and compounds can interact in chemical reactions and change from one chemical form to another. However, atoms are never created or destroyed in any physical or chemical change. Instead, atoms, ions, or molecules can only be rearranged into different spatial patterns (physical changes) or chemical combinations (chemical changes). This finding, based on many thousands of measurements, describes an unbreakable scientific law known as the 

law of conservation of matter

: Whenever matter undergoes a physical or chemical change, no atoms are created or destroyed.

Chemists obey this scientific law by balancing the equation for a chemical reaction to account for the fact that no atoms are created or destroyed. Passing electricity through water  can break it down into hydrogen  and oxygen , as represented by the following equation:


This equation is unbalanced because one atom of oxygen is on the left side of the equation but two oxygen atoms are on the right side. We cannot change the subscripts of any of the formulas to balance this equation because that would change the arrangements of the atoms, leading to different substances. Instead, we must use different numbers of the molecules involved to balance the equation. For example, we could use two water molecules:


This equation is still unbalanced. Although the numbers of oxygen atoms on both sides of the equation are now equal, the numbers of hydrogen atoms are not. We can correct this problem by recognizing that the reaction must produce two hydrogen molecules:


Now the equation is balanced, and the law of conservation of matter has been observed.

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2.3Energy and Changes in Energy

· LO 2.3AExplain the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy in terms of something you do every day.

· LO 2.3BList two examples each of renewable energy sources and nonrenewable energy sources.

· LO 2.3CExplain the difference between high-quality and low-quality energy in terms of common examples.

· LO 2.3DState the First Law of Thermodynamics.

· LO 2.3EState the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

· LO 2.3FExplain why some light bulbs are more energy-efficient than others.

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2.3aEnergy Comes in Many Forms


 is the capacity to do work or to transfer heat. Suppose you find a book on the floor and you pick it up and put it on your desktop. In doing this, you have to do work, by using certain amount of muscular force to move the book from one place to another. In scientific terms, work is done when any object is moved a certain distance . When you touch a hot object such as a stove, heat (or thermal energy) flows from the stove to your finger. Both of these examples involve energy.

There are two major types of energy: moving energy (called kinetic energy) and stored energy (called potential energy). Matter in motion has 

kinetic energy

. Examples are flowing water, a car speeding down a highway, electricity (electrons flowing through a wire or other conducting material), and wind (a mass of moving air that we can use to produce electricity, as shown in 

Figure 2.11


Electric power

 is the rate at which electric energy is transferred through a wire or other conducting material.

Figure 2.11

Kinetic energy, created by the gaseous molecules in a mass of moving air, turns the blades of these wind turbines. The turbines then convert this kinetic energy to electrical energy, which is another form of kinetic energy.


In another form of kinetic energy called 

electromagnetic radiation

, energy travels from one place to another in the form of waves formed from changes in electrical and magnetic fields. There are many different forms of electromagnetic radiation (

Figure 2.12

). Each form has a different wavelength—the distance between successive peaks or troughs in the wave—and energy content. Those with short wavelengths have more energy than do those with longer wavelengths. Visible light makes up most of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun.

Figure 2.12

The electromagnetic spectrum consists of a range of electromagnetic waves, which differ in wavelength (the distance between successive peaks or troughs) and energy content.

Another form of kinetic energy is 


, or 

thermal energy

. It is the total kinetic energy of all moving atoms, ions, or molecules in an object, a body of water, or a volume of gas such as the atmosphere. The hotter an object is, the faster the motion of the atoms, ions, or molecules inside that object. 


 is a measure of the average heat or thermal energy of the atoms, ions, or molecules in a sample of matter. When two objects at different temperatures make contact with each another, heat flows from the warmer object to the cooler object. You learned this the first time you touched a hot stove.

Heat is transferred from one place to another by three methods—radiation, conduction, and convection. 


 is the transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic radiation in the form of infrared radiation (
Figure 2.12
). This is how heat from the sun reaches the earth and how heat from a fireplace is transferred to the surrounding air. 


 is the transfer of heat from one solid substance to another cooler one when they are in physical contact. It occurs when you touch a hot object or when an electric stove burner heats a pan. 


 is the transfer of heat energy within liquids or gases when warmer areas of the liquid or gas rise to cooler areas and cooler liquid or gas takes its place. As a result, heat circulates through the air or liquid such as water being heated in a pan.

The other major type of energy is 

potential energy

, which is stored and potentially available for use. Examples of this type of energy include a rock held in your hand, the water in a reservoir behind a dam, the chemical energy stored in the carbon atoms of coal or in the molecules of the food you eat, and 

nuclear energy

 stored in the strong forces that hold the particles (protons and neutrons) in the nuclei of atoms together.

You can change potential energy to kinetic energy. If you hold a book in your hand, it has potential energy. If you drop it on your foot, the book’s potential energy changes to kinetic energy during its fall. When a car engine burns gasoline, the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of the gasoline molecules changes into kinetic energy that propels the car, and into heat that flows into the environment. When water in a reservoir flows through channels in a dam (

Figure 2.13

), its potential energy becomes kinetic energy used to spin turbines in the dam to produce electricity—yet another form of kinetic energy.

Figure 2.13

The water stored in this reservoir behind Hoover dam has potential energy, which becomes kinetic energy when the water flows through channels built into the dam where it spins a turbine and produces electricity—another form of kinetic energy.

Andrew Zarivny/

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2.3bRenewable and Nonrenewable Energy

Scientists divide energy resources into two major categories: renewable energy and nonrenewable energy. 

Renewable energy

 is energy gained from resources that are replenished by natural processes in a relatively short time. Examples are solar energy, wind, moving water, firewood from trees, and heat that comes from the earth’s interior (geothermal energy).

Learning from Nature

One of the fastest growing sources of energy is solar power, a prominent example of how scientists and engineers are learning from nature by studying how plants and animals use solar energy to stay alive.

Nonrenewable energy

 is energy from resources that can be depleted and are not replenished by natural processes within a human time scale. Examples are energy produced by the burning of oil, coal, and natural gas, and nuclear energy released when the nuclei of atoms of uranium fuel are split apart.

About 99% of the energy that keeps us warm and supports the plants that we and other organisms eat is electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. This is the basis of the solar energy principle of sustainability (

Figure 1.2

). Without this essentially inexhaustible solar energy, the earth would be frozen and life as we know it would not exist.

Commercial energy—energy that is sold in the marketplace—makes up the remaining 1% of the energy we use to supplement the earth’s direct input of solar energy. About 85% of the commercial energy used in the world and 80% of that used in the United States comes from the burning of nonrenewable fossil fuels—oil, coal, and natural gas. They are called fossil fuels because they were formed over hundreds of thousands to millions of years as layers of the decaying remains of ancient plants and animals were exposed to intense heat and pressure within the earth’s crust.


Percentage of the commercial energy used in the world that is provided by fossil fuels.

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2.3cEnergy Quality

Some types of energy are more useful than others. 

Energy quality

 is a measure of the capacity of energy to do useful work. 

High-quality energy

 is concentrated energy that has a high capacity to do useful work. Examples are high-temperature heat, concentrated sunlight, high-speed wind, and the energy released when we burn wood, gasoline, natural gas, or coal.

By contrast, 

low-quality energy

 is so dispersed that it has little capacity to do useful work. For example, the enormous number of moving molecules in the atmosphere or in an ocean together has a huge amount of energy. However, it is low-quality energy because it is widely dispersed and has such a low temperature, that we cannot use it to move things or to heat things to high temperatures.

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2.3dEnergy Changes Obey Two Scientific Laws

From millions of observations and measurements of energy changing from one form to another in physical and chemical changes, scientists have summarized their results in the 

first law of thermodynamics

, also known as the 

law of conservation of energy

. According to this scientific law, whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form of energy to another or transferred from one place to another.

No matter how hard we try or how clever we are, we cannot get more energy out of a physical or chemical change than we put in. This law is one of nature’s basic rules that we cannot violate.

Because energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another, you may think we will never run out of energy. Think again. If you fill a car’s tank with gasoline and drive around all day or run your cell phone battery down, something has been lost. What is it? The answer is energy quality, the amount of energy available for performing useful work.

Thousands of experiments have shown that whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, we end up with lower-quality or less-usable energy than we started with. This is a statement of the 

second law of thermodynamics

. The low-quality energy usually takes the form of heat that flows into the environment. The random motion of air or water molecules further disperses this heat, decreasing its temperature to the point where its energy quality is too low to do much useful work.

In other words, when energy is changed from one form to another, it always goes from a more useful to a less useful form. This means we cannot recycle or reuse high-quality energy to perform useful work. Once the high-quality energy in a serving of food, a tank of gasoline, or a chunk coal is released, it is degraded to low-quality heat and dispersed into the environment. The second law of thermodynamics is another basic rule of nature that we cannot violate.

Energy efficiency

 is a measure of how much work results from each unit of energy that is put into a system. Suppose you turn on a lamp with an incandescent bulb powered by electricity produced by a coal-burning power plant. This electricity is transported by a power line to your house and then through house wires to the light bulb. Because of the second law of thermodynamics, some of the original energy produced by burning the coal is lost as waste heat to the environment in each step of this process. The amount of heat lost in each step depends on the energy efficiency of the technologies used. Because of these losses, only 5% of the chemical energy in the coal ends up producing the light from the bulb. The other 95% ends up as heat that flows into the environment. In other words, the highly inefficient incandescent light bulb is mostly a heat bulb not a light bulb.

Thus, 95% of the money spent for the light in this example was wasted. Some of this energy and money waste was the automatic result of the second law of thermodynamics. The rest was lost mostly because of low energy efficiency of the power plant (35%) and the light bulb (5%). A key to reducing this waste of energy and money is to improve the energy efficiency of the power plant and light bulb or replace them with newer, more energy-efficient technologies. We are still using the energy-wasting power plants, but we are shifting from inefficient incandescent light bulbs to much more efficient light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs.

Scientists estimate that about 84% of the energy used in the United States is either unavoidably wasted because of the second law of thermodynamics (41%) or unnecessarily wasted (


). Thus, thermodynamics teaches us an important lesson: the cheapest and quickest way to get more energy and cut energy bills is to stop wasting almost half the energy we use. One way to reduce the unnecessary waste of energy and money is to improve the energy efficiency of the power plants, automobile engines, and devices powered by electricity such as lights, refrigerators, and air conditioners. This will save money and sharply reduce air pollution, including emissions of climate-changing carbon dioxide.


Percentage of the commercial energy used in the United States that is unnecessarily wasted

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2.4Systems and How They Respond to Change

· LO 2.4AExplain why the human body, a forest, and a car are all examples of systems.

· LO 2.4BDescribe the inputs, throughputs, and outputs involved in driving a car.

· LO 2.4CDescribe a common positive feedback loop.

· LO 2.4DDescribe a common negative, or corrective, feedback loop.

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2.4aSystems and Feedback Loops


 is any set of components that function and interact in some regular way. Examples are a cell, the human body, a forest, an economy, a car, a TV set, and the earth.

Most systems have three key components: 


 of matter, energy, and information from the environment; 




 of matter, energy, and information within the system; and 


 of matter, energy, and information to the environment (

Figure 2.14

). A system can become unsustainable if the throughputs of matter and energy resources exceed the ability of the system’s environment to provide the required resource inputs and to absorb or dilute the system’s outputs of matter and energy (mostly heat).

Figure 2.14

Simplified model of a system.

Most systems are affected by feedback, any process that increases (positive feedback) or decreases (negative feedback) a change to a system. Such a process, called a feedback loop, occurs when an output of matter, energy, or information is fed back into the system as an input and changes the system. A 

positive feedback loop

 causes a system to change further in the same direction. For example, when researchers removed the vegetation from a stream valley in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (

Core Case Study

), they found that flowing water from precipitation caused erosion and losses of nutrients, which caused more vegetation to die (

Figure 2.15

). With even less vegetation to hold soil in place, flowing water caused even more erosion and nutrient loss, which caused even more plants to die.

Figure 2.15

A positive feedback loop. Decreasing vegetation in a valley causes increasing erosion and nutrient losses that in turn cause more vegetation to die, resulting in more erosion and nutrient losses.

Learning from Nature

For many years, farmers have made use of the natural abilities of plants to hold soil and nutrients by planting cover crops to help retain topsoil and using rows of trees called windbreaks to protect open fields from wind erosion.

When a natural system becomes locked into a positive feedback loop, it can reach a 

tipping point

. Beyond this point, the system can change so drastically that it suffers from severe degradation or collapse. Reaching and exceeding a tipping point is somewhat like stretching a rubber band. We can get away with stretching it to several times its original length. At some point, however, we reach an irreversible tipping point where the rubber band breaks. Similarly, if you lean back on the two rear legs of a chair, at some point the chair will tip back and you will land on the floor. Several types of ecological tipping points will be discussed throughout this book.


, or 

corrective, feedback loop

 causes a system to change in the opposite direction. A simple example is a thermostat, a device that measures the temperature in a house and uses this information to turn its heating or cooling system on or off to achieve a desired temperature (

Figure 2.16


Figure 2.16

A negative feedback loop. When a house being heated by a furnace gets to a certain temperature, its thermostat is set to turn off the furnace, and the house begins to cool instead of continuing to get warmer. When the house temperature drops below the set point, this information is fed back to turn the furnace on until the desired temperature is reached again.

Another example of a negative feedback loop is the recycling of aluminum. An aluminum can is an output of mining and manufacturing systems that requires large inputs of energy and matter and that produces pollution and solid waste. When we recycle, the output (the used can) it becomes an input that reduces the need for mining aluminum and manufacturing the can. This reduces the energy and matter inputs and the harmful environmental effects. This is an application of the chemical cycling principle of sustainability.

Most systems in nature use negative feedback to enhance their stability. For example, when we get too cold our brains send signals for us to shiver to produce more body heat. When we get too hot, our brains cause us to sweat, which cools us as the moisture evaporates from our skin.

Big Ideas

· According to the law of conservation of matter, no atoms are created or destroyed whenever matter undergoes a physical or chemical change. Thus, we cannot do away with matter; we can only change it from one physical state or chemical form to another.

· According to the first law of thermodynamics, or the law of conservation of energy, whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is created or destroyed. This means that in causing such changes, we cannot get more energy out than we put in.

· According to the second law of thermodynamics, whenever energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, we always end up with a lower-quality or less-usable form of energy than we started with. This means that we cannot recycle or reuse high-quality energy.

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Tying It All TogetherThe Hubbard Brook Forest Experiment and Sustainability

steve estvanik/

In the controlled experiment discussed in this chapter’s 

Core Case Study, the clearing of a mature forest degraded some of its natural capital (

Figure 1.3

, and photo below). Specifically, the loss of trees and vegetation altered the ability of the forest to retain and recycle water and other critical plant nutrients—a crucial ecological function based on the chemical cycling principle of sustainability.

This clearing of vegetation also violated the solar energy and biodiversity principles of sustainability. For example, the cleared forest lost most of its plants that had used solar energy to produce food for the forest’s animals, which supplied nutrients to the soil when they died. Thus, the forest lost many of its key nutrients that would normally have been recycled. It also lost much of its life-sustaining biodiversity.

Many of the results of environmental science are based on this sort of experimentation. Throughout this textbook, we explore other examples of how scientists learn about nature. We will see how we can use these results to help us understand how the earth works, how our actions affect the environment, and how we can solve some of our environmental problems.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. What ecological lesson can we learn from the controlled experiment on the clearing of forests described in the 

Core Case Study that opened this chapter?

2. Suppose you observe that all of the fish in a pond have disappeared. How might you use the scientific process described in the Core Case Study and in 

Figure 2.2

 to determine the cause of this fish kill?

3. Respond to the following statements:

1. Scientists have not absolutely proven that anyone has ever died from smoking cigarettes.

2. The natural greenhouse effect—the warming effect of certain gases such as water vapor and carbon dioxide in the lower atmosphere—is not a reliable idea because it is just a scientific theory.

4. A tree grows and increases its mass. Explain why this is not a violation of the law of conservation of matter.

5. If there is no “away” where organisms can get rid of their wastes due to the law of conservation of matter, why is the world not filled with waste matter?


Suppose someone wants you to invest money in an automobile engine, claiming that it will produce more energy than is found in the fuel used to run it. What would be your response? Explain.

7. Use the second law of thermodynamics to explain why we can use oil only once as a fuel, or in other words, why we cannot recycle or reuse its high-quality energy.

8. For one day,

1. you have the power to revoke the law of conservation of matter, and

2. you have the power to violate the first law of thermodynamics.

For each of these scenarios, list three ways in which you would use your new power. Explain your choices.

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Find a newspaper or magazine article or a report on the internet that attempts to discredit a scientific hypothesis because it has not been proven, or a report of a new scientific hypothesis that has the potential to be controversial. Analyze the piece by doing the following:

1. determine its source (authors or organization);

2. detect an alternative hypothesis, if any, that is offered by the authors;

3. determine the primary objective of the authors (for example, to debunk the original hypothesis, to state an alternative hypothesis, or to raise new questions);

4. summarize the evidence given by the authors for their position; and

5. compare the authors’ evidence with the evidence for the original hypothesis. Write a report summarizing your analysis and compare it with those of your classmates.

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Chapter Review
Data Analysis

Consider the graph below that compares the losses of calcium from the experimental and control sites in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Core Case Study). Note that this figure is very similar to Figure 2.5, which compares loss of nitrates from the two sites. After studying this graph, answer these questions.

1. In what year did the loss of calcium from the experimental site begin a sharp increase? In what year did it peak? In what year did it level off?

2. In what year were the calcium losses from the two sites closest together? In the span of time between 1963 and 1972, did they ever get that close again?

3. Does this graph support the hypothesis that cutting the trees from a forested area causes the area to lose nutrients more quickly than leaving the trees in place? Explain.

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Chapter Introduction

Coral reef in Egypt’s Red Sea


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Case Study

Why Should We Care about Coral Reefs?

Learning Objectives

· LO 8.1List three important ecological or economic services provided by coral reefs.

· LO 8.2Describe three major threats to coral reefs.

Coral reefs form in clear, warm coastal waters in tropical areas. These stunningly beautiful natural wonders (see 

chapter-opening photo

) are among the world’s oldest, most diverse, and most productive ecosystems.

Coral reefs are formed by massive colonies of tiny animals called polyps (close relatives of jellyfish). They slowly build reefs by secreting a protective crust of limestone (calcium carbonate) around their soft bodies. When the polyps die, their empty crusts remain behind as part of a platform for more reef growth. The resulting elaborate network of crevices, ledges, and holes serves as calcium carbonate “condominiums” for a variety of marine animals.

Coral reefs are the result of a mutually beneficial relationship between polyps and tiny single-celled algae called zooxanthellae (“zoh-ZAN-thel-ee”) that live in the tissues of the polyps. In this example of mutualism, the algae provide the polyps with food and oxygen through photosynthesis and help the corals produce calcium carbonate. Algae also give the reefs their stunning coloration. The polyps, in turn, provide the algae with a well-protected home and some of their nutrients.

Although shallow and deep-water coral reefs occupy only about 2% of the ocean floor, they provide important ecosystem and economic services. They act as natural barriers that help to protect 15% of the world’s coastlines from flooding and erosion caused by battering waves and storms. They also provide habitats, food, and spawning grounds for one-quarter to one-third of the organisms that live in the ocean, and they produce about one-tenth of the global fish catch. Through tourism and fishing, they provide goods and services worth about $40 billion a year.

Coral reefs are vulnerable to damage because they grow slowly and are disrupted easily. Runoff of soil and other materials from the land can cloud the water and block the sunlight that the algae in shallow reefs need for photosynthesis. In addition, the water in which shallow reefs live must have a temperature of ‍ and cannot be too acidic. This explains why a major long-term threat to shallow coral reefs is climate change, which could raise the water temperature above tolerable limits in most shallow reef areas. The closely related problem of ocean acidification could make it harder for polyps to build reefs and could even dissolve some of their calcium carbonate formations. (We discuss this problem further in this and later chapters.)

One result of stresses such as pollution and rising ocean water temperatures is coral bleaching (

Figure 8.1

), which can cause the colorful algae, upon which corals depend for food, to die off. Without food, the coral polyps die, leaving behind a white skeleton of calcium carbonate. Studies by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and other scientific groups estimate that since the


50s, some 45% to 53% of the world’s shallow coral reefs have been destroyed or degraded. Another 25% to 33% could be lost within 20 to 40 years. These centers of marine biodiversity are by far the most threatened marine ecosystems. Their disappearance would affect the survival of the one-fourth to one-half of the ocean species that depend on them.

Figure 8.1

This bleached coral has lost most of its algae because of changes in the environment such as warming of the waters and deposition of sediments. von Brandis

In this chapter, we explore the nature of marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems, and begin to examine the effects of human activities on these vital forms of natural capital.

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8.1Aquatic Systems

· LO 8.1AName and give three examples of each of the two major aquatic life zones.

· LO 8.1BDescribe the three groups of plankton found in aquatic life zones.

· LO 8.1CDescribe the three other major groups of organisms (besides plankton) found in aquatic life zones.

· LO 8.1DList the four key factors that determine the types and numbers of organisms found in different areas of the ocean.

· LO 8.1EExplain how algal blooms create problems for shallow coral reefs.

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8.1aWater Covers Most of the Planet

Saltwater covers about 71% of the earth’s surface, and freshwater occupies roughly another 2%. Although the global ocean is a single and continuous body of water, geo


ers divide it into five large areas—the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans—separated by the continents. The largest ocean is the Pacific, which contains more than half of the earth’s water and covers one-third of the earth’s surface. Together, the oceans hold almost 98% of the earth’s water. Each of us is connected to, and utterly dependent on, the earth’s global ocean through the water cycle (see 

Figure 3.19



Percentage of the earth that is covered with water

The aquatic equivalents of biomes are called 

aquatic life zones

saltwater and freshwater portions of the biosphere that can support life. The distribution of many aquatic organisms is determined largely by the water’s 


—the amounts of various salts such as sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolved in a given volume of water. As a result, aquatic life zones are classified into two major types: 


 or marine life zones (oceans and their bays, estuaries, coastal wetlands, shorelines, coral reefs, and mangrove forests) and 

freshwater life zones

 (lakes, rivers, streams, and inland wetlands). Some systems such as estuaries are a mix of saltwater and freshwater, but scientists classify them as marine systems for purposes of discussion.

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8.1bAquatic Species Drift, Swim, Crawl, and Cling

Saltwater and freshwater life zones contain several major types of organisms. One type consists of 


, which can be divided into three groups. The first group consists of drifting organisms called phytoplankton, which includes many types of algae. These tiny aquatic plants and even smaller ultraplankton—the second group of plankton—are the producers that make up the base of most aquatic food chains and webs (see 

Figure 3.16

). Through photosynthesis, they produce about half of the earth’s oxygen, on which we depend for survival.

The third group is made up of drifting animals called zooplankton, which feed on phytoplankton and on other zooplankton (see Figure 3.16). The members of this group range in size from single-celled protozoa to large invertebrates such as jellyfish (

Figure 8.2


Figure 8.2

Jellyfish are drifting zooplankton that use their long tentacles with stinging cells to stun or kill their prey.

Keng Po Leung/

A second major type of aquatic organism is 


, strongly swimming consumers such as fish, turtles, and whales. The third type, 


, consists of bottom-dwellers such as oysters and sea stars (Figure 8.3), which anchor themselves to ocean-bottom structures; clams and worms, which burrow into the sand or mud; and lobsters and crabs, which walk about on the sea floor. A fourth major type is decomposers (mostly bacteria), which break down organic compounds in the dead bodies and wastes of aquatic organisms into nutrients that aquatic primary producers can use.

Figure 8.3

Starfish on a coral reef. The starfish is also called a sea star because it is not a fish.


Key factors determining the types and numbers of organisms found in different areas of the ocean are temperature, dissolved oxygen content, availability of food, and availability of light and nutrients required for photosynthesis, such as carbon (as dissolved  gas), nitrogen (as ), and phosphorus (mostly as ).

In deep aquatic systems, photosynthesis is largely confined to the upper layer—the euphotic or photic zone—through which sunlight can penetrate. The depth of the euphotic zone in oceans and deep lakes is reduced when the water is clouded by excessive growth of algae. This is called an algal bloom and it results from nutrient overloads. This cloudiness is called 


. It is also caused by soil and other sediments being carried by wind, rain and melting snow from cleared land into adjoining bodies of water. This is one of the problems affecting shallow coral reefs (

Core Case Study


In shallow systems such as small open streams, lake edges, and ocean shorelines, ample supplies of nutrients for primary producers are usually available, which tends to make these areas high in biodiversity. By contrast, in most areas of the open ocean, nitrates, phosphates, iron, and other nutrients are often in short supply, and this limits net primary productivity (NPP) (see 

Figure 3.18

) and the diversity of species.

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8.2Importance of Marine Aquatic Systems

· LO 8.2AList five ecosystem services and five economic services provided by marine ecosystems.

· LO 8.2BDescribe the three major life zones in an ocean in terms of the ecosystems and types of organisms found in each.

· LO 8.2CDescribe five ecosystems that are key components of ocean coastal zones.


LO 8.2DExplain how ocean acidification is threatening coral reefs.

· LO 8.2EDescribe the three vertical zones of the open ocean in terms of sunlight and aquatic organisms found in each.

· LO 8.2FExplain how an upwelling occurs and how it affects populations of aquatic organisms.
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8.2aOceans Provide Vital Ecosystem and Economic Services

Oceans dominate the planet and provide enormously valuable ecosystem and economic services (Figure 8.4) that help keep us and other species alive and support our economies. They provide us with seafood, produce more than half of the oxygen we breathe and, as a vital part of the water cycle, provide most of the rain that sustains our water supply.

Figure 8.4

Marine systems provide a number of important ecosystem and economic services.

Critical Thinking


1. Which two ecosystem services and which two economic services do you think are the most important? Why?

Top: Willyam Bradberry/ Bottom: James A. Harris/

As land dwellers, we have a distorted and limited view of the oceans that cover most of the earth’s surface. We know more about the surface of the moon than we know about the earth’s oceans. According to aquatic scientists, the scientific investigation of poorly understood marine and freshwater aquatic systems could yield immense ecological and economic benefits.

Learning from Nature

Engineers are learning how whales use sound waves to communicate over long distances underwater to improve our underwater communication technologies.

The oceans are also enormous reservoirs of biodiversity. Marine life is found in three major life zones: the coastal zone, the open sea, and the ocean bottom (

Figure 8.5).

Figure 8.5

Major life zones and vertical zones (not drawn to scale) in an ocean. Actual depths of zones may vary. Available light determines the euphotic, bathyal, and abyssal zones. Temperature zones also vary with depth, shown here by the red line.

Critical Thinking:

1. How is an ocean similar to a rain forest? (Hint: See 

Figure 7.20



coastal zone

 is the area of warm, nutrient-rich, shallow coastal waters that occupies less than 10% of the world’s ocean area. It contains 90% of all marine species and is the site of most large commercial fisheries. This zone’s aquatic systems include 


, the partially enclosed bodies of water where rivers meet the sea (

Figure 8.6

), and coastal wetlands, or land areas covered by coastal waters during all or part of the year. The latter include coastal marshes (

Figure 8.7

) and mangrove forests (

Figure 8.8

). Other important systems are sea-grass beds (

Figure 8.9

) and coral reefs (see chapter-opening photo, Core Case Study, and Case Study that follows).

Figure 8.6

Satellite photo of an estuary. The Mississippi River carries sediment and plant nutrients from fertilizer runoff into the Gulf of Mexico. The excess plant nutrients create an algal bloom (green area) that upsets marine life by depleting dissolved oxygen near the Gulf’s bottom.

NASA/Landsat/Phil Degginger/Alamy Stock Photo

Figure 8.7

Coastal marsh in the U.S. state of South Carolina.


Figure 8.8

Mangrove forest on the coast of Thailand. Mangroves have roots that curve up from the mud and water to obtain oxygen from the air.

Manit Larpluechai/

Figure 8.9

Seagrass beds, such as this one near the coast of San Clemente Island, California support a variety of marine species.

James Forte/National Geographic Image Collection

Case Study

Revisiting Coral Reefs—Amazing Centers of Biodiversity

Coral reefs (

Core Case Study and chapter-opening photo) are some of the world’s oldest and most diverse and productive ecosystems. They are the marine equivalents of tropical rain forests, with complex interactions among their diverse populations of species.

Worldwide, coral reefs are being damaged and destroyed at an alarming rate by a variety of human activities. The newest growing threat is 

ocean acidification

—the rising levels of acidity in ocean waters. This is occurring because the oceans absorb about 25% of the  emitted into the atmosphere by human activities, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. The  reacts with ocean water to form a weak acid (carbonic acid, ). This reaction decreases the levels of carbonate ions  necessary for the formation of coral reefs and the shells and skeletons of many marine organisms. This makes it harder for these species to thrive and reproduce. At some point, this rising acidity could slowly dissolve corals and the shells and skeletons of some marine species.

Ocean acidification and other forms of degradation could have devastating effects on the biodiversity and food webs of coral reefs. This will in turn degrade the ecosystem services that reefs provide. It will also have a severe impact on the approximately 500 million people who depend on coral reefs for food or for income from fishing and tourism. We discuss the threat from ocean acidification in more detail in 

Chapter 11


Pioneering underwater photographer Richard Vevers and teams of marine scientists have launched the XL Catlin Seaview Survey and the Underwater Earth Project. These researchers are using sophisticated underwater cameras to create three-dimensional digital images of the world’s major coral reefs. These projects aim to provide a baseline of the health of the world’s coral reefs and to identify areas that need emergency protection to keep the reefs from dying (Core Case Study).

These coastal aquatic systems provide important ecosystem and economic services. They help to maintain water quality in tropical coastal zones by filtering toxic pollutants, excess plant nutrients, and sediments, and by absorbing other pollutants. They provide food, habitats, and nursery sites for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial species. Coastal wetlands also reduce storm damage and coastal erosion by absorbing waves and storing excess water produced by storms and tsunamis.

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8.2bRocky and Sandy Shores

The gravitational pull of the moon and sun causes 


, or periodic flows of water onto and off the shore, to rise and fall about every 6 hours in most coastal areas. The area of shoreline between low and high tides is called the 

intertidal zone

. Organisms living in this zone must be able to avoid being swept away or crushed by waves. They need to survive when immersed during high tides and left high and dry (and much hotter) at low tides. They must also survive changing levels of salinity when heavy rains dilute saltwater. To deal with such stresses, most intertidal organisms hide in protective shells, dig in, or hold on tight to something.

Learning from Nature

The blue mussel produces a nontoxic, biodegradable glue to cling to underwater rocks in oceans. Scientists have mimicked this process to produce nontoxic glues that can be used under and above water.

On some coasts, steep rocky shores are pounded by waves (

Figure 8.10

, top). The numerous pools and other habitats in these intertidal zones contain a great variety of species. Each occupies a different niche to deal with daily and seasonal changes in environmental conditions such as temperature, water flows, and salinity.

Figure 8.10

Living between the tides: Some organisms with specialized niches are found in various zones on rocky shore beaches (top) and barrier or sandy beaches (bottom). Organisms are not drawn to scale.

Galyna Andrushko/; Marketa Mark/

Other coasts have gently sloping barrier beaches, or sandy shores, that support other types of marine organisms (

Figure 8.10, bottom). Most of them stay hidden from view and survive by burrowing, digging, and tunneling in the sand. These beaches and their adjoining coastal wetlands are also home to a variety of shorebirds that have evolved in specialized niches to feed on crustaceans, insects, and other organisms (see 

Figure 4.10


Many of these same species also live on barrier islands—low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore, parallel to coastlines. Undisturbed barrier beaches generally have one or more rows of sand dunes in which the sand is held in place by the roots of grasses and other plants. These dunes are the first line of defense against the ravages of the sea. Real estate developers frequently remove the protective dunes or cover them with buildings and roads. Large storms can then flood and even sweep away seaside construction and severely erode the sandy beaches.

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8.2cOpen Sea and Ocean Floor

The sharp increase in water depth at the edge of the continental shelf separates the coastal zone from the vast volume of the ocean called the 

open sea

. This aquatic life zone is divided into three vertical zones (

Figure 8.5

), or layers, primarily based on the degree of penetration of sunlight. Temperatures also change with depth (Figure 8.5, red line) and scientists use them to define zones of varying species diversity in these layers.

The euphotic zone is the brightly lit upper zone, where drifting phytoplankton carry out about 40% of the world’s photosynthetic activity. Large, fast-swimming predatory fishes such as swordfish, sharks, and bluefin tuna populate the euphotic zone.

Nutrient levels are low and levels of dissolved oxygen are high in the euphotic zone. The exception to this is areas called upwelling zones. An 


, or upward movement of ocean water, brings cool and nutrient-rich water from the bottom of the ocean to the warmer surface. There it supports large populations of phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, and fish-eating seabirds. Strong upwellings occur along the steep western coasts of some continents when winds blowing along the coasts push surface water away from the land. This draws water up from the ocean bottom (

Figure 8.11


Figure 7.3


Figure 7.7

 shows the oceans’ major upwelling zones.

Figure 8.11

A shore upwelling occurs when deep, cool, nutrient-rich waters are drawn up to replace surface water moved away from a steep coast by wind flowing along the coast toward the equator.

The bathyal zone is the dimly lit middle zone that receives little sunlight and therefore does not contain photosynthesizing producers. Zooplankton and smaller fishes, many of which migrate to feed on the surface at night, are found in this zone.

The deepest open sea zone, called the abyssal zone, is dark and cold. There is no sunlight to support photosynthesis, and this water has little dissolved oxygen. Nevertheless, the deep ocean floor is teeming with life because it contains enough nutrients to support a large number of species. Most of this zone’s organisms get their food from showers of dead and decaying organisms—called marine snow—drifting down from the upper zones. Some abyssal-zone organisms, including many types of worms, are deposit feeders, which take mud into their guts and extract nutrients from it. Others such as oysters, clams, and sponges are filter feeders, which pass water through or over their bodies and extract nutrients from it.

Net primary productivity (NPP) is quite low in the open sea, except in upwelling areas. However, because the open sea covers so much of the earth’s surface, it makes the largest contribution to the earth’s overall NPP. In fact, scientists have learned that the open sea contains more biodiversity than they thought a few years ago (

Science Focus 8.1


Science Focus 8.1

We Are Still Learning about the Ocean’s Biodiversity

Scientists have long assumed that open-ocean waters contained few microbial life forms. However, recent research has challenged that assumption and greatly increased our knowledge of the ocean’s genetic diversity.

A team of scientists led by J. Craig Venter took 2 years to conduct a census (an estimated count based on sampling) of ocean microbes. They sailed around the world, stopping every 320 kilometers (200 miles) to pump seawater through extremely fine filters, from which they gathered data on bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. It was the most thorough of such censuses ever conducted.

Using a supercomputer, they counted genetic coding for 6 million new proteins—double the number that had previously been known. They also reported that they were discovering new genes and proteins at the same rate at the end of their voyage as they had at the start of it. This indicated that there is still much more of this biodiversity to discover.

This means that the ocean contains a much higher diversity of microbial life than had previously been thought. Ocean-water microbes play an important role in the absorption of carbon by the ocean, as well as in the ocean food web. Venter has led more expeditions to continue the sampling in other areas.

Critical Thinking

1. Why was the rate of discovery of new genes and proteins important to Venter and his colleagues? Explain.

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8.3Effects of Human Activities on Marine Ecosystems

· LO 8.3AList five harmful impacts of human activities on marine ecosystems.

· LO 8.3BList six harmful impacts of human activities on coral reefs.

· LO 8.3CExplain why climate change is considered one of the most serious threats to marine ecosystems.

· LO 8.3DExplain why ocean acidification is considered one of the most serious threats to marine ecosystems.

· LO 8.3EList five steps taken through integrated coastal management of the Chesapeake Bay to reduce the serious pollution of the bay.

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8.3aHuman Activities Are Disrupting and Degrading Marine Ecosystems

Certain human activities are disrupting and degrading many of the ecosystem and economic services provided by marine aquatic systems, especially coastal marshes, shorelines, mangrove forests, and coral reefs (Core Case Study), as summarized in 

Figure 8.12


Figure 8.12

Human activities have major harmful impacts on all marine ecosystems (left) and particularly on coral reefs (right).

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of the threats to marine ecosystems do you think are the most serious? Why? Which two of the threats to coral reefs do you think are the most serious? Why?

Top left: travelview/ Top right: Rich Carey/ Bottom left: B-D-S Piotr Marcinski/ Bottom right: Rostislav Ageev/

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), more than 35% of the world’s original mangrove forest area (

Figure 8.8) had been lost to agricultural and urban expansion, marinas, roadways, and other forms of coastal development. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), more than one of every six species of mangrove is in danger of extinction. In addition, since 1980 about 29% of the world’s seagrass beds (Figure 8.9) have been lost to pollution and other disturbances.

The U.S. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) used computer models to analyze and provide the first-ever comprehensive map of the effects of 17 different types of human activities on the world’s oceans. In this 4-year study, an international team of scientists found that human activities have heavily affected 41% of the world’s ocean area that covers 71% of the earth’s surface.

Harmful human activities increase with the number of people living on or near coasts. About 45% of the world’s population and 39% of the U.S. population live within 100 kilometers (60 miles) of an ocean or inland sea coastline, according to United Nations and U.S. Census data and more people are moving to such areas.

A serious threat to marine systems, according to many marine scientists, is climate change. The earth’s average atmospheric temperature and the average temperature of the oceans have increased since 1980. This is raising the world’s average sea level. One reason is that warmer ocean water expands. A second reason is that as the atmosphere has warmed, land-based glaciers in Greenland and other parts of the world are slowly melting and adding large quantities of water to the oceans. The rise in sea levels projected for this century will likely destroy shallow coral reefs and will flood coastal marshes, other coastal ecosystems, and many coastal cities. (We discuss these effects in 

Chapter 19


A second serious threat to the oceans, which some scientists view as more serious than the threat of climate change, is ocean acidification. It is especially threatening to coral reefs (Core Case Study) and to phytoplankton and many shellfish that form their shells from calcium carbonate, as we discuss in more detail in Chapter 11.

Other major threats to marine systems from human activities include the following:

· Coastal development, which destroys or degrades coastal habitats

· Runoff of pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, and livestock wastes (see 

Case Study that follows) and pollution from cruise ships and oil tanker spills

· Overfishing and depletion of commercial fish species populations

· Destruction of ocean bottom habitats by fishing trawlers dragging weighted nets

· Invasive species that deplete populations of native species.

Case Study

The Chesapeake Bay—An Estuary in Trouble

Since 1960, the Chesapeake Bay watershed (

Figure 8.13

)—the largest estuary in the United States—has been in trouble, mostly because of human activities. One problem is population growth. Between 1940 and 2017, the number of people living in the Chesapeake Bay area grew from 3.7 million to 18.2 million, and is projected to reach 20 million by 2030, according to estimates by the Chesapeake Bay Program.

Figure 8.13

Chesapeake Bay watershed.

(Data from Chesapeake Bay Program)

The estuary receives wastes from point and nonpoint sources scattered throughout its huge drainage basin, which lies in parts of six states and the District of Columbia (Figure 8.13). The shallow bay has become a huge pollution sink because only 1% of the waste entering it is flushed into the Atlantic Ocean. Phosphate and nitrate levels have been high in many parts of the bay, causing algal blooms that deplete the oxygen dissolved in the waters making them unsuitable for most forms of aquatic life. Commercial harvests of the bay’s once-abundant oysters and crabs, as well as several important fish species, fell sharply after the 1960s because of a combination of pollution, overfishing, and disease.

Point sources, primarily sewage treatment plants and industrial plants, add large amounts of phosphates to the bay. The bay also receives nonpoint sources of phosphates, nitrates, and sediments in the runoff of fertilizer and animal wastes from agricultural land. The bay receives inputs of pesticides from direct spraying over water and as runoff from nearby croplands. In addition, discharges from sewage treatment plants into the bay often contain pharmaceutical chemicals that have entered the sewage treatment system after use by humans. Most treatment systems do not remove many of these chemicals, some of which can harm aquatic species. Finally, runoff of sediment, mostly from soil erosion, has harmed the bay’s seagrasses on which crabs and young fish depend.

A century ago, oysters were so abundant that they filtered and cleaned the Chesapeake’s entire volume of water every 3 days. This important form of natural capital provided by these keystone species helped reduce excess nutrients and algal blooms. Now the oyster population has been reduced to the point where this filtration process takes a year. Since 2007, the oyster population has grown but in 2018, was still low compared to historic levels.

In 1983, the United States implemented the Chesapeake Bay Program. In this ambitious attempt at integrated coastal management, citizens’ groups, communities, and state and federal governments worked together to reduce pollution in the bay. One strategy was to set land-use regulations to reduce agricultural and urban runoff in the bay’s drainage area. Other strategies included banning phosphate detergents, upgrading sewage treatment plants, and monitoring industrial discharges more closely. Watershed management plans have been established and sensitive land areas have been protected through donations or purchases by conservation organizations. Some adjoining wetlands have been restored and large areas of the bay were replanted with seagrasses to help filter out excessive nutrients and other pollutants.

A 2018 assessment of the health of the Chesapeake Bay showed improvement in every area—the bay’s best report in 33 years. Populations of blue crabs, striped bass, and anchovies have increased and underwater green sea grasses are thriving. This shows that the decades long federal cleanup plan is working. William Baker, President of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, calls the cleanup program “one of the great examples of people working together across federal, state, local business, and agriculture, and it’s working.

Scientists are working to learn more about the little-understood marine ecosystems, our effects on them, and the ways in which we can seek to preserve them (

Individuals Matter 8.1

). We examine human impacts on aquatic life zones more closely in 

Chapters 11

 and 19.

Individuals Matter 8.1

Enric Sala: Working to Protect Ocean Ecosystems

Enric Sala/National Geographic Image Collection

Marine biologist Enric Sala has made a career of working to protect undisturbed marine ecosystems. He travels to remote areas with the goal of learning what marine ecosystems were like before human activities disrupted them. In 2008, he launched National Geographic’s Pristine Seas project to find, survey, and help protect the last wild places in the ocean. Pristine Seas aims for an ocean where representative examples of all major ecosystems are protected, so that they can be healthier, more productive, and more resilient to the impacts of ocean warming and acidification.

After exploring the Southern Line Islands undisturbed coral reef system in the South Pacific, Sala reported that “all the scientific data confirm that humans are the most important factor in determining the health of coral reefs.” He says that reefs are killed by “a combination of the local impact of human activities such as fishing and pollution and the global impact of human-induced climate change.”

Sala suggests that in order to allow coral reefs and other systems to survive and function, we need to “take out less and throw in less.” One way to accomplish this is to establish large areas of protected ocean habitat, free of human activities of any kind. Sala was instrumental in establishing such marine protected areas (MPAs). As of 2019, Pristine Seas had inspired the creation of 21 MPAs, covering more than 5 million square kilometers (2 million square miles)—more than ten times the area of Spain. Every year, Sala and his team of scientists and filmmakers spend weeks at sea and thousands of hours underwater seeking out the least understood places in hopes of creating more MPAs. For his outstanding scientific work, Sala has been named a National Geographic Explorer.

Critical Thinking

1. How might the loss of most of the world’s remaining shallow tropical coral reefs (Core Case Study) affect your life and the lives of any children or grandchildren you might have? What are two things you could do to help reduce this loss?

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8.4Importance of Freshwater Ecosystems

· LO 8.4AList six ecosystem services and six economic services provided by freshwater ecosystems.

· LO 8.4BDescribe the four distinct life zones found in deep lakes in terms of sunlight and types of organisms found in each.

· LO 8.4CExplain how a lake can become eutrophic and include the effects of human inputs in your explanation.

· LO 8.4DDescribe the three zones through which a typical stream flows.

· LO 8.4EList six ecosystem services provided by inland wetlands.

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8.4aWater Stands in Some Freshwater Systems and Flows in Others

Precipitation that does not sink into the ground or evaporate becomes 

surface water

—freshwater that flows or is stored in bodies of water on the earth’s surface. Freshwater aquatic life zones include standing (lentic) bodies of freshwater such as lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands, and flowing (lotic) systems such as streams and rivers.

Surface water that flows into such bodies of water is called 


. A 


, or 

drainage basin

, is the land area that delivers runoff, sediment, and dissolved substances to a stream, lake, bay (Figure 8.13), or wetland. Although freshwater systems cover less than 2.5% of the earth’s surface, they provide a number of important ecosystem and economic services (

Figure 8.14


Figure 8.14

Freshwater systems provide many important ecosystem and economic services.

Critical Thinking:
1. Which two ecosystem services and which two economic services do you think are the most important? Why?

Top: Galyna Andrushko/ Bottom: Kletr/


 are large natural bodies of standing freshwater formed when precipitation, runoff, streams, rivers, and groundwater seepage fill depressions in the earth’s surface. Causes of such depressions include glaciation, displacement of the earth’s crust, and volcanic activity. A lake’s watershed supplies it with water from rainfall, melting snow, and streams.

Freshwater lakes vary in size, depth, and nutrient content. Deep lakes normally consist of four distinct life zones that are defined by their depth and distance from shore (

Figure 8.15

). The top layer, called the littoral zone, is near the shore and consists of the shallow sunlit waters to the depth at which rooted plants stop growing. It has a high level of biodiversity because of ample sunlight and inputs of nutrients from the surrounding land. Species living in the littoral zone include many rooted plants; animals such as turtles, frogs, and crayfish; and fish such as bass, perch, and carp.

Figure 8.15

A typical deep temperate-zone lake has distinct zones of life.

Critical Thinking:

1. How are deep lakes similar to tropical rain forests? (Hint: See Figure 7.20)

Lake Zonation

Watch this animation to learn about the different parts of a lake.

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The next layer is the limnetic zone, the open, sunlit surface layer away from the shore that extends to the depth penetrated by sunlight. This is the main photosynthetic zone of the lake, the layer that produces the food and oxygen that support most of the lake’s consumers. Its most abundant organisms are phytoplankton and zooplankton. Some large species of fish spend most of their time in this zone, with occasional visits to the littoral zone to feed and reproduce.

The profundal zone is the volume of deeper water lying between the limnetic zone and the lake bottom. It is too dark for photosynthesis. Without sunlight and plants, oxygen levels are often low. Fishes adapted to the lake’s cooler and darker water, such as perch, are found in this zone.

The bottom of the lake is called the benthic zone, inhabited mostly by decomposers, detritus feeders, and some bottom-feeding species of fish such as catfish. The benthic zone is nourished mainly by dead matter that falls from the littoral and limnetic zones and by sediment washing into the lake.

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8.4bSome Lakes Have More Nutrients than Others

Ecologists classify lakes according to their nutrient content and primary productivity. Lakes that have a small supply of plant nutrients are called 

oligotrophic lakes

. This type of lake (

Figure 8.16

) is often deep and can have steep banks. Glaciers and mountain streams supply water to many of these lakes, which usually have crystal-clear water and small populations of phytoplankton and fish species, such as smallmouth bass and trout. Because of their low levels of nutrients, these lakes have a low net primary productivity (NPP).

Figure 8.16

Trillium Lake in the U.S. state of Oregon with a view of Mount Hood.


Over time, sediments, organic material, and inorganic nutrients wash into most oligotrophic lakes, and plants grow and decompose to form bottom sediments. The process by which lakes gain nutrients is called 


. A lake with a large supply of nutrients is called a 

eutrophic lake


Figure 8.17

). Such lakes typically are shallow and have murky brown or green water. Because of their high levels of nutrients, these lakes have a high NPP. Most lakes fall somewhere between the two extremes of nutrient enrichment.

Figure 8.17

This eutrophic lake has received large flows of plant nutrients. As a result, its surface is covered with mats of algae.

Nicholas Rjabow/

Human inputs of nutrients through the atmosphere and from urban and agricultural areas within a lake’s watershed can accelerate the eutrophication of the lake. This process, called 

cultural eutrophication

, often puts excessive nutrients into lakes.

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8.4cFreshwater Streams and Rivers

In a watershed, water accumulates in small streams that join to form rivers. Collectively, streams and rivers carry huge amounts of water from highlands to lakes and oceans. Typically, a stream flows through three zones (

Figure 8.18

): the source zone, which contains headwater streams found in highlands and mountains; the transition zone, which contains wider, lower-elevation streams; and the floodplain zone, which contains rivers that empty into larger rivers or into the ocean. Rivers and streams can differ from this generalized model.

Figure 8.18

Three zones in the downhill flow of water: the source zone (inset photo), the transition zone, and the floodplain zone.

Critical Thinking:

1. How might the building of many dams and reservoirs along a river’s path to the ocean affect its sediment input into the ocean and change the river’s delta?


In the narrow source zone (

Figure 8.18, left), headwater streams are usually shallow, cold, clear, and swiftly flowing (Figure 8.18, inset photo). As this water tumbles over rocks, waterfalls, and rapids, it dissolves large amounts of oxygen from the air. Most of these streams are not very productive because of a lack of nutrients and primary producers. Their nutrients come primarily from organic matter, mostly leaves, branches, and the bodies of living and dead insects that fall into the stream from nearby land.

The source zone is populated by cold-water fish species that need lots of dissolved oxygen. Fishes in this habitat, such as trout and minnows, tend to have streamlined and muscular bodies that allow them to swim in the rapid, strong currents. Other animals such as riffle beetles have compact, hard, or flattened bodies that allow them to live among or under stones in fast-flowing headwater streams. Most of the plants in this zone are algae and mosses attached to rocks and other surfaces underwater.

In the transition zone (Figure 8.18, center), headwater streams merge to form wider, deeper, and warmer streams that flow down gentler slopes with fewer obstacles. They can be more turbid (containing suspended sediments) and slower flowing than headwater streams, and they tend to have less dissolved oxygen. The warmer water and other conditions in this zone support more producers, as well as cool-water and warm-water fish species (such as black bass) with slightly lower oxygen requirements.

As streams flow downhill, they shape the land through which they pass. Over millions of years, the friction of moving water has leveled mountains and cut deep canyons. Streams and rivers carry sand, gravel, and soil and deposit them as sediments in low-lying areas. In these floodplain zones (Figure 8.18, right), streams join into wider and deeper rivers that flow across broad, flat valleys. Water in this zone usually has higher temperatures and less dissolved oxygen than water in the two higher zones. The slow-moving rivers sometimes support large populations of producers such as algae and cyanobacteria, as well as rooted aquatic plants along the shores.

Because of increased erosion and runoff over a larger area, water in the floodplain zone often is muddy and contains high concentrations of silt. These murky waters support distinctive varieties of fishes, including carp and catfish. At its mouth, a river may divide into many channels as it flows through its 


—an area at the mouth of a river built up by deposited sediment, usually containing coastal wetlands and estuaries (Figure 8.6).

Coastal deltas and wetlands absorb and slow the velocity of floodwaters from coastal storms, hurricanes, and tsunamis and provide habitats for a variety of marine life.


Stream Water Quality and Watershed Land

Streams receive most of their nutrients from bordering land ecosystems. Such nutrients come from falling leaves, animal feces, insects, and other forms of biomass washed into streams during heavy rainstorms or by melting snow. Chemicals and other substances flowing off the land can also pollute streams. Thus, the levels and types of nutrients and pollutants in a stream depend on what is happening in the stream’s watershed.

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8.4dFreshwater Inland Wetlands Are Vital Sponges

Inland wetlands

 are lands located away from coastal areas that are covered with freshwater all or part of the time—excluding lakes, reservoirs, and streams. They include marshes (

Figure 8.19

, left), swamps (Figure 8.19, right), and prairie potholes (depressions created by glaciers). Other examples are floodplains, which receive excess water from streams or rivers during heavy rains and floods.

Figure 8.19

This great white egret lives in an inland marsh in the Florida Everglades (left). This cypress swamp (right) is located in the U.S. state of South Carolina.

FloridaStock/; Jayne Chapman/

Some wetlands are covered with water year-round. Others, called seasonal wetlands, remain under water or are soggy for only a short time each year. The latter include prairie potholes, floodplain wetlands, and arctic tundra (see 

Figure 7.16

, bottom). Some can stay dry for years before water covers them again. In such cases, scientists must use the composition of the soil or the presence of certain plants (such as cattails and bulrushes) to determine that a particular area is a wetland. Wetland plants are highly productive because of an abundance of nutrients available to them. Wetlands are important habitats for muskrats, otters, beavers, migratory waterfowl, and other bird species.

Inland wetlands provide a number of free ecosystem and economic services. They

· filter and degrade toxic wastes and pollutants;

· reduce flooding and erosion by absorbing storm water and releasing it slowly and by absorbing overflows from streams and lakes;

· sustain stream flows during dry periods;

· recharge groundwater aquifers;

· maintain biodiversity by providing habitats for a variety of species;

· supply valuable products such as fishes and shellfish, blueberries, cranberries, and wild rice; and

· provide recreation for birdwatchers, nature photographers, boaters, anglers, and waterfowl hunters.

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8.5Effects of Human Activities on Freshwater Ecosystems

· LO 8.5ADescribe four major ways in which human activities are disrupting and degrading ecosystem and economic services provided by freshwater ecosystems.

· LO 8.5BExplain how human activities, especially the engineering of the flow of the Mississippi River, have affected the river’s delta.

· LO 8.5CExplain why the disastrous flooding of New Orleans in 2005 was caused largely by human activities.

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8.5aHuman Activities and Freshwater Systems

Human activities are disrupting and degrading many of the ecosystem and economic services provided by freshwater rivers, lakes, and wetlands in four major ways. First, dams and canals restrict the flows of about 40% of the world’s 237 largest rivers. This alters or destroys terrestrial and aquatic wildlife habitats along these rivers and in their coastal deltas and estuaries by reducing the water flow and the flow of sediments to river deltas. This can lead to degraded coastal wetlands and greater damage from coastal storms (see Case Study that follows).

Case Study

River Deltas and Coastal Wetlands—Threatened Components of Natural Capital

Coastal river deltas, mangrove forests, and coastal wetlands provide considerable natural protection against flood and wave damage from coastal storms, hurricanes, typhoons, and tsunamis. They weaken the force of waves and absorb excess storm water like sponges.

When we remove or degrade these ecosystems, any damage from a natural disaster such as a hurricane is intensified. As a result, flooding in places such as New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), and Venice, Italy, is a largely self-inflicted unnatural disaster. For example, Louisiana, which contains about 40% of all coastal wetlands in the lower 48 states, has lost more than a fifth of such wetlands since 1950 to oil and gas wells and other forms of coastal development.

Dams, levees, and hydroelectric power plants have been built on many of the world’s rivers to control water flows and to generate electricity. This helps to reduce flooding along rivers, but it also reduces flood protection provided by the coastal deltas and wetlands. Because river sediments are deposited in the reservoirs behind dams, the river deltas do not get their normal inputs of sediment to build them back up, and they subside, or sink into the sea.

As a result, 24 of the world’s 33 major river deltas are sinking rather than rising, according to a study led by geologist James Syvitski. The study found that 85% of the world’s sinking deltas have experienced severe flooding in recent years, and that global delta flooding is likely to increase by 50% by the end of this century. This is because of dams and other human-made structures that reduce the flow of silt. It is also due partly to the projected rise in sea levels resulting from climate change. This poses a serious threat to the roughly 500 million people in the world who live on river deltas.

For example, the Mississippi River once delivered huge amounts of sediments to its delta each year. However, the multiple dams, levees, and canals built in this river system funnel much of this sediment load through the wetlands and out into the Gulf of Mexico. Instead of building up delta lands, this causes them to subside. As many of the river delta’s freshwater wetlands have been lost to this subsidence, saltwater from the Gulf has intruded and killed many plants that depended on the river water, further degrading this coastal aquatic system.

Subsidence helps to explain why the city of New Orleans, Louisiana (

Figure 8.20

), has long been 3 meters (10 feet) below sea level. Dams and levees were built to help protect the city from flooding. However, in 2005 the powerful winds and waves from Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed these defenses. They have been rebuilt, but subsidence will put New Orleans further below sea level in the future. Add to this the reduced protection from degraded coastal wetlands, and you have a recipe for a major and possibly more damaging disaster if the area is struck by another major hurricane.

Figure 8.20

Much of the U.S. city of New Orleans, Louisiana, was flooded by the storm surge that accompanied Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall just east of the city on August 29, 2005.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

To make matters worse, global sea levels have risen almost 0.3 meters (1 foot) since 1900 and are projected to rise another 0.3–0.9 meter (1–3 feet) by the end of this century. This is because climate change is warming the ocean, causing its waters to expand. In addition, the melting of glaciers and other land-based ice is adding to the ocean’s volume. Such a rise in sea level would put many of the world’s coastal areas, including New Orleans and most of Louisiana’s present-day coast, under water (

Figure 8.21


Figure 8.21

The areas in red represent projected coastal flooding that would result from a 1-meter (3-foot) rise in sea level due to projected climate change by the end of this century.

Used by permission from Jonathan Overpeck and Jeremy Weiss, University of Arizona

Second, flood control levees and dikes built along rivers disconnect the rivers from their floodplains, destroy aquatic habitats, and alter or degrade the functions of adjoining wetlands.

Third, cities and farms add pollutants and excess plant nutrients to nearby streams, rivers, and lakes. For example, runoff of nutrients into a lake (

Figure 8.17) causes explosions in the populations of algae and cyanobacteria, which deplete the lake’s dissolved oxygen. Fishes and other species may then die off, which can mean a major loss in biodiversity.

Fourth, many inland wetlands have been drained or filled to grow crops or have been covered with concrete, asphalt, and buildings. More than half of the inland wetlands estimated to have existed in the continental United States during the 1600s are gone. About 80% of these lost wetlands were drained to grow crops. The rest were lost to mining, logging, oil and gas extraction, highway construction, and urban development. The heavily farmed U.S. state of Iowa has lost about 99% of its original inland wetlands.

This loss of natural capital has been an important factor in increasing flood damage in parts of the United States. Many other countries have suffered similar losses. For example, 80% of all inland wetlands in Germany and France have been destroyed.

When we look further into human impacts on aquatic systems in Chapter 11, we will also explore possible solutions to environmental problems that result from these impacts, as well as ways to help sustain aquatic biodiversity. This area of study will offer great opportunities to young scientists and other professionals in the years to come.

Big Ideas

· Saltwater and freshwater aquatic life zones cover almost three-fourths of the earth’s surface, and oceans dominate the planet.

· The earth’s aquatic systems provide important ecosystem and economic services.

· Certain human activities threaten biodiversity and disrupt ecosystem and economic services provided by aquatic systems.

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Tying It All TogetherCoral Reefs and Sustainability


This chapter’s 

Core Case Study

 pointed out the ecological and economic importance of the world’s incredibly diverse coral reefs. They are living examples of the three scientific principles of sustainability in action. They thrive on solar energy, play key roles in the cycling of carbon and other nutrients, and sustain a great deal of aquatic biodiversity.

In this chapter, we have seen that coral reefs and other aquatic systems are being severely stressed by a variety of human activities. Research shows that when such harmful human activities are reduced, some coral reefs and other endangered aquatic systems can recover quickly.

As with terrestrial systems, scientists have made a start in understanding the ecology of the world’s aquatic systems and how humans are degrading and disrupting the ecosystem and economic services they provide. However, we still know far too little about these vital parts of the earth’s life-support system. Scientists argue that we urgently need more research on the components of aquatic life zones, on how they are interconnected, and on which systems are in the greatest danger of being disrupted.

We can take the lessons on how life in aquatic ecosystems has sustained itself for billions of years and use these scientific principles of sustainability to help sustain our own systems and the ecosystems on which we depend. By relying more on solar energy and less on fossil fuels, we could drastically cut pollution of aquatic systems and  emissions that are causing ocean warming and ocean acidification. By reusing and recycling more of the materials and chemicals we use, we could further reduce pollution and disruption of the chemical cycling within aquatic systems. Moreover, by learning more about aquatic biodiversity and its importance, we could go a long way toward preserving it and sustaining its valuable ecosystem services.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. What are three steps that governments and private interests could take to protect the world’s remaining coral reefs (

Core Case Study)?


Can you think of any ways in which you might be contributing to the degradation of a nearby or distant aquatic ecosystem? Describe the system and how your actions might be affecting it. What are three things you could do to reduce your impact?

3. You are a defense attorney arguing in court for protecting a coral reef (

Core Case Study) from harmful human activities. Give your three most important arguments for the defense of this ecosystem.

4. How would you respond to someone who argues that we should use the deep portions of the world’s oceans to deposit our radioactive and other hazardous wastes because the deep oceans are vast and are located far away from human habitats? Give reasons for your response.

5. From the list of threats to marine ecosystems listed in Figure 8.12, pick the three that you think are the most serious. For each of them, if it continues to degrade ocean ecosystems during your lifetime, how might this affect you? Can you think of ways in which you might be contributing to each problem? List three things you could do to reduce your impact?

6. Suppose a developer builds a housing complex overlooking a coastal marsh (Figure 8.7) and the result is pollution and degradation of the marsh. Describe the effects of such a development on the wildlife in the marsh, assuming at least one species is eliminated as a result.

7. Suppose you have a friend who owns property that includes a freshwater wetland and the friend tells you she is planning to fill the wetland to make more room for her lawn and garden. What would you say to this friend?

8. Congratulations! You are in charge of the world. What are the three most important features of your plan to help sustain the earth’s aquatic biodiversity?

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Find an aquatic ecosystem near where you live or go to school, such as a lake or wetland. Study and write a description of the system, including its dominant vegetation and any animal life that you are aware of. Also, note how any human disturbances have changed the system. Return to the system after a month or two and note any changes, based on your earlier notes. Compare your notes with those of your classmates.

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Chapter Review

Data Analysis

Some 45–53% of the world’s shallow coral reefs have been destroyed or severely damaged (Core Case Study). A number of factors have played a role in this serious loss of aquatic biodiversity, including ocean warming, sediment from coastal soil erosion, excessive algal growth from fertilizer runoff, coral bleaching, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, overfishing, and damage from hurricanes.

In 2005, scientists Nadia Bood, Melanie McField, and Rich Aronson conducted research to evaluate the recovery of coral reefs in Belize from the combined effects of mass bleaching and Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Some of these reefs are in protected waters where no fishing is allowed. The researchers speculated that reefs in waters where no fishing is allowed should recover faster than reefs in waters where fishing is allowed. The graph to the left shows some of the data they collected from three highly protected (unfished) sites and three unprotected (fished) sites to evaluate their hypothesis. Study this graph and then answer the following questions.

1. By about what percentage did the mean coral cover drop in the protected (unfished) reefs between 1997 and 1999?

2. By about what percentage did the mean coral cover drop in the protected (unfished) reefs between 1997 and 2005?

3. By about what percentage did the coral cover drop in the unprotected (fished) reefs between 1997 and 1999?

4. By about what percentage did the coral cover change in the unprotected (fished) reefs between 1997 and 2005?

5. Do these data support the hypothesis that coral reef recovery should occur faster in areas where fishing is prohibited? Explain.

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Chapter Introduction

Slum area (bottom) in Mumbai, India

ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo

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Core Case StudyPlanet Earth: Population 7.6 Billion

Learning Objectives

· LO 6.1Describe the growth of the human population in terms of numbers of years between doublings.

· LO 6.2List three major factors that account for the rapid rise of the human population.

It took about 200,000 years for the human population to reach an estimated 2 billion. It took less than 50 years to add the second 2 billion people (by about


74), and 25 years to add the third 2 billion (by 1999). Nineteen years later, in 201


, the earth had 7.6 billion people. In 20


, the three most populous countries, in order, were China with



9 billion people (

Figure 6.1

), India with 1.37 billion people, and the United States with 328 million people. The United Nations projects that the world’s population will increase to 9.9 billion by 2050—an increase of 2.3 billion people.

Figure 6.1

This crowded street is located in Shanghai, China, the world’s most populous country.


Does it matter that there are now 7.6 billion people on the earth—almost 3 times as many as there were in 1950? Does it matter that each day, 249,000 more people show up for dinner and many of them will go hungry? Does it matter that there might be 2.3 billion more of us by 2050? Some say it does not matter, and they contend that we can develop new technologies that could easily support billions more people.

Many scientists disagree and contend that the current exponential growth of the human population (see 

Figure 1.12

) is unsustainable because as our population and economies grow, we use more of the earth’s natural resources and our ecological footprints grow. As a result, we degrade the natural capital that keeps us alive and supports our lifestyles and economies.

According to demographers, or population experts, three major factors account for the rapid rise of the human population. First, the emergence of early and modern agriculture about


,000 years ago increased food production. Second, additional technologies helped humans expand into almost all of the planet’s climate zones and habitats (see 

Figure 1.9

). Third, death rates dropped sharply with improved sanitation and health care and the development of antibiotics and vaccines to control infectious diseases.

What is a sustainable level for the human population? Population experts have made low, medium, and high projections of the human population size by the end of this century (see Figure 1.12). No one knows whether, or for how long, any of these population sizes are sustainable.

In this chapter, we examine trends, environmental impacts, and ways to deal with human population growth and decline.

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6.1aHuman Population Growth

For most of history, the human population grew slowly (see Figure 1.12, left part of curve). However, it has grown rapidly for the last 200 years, resulting in the characteristic J-curve of exponential growth (Figure 1.12, right part of curve).

Demographers, or population experts, recognize three important trends related to the current size, growth rate, and distribution of the human population. First, the rate of population growth decreased in most years since 1965, but the world’s population grew at a rate of 1.20% in 2018 (

Figure 6.2

). This may not seem like much. However, in 2018 this growth rate added about 91 million people to the population—an average of 249,000 more people every day.

Figure 6.2

Global human population size compared with population growth rate, 1950–2018, with projection to 2050 (in blue).

Critical Thinking


1. While the annual growth rate of world population has generally dropped since the 1960s, how do you explain the continued growth of the overall population?

(Compiled by the authors using data from United Nations Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, and Population Reference Bureau.)

2.3 Billion

Projected increase in the world’s population between 2018 and 2050

Second, human population growth is unevenly distributed and this pattern is expected to continue (

Figure 6.3

). About 96% of the 91 million new arrivals on the planet in 2018 were added to the world’s less-developed countries. The other 4% were added to the more developed countries.

Figure 6.3

Most of the world’s population growth between 1950 and 2018 took place in the world’s less-developed countries. This gap is projected to increase between 2018 and 2050.

(Compiled by the authors using data from United Nations Population Division and Population Reference Bureau.)

At least 95% of the 2.3 billion people projected to be added to the world’s population between 2018 and 2050 will be born into the less-developed countries (

Figure 6.3). Most of these countries are not equipped to deal with the pressures of rapid population growth.

Third, people have moved in large numbers from rural areas to urban areas. In 2018, 55% of the world’s people lived in urban areas, and this percentage is increasing. Most of these urban dwellers live in less-developed countries where resources for dealing with rapidly growing populations are limited

Scientists and other analysts have long pondered the question: How long can the human population continue to grow while sidestepping many of the factors that sooner or later limit the growth of any population? These experts disagree over how many people the earth can support indefinitely. So far, advances in food production and health care have prevented sharp population declines, but there is extensive and growing evidence that human activities are depleting and degrading much of the earth’s irreplaceable natural capital.

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6.1bHow Long Can the Human Population Keep Growing?

Are there physical limits to human population growth and economic growth on a finite planet? Some say yes. Others say no.

This debate has been going on since 1


8 when Thomas Malthus, a British economist, hypothesized that the human population tends to grow exponentially, while food supplies tend to increase more slowly at a linear rate. However, food production has grown at an exponential rate instead of at a linear rate because of technological advances in industrialized food production.

One view is that we have already exceeded some of those limits, with too many people collectively degrading the earth’s life-support system. To some analysts, the key problem is the large and rapidly growing number of people in less-developed countries, which have 84% of the world’s population. To others, the key factor is overconsumption in affluent, more-developed countries with high rates of resource use per person.

Another view of population growth is that technology has allowed us to overcome the environmental limits that all populations of other species face. According to this view, technological advances have increased the earth’s carrying capacity for the human species. Some analysts point out that average life expectancy in most of the world has been steadily rising despite warnings from some environmental scientists that we are seriously degrading our life-support system.

These analysts argue that because of our technological ingenuity, there are few, if any, limits to human population growth and resource use per person. They believe that we can continue increasing economic growth and avoid serious damage to our life-support systems by making technological advances in areas such as food production and medicine, and by finding substitutes for resources that we are depleting. They see no need to slow the world’s population growth or resource consumption.

Proponents of slowing or stopping population growth point out that currently, we are failing to provide the basic necessities for about 815 million people who struggle to survive on the equivalent of about $1.90 per day and the 2.1 billion people struggling to live on $3.10 or less. This raises a serious question: How will we meet the basic needs of the additional 2.3 billion people projected to be added mostly to less-developed countries between 2018 and 2050?

Proponents of slowing population growth also warn of two potentially serious consequences if we do not sharply lower birth rates. First, death rates could increase because of declining health and environmental conditions and increasing social disruption in some areas, as is happening today in parts of Africa. A worst-case scenario for such a trend is a crash of the human population from more than 7 billion to a more sustainable level of 4 billion or perhaps as low as 2 billion. Second, resource use and degradation of normally renewable resources may intensify as more consumers increase their already large ecological footprints in more-developed countries and in rapidly developing countries such as China, India, and Brazil.

As the human population grows, so does the global human ecological footprint (see Figure 1.9), and the bigger this footprint, the higher the overall impact of humanity on the earth’s natural capital. The 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment concluded that human activities have degraded about 60% of the earth’s ecosystem services. Despite advances in food production and health care that have prevented widespread population declines, we are depleting and degrading much of the earth’s natural capital (see 

Figure 1.3


Figure 6.4

). We can get away with this for a while, because the earth’s life-support system is resilient. However, such disturbances could reach various tipping points beyond which there could be damaging and long-lasting change (

Science Focus 3.2


Figure 6.4

Human activities have altered the natural systems that sustain our lives and economies in at least eight major ways to meet the increasing needs and wants of the growing human population.

Critical Thinking:

1. In your daily living, do you think you contribute directly or indirectly to any of these harmful environmental impacts? Which ones? Explain.

Top: Dirk Ercken/ Center: Fulcanelli/ Bottom: Werner Stoffberg/

No one knows how close we are to environmental limits that eventually might control the size of the human population primarily by raising the human death rate, according to many scientists. These analysts call for us to confront this vital scientific, political, economic, and ethical issue.

Some say that asking how many people the earth can support indefinitely is asking the wrong question. Instead, they call for us to estimate the planet’s 

cultural carrying capacity

—the maximum number of people who could live in reasonable freedom and comfort indefinitely, without decreasing the ability of the earth to sustain future generations.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you think there are environmental limits to human population growth? Explain. If so, how close do you think we are to such limits? Explain.

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6.2aThe Human Population Can Grow, Decline, or Stabilize

The basics of global human population change are simple. When there are more births than deaths, the human population increases; when there are more deaths than births, it decreases. When the number of births equals the number of deaths, population size does not change.

Instead of using the total numbers of births and deaths per year, demographers use the 

crude birth rate

 (the number of live births per 1,000 people in a population in a given year) and the 

crude death rate

 (the number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population in a given year).

The human population in a particular area grows or declines through the interplay of three factors: births (fertility), deaths (mortality), and migration. We can calculate the 

population change

 of an area by subtracting the number of people leaving a population (through death and emigration) from the number entering it (through birth and immigration) during a year:

When births plus immigration exceed deaths plus emigration, a population grows; when the reverse is true, a population declines.

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6.2bFertility Rates

Demographers distinguish between two types of fertility rates. One is the 

replacement-level fertility rate

: the average number of children that couples in a population must bear to replace themselves. It is slightly higher than two children per couple (typically 2.1) because some children die before reaching their reproductive years, especially in the world’s poorest countries.

If we were to reach a global replacement-level fertility rate of 2.1 tomorrow, would it bring an immediate halt to human population growth? No, because there is a large number of potential mothers under age 15 who will be moving into their reproductive years.

The second type of fertility rate is the 

total fertility rate (TFR)

. It is the average number of children born to the women of childbearing age in a population. It is a key factor affecting human population growth and size.

Between 1955 and 2018, the global TFR dropped from 5.0 to 2.4. Those who support slowing the world’s population growth view this as good news. However, to eventually halt human population growth, the global TFR must drop to and remain at the fertility replacement level of 2.1—the rate necessary for replacing both parents after considering infant mortality.

With a TFR of 4.6, Africa’s population is growing more than twice as fast as any other continent and is projected to more than double from 1.3 billion in 2018 to 2.6 billion in 2050 and continue to grow. By the end of this century, Africa is projected to have 40% of the world’s people. Africa is also the world’s poorest continent.

Estimates of any population’s future numbers can vary considerably, depending mostly on TFR projections. Demographers also have to make assumptions about death rates, migration, and a number of other variables. If their assumptions are wrong, their population forecasts can be inaccurate (

Science Focus 6.1


Science Focus 6.1

Projecting Population Change

Estimates of the human population size in 2050 range from 7.8 billion to 10.8 billion people—a difference of 3 billion. The range of estimates varies because many factors affect birth rates and TFRs.

First, demographers have to determine the reliability of current population estimates. While many more-developed countries such as the United States have reliable estimates of their population size, most countries do not. Some countries deliberately inflate or deflate the numbers for economic or political purposes.

Second, demographers make assumptions about trends in fertility. They might assume that fertility is declining by a certain percentage per year. If this estimate is off by a few percentage points, the resulting percentage increase in population can be magnified over a number of years and be quite different from the projected population size increase.

For example, United Nation (UN) demographers assumed that Kenya’s fertility rate would decline. Based on that, in 2002 they projected that Kenya’s total population would be


million by 2050. In reality, the fertility rate rose sharply. As a result, in 2018 the UN revised its projection for Kenya’s population in 2050 to 96 million, which was


0% higher than its earlier projection.

Third, population projections are made by a variety of organizations. UN projections are often cited, but the U.S. Census Bureau, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and the U.S. Population Reference Bureau also make projections. Their projections vary because they use differing sets of data and differing methods (

Figure 6.A


Figure 6.A

World population projections to 2050 from three different organizations: the UN, the U.S. Census Bureau, and IIASA. Note that the uppermost, middle, and lowermost curves of these five projections are all from the UN, each assuming a different level of fertility.

Data Analysis:

1. What are the ranges (differences between the lowest and highest) in these projections for 2030, 2040, and 2050?

(Compiled by the authors using data from United Nations, U.S. Census Bureau, and IIASA.)

Critical Thinking

1. If you were in charge of the world and making decisions about resource use based on population projections, which of the projections in Figure 6.A would you rely on? Explain.

Case Study

The U.S. Population—Third Largest and Growing

Between 1900 and 2018, the U.S. population grew from 76 million to 328 million. This happened despite oscillations in the country’s TFR (

Figure 6.5

) and population growth rate.

Figure 6.5

Total fertility rates for the United States between 1917 and 2018.

Critical Thinking:

1. The U.S. fertility rate has declined and remained at or below replacement levels since 1972. So why is the population of the United States still increasing?

(Compiled by the authors using data from Population Reference Bureau and U.S. Census Bureau.)

During the period of high birth rates between 1946 and 1964, known as the baby boom, 79 million people were added to the U.S. population. At the peak of the baby boom in 1957, the average TFR was 3.7 children per woman. In most years since 1972, it has been at or below 2.1 children per woman. In 2018, it was 1.8 compared to a global TFR of 2.4. A key factor in this decline is an increase in the average age of a woman at the time when her first child was born.

The drop in the TFR has slowed the rate of population growth in the United States, but the country’s population is still growing. In 2018, about 1.8 million people were added to the U.S. population—1 million due to the fact that there were more births than deaths and 800,000 due to legal immigration.

Since 1


0, the United States has admitted almost twice as many legal immigrants and refugees as all other countries combined. The number of legal immigrants (including refugees) has varied during different periods because of changes in immigration laws and rates of economic growth (

Figure 6.6


Figure 6.6

Legal immigration to the United States, 1820–2013 (the last year for which data are available). The large increase in immigration since 1989 resulted mostly from the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which granted legal status to certain illegal immigrants who could show they had been living in the country prior to January 1, 1982.

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Immigration Policy Institute, and the Pew Hispanic Center.)

Since 1965, nearly 59 million people have legally immigrated to the United States, most of them from Latin America and Asia, with the government giving preferences for those with technical training or with family members of U.S. citizens. A 2015 study by the U.S. Census Bureau noted that in 2013, China surpassed Mexico as the largest source of new U.S. immigrants.

According to population experts, the country’s influx of immigrants has made the country more culturally diverse and has increased economic growth as these citizens worked and started businesses. The United States has an estimated 10.7 million illegal immigrants. There is controversy over whether to deport those who can be found or to allow these individuals to meet strict criteria for becoming U.S. citizens. Since 2005, the flow of illegal immigrants into the country has been dropping, according to the Pew Research Center.

In addition to the fourfold increase in population since 1900, some amazing changes in lifestyles took place in the United States during the 20th century (

Figure 6.7

), which led to Americans living longer. Along with this came dramatic increases in per capita resource use and much larger total and per capita ecological footprints.

Figure 6.7

Some major changes that took place in the United States between 1900 and 2000.

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and Department of Commerce.)

62 Million

Projected increase in the U.S. population between 2018 and 2050

The U.S. Census Bureau projects that between 2018 and 2050, the U.S. population will likely grow from 328 million to 390 million—an increase of 62 million people. Because of a high per-person rate of resource use and the resulting waste and pollution, each addition to the U.S. population has an enormous environmental impact.

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6.2cFactors That Affect Birth and Fertility Rates

Many factors affect a country’s average birth rate and total fertility rate (TFR). One is the importance of children as a part of the labor force, especially in less-developed countries. Many poor couples in those countries struggle to survive on less than $3.10 a day and some on less than $1.90 a day. Some of these couples have a large number of children to help them haul drinking water, gather wood for heating and cooking, and grow or find food. Worldwide, 1 of every 10 children between ages 5 and 17 work to help the family survive (

Figure 6.8


Figure 6.8

This young boy spends much of his day carrying bricks.


Another economic factor is the cost of raising and educating children. Birth and fertility rates tend to be lower in more-developed countries, where raising children is much more costly because they do not enter the labor force until they are in their late teens or twenties. In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated that the average cost of raising a child born in the United States in 2018 to the age 18 was nearly $234,000.

The availability of pension systems can influence the number of children couples have, especially poor people in less-developed countries. Pensions reduce a couple’s need to have several children to replace those that die at an early age and to help support them in old age.

Urbanization also plays a role. People living in urban areas usually have better access to family planning services and tend to have fewer children than do those living in the rural areas of less-developed countries.

Another important factor is the educational and employment opportunities available for women. Total fertility rates tend to be low when women have access to education and paid employment outside the home. In less-developed countries, a woman with no education typically has two more children than does a woman with a high school education.

The average age at which a woman has her first child also plays a role. Women normally have fewer children when their average age at their first child’s birth is 25 or older.

Birth rates and TFRs are also affected by the availability of reliable birth control methods that allow women to control the number and spacing of their children.

Religious beliefs, traditions, and cultural norms also play a role. In some countries, these factors contribute to large families, because many people strongly oppose abortion and some forms of birth control.

Learning from Nature

Anthropologists have long been interested in how isolated populations of indigenous people have controlled population growth for centuries, even where environmental conditions favor population growth. Cultural factors, mostly related to long-established marriage practices, have been found to act as natural birth control measures.

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6.2dFactors That Affect Death Rates

The rapid growth of the world’s population over the past


years is largely the result of declining death rates, especially in less-developed countries. More people in some of these countries live longer, and fewer infants die because of larger food supplies, improvements in food distribution, better nutrition, improved sanitation, safer water supplies, and medical advances such as immunizations and antibiotics.

A useful indicator of the overall health of people in a country or region is 

life expectancy

: the average number of years a person born in a particular year can be expected to live. Between 1955 and 2018, average global life expectancy increased from 48 years to 72 years. Between 1900 and 2018, the average U.S. life expectancy rose from


years to 79 years. Research indicates that poverty, which reduces the average life span by 7 to 10 years, is the single most important factor affecting life expectancy. For example, the average life expectancy in the world’s 10 poorest nations is 55 years compared to 80 years in the 10 wealthiest nations.

Another important indicator of the overall health of a population is its 

infant mortality rate

, the number of babies out of every 1,000 born who die before their first birthday. It is viewed as one of the best measures of a society’s quality of life because it indicates the general level of nutrition and health care. A high infant mortality rate usually indicates insufficient food (undernutrition), poor nutrition (malnutrition; see 

Figure 1.14

), and a high incidence of infectious disease. Infant mortality also affects the TFR. In areas with low infant mortality rates, women tend to have fewer children because fewer of their children die at an early age.

Infant mortality rates in most countries have declined dramatically since 1965 (

Figure 6.9

). Even so, every year more than 4 million infants die of preventable causes during their first year of life, according to UN population experts. Most of these deaths occur in less-developed countries. This average of nearly 11,000 mostly unnecessary infant deaths per day is equivalent to 55 jet airliners, each loaded with 200 infants, crashing every day with no survivors.

Figure 6.9

Comparison of infant mortality rates in more-developed countries and less-developed countries, 1950–2018, with projections to 2050 based on medium population projections.

(Compiled by the authors using data from United Nations Population Division and Population Reference Bureau.)

Between 1900 and 2018, the U.S. infant mortality rate dropped from 165 to 5.6. This sharp decline was a major factor in the marked increase in U.S. average life expectancy during this period. However, 53 other nations had lower infant mortality rates than the United States in 2018.

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A third factor in population change is 


: the movement of people into (immigration) and out of (emigration) specific geographic areas. Most people who migrate to another area within their country or to another country are seeking jobs and economic improvement. Others are driven by religious persecution, ethnic conflicts, political oppression, or war. There are also environmental refugees—people who have to leave their homes and sometimes their countries because of water or food shortages, soil erosion, or some other form of environmental degradation.

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6.3aAge Structure

The age structure of a population is the numbers or percentages of males and females in young, middle, and older age groups in that population. Age structure is an important factor in determining total fertility rates and whether the population of a country increases or decreases.

Population experts construct a population age-structure diagram by plotting the percentages or numbers of males and females in the total population in each of three age categories: pre-reproductive (ages 0–14), consisting of individuals normally too young to have children; reproductive (ages 15–44), those normally able to have children; and post-reproductive (ages


and older), with individuals normally too old to have children. 

Figure 6.10

 presents generalized age-structure diagrams for countries with rapid, slow, zero, and negative (declining) population growth rates.

Figure 6.10

Generalized population age-structure diagrams for countries with rapid (1.5–3%), slow (0.3–1.4%), zero (0–0.2%), and negative (declining) population growth rates.


1. Which of these diagrams best represents the country where you live?

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and Population Reference Bureau.)

A country with a large percentage of people younger than age 15 (represented by a wide base in 

Figure 6.10, far left) will experience rapid population growth unless death rates rise sharply. Because of this demographic momentum, the number of births in such a country will rise for several decades. This will occur even if women each have an average of only one or two children because of the large number of girls entering their prime reproductive years. Most future human population growth will take place in less-developed countries because of their typically youthful age structure and rapid population growth rates.


Projected increase in the global population of people over 65 between 2016 and 2050

The global population of seniors—people who are 65 and older—is projected to triple between 2018 and 2050 when one of every six people will be a senior. (See the Case Study that follows.) An aging population combined with a lower fertility rate results in fewer working-age adults having to support a large number of seniors. For example, in China and the United States between 2010 and 2050, the working-age population is projected to decline sharply. This could lead to a shortage of workers and friction between the younger and older generations in these countries.

Case Study

The American Baby Boom

Changes in the distribution of a country’s age groups have long-lasting economic and social impacts. For example, the American baby boom (Figure 6.5) added 79 million people to the U.S. population between 1946 and 1964. Over time, this group looks like a bulge as it moves up through the country’s age structure, as shown in 

Figure 6.11


Figure 6.11

Age-structure diagrams tracking the baby-boom generation in the United States, 1955, 1985, 2015, and 2035 (projected).

Critical Thinking:

1. How might the projected age structure in 2035 affect you?

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and Population Reference Bureau.)

For decades, the baby-boom generation has strongly influenced the U.S. economy because it makes up about 25% of the U.S. population. Baby boomers created the youth market in their teens and twenties and are now creating the late middle age (ages 50 to 60) and senior markets. In addition to having this economic impact, the large baby-boom generation plays an important role in deciding who is elected to public office and what laws are passed or weakened.

Since 2011, when the first baby boomers began turning 65, the number of Americans older than age 65 has grown at the rate of about 10,000 a day and will do so through 2030. This process has been called the graying of America. As the number of working adults declines in proportion to the number of seniors, there may be political pressure from baby boomers to increase tax revenues to help support the growing senior population. However, in 2015, the Millennial Generation—Americans born between 1980 and 2005—overtook Baby Boomers to become the largest generation living in the United States. This could lead to economic and political conflicts between older and younger Americans.

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6.3bAging Populations Can Decline Rapidly

The graying of the world’s population is due largely to declining birth rates and medical advances that have extended life spans. The UN estimates that by 2050, the global number of people age 60 and older will equal or exceed the number of people under age 15 (

Figure 6.12


Figure 6.12

The world’s age structure 1950, 2010, and 2050 (projected).

Critical Thinking:

1. How might the projected age structure in 2050 affect you?

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and United Nations Population Division.)

As the percentage of people age 65 or older increases, more countries will begin experiencing population declines. If population decline is gradual, its harmful effects usually can be managed. However, some countries, such as Japan, are experiencing rapid declines and feeling such effects more severely.

Japan has the world’s highest percentage of people age 65 or over and the world’s lowest percentage of people under age 15. In 2018, Japan’s TFR was 1.4 births per woman, one of the lowest in the world. In 2018, Japan’s population was 127 million. By 2050, its population is projected to be 102 million. As its population declines, there will be fewer adults working and paying taxes to support an increasingly elderly population. Because Japan discourages immigration, this could threaten its economic future. In recent years, Japan has been feeling the effects of a declining population. For example, houses in some suburbs have been abandoned and cannot be sold because of a lack of buyers. They could be demolished, but who will pay the costs—the owners who have abandoned them, or the government?

Figure 6.13

 lists some of the problems associated with rapid population decline. Population declines are difficult to reverse

Figure 6.13

Rapid population decline can cause several problems.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of these problems do you think are the most important?

Top: Slavoljub Pantelic/ Center: Iofoto/ Bottom:sunabesyou/

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6.4aEconomic Development

Some analysts argue that we need to slow population growth in order to reduce degradation of our life-support system. They have suggested several ways to do this, one of which is to reduce poverty through economic development.

Demographers have examined the birth and death rates of western European countries that became industrialized during the 19th century. Using such data, they developed a hypothesis on population change known as the 

demographic transition

. It states that as countries become industrialized and economically developed, their per capita incomes rise, poverty declines, and their populations tend to grow more slowly. According to the hypothesis, this transition takes place in four stages, as shown in 

Figure 6.14

. Some good news for those who view population growth as a serious environmental problem is that by 2018, 38 countries, mostly in Europe, had stabilized their populations or were experiencing population declines.

Figure 6.14

The demographic transition, which a country can experience as it becomes industrialized and more economically developed, can take place in four stages.


1. At what stage is the country where you live?

Some analysts believe that most of the world’s less-developed countries will make a demographic transition over the next few decades. They hypothesize that the transition will occur because newer technologies will help them to develop economically and to reduce poverty.

Other analysts fear that rapid population growth, extreme poverty, war, increasing environmental degradation, and resource depletion could leave some countries with high population growth rates stuck in stage 2 of the demographic transition. This highlights the need to reduce poverty as a key to improving human health and stabilizing population.

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6.4bEducating and Empowering Women

A number of studies show that women tend to have fewer children if they are educated, can control their own fertility, earn an income of their own, and live in societies that do not suppress their rights. In most societies, women have fewer rights and fewer educational and economic opportunities than men have.

Women do almost all of the world’s domestic work and childcare for little or no pay. They provide more unpaid health care (within their families) than do all of the world’s organized health-care services combined. In rural areas of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, women do 60–80% of the work associated with growing food, hauling water, and gathering and hauling wood (

Figure 6.15

) and animal dung for use as fuel. As one Brazilian woman observed, “For poor women, the only holiday is when you are asleep.”

Figure 6.15

This woman in Nepal is bringing home firewood. Typically, she spends 2 hours a day, two or three times a week, on this task.

Iv Nikolny/

Globally, women spend 90% of their income on their immediate family needs, and own just 10% to 20% of the world’s land. Women of childbearing age make up 55% of the poor, and more than two-thirds of the world’s 7


million illiterate adults are women. Poor women who cannot read often have an average of five to seven children, compared with two or fewer children in societies where most women can read. This highlights the need for all children to get at least an elementary school education. In addition, if the survival rates of children can be raised, parents will be able to have fewer children and feel confident that most of their children will survive to adulthood.

A growing number of women in less-developed countries are taking charge of their lives and reproductive behavior. As this number grows, such change driven by individual women will play an important role in stabilizing populations. This change will also improve human health and reduce poverty and environmental degradation.

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6.4cFamily Planning

Family planning

 programs provide education and clinical services that can help couples to choose how many children to have and when to have them. Such programs vary from culture to culture, but most of them provide information on birth spacing, birth control, and health care for pregnant women and infants.

According to studies by the UN Population Division and other population agencies, family planning has been a major factor in reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, births, and abortions. In addition, family planning has reduced rates of infant mortality, the number of mothers and fetuses dying during pregnancy, and population growth rates. According to the UN, had there not been the sharp drop in TFRs since the 1970s, with all else being equal, the world’s population today would be about 8.5 billion instead of 7.6 billion (

Core Case Study

). Family planning has played an important role in countries that have stabilized their populations.

Family planning also has financial benefits. Studies show that each dollar spent on family planning in countries such as Thailand, Egypt, and Bangladesh saves $10 to $16 in health, education, and social service costs by preventing unwanted births.

Despite these successes, certain problems have hindered progress in some countries. There are three major problems. First, according to the UN Population Fund and the Guttmacher Institute, about 40% of all pregnancies in less-developed countries were unplanned and about half of these pregnancies end with abortion. So, ensuring access to voluntary contraception would play a key role in stabilizing the populations and reducing the number of abortions in such countries.

Second, according to the UN Population Fund, an estimated 214 million women, primarily in the world’s poorest countries, are not using safe and effective family planning methods. Meeting these current unmet needs for family planning and contraception could prevent more than 80 million unintended pregnancies, 36 million induced abortions (millions of them unsafe), 1 million infant deaths, and 76,000 pregnancy-related deaths of women per year. It would also provide economic benefits. For every dollar invested in contraception, the cost of pregnancy-related care is reduced by $2.20.

Third, largely because of cultural traditions, male domination, and poverty, one in every three girls in less-developed countries is married before age 18 and one in nine is married before age 14. This occurs despite laws against child marriage. For a poor family, marrying off a daughter can relieve financial pressure.

Some analysts call for expanding family planning programs to educate men about the importance of having fewer children and taking more responsibility for raising them. Proponents also call for greatly increased research in order to develop more effective birth control methods for men.

The experiences of countries such as Japan, Thailand, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, and China show that a country can achieve or come close to replacement-level fertility within a decade or two. The real population story of the past 50 years has been the sharp reduction in the rate of population growth (

Figure 6.2) resulting from the reduction of poverty through economic development, empowerment of women, and the promotion of family planning. However, the global population is still growing fast enough to add up to 3 billion more people by 2050.

Case Study

Population Growth in India

For more than six decades, India has tried to control its population growth with only modest success. The world’s first national family planning program began in India in 1952, when its population was nearly 400 million. In 2018, after 66 years of population control efforts, India had 1.4 billion people—the world’s second largest population and a TFR of 2.3. Much of this increase occurred because of India’s declining death rates.

Three factors help to account for larger families in India. First, most poor couples believe they need several children to work and care for them in their old age. Second, the strong cultural preference in India for male children means that some couples keep having children until they produce one or more boys. Third, although 90% of Indian couples have access to at least one modern birth control method, only about 48% actually used one in 2018, according to the Population Reference Bureau.

Figure 6.16

 shows changes in India’s age structure between 2010 and 2035 (projected). The UN projects that by 2029, India will be the world’s most populous country, and that by 2050, it will have a projected population of 1.7 billion.

Figure 6.16

Age structure changes in India: 2010 and 2035 (projected).

Critical Thinking:

1. How might the projected age structure in 2035 affect India’s ability to reduce poverty?

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and United Nations Population Division.)

India has the world’s fourth largest economy and a rapidly growing middle class. However, the country faces serious poverty, malnutrition, and environmental problems that could worsen as its population continues to grow rapidly. India is home to one-third of the world’s poorest people. About one-fourth of all people in India’s cities live in slums, and prosperity and progress have not touched hundreds of millions of Indians who live in rural villages. According to the World Bank, about 30% of India’s population—one-third of the world’s extremely poor people—live in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 per day (

Figure 6.17

). For decades, the Indian government has provided family planning services throughout the country and has strongly promoted a smaller average family size. Even so, Indian women have an average of 2.3 children.

Figure 6.17

Homeless people in Kolkata, India.


India also faces critical resource and environmental problems. With 18% of the world’s people, India has just 2.3% of the world’s land resources and 2% of its forests. About half the country’s cropland has been degraded by soil erosion and overgrazing. In addition, more than two-thirds of its water is seriously polluted, sanitation services often are inadequate, and many of its major cities suffer from serious air pollution.

India’s rapid economic growth is expected to accelerate over the next few decades. This will help many people in India escape poverty, but it will also increase pressure on India’s and the earth’s natural capital as per capita resource use increases. India already faces serious soil erosion, overgrazing, water pollution, and air pollution problems. On the other hand, economic growth may help India to slow its population growth by accelerating its demographic transition (

Figure 6.14).

Case Study

Slowing Population Growth in China

China is the world’s most populous country, with 1.39 billion people in 2018. According to the Population Reference Bureau and the United Nations Population Fund, China’s population is projected to peak at 1.4 billion in 2030 and then to decline to 1.3 billion by 2050.

In the 1960s, China’s large population was growing so rapidly that there was a serious threat of mass starvation. To avoid this, government officials took measures that eventually led to the establishment of the world’s most extensive, intrusive, and strict family planning and birth control program.

The goal of the program, established in 1978, has been to sharply reduce population growth by promoting one-child families. The government provided contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortions for married couples. Married couples pledging to have no more than one child received better housing, more food, free health care, salary bonuses, and preferential job opportunities for their child. Couples who broke their pledge lost such benefits.

Since this government-controlled program began in 1978, China has made impressive efforts to feed its people and bring its population growth under control. Between 1972 and 2018, the country reduced its TFR from 3.0 to 1.8—one of the fastest demographic transitions (Figure 6.14) in history. China’s population is now growing more slowly than the U.S. population. Although China has avoided mass starvation, its strict population control program has been accused of violating human rights.

An unintended result of China’s population control program is that because of the cultural preference for sons, many Chinese women have aborted female fetuses. This has reduced the female population and it is estimated that by 2020, there will be 30 million more Chinese men than women looking for a partner.

Since 1980, China has undergone rapid industrialization and economic growth. According to the Earth Policy Institute, between 1990 and 2010 this process reduced the number of people living in extreme poverty by almost 500 million. It has also helped more than 400 million Chinese—a number greater than the entire U.S. population—to become middle-class consumers. However, millions of people live in poverty in China’s villages and cities (

Figure 6.18

). China’s rapidly growing middle class will consume more total resources. This will put a strain on China’s and the earth’s natural capital. Like India, China faces serious soil erosion, overgrazing, water pollution, and air pollution problems.

Figure 6.18

Old and new housing in heavily populated Shanghai, China, in 2015.

Nikada/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

Because of its one-child policy, in recent years the average age of China’s population has been increasing at one of the fastest rates ever recorded. In 2018, at least 123 million Chinese people were over age 65—the largest number of people in this age group of all the world’s countries. 

Figure 6.19

 shows China’s age structure in 2010 and its projected age structure in 2035. Since 2017, China’s birth rate has declined, dropping by 12% in 2018. The UN estimates that by 2030, the country is likely to have too few young workers (ages 15 to 64) to support its rapidly aging population. This graying of the Chinese population could lead to a declining work force, limited funds for supporting continued economic development, and fewer children and grandchildren to care for the growing number of elderly people. These concerns and other factors may slow China’s economic growth. To help deal with this problem, China plans to become the world’s largest manufacturer of industrial robots to be used for manufacturing. It will also sell such robots to other countries.

Figure 6.19

Age structure in China: 2010 and 2035 (projected).

Critical Thinking:

1. How might the projected age structure in 2035 affect China’s economy?

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Census Bureau and United Nations Population Division.)

Because of these concerns, in 2015, the Chinese government abandoned its one-child policy and replaced it with a two-child policy. Married couples can apply to the government for permission to have two children. However, because of the high cost of raising a second child, and because young women enjoy greatly increased educational and job opportunities, many married couples still choose to have only one child.

Big Ideas

· The human population is growing rapidly and may soon bump up against environmental limits.

· The combination of population growth and the increasing rate of resource use per person is expanding the overall human ecological footprint and putting a strain on the earth’s natural capital.

· We can slow human population growth by reducing poverty, elevating the status of women, and encouraging family planning.

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Tying It All TogetherWorld Population Growth and Sustainability

Jeremy Richards/

This chapter began with a discussion of the fact that the world’s human population has now reached 7.6 billion (

Core Case Study). We noted that this is a result of exponential population growth and that many environmental scientists believe such growth to be unsustainable in the end. We briefly considered some of the environmental problems brought on by exponential human population growth. We looked at factors that influence the growth of populations, as well as at how some countries have made progress in controlling population growth.

In the first six chapters of this book, you have learned how ecosystems and species have been sustained throughout the earth’s history, in keeping with the three scientific principles of sustainability, by nature’s reliance on solar energy, nutrient cycling, and biodiversity (see inside back cover of this book). These three principles can guide us in dealing with the problems brought on by population growth and decline. By greatly increasing our use of solar, wind, and other renewable-energy technologies, we can cut pollution and emissions of climate-changing gases that are increasing as the population and resource use per person grow. By reusing and recycling more materials, we can cut resource waste and reduce our ecological footprints. By focusing on preserving biodiversity, we can help sustain the life-support system on which we and all other species and our economies depend.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. Do you think that the global population of 7.6 billion (

Core Case Study) is too large? Explain. If your answer was yes, what do you think should be done to slow human population growth? If your answer was no, do you believe that there is a population size that would be too big? Explain.

2. If you could say hello to a new person every second without taking a break and working around the clock, how many people could you greet in a day? How many in a year? How long would it take you to greet the 91 million people who were added to the world’s population in 2018? At this same rate, how many years would it take you to greet all 7.7 billion people living on the earth in 2018?

3. Of the three major environmental worldviews summarized in 

chapter 1

, which do you think underlies each of the two major positions on whether the world is overpopulated, as described in Science Focus 6.1? Explain.

4. Should everyone have the right to have as many children as they want? Explain. Is your belief on this issue consistent with your environmental worldview?

5. Is it rational for a poor couple in a less-developed country such as India to have four or five children? Why or why not?


Do you think that projected increases in the earth’s population size and economic growth are sustainable? Explain. If not, how is this likely to affect your life?

7. Some people think the most important environmental goal is to sharply reduce the rate of population growth in less-developed countries, where at least 95% of the world’s population growth is expected to take place between 2018 and 2050. Others argue that the most serious environmental problems stem from high levels of resource consumption per person in more-developed countries. What is your view on this issue? Explain.

8. Experts have identified population growth as one of the major causes of the environmental problems we face. The population of the United States is growing faster than that of any other more-developed country. This fact is rarely discussed and the U.S. government has no official policy for slowing U.S. population growth. Why do think this is so? Do you think there should be such a policy? If so, explain your thinking and list three steps you would take as a leader to slow U.S. population growth. If not, explain your thinking.

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Prepare an age-structure diagram for your community. You will need to estimate how many people belong in each age category (see Figure 6.11). To do this, interview a randomly drawn sample of the population to find out their ages and then divide your sample into age groups. (Be sure to interview equal numbers of males and females.) Then find out the total population of your community and apply the percentages for each age group from your sample to the whole population in order to make your estimates. Create your diagram and then use it to project future population trends. Write a report in which you discuss some economic, social, and environmental effects that might result from these trends.

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Chapter Review

Data Analysis



 below shows selected population data for two different countries, A and B. Study the chart and answer the questions that follow.

Country A

Country B

Population (millions)



Crude birth rate (number of live births per 1,000 people per year)



Crude death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 people per year)

18 10

Infant mortality rate (number of babies per 1,000 born who die in first year of life)



Total fertility rate (average number of children born to women during their childbearing years)



% of population under 15 years old

45 14

% of population older than 65 years

3 19

Average life expectancy at birth

47 79

% urban

44 75

1. Calculate the rates of natural increase (due to births and deaths, not counting immigration) for the populations of country A and country B. Based on these calculations and the data in the table, for each of the countries, suggest whether it is a more-developed country or a less-developed country and explain the reasons for your answers.

2. Describe where each of the two countries might be in the stages of demographic transition (Figure 6.14). Discuss factors that could hinder either country from progressing to later stages in the demographic transition.

3. Explain how the percentages of people under age 15 in each country could affect its per capita and total ecological footprints.

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Chapter Introduction

Tropical rainforest in Malaysia, Asia


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Core Case Study

African Savanna

Learning Objectives

· LO 7.1Describe the African savanna in terms of habitat and types of species living there.

· LO 7.2Explain why much of the African savanna habitat is being degraded and destroyed.

The earth has a great diversity of species and habitats, or places where these species can live. Some species live in terrestrial, or land, habitats such as grasslands, forests (see 

chapter-opening photo

), and deserts. These three major types of terrestrial ecosystems are called biomes—large terrestrial areas characterized by their climates and the plants and animals that live there. They represent one of the four components of biodiversity (

Figure 4.5

), which is the basis for one of the three scientific principles of sustainability.

Why do grasslands grow on some areas of the earth’s land while forests and deserts form in other areas? The answer lies largely in differences in climate, the average weather conditions in a given region over at least three decades to thousands of years. Differences in climate result mostly from long-term differences in weather, based primarily on average annual precipitation and temperature. These differences lead to three major types of climate—tropical (areas near the equator, receiving the most intense sunlight), polar (areas near the earth’s poles, receiving the least intense sunlight), and temperate (areas between the tropical and polar regions).

Throughout these regions, we find different types of ecosystems, vegetation, and animals in land-based biomes adapted to the various climate conditions. For example, in tropical areas, we find a type of grassland called a savanna. This biome typically contains scattered trees and usually has warm temperatures year-round with alternating dry and wet seasons. Savannas in East Africa are home to grazing (primarily grass-eating) and browsing (twig- and leaf-nibbling) hoofed animals. They include wildebeests, gazelles, antelopes, zebras, giraffes, and elephants (

Figure 7.1

), as well as their predators such as lions, hyenas, and humans.

Figure 7.1

Elephants on a tropical savanna in Kenya, Africa.


Archeological evidence indicates that our species emerged from African savannas and survived by gathering edible vegetation and hunting animals for food and clothing made from animal hides. Early humans lived largely in trees but eventually came down to the ground and learned to walk upright. This freed them to use their hands for using tools such as clubs and spears. Later, they developed bows and arrows and other weapons that enhanced their abilities to hunt animals for food and clothing made from animal hides.

After the last ice age, about 10,000 years ago, the earth’s climate warmed and humans began their transition from hunter–gatherers to farmers growing food on the savanna and other grasslands. Later, they cleared patches of forest to expand farmland and created villages and eventually towns and cities.

Today, vast areas of African savanna have been plowed up and converted to cropland or used for grazing livestock. Towns are also expanding there, and this trend will continue as the human population in Africa—the continent with the world’s fastest population growth—increases. As a result, populations of elephants, lions, and other animals that roamed the savannas for millions of years have dwindled. Many of these animals face extinction in the next few decades because of the loss of their habitats and because people kill them for food and their valuable parts such as the ivory tusks of elephants.

In this chapter, we distinguish between weather and climate and examine the role that climate plays in the location and formation of the major terrestrial ecosystems. We also begin the study of human impacts on these important ecosystems.

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· LO 7.1ADefine weather in terms of at least five factors that occur over periods of hours to days.

· LO 7.1BDescribe what happens at a warm front and at a cold front.

· LO 7.1CExplain how a high-pressure air mass affects weather.

· LO 7.1DExplain how a low-pressure air mass affects weather.

· LO 7.1EExplain how an ENSO, or El Niño, affects weather patterns.

· LO 7.1FDescribe the formation of a tornado and the formation of a tropical cyclone.

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7.1aWeather Is Affected by Moving Masses of Warm or Cold Air


 is the set of physical conditions of the lower atmosphere that includes temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, and other factors that occur in a given area over a period of hours to days. The most important factors in an area’s weather are atmospheric temperature and precipitation.

Meteorologists use equipment mounted on weather balloons, aircraft, ships, and satellites, as well as radar and stationary sensors, to obtain data on weather variables. They feed these data into computer models to draw weather maps for various parts of the world. Other computer models project upcoming weather conditions based on probabilities that air masses, winds, and other factors will change in certain ways.

Much of the weather we experience results from interactions between the leading edges of moving masses of warm air and cold air. Weather changes when one air mass replaces or meets another. The most dramatic changes in weather occur along a 


, the boundary between two air masses with different temperatures and densities.

warm front

 is the boundary between an advancing warm air mass and the cooler one it is replacing (

Figure 7.2

, left). Because warm air is less dense (weighs less per unit of volume) than cool air, an advancing warm air mass rises up over a mass of cool air. As the warm air rises, its moisture begins condensing into droplets, forming layers of clouds at different altitudes. Gradually, the clouds thicken, descend to a lower altitude, and often release their moisture as rainfall.

Figure 7.2

Weather fronts: A warm front (left) occurs when a moving mass of warm air meets and rises up over a mass of denser cool air. A cold front (right) forms when a moving mass of cold air wedges beneath a mass of less dense warm air.

cold front

 (Figure 7.2, right) is the leading edge of an advancing mass of cold air. Because cold air is denser than warm air, an advancing cold front stays close to the ground and wedges beneath less dense warmer air. It pushes this warm, moist air up, which produces rapidly moving, towering clouds called thunderheads. As it passes through, it can cause high surface winds and thunderstorms, followed by cooler temperatures and a clear sky.

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7.1bWeather Is Affected by Changes in Atmospheric Pressure and Wind Patterns

Atmospheric pressure

 results from molecules of gases in the atmosphere (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) moving at high speeds and bouncing off everything they encounter. Atmospheric pressure is greater near the earth’s surface because the molecules in the atmosphere are squeezed together under the weight of the air above them.

An air mass with high pressure, called a 


, contains cool, dense air that descends slowly toward the earth’s surface and becomes warmer. Because of this warming, water molecules in the air do not form droplets—a process called condensation. Thus clouds, which are made of droplets, usually do not form in the presence of a high. Fair weather with clear skies follows as long as this high remains over the area.

A low-pressure air mass, called a 


, contains low-density, warm air at its center. This air rises, expands, and cools. When its temperature drops below a certain level, called the dew point, moisture in the air condenses and forms clouds. The condensation process usually requires that the air contain suspended tiny particles of dust, smoke, sea salts, or volcanic ash, called condensation nuclei, around which water droplets can form. If the droplets in the clouds coalesce into larger drops or snowflakes heavy enough to fall from the sky, precipitation occurs. Thus, a low tends to produce cloudy and sometimes stormy weather.

Movement of these air masses is influenced strongly by jet streams—powerful winds that circle the globe near the top of the troposphere. They are like fast-flowing rivers of air moving west to east, one in each hemisphere somewhere above and below the equator. They form because of the temperature difference between the equator and the poles, which causes air to move. As the air moves away from the equator, north and south, it is deflected by the earth’s rotation and flows generally west to east. Jet streams can influence weather by moving moist air masses from one area to another. We examine these patterns of airflow in more depth later in this chapter.

Every few years, normal wind patterns in the Pacific Ocean (Figure 7.3, left) are disrupted and this affects weather around much of the globe. This change in wind patterns is called the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, or ENSO (

Figure 7.3

, right).

Figure 7.3

El Niño: Normal trade winds blowing east to west cause shore upwellings of cold, nutrient-rich bottom water in the tropical Pacific Ocean near the coast of Peru (left). A zone of gradual temperature change, called the thermocline, separates the warm and cold water. Every few years, a shift in trade winds known as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) disrupts this pattern (right) for 1 to 2 years. This disrupts normal rainfall patterns.

In an ENSO, often called simply El Niño, winds that usually blow more-or-less constantly from east to west weaken or reverse direction. This allows the warmer waters of the western Pacific to move toward the coast of South America. A horizontal zone of gradual temperature change separating warm and cold waters, called the thermocline, sinks in the eastern Pacific. These changes result in drier weather in some areas and wetter weather in other areas. A strong ENSO can alter weather conditions over at least two-thirds of the globe (

Figure 7.4

)—especially on the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Figure 7.4

Typical global weather effects of an El Niño–Southern Oscillation.


1. How might an ENSO affect the weather where you live or go to school?

(Compiled by the authors using data from United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and U.S. Weather Service.)

An ENSO is a 1- to 2-year natural weather event. Although it is not a climate event, it can raise the earth’s average temperature by as much as ‍ for a year or two. As a result, it can affect the climate by temporarily increasing the earth’s average temperature. ENSOs can be extreme in their effects. One such super ENSO occurred in 1997 and 1998. This 2-year period of extreme weather, including severe storms, flooding, and temperature extremes, caused $4.5 billion in damages and 23,000 deaths.

La Niña, the reverse of El Niño, cools some coastal surface waters. This natural weather event also occurs every few years and it typically leads to more Atlantic Ocean hurricanes, colder winters in Canada and the northeastern United States, and warmer and drier winters in the southeastern and southwestern United States. It also usually leads to wetter winters in the Pacific Northwest, torrential rains in Southeast Asia, and sometimes more wildfires in Florida. Scientists do not know the exact causes of these weather events or when they are likely to occur, but they do know how to detect and monitor them.

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7.1cWeather Extremes: Tornadoes and Tropical Cyclones

Sometimes we experience weather extremes. Two examples are violent storms called tornadoes (which form over land) and tropical cyclones (which form over warm ocean waters and sometimes pass over coastal land areas).

Tornadoes, or twisters, are swirling, funnel-shaped clouds that form over land. They can destroy houses and cause other serious damage in areas where they touch down. The United States is the world’s most tornado-prone country, followed by Australia.

Tornadoes in the plains of the Midwestern United States often occur when a large, dry, cold front moving southward from Canada runs into a large mass of warm humid air moving northward from the Gulf of Mexico. As the large warm front moves rapidly over the denser cold-air mass, it rises swiftly and forms strong vertical convection currents that suck air upward (

Figure 7.5

). Scientists hypothesize that the interaction of the cooler air nearer the ground and the rapidly rising warmer air above causes a spinning, vertically rising air mass, or vortex. Most tornadoes in the American Midwest occur in the spring and summer when cold fronts from the north penetrate deeply into the Great Plains and the Midwest.

Figure 7.5

Formation of a tornado, or twister. The most active tornado season in the United States is usually March through August.

Tropical cyclones (

Figure 7.6

) are spawned by the formation of low-pressure cells of air over warm tropical seas. Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that form in the Atlantic Ocean. Those forming in the Pacific Ocean usually are called typhoons. Hurricanes and typhoons kill and injure people, damage property, and hinder food production. Unlike tornadoes, however, tropical cyclones take a long time to form and gain strength. This allows meteorologists to track their paths and wind speeds, and to warn people in areas likely to be hit by these violent storms.

Figure 7.6

Formation of a tropical cyclone. Those forming in the Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes. Those forming in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons.

For a tropical cyclone to form, the temperature of ocean water has to be at least ‍ to a depth of 46 meters (150 feet). Areas of low pressure over these warm ocean waters draw in air from surrounding higher-pressure areas. The earth’s rotation makes these winds spiral counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Moist air, warmed by the heat of the ocean, rises in a vortex through the center of the storm until it becomes a tropical cyclone (

Figure 7.6).

The intensities of tropical cyclones are rated in different categories, based on their sustained wind speeds. The longer a tropical cyclone stays over warm waters, the stronger it gets. Significant hurricane-force winds can extend 64–161 kilometers (40–100 miles) from the center, or eye, of a tropical cyclone.

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· LO 7.2AExplain the difference between weather and climate.

· LO 7.2BIdentify two global forces that distribute heat and precipitation between the tropics and other parts of the world.

· LO 7.2CExplain how convection works in the atmosphere to help determine regional climates.

· LO 7.2DExplain how uneven heating of the earth helps determine regional climates.

LO 7.2EDescribe the greenhouse effect by identifying four greenhouse gases and explaining how they warm the atmosphere.

· LO 7.2FExplain how the rain shadow effect helps create deserts.
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7.2aThe Earth Has Many Different Climates

It is important to understand the difference between weather and climate. Weather is the set of short-term atmospheric conditions over hours to days, whereas 


 is the pattern of atmospheric conditions in a given area over periods ranging from at least three decades to thousands of years. Weather often fluctuates daily, from one season to another, and from one year to the next. However, climate tends to change slowly because it is the average of long-term atmospheric conditions over at least 30 years.

Climate varies among the earth’s different regions primarily because of global air circulation and 

ocean currents

, or mass movements of ocean water. Global winds and ocean currents distribute heat and precipitation unevenly between the tropics and other parts of the world. Scientists have described the various regions of the earth according to their climates (

Figure 7.7


Figure 7.7

Natural capital: This generalized map of the earth’s current climate zones also shows the major ocean currents and upwelling areas (where currents bring nutrients from the ocean bottom to the surface).


1. Based on this map, what is the general type of climate where you live?

Several major factors help determine regional climates. The first is the cyclical movement of air driven by solar energy. It is a form of convection, the movement of fluid matter (such as gas or water) caused when the warmer and less dense part of a body of such matter rises while the cooler, denser part of the fluid sinks due to gravity. In the atmosphere, convection occurs when the sun warms the air and causes some of it to rise, while cooler air sinks in a cyclical pattern called a 

convection cell


For example, the air over an ocean is heated when the sun evaporates water. This transfers moisture and heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, especially near the hot equator. This warm, moist air rises, then cools and releases heat and moisture as precipitation (

Figure 7.8

, right side and top, center). Then the cooler, denser, and drier air sinks, warms up, and absorbs moisture as it flows across the earth’s surface (Figure 7.8, left side and bottom) to begin the cycle again.

Figure 7.8

Convection cells play a key role in transferring energy (heat) and moisture through the atmosphere from place to place on the planet.

The second major climatic factor is the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Air is heated much more at the equator, where the sun’s rays strike directly, than at the poles, where sunlight strikes at an angle and spreads out over a much greater area (

Figure 7.9

, left). Thus, solar heating varies with 


—the location between the equator and one of the poles. Latitudes are designated by degrees  north or south. The equator is at , the poles are at  north and  south, and areas between range from  to .

Figure 7.9

Global air circulation: Air rises and falls in giant convection cells (right). Air flowing away from the equator is deflected to the east and air flowing toward the equator is deflected west, due to the Coriolis Effect. This creates global patterns of prevailing winds (left) that help to distribute heat and moisture in the atmosphere, which leads to the earth’s variety of forests, grasslands, and deserts (right).

The input of solar energy in a given area, called 


, varies with latitude. This partly explains why tropical regions are hot, polar regions are cold, and temperate regions generally alternate between warm and cool temperatures (Figure 7.9, right).

A third major factor is the tilt of the earth’s axis and resulting seasonal changes. The earth’s axis—an imaginary line connecting the north and south poles—is tilted with respect to the sun’s rays. As a result, regions north and south of the equator are tipped toward or away from the sun at different times, as the earth makes its annual revolution around the sun (

Figure 7.10

). This means that most areas of the world experience widely varying amounts of solar energy, and thus very different seasons, throughout the year. This leads to seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation in most areas of the globe, and over three or more decades these changes help determine regional climates.

Figure 7.10

The earth’s axis is tilted about  with respect to the plane of the earth’s path around the sun. The resulting variations in solar energy reaching the northern and southern hemispheres throughout a year result in seasons.

Critical Thinking


1. How might your life be different if the earth’s axis was not tilted?

The fourth major climatic factor is the rotation of the earth on its axis. As the earth rotates to the east (to the right, looking at Figure 7.9), the equator spins faster than the regions to its north and south. This means that air masses moving to the north or south from the equator are deflected to the east, because they are also moving east faster than the land below them. This deflection is known as the Coriolis Effect.

Some of this high, moving mass of warm air cools as it flows northeast or southeast from the equator. It becomes more dense and heavier and sinks toward the earth’s surface at about  north and  south (Figure 7.9). Because it is part of a convection cell (Figure 7.8), it starts flowing back toward the equator in what is known as a Hadley cell. Because of the Coriolis Effect, this air moving toward the equator curls in a westerly direction. In the northern hemisphere, it flows southwest from northeast. In the southern hemisphere, it flows northwest from southeast.

These air flows or winds are known as the northeast trade winds (north of the equator) and the southeast trade winds (south of the equator). They were named long ago when sailing ships used them to move goods in trade between the continents. They are examples of prevailing winds—major surface winds that blow almost continuously.

The warm air that does not descend in the Hadley cells at  north and  south continues moving toward the poles and curving to the east due to the Coriolis Effect. These prevailing winds that blow generally from the west in temperate regions of the globe are known as westerlies (Figure 7.9, left).

This complex movement of air results in six huge regions between the equator and the poles in which warm air rises and cools, then falls and heats up again in great rolling patterns (Figure 7.9, right). The two nearest the equator are the Hadley cells. These convection cells and the resulting prevailing winds distribute heat and moisture over the earth’s surface, thus helping to determine regional climates.

A fifth major factor determining regional climates is ocean currents (

Figure 7.7). They help to redistribute heat from the sun, thereby influencing climate and vegetation, especially near coastal areas. This solar heat, along with differences in water density (mass per unit volume), creates warm and cold ocean currents. They are driven by prevailing winds and the earth’s rotation (the Coriolis Effect), and continental coastlines that change their directions. As a result, between the continents, ocean currents flow in roughly circular patterns, called 


, which move clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere.

Water also moves vertically in the oceans as denser water sinks while less dense water rises. This creates a connected loop of deep and shallow ocean currents (which are separate from those shown in Figure 7.7). This loop acts somewhat like a giant conveyer belt that moves heat from the surface to the deep sea and transfers warm and cold water between the tropics and the poles (

Figure 7.11


Figure 7.11

A connected loop of deep and shallow ocean currents transports warm and cool water to various parts of the earth.

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7.2bGreenhouse Gases and Climate

Gases in the lower atmosphere affect its temperature and thus the earth’s climates. As energy flows from the sun to the earth, some of it is reflected by the earth’s surface back into the atmosphere. Molecules of certain gases in the atmosphere, including water vapor , carbon dioxide , methane , and nitrous oxide , absorb some of this solar energy and release a portion of it as infrared radiation (heat) that warms the lower atmosphere and the earth’s surface. These gases, called 

greenhouse gases

, play a role in determining the lower atmosphere’s average temperatures and thus the earth’s climates.

The earth’s surface also absorbs much of the solar energy that strikes it and transforms it into longer-wavelength infrared radiation, which then rises into the lower atmosphere. Some of this heat escapes into space, but some is absorbed by molecules of greenhouse gases and emitted into the lower atmosphere as even longer-wavelength infrared radiation (see 

Figure 2.12

). Some of this released energy radiates into space, and some adds to the warming of the lower atmosphere and the earth’s surface. This natural warming of the troposphere, called the greenhouse effect (see 

Figure 3.3

). Without this natural warming effect, the earth would be a very cold and mostly lifeless planet with an average temperature of near  instead of a much warmer .

Human activities such as the production and burning of fossil fuels, clearing of forests, and growing of crops release large quantities of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. An enormous body of scientific evidence, combined with climate model projections, indicates that human activities are emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere faster than natural processes such as the earth’s carbon and nitrogen cycles (see 

Figures 3.20

, and 


) can remove them.

Climate research and climate models indicate that these emissions have played a key role in warming the earth over the last 50 years and thus helping change its climate. In other words, human activities are enhancing the earth’s natural greenhouse effect, warming the lower atmosphere and the earth’s surface by altering the amount of the sun’s heat that flows back into space. If the earth’s average atmospheric temperature continues to rise as projected, this will alter temperature and precipitation patterns, raise average sea levels, and shift areas where we can grow crops and where many types of plants and animals (including humans) can live. We discuss this issue more fully in 

Chapter 19


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7.2cThe Earth’s Surface Features Affect Local Climates

Various topographic features of the earth’s surface can create local climatic conditions that differ from the general climate in some regions. For example, mountains interrupt the flow of prevailing surface winds and the movement of storms. When moist air from an ocean blows inland and reaches a mountain range, it is forced upward. As the air rises, it cools, expands, and loses most of its moisture as rain and snow that fall on the windward slope of the mountain.

As shown in 

Figure 7.12

, when the drier air mass passes over the mountaintops, it flows down the leeward slopes (facing away from the wind) and warms up. This warmer air can hold more moisture, but it typically does not release much of it. Instead, the air tends to dry out plants and soil below. This process is called the 

rain shadow effect

. Over many decades, it results in semiarid or arid conditions on the leeward side of a high mountain range. Sometimes this effect leads to the formation of deserts such as Death Valley, a part of the Mojave Desert, which lies on the leeward side of mountains in the southwest United States.

Figure 7.12

The rain shadow effect is a reduction of rainfall and loss of moisture from the landscape on the leeward side of a mountain. Warm, moist air in onshore winds loses most of its moisture as rain and snow that fall on the windward slopes of a mountain range. This leads to semiarid and arid conditions on the leeward side of the mountain range and on the land beyond.

Cities also create distinct microclimates based on their weather averaged over three decades or more. Bricks, concrete, asphalt, and other building materials absorb and hold heat, and buildings block wind. Motor vehicles and the heating and cooling systems of buildings release large quantities of heat and pollutants. As a result, cities on average tend to have more haze and smog, higher temperatures, and lower wind speeds than the surrounding countryside. These factors make cities heat islands.

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7.3Climate and Biomes

· LO 7.3ADefine biome.

· LO 7.3BExplain why biomes are not uniform with sharp boundaries such as those shown in 




· LO 7.3CDescribe three different types of desert biomes, three different types of grassland biomes, and three different types of forest biomes in terms of variations in annual temperature and precipitation.

· LO 7.3DExplain why the elephant is a keystone species on the African savanna.


LO 7.3EDescribe the important ecological roles played by mountains.

· LO 7.3FFor each major type of biome—deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains—describe three harmful human impacts.

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7.3aClimate Affects Where Terrestrial Organisms Can Live

Differences in climate (Figure 7.7) help to explain why one area of the earth’s land surface is a desert, another a grassland, and another a forest. Different climates based on long-term average annual precipitation and temperatures, global air circulation patterns, and ocean currents, lead to the formation of tropical (hot), temperate (moderate), and polar (cold) deserts, grasslands, and forests, as summarized in 

Figure 7.13


Figure 7.13

Natural capital: Average precipitation and average temperature, acting together as limiting factors over a long time, help to determine the type of desert, grassland, or forest in any particular area, and thus the types of plants, animals, and decomposers found in that area (assuming it has not been disturbed by human activities).

Figure 7.14

 shows how scientists have divided the world into biomes—large terrestrial regions, each characterized by a certain type of climate and dominant forms of plant life. The variety of biomes and aquatic systems is one of the four components of the earth’s biodiversity (see Figure 4.5)—a vital part of the earth’s natural capital.

Figure 7.14

Natural capital: The earth’s major biomes result primarily from differences in climate.

By comparing Figure 7.14 with Figure 7.7, you can see how the world’s major biomes vary with climate. 

Figure 4.8

 shows how major biomes along the midsection of the United States are related to different climates.

On maps such as the one in Figure 7.14, biomes are shown with sharp boundaries, and each biome is covered with one general type of vegetation. In reality, biomes are not uniform. They consist of a variety of areas, each with somewhat different biological communities but with similarities typical of the biome. These areas occur because of the irregular distribution of the resources needed by plants and animals and because human activities have removed or altered the natural vegetation in many areas. There are also differences in vegetation along the transition zone or ecotone (see 


) between any two different ecosystems or biomes.

Critical Thinking

1. Use Figure 7.7 to determine the general type of climate where you live and Figure 7.14 to determine the general type of biome that should exist where you live. Does that biome exist there? If not, how is it different?

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7.3bDesert Biomes

In a desert, annual precipitation is low and often scattered unevenly throughout the year. During the day, the baking sun warms the ground and evaporates water from plant leaves and from the soil. At night, most of the heat stored in the ground radiates quickly into the atmosphere. This explains why in a desert, you might roast during the day but shiver at night.

A combination of low rainfall and varying average temperatures over many decades creates a variety of desert types—tropical, temperate, and cold (

Figures 7.13

 and 7.14). Tropical deserts (

Figure 7.15

, top photo) such as the Sahara and the Namib of Africa are hot and dry most of the year (Figure 7.15, top graph). They have few plants and a hard, windblown surface strewn with rocks and sand.

Figure 7.15

These climate graphs track the typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold deserts. Top photo: a tropical desert in Morocco. Center photo: a temperate desert in southeastern California, with saguaro cactus, a prominent species in this ecosystem. Bottom photo: a cold desert, Mongolia’s Gobi Desert.

Data Analysis:

1. Which month of the year has the highest temperature and which month has the lowest rainfall for each of the three types of deserts?

apstockphoto/; Mike Norton/; murosvur/

In temperate deserts (

Figure 7.15, center photo), daytime temperatures are high in summer and low in winter and there is more precipitation than in tropical deserts (Figure 7.15, center graph). Their sparse vegetation consists mostly of widely dispersed, drought-resistant shrubs and cacti or other succulents adapted to the dry conditions and temperature variations.

In cold deserts such as the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, vegetation is sparse (Figure 7.15, bottom photo). Winters are cold, summers are warm or hot, and precipitation is low (Figure 7.15, bottom graph). In all types of deserts, plants and animals have evolved adaptations that help them to stay cool and to get enough water to survive (

Science Focus 7.1


Science Focus 7.1

Staying Alive in the Desert

Adaptations for survival in the desert have two themes: beat the heat and every drop of water counts.

Desert plants have evolved a number of strategies based on such adaptations. During long hot and dry spells, plants such as mesquite and creosote drop their leaves to survive in a dormant state. Succulent (fleshy) plants such as the saguaro (“sah-WAH-ro”) cactus (

Figure 7.A

 and Figure 7.15, middle photo) have no leaves that can lose water to the atmosphere through transpiration. They reduce water loss by opening their pores only at night to take up carbon dioxide . Succulents also store water and synthesize food in their expandable, fleshy tissue. The spines of these and many other desert plants guard them from being eaten by herbivores seeking the precious water they hold.

Figure 7.A

After a brief rain, these wildflowers bloomed in this temperate desert in Picacho Peak State Park in the U.S. state of Arizona.

Anton Foltin/

Some desert plants use deep roots to tap into groundwater. Others such as prickly pear and saguaro cacti use widely spread shallow roots to collect water after brief showers and store it in their spongy tissues.

Other desert plants have wax-coated leaves that reduce water loss. Annual wildflowers and grasses store much of their biomass in seeds that remain inactive, sometimes for years, until they receive enough water to germinate. Shortly after a rain, these seeds germinate, grow, and carpet some deserts with dazzling arrays of colorful flowers (

Figure 7.A) that last several weeks.

Most desert animals are small. Some beat the heat by hiding in cool burrows or rocky crevices by day and coming out at night or in the early morning when it is cooler. Others become dormant during periods of extreme heat or drought. Some larger animals such as camels can drink massive quantities of water when it is available and store it in their fat for use as needed. In addition, the camel’s thick fur helps it keep cool because the air spaces in the fur insulate the camel’s skin against the outside heat. In addition, camels do not sweat, which reduces their water loss through evaporation. Kangaroo rats never drink water. They get the water they need by breaking down fats in seeds that they consume.

Insects and reptiles such as rattlesnakes have thick outer coverings to minimize water loss through evaporation, and their wastes are dry feces and a dried concentrate of urine. Many spiders and insects get their water from dew or from the food they eat.

Critical Thinking

1. What are three steps you would take to survive in the open desert if you had to?

Desert ecosystems are vulnerable to disruption because they have slow plant growth, low species diversity, slow nutrient cycling due to low bacterial activity in the soils, and little water. It can take decades to centuries for desert soils to recover from disturbances such as off-road vehicle traffic, which can also destroy the habitats for a variety of animal species that live underground. The lack of vegetation, especially in tropical and polar deserts, also makes them vulnerable to heavy wind erosion from sandstorms.

Learning from Nature

The shell of the African Namib Desert beetle collects drinking water on water-repellent ridges on its shell, which channel water droplets condensed from fog to the beetle’s mouth. Researchers have mimicked this design in devices that harvest water from fog for use in cooling devices or as drinking water in dry areas.

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7.3cGrassland Biomes

Grasslands occur primarily in the interiors of continents in areas that are too moist for deserts to form and too dry for forests to grow (Figures 7.13 and 7.14). Grasslands persist because of a combination of seasonal drought, grazing by large herbivores, and occasional fires—all of which keep shrubs and trees from growing in large numbers. Fires and droughts are common in grasslands.

The three main types of grassland—tropical, temperate, and cold (arctic tundra)—result from long-term combinations of low average precipitation and varying average temperatures (

Figure 7.16

). One type of tropical grassland is savanna (Core Case Study and 

Science Focus 7.2

). It contains widely scattered clumps of trees and usually has warm temperatures year-round with alternating dry and wet seasons (Figure 7.16, top graph).

Figure 7.16

These climate graphs track the typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold (arctic tundra) grasslands. Top photo: savanna (tropical grassland) in Kenya, Africa, with zebras grazing (Core Case Study). Center photo: prairie (temperate grassland) in the U.S. state of Illinois. Bottom photo: arctic tundra (cold grassland) in Iceland in fall.

Data Analysis:

1. Which month of the year has the highest temperature and which month has the lowest rainfall for each of the three types of grassland?

erichon/; biletskiy/; Fexel/

Science Focus 7.2

Revisiting the Savanna: Elephants as a Keystone Species

As in all biomes, the African savanna (

Core Case Study) has food webs, (

Figure 7.B

). Its food webs often include one or more keystone species that play a major role in maintaining the structure and functioning of the ecosystem.

Figure 7.B

A savanna food web.

Ecologists view elephants as a keystone species in the African savanna. They eat woody shrubs and young trees. This helps keep the savanna from being overgrown by these woody plants and prevents the grasses, which form the foundation of the food web, from dying out. If this were to happen, antelopes, zebras, and other grass-eaters would leave the savanna in search of food and with them would go the carnivores such as lions and hyenas that feast on these grass-eaters. Elephants also dig for water during drought periods, creating or enlarging waterholes that are used by other animals. Without African elephants, savanna food webs would collapse and the savanna would become shrubland.

Conservation scientists classify the African elephant as vulnerable to extinction. In 1979, there were an estimated 1.3 million wild African elephants. Today, an estimated 415,000 remain in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund. This sharp decline is due mostly to the illegal killing of elephants for their valuable ivory tusks (Figure 7.B, left). Since 1990, there has been an international ban on the sale of ivory, and in some areas, elephants are protected as threatened or endangered species but the illegal killing of elephants for their valuable ivory continues (

Figure 7.C

, right).

Figure 7.C

One reason African elephants are being threatened with extinction is their financially valuable ivory tusks.

Pearl Media/; Martin Harvey/Alamy Stock Photo

Another major threat to elephants is the loss and fragmentation of their habitats as human populations have expanded and taken over more land. In 2018, less than 20% of African elephant habitat was formally protected. Elephants are eating or trampling the crops of settlers who have moved into elephant habitat areas, and this has led to the killing of some elephants by farmers. If these multiple threats are not curtailed, elephants may disappear from the African savanna within your lifetime.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you think African governments would be justified in setting aside large areas of elephant habitat and prohibiting development there? Why or why not?

Tropical savannas in East Africa (

Core Case Study) are home to grazing (primarily grass-eating) and browsing (twig- and leaf-nibbling) hoofed animals, including wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, giraffes, and antelopes, as well as their predators such as lions, hyenas, and humans. Elephants eat a variety of foods including grass, tree leaves, tree bark, twigs, and shrubs and serve as keystone species (Science Focus 7.2). Herds of grazing and browsing animals migrate across the tropical savannas of East Africa to find water and food in response to seasonal and year-to-year variations in rainfall (Figure 7.16, blue areas in top graph) and food availability. Savanna plants, like those in deserts, are adapted to survive drought and extreme heat. Many have deep roots that tap into groundwater.


Savanna Grassland Niches and Feeding Habits

As an example of differing niches, some large herbivores have evolved specialized eating habits that minimize competition among species for the vegetation found on the savanna (Core Case Study). For example, giraffes eat leaves and shoots from the tops of trees, elephants eat leaves and branches farther down, wildebeests prefer short grasses, and zebras graze on longer grasses and stems.

In a temperate grassland, winters can be bitterly cold, summers are hot and dry, and annual precipitation is sparse and falls unevenly throughout the year (Figure 7.16, center graph). Because the aboveground parts of most of the grasses die and decompose each year, organic matter accumulates to produce deep, fertile topsoil (

Figure 3.10

). This topsoil is held in place by a thick network of the grasses’ intertwined roots. However, if the topsoil is plowed, it can be blown away by high winds. This biome’s grasses are adapted to droughts and to fires that burn the plant parts above the ground but do not harm the roots, from which new grass can grow.

In the midwestern and western areas of the United States, we find two types of temperate grasslands depending primarily on average rainfall: short-grass prairies (Figure 7.16, center photo) and the tallgrass prairies (which get more rain). In all prairies, winds blow almost continuously and evaporation is rapid, often leading to fires in the summer and fall. This combination of winds and fires helps to maintain such grasslands by hindering tree growth. Many of the world’s natural temperate grasslands have been converted to farmland, because their fertile soils are useful for growing crops (

Figure 7.17

) and grazing cattle.

Figure 7.17

Natural capital degradation: This intensively cultivated cropland is an example of the replacement of biologically diverse temperate grasslands (such as in the center photo of Figure 7.16) with a monoculture crop.

EPA Documerica/National Archives and Records Administration

Learning from Nature

Scientists at The Land Institute have been using the prairie as a model for more sustainable agriculture based on the use of deep-rooted perennial plants that need little or no fertilizer, pesticides, or irrigation. They can provide economical yields of grains while preserving water and soil quality.

Cold grasslands, or arctic tundra, lie south of the arctic polar ice cap (Figure 7.14). During most of the year, these treeless plains are bitterly cold (Figure 7.16, bottom graph), swept by frigid winds, and covered with ice and snow. Winters are long with few hours of daylight, and the scant precipitation falls primarily as snow.

A thick, spongy mat of low-growing plants lies under the snow. Trees and tall plants cannot survive in the cold and windy tundra because they would lose too much of their heat. Most of the annual growth of the tundra’s plants occurs during the short 7- to 8-week summer, when there is daylight almost around the clock.

One outcome of the extreme cold is the formation of 


, underground soil in which captured water stays frozen for more than 2 consecutive years. During the brief summer, the permafrost layer keeps melted snow and ice from draining into the ground. Thus, shallow lakes, marshes, bogs, ponds, and other seasonal wetlands form when snow and frozen surface soil melt. Hordes of mosquitoes, black flies, and other insects thrive in these shallow surface pools. They serve as food for large colonies of migratory birds (especially waterfowl) that migrate from the south to nest and breed in the tundra’s summer bogs and ponds.

Animals in this biome survive the intense winter cold through adaptations such as thick coats of fur (arctic wolf, arctic fox, and musk oxen) or feathers (snowy owl) and living underground (arctic lemming). In the summer, caribou (often called reindeer) and other types of deer migrate to the tundra to graze on its vegetation.

Tundra is vulnerable to disruption. Because of the short growing season, tundra soil and vegetation recover very slowly from damage or disturbance. Human activities in the arctic tundra—primarily on and around oil and natural gas drilling sites, pipelines, mines, and military bases—leave scars that persist for centuries.

Another type of tundra, called alpine tundra, occurs above the limit of tree growth but below the permanent snow line on high mountains. The vegetation is similar to that found in arctic tundra, but it receives more sunlight than arctic vegetation gets. During the brief summer, alpine tundra can be covered with an array of beautiful wildflowers.

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7.3dChaparral—a Dry Temperate Biome

In many coastal regions that border on deserts, we find a biome known as temperate shrubland or chaparral. Because it is close to the sea, it has a slightly longer winter rainy season than the bordering desert has and experiences fogs during the spring and fall seasons. Chaparral is found along coastal areas of southern California, the Mediterranean Sea, central Chile, southern Australia, and southwestern South Africa.

This biome consists mostly of dense growths of low-growing evergreen shrubs and occasional small trees with leathery leaves (

Figure 7.18

). Its animal species include mule deer, chipmunks, jackrabbits, lizards, and a variety of birds. The soil is thin and not very fertile. During the long, hot, and dry summers, chaparral vegetation dries out. In the late summer and fall, fires started by lightning or human activities spread swiftly.

Figure 7.18

Lowland chaparral in the Rio Grande River Valley, New Mexico (USA).

Gerry Ellis/Minden Pictures/Superstock

Research reveals that chaparral is adapted to and maintained by occasional fires. Many of the shrubs store food reserves in their fire-resistant roots and have seeds that sprout only after a hot fire. With the first rain, annual grasses and wildflowers spring up and use nutrients released by the fire. New shrubs grow quickly and crowd out the grasses.

People like living in this biome because of its moderate, sunny climate. As a result, humans have moved in and modified this biome so much that little natural chaparral exists. The downside is that people living in chaparral assume the high risk of frequent fires, which are often followed by flooding during winter rainy seasons. When heavy rains come, torrents of water pour off the unprotected burned hillsides to flood lowland areas, often causing mudslides.

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7.3eForest Biomes

Forests are lands that are dominated by trees. The three main types of forest—tropical, temperate, and cold (northern coniferous, or boreal)—result from combinations of varying precipitation levels and temperatures averaged over three decades or longer (Figures 7.13 and 7.14).

Tropical rain forests (

Figure 7.19

, top photo) are found near the equator (Figure 7.14), where hot, moisture-laden air rises and dumps its moisture (Figure 7.9). These lush forests have year-round, warm temperatures, high humidity, and almost daily heavy rainfall (Figure 7.19, top graph). This almost constant warm and wet climate is ideal for a wide variety of plants and animals.

Figure 7.19

These climate graphs track the typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold (northern coniferous, or boreal) forests. Top photo: the closed canopy of a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. Middle photo: a temperate deciduous forest in autumn. Bottom photo: a northern coniferous forest in Canada.

Data Analysis:

1. Which month of the year has the highest temperature and which month has the lowest rainfall for each of the three types of forest?

Antonio Jorge Nunes/; Marc von Hacht/; Polina Katritch/

Broadleaf evergreen plants that keep most of their leaves year-round dominate tropical rain forests. The tops of the trees form a dense canopy (

Figure 7.19, top photo) that blocks most light from reaching the forest floor. Many of the relatively few plants that live at the ground level have enormous leaves to capture what little sunlight filters down to them.

Some trees are draped with vines (called lianas) that reach for the treetops to gain access to sunlight. In the canopy, the vines grow from one tree to another, providing walkways for many species living there. When a large tree is cut down, its network of lianas can pull down other trees.

Tropical rain forests have a high net primary productivity (see 

Figure 3.18

). They are teeming with life and possess incredible biological diversity. Although tropical rain forests cover only about 2% of the earth’s land surface, ecologists estimate that they contain at least 50% of the known terrestrial plant and animal species. A single tree in these forests may support several thousand different insect species. Plants from tropical rain forests are a source of a variety of chemicals, many of which have been used as blueprints for making most of the world’s prescription drugs.

Rain forest species occupy a variety of specialized niches in distinct layers, which contribute to their high species diversity. Vegetation layers are structured, for the most part, according to the plants’ needs for sunlight, as shown in 

Figure 7.20

. Much of the animal life, particularly insects, bats, and birds, lives in the sunny canopy layer, with its abundant shelter and supplies of leaves, flowers, and fruits.

Figure 7.20

Specialized plant and animal niches are stratified, or arranged roughly in layers, in a tropical rain forest. Filling such specialized niches enables many species to avoid or minimize competition for resources and results in the coexistence of a great variety of species.

Dropped leaves, fallen trees, and dead animals decompose quickly in tropical rain forests because of the warm, moist conditions and the hordes of decomposers. About 90% of the nutrients released by this rapid decomposition are quickly taken up and stored by trees, vines, and other plants. Nutrients that are not taken up are soon leached from the thin topsoil by the frequent rainfall and little plant litter builds up on the ground. The resulting lack of fertile soil (see 

Figure 3.11

) helps explain why rain forests are not good places to clear and grow crops or graze cattle on a sustainable basis.

At least half of the world’s tropical rain forests have been destroyed or disturbed by human activities such as farming, and the pace of this destruction and degradation is increasing (see 

Chapter 3

 Core Case Study). Ecologists warn that without strong protective measures, most of these forests, along with their rich species biodiversity and highly valuable ecosystem services, could be gone by the end of this century.

The second major type of forest is the temperate forest, the most common of which is the temperate deciduous forest (Figure 7.19, middle photo). Such forests typically have warm summers, cold winters, and abundant precipitation—rain in summer and snow in winter months (Figure 7.19, middle graph). They are dominated by a few species of broadleaf deciduous trees such as oak, hickory, maple, aspen, and birch. Animal species living in these forests include predators such as wolves, foxes, and wildcats. They feed on herbivores such as white-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, and mice. Warblers, robins, and other bird species live in these forests during the spring and summer, mating and raising their young.

In these forests, most of the trees’ leaves, after developing their vibrant colors in the fall (Figure 7.19, center photo), drop off the trees. This allows the trees to survive the cold winters by becoming dormant. Each spring, the trees sprout new leaves and spend their summers growing and producing until the cold weather returns.

Because they have cooler temperatures and fewer decomposers than tropical forests have, temperate forests also have a slower rate of decomposition. As a result, they accumulate a thick layer of slowly decaying leaf litter, which becomes a storehouse of soil nutrients (Figure 3.10).

On a global basis, temperate forests have been degraded by various human activities, especially logging and urban expansion, more than any other terrestrial biome. However, within 100 to 200 years, forests of this type that have been cleared can return through secondary ecological succession (see 

Figure 5.13


Another type of temperate forest, the coastal coniferous forests or temperate rain forests (

Figure 7.21

), is found in scattered coastal temperate areas with ample rainfall and moisture from dense ocean fogs. These forests contain thick stands of large cone bearing, or coniferous, trees that keep most of their leaves (or needles) year-round. Most of these species have small, needle-shaped, wax-coated leaves that can withstand the intense cold and drought of winter. Examples are Sitka spruce, Douglas fir, giant sequoia, and redwoods that once dominated undisturbed areas of these biomes along the coast of North America, from Canada to Northern California in the United States.

Figure 7.21

Temperate rain forest in Olympic National Park in the U.S. state of Washington.

CrackerClips Stock Media/

In this biome, the ocean moderates the temperature so winters are mild and summers are cool. The trees in these moist forests depend on frequent rains and moisture from summer fogs. Most of the trees are evergreen because the abundance of water means that they have no need to shed their leaves. Tree trunks and the ground are frequently covered with mosses and ferns in this cool and moist environment. As in tropical rain forests, little light reaches the forest floor.

Many of the redwood, Douglas fir, and western cedar forests have been cleared for their valuable timber and there is constant pressure to cut what remains. This threatens species such as the spotted owl and marbled murrelet that depend on these ecosystems. Clear-cutting also loads streams in these ecosystems with eroded sediment and threatens species such as salmon that depend on clear streams for laying their eggs.

Cold, or northern coniferous forests (

Figure 7.19, bottom photo), also called boreal forests or taigas are found south of arctic tundra (Figure 7.14). In this subarctic, moist climate, winters are long and extremely cold, with winter sunlight available only 6 to 8 hours per day. Summers are short, with cool to warm temperatures (Figure 7.19, bottom graph), and the sun shines as long as 19 hours a day during mid-summer.

Most boreal forests are dominated by a few species of coniferous evergreen trees or conifers such as spruce, fir, cedar, hemlock, and pine. They produce their seeds in cones. Plant diversity is low because few species can survive the winters when soil moisture is frozen.

Beneath the stands of trees in these forests is a deep layer of partially decomposed conifer needles. Decomposition is slow because of low temperatures, the waxy coating on the needles, and high soil acidity. The decomposing conifer needles make the thin, nutrient-poor topsoil acidic (Figure 3.11), which prevents most other plants (except certain shrubs) from growing on the forest floor.

Year-round wildlife in this biome includes bears, wolves, moose, lynx, and many burrowing rodent species. Caribou spend winter in the taiga and summer in the arctic tundra (Figure 7.16, bottom). During the brief summer, warblers and other insect-eating birds feed on flies, mosquitoes, and caterpillars.

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7.3fMountains Play Important Ecological Roles

Some of the world’s most spectacular environments are high on mountains (

Figure 7.22

), steep or high-elevation lands that cover about one-fourth of the earth’s land surface.

Figure 7.22

Mountains, such as these surrounding a lake, provide vital ecosystem services.

Dmitry Pichugin/

Mountains are places where dramatic changes take place over very short distances. In fact, climate and vegetation vary according to elevation, or height above sea level, just as they do with latitude (

Figure 7.23

). If you climb a tall mountain, from its base to its summit, you can observe changes in plant life similar to those you would encounter in traveling from a temperate region to the earth’s northern polar region.

Figure 7.23

Climate and vegetation represented by different biomes change with elevation as well as with latitude.

About 1.2 billion people (16% of the world’s population) live in mountain ranges or in their foothills, and 4 billion people (53% of the world’s population) depend on mountain systems for all or some of their water. The soil on the steep slopes of mountains erodes easily when the vegetation holding them in place is removed by natural disturbances such as landslides and avalanches or by human activities such as timber cutting and agriculture. Many mountains are islands of biodiversity surrounded by a sea of lower-elevation landscapes transformed by human activities.

Mountains play an important ecological role. They contain a large portion of the world’s forests, which are habitats for much of the planet’s terrestrial biodiversity. They often are habitats for endemic species—those that are found nowhere else on earth. They also serve as sanctuaries for animals that are capable of migrating to higher altitudes and surviving in such environments. Every year, more of these animals are driven from lowland areas to mountain habitats by human activities and by the warming climate.


Mountains and Climate

Mountains help regulate the earth’s climate. Many mountaintops are covered with glacial ice and snow that reflect some solar radiation back into space, which helps to cool the earth. However, many mountain glaciers are melting, primarily because the atmosphere has warmed over recent decades. Whereas glaciers reflect solar energy, the darker rocks exposed by melting glaciers absorb that energy. This helps to warm the atmosphere above them, which melts more ice and warms the atmosphere more—in an escalating positive feedback loop.

Mountains also play a critical role in the hydrologic cycle (see 

Figure 3.19

) by serving as major storehouses of water. During winter, precipitation is stored as ice and snow. In the warmer weather of spring and summer, much of this snow and ice melts, releasing water to streams for use by wildlife and by humans for drinking and for irrigating crops. Because the atmosphere has warmed over the past 40 years, some mountaintop snow packs and glaciers have been melting earlier in the spring each year. This has led to lower food production in certain areas, because much of the water needed throughout the summer to irrigate crops is released too quickly and too early in the season.

Scientific measurements and climate models indicate that a large number of the world’s mountaintop glaciers may disappear during this century if the atmosphere keeps getting warmer as projected. This could force many people to move from their homelands in search of new water supplies and places to grow their crops.

Despite the ecological, economic, and cultural importance of mountain ecosystems, governments and many environmental organizations have not focused on protecting these areas. However, conservationist, mountain explorer, and National Geographic Explorer Gregg Treinish is trying to change this. He founded the nonprofit Adventure Scientists. It connects outdoor adventurers who are able to collect data during their travels with researchers who are focused on environmental issues, such as identifying the effects of climate change on mountain ecosystems. Treinish, who was National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2008–2009, has also led his own expeditions to many of the world’s rugged mountain regions.

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7.3gHumans Have Disturbed Much of the Earth’s Land

About 60% of the world’s major terrestrial ecosystems are being degraded or used unsustainably, as the human ecological footprint gets bigger and spreads across the globe (see 

Figure 1.9

), according to the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and later updates of such research. 

Figure 7.24

 summarizes the most harmful human impacts on the world’s deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains.

Figure 7.24

Human activities have had major impacts on the world’s deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains, as summarized here.

Critical Thinking:

1. For each of these biomes, which two of the impacts listed do you think are the most harmful? Explain.

Left: somchaij/ Left center: Orientaly/ Right center: Timothy Epp/ Right: Vasik Olga/

How long can we keep eating away at these terrestrial forms of natural capital without threatening our economies and the long-term survival of our own and many other species? No one knows, but there are increasing signs that we need to come to grips with this vital issue.

Many environmental scientists call for a global effort to better understand the nature and state of the world’s major terrestrial ecosystems and biomes and to use such scientific data to protect the world’s remaining wild areas from harmful forms of development. In addition, they call for restoration of many of the land areas that have been degraded, especially in areas that are rich in biodiversity. However, such efforts are highly controversial because of the timber, mineral, fossil fuel, and other resources found on or under many of the earth’s remaining wild land areas. These issues are discussed in 

Chapter 10


Big Ideas

· Differences in climate, based mostly on long-term differences in average temperature and precipitation, largely determine the types and locations of the earth’s deserts, grasslands, and forests.

· The earth’s terrestrial ecosystems provide important economic and ecosystem services.

· Human activities are degrading and disrupting many of the ecosystem and economic services provided by the earth’s terrestrial ecosystems.

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Tying It All TogetherTropical African Savanna and Sustainability

Paul Banton/

This chapter’s 

Core Case Study

 began with questions about the earth’s diversity of terrestrial ecosystems and how they form. We examined the difference between weather and climate and how climate is a major factor in the formation and distribution of these biomes—the world’s deserts, grasslands, and forests—as well as the life forms that live in those systems. In particular, we focused on the savanna, a grassland biome that is threatened by expansion of the human population.

The relationships among weather, climate, and biomes and their living inhabitants are in keeping with the three scientific principles of sustainability. The earth’s dynamic climate system helps to distribute heat from solar energy and to recycle the earth’s nutrients. This in turn helps to generate and support the biodiversity found in the earth’s various biomes.

Scientists have made progress in understanding the ecology of the world’s terrestrial systems, as well as how the vital ecosystem and economic services they provide are being degraded and disrupted. One of the major lessons from their research is: in nature, everything is connected. According to these scientists, we urgently need more research on the components and workings of the world’s biomes, on how they are interconnected, and on which connections are in the greatest danger of being disrupted by human activities. With such information, we will have a clearer picture of what we can do to help sustain the natural capital on which we and all other species depend.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. Why is the African savanna (

Core Case Study) a good example of the three scientific principles of sustainability in action? For each of these principles, give an example of how it applies to the African savanna and explain how it is being violated by human activities that now affect the savanna.

2. For each of the following, decide whether it represents a likely trend in weather or in climate:

1. an increase in the number of thunderstorms in your area from one summer to the next;

2. a decrease of 20% in the depth of a mountain snowpack between 1975 and 2018;

3. a rise in the average winter temperatures in a particular area over a decade; and

4. an increase in the earth’s average global temperature since 1980.

3. Review the five major climatic factors explained in 

Section 7.2

 and explain how each of them has helped to define the climate in the area where you live or go to school.

4. Why do deserts and arctic tundra support a much smaller number and variety of animals than do tropical forests? Why do most animals in a tropical rain forest live in its trees?

5. How might the distribution of the world’s forests, grasslands, and deserts shown in Figure 7.14 differ if the prevailing winds shown in Figure 7.9 did not exist?

6. Which biomes are best suited for

1. raising crops and

2. grazing livestock? Use the three scientific principles of sustainability to come up with three guidelines for growing crops and grazing livestock more sustainably in these biomes.

7. What type of biome do you live in? (If you live in a developed area, what type of biome was the area before it was developed?) List three ways in which your lifestyle could be contributing to the degradation of this biome. What are three lifestyle changes that you could make in order to reduce your contribution?

8. You are a defense attorney arguing in court for sparing a large area of tropical rain forest from being cut down and used to produce food. Give your three best arguments for the defense of this ecosystem.

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Find a natural terrestrial ecosystem near where you live or go to school. Study and write a description of the system, including its dominant vegetation and any animal life that you are aware of. Also, note how any human disturbances have changed the system. Return to the system after a month or two and note any changes, based on your earlier notes. Compare your notes with those of your classmates.

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Chapter Review

Data Analysis

In this chapter, you learned how long-term variations in average temperatures and average precipitation play a major role in determining the types of deserts, forests, and grasslands found in different parts of the world. Below are typical annual climate graphs for a tropical grassland (savanna) in Africa (Core Case Study) and a temperate grassland in the Midwestern United States.

1. In what month (or months) does the most precipitation fall in each of these areas?

2. What are the driest months in each of these areas?

3. What is the coldest month in the tropical grassland?

4. What is the warmest month in the temperate grassland?

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Chapter Introduction

A clownfish gains protection by living among sea anemones and helps protect the anemones from some of their predators.


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Case Study

The Southern Sea Otter: A Species in Recovery

Learning Objective

· LO 5.1Explain what could happen to the Pacific coast kelp forest ecosystem if the southern sea otters were eliminated.

Southern sea otters (

Figure 5.1

, left) live in giant kelp forests (Figure 5.1, right) in shallow waters along parts of the Pacific coast of North America. Most of the members of this endangered species are found off the California coast between the cities of Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara.

Figure 5.1

An endangered southern sea otter in Monterey Bay, California (USA) uses a stone to crack the shells of the clams that it feeds on (left). It lives in a bed of seaweed called giant kelp (right).

Left: Kirsten Wahlquist/; Right: Paul Whitted/

Southern sea otters are fast and agile swimmers that dive to the ocean bottom looking for shellfish and other prey. They swim on their backs on the ocean surface and use their bellies as a table to eat their prey (

Figure 5.1, left). Each day, a sea otter consumes 20–35% of its weight in clams, mussels, crabs, sea urchins, abalone, and other species of bottom-dwelling organisms. Their thick, dense fur traps air bubbles and keeps them warm.

An estimated 16,000 southern sea otters once lived in California’s coastal waters. By the early 1900s, they had been hunted almost to extinction in this region by fur traders who killed them for their luxurious fur. Commercial fishers also killed the sea otters because they competed with them for valuable abalone and other shellfish.

The southern sea otter population grew from a low of 50 in 1938 to 1,850 in 1977 when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife listed the species as endangered. In 2018, there were 3,128 otters.

Why should we care about the southern sea otters of California? One reason is ethical:


people believe it is wrong to allow human activities to cause the extinction of a species. Another reason is that people love to look at these appealing and highly intelligent animals as they play in the water. As a result, the otters help to generate millions of dollars a year in tourism revenues. A third reason—and a key reason in our study of environmental science—is that biologists classify the southern sea otter as a keystone species (see 

Chapter 4

). Scientists hypothesize that in the absence of southern sea otters, sea urchins and other kelp-eating species would probably destroy the Pacific coast kelp forests and much of the rich biodiversity they support.

Biodiversity is an important part of the earth’s natural capital and is the focus of one of the three scientific principles of sustainability. In this chapter, we look at how species interact and help control one another’s population sizes. We also explore how communities, ecosystems, and populations of species respond to changes in environmental conditions.

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5.1aCompetition for Resources

Ecologists have identified five basic types of interactions among species as they share limited resources such as food, shelter, and space. These types of interactions are called interspecific competitionpredation, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. They each have a role in limiting the population size and resource use of the interacting species in an ecosystem.

Competition is the most common interaction among species. It occurs when members of one or more species try to use the same limited resources such as food, water, light, and space. Competition between different species is called 

interspecific competition

. It plays a larger role in most ecosystems than intraspecific competition—competition among members of the same species.

When two species compete with one another for the same resources, their ecological niches (

Figure 4.9

) overlap. The greater this overlap, the more they compete for key resources. If one species can take over the largest share of one or more key resources, each of the other competing species must move to another area (if possible), suffer a population decline, or become extinct in that area. The niches of two different species can overlap but they cannot simultaneously fully occupy the same niche, a concept called the 

competitive exclusion principle


Humans compete with many other species for space, food, and other resources. As our ecological footprints grow and spread, we take over or degrade the habitats of many of those species and deprive them of resources they need to survive.

Species evolve to reduce competition for resources by reducing their niche overlap. An example is 

resource partitioning

, which occurs when different species competing for similar scarce resources evolve specialized traits that allow them to “share” the same resources. Sharing resources can mean using parts of the resources, or using the resources at different times or in different ways. 

Figure 5.2

 shows resource partitioning by insect-eating bird species. Adaptations allow the birds to reduce competition by feeding in different portions of certain spruce trees and by feeding on different insect species.

Figure 5.2

Sharing the wealth: Resource partitioning among five species of insect-eating warblers in the spruce forests of the U.S. state of Maine. Each species spends at least half its feeding time in its associated yellow-highlighted areas of these spruce trees.

After R. H. MacArthur, “Population Ecology of Some Warblers in Northeastern Coniferous Forests,” Ecology 36:533–536, 1958.

Another example of resource partitioning through natural selection involves birds called honeycreepers that live in the U.S. state of Hawaii (

Figure 5.3


Figure 4.10

 shows how the evolution of specialized feeding niches has reduced competition for resources among bird species in a coastal wetland.

Figure 5.3

Specialist species of honeycreepers: Through natural selection, different species of honeycreepers have shared resources by evolving specialized beaks to take advantage of certain types of food such as insects, seeds, fruits, and nectar from certain flowers.


1. Look at each bird’s beak and guess what sort of food that bird might eat.

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, a member of one species that feeds on all or part of a member of another species is called a 


, while the species that is fed upon is called the 


. Together, they are engaged in a 

predator–prey relationship


Figure 5.4

). Predation has a strong effect on the population sizes of the competing species.

Figure 5.4

Predator–prey relationship: This brown bear (the predator) in the U.S. state of Alaska has captured and will feed on this salmon (the prey).

Steve Hilebrand/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grizzly Bears and Moths

During the summer months, the grizzly bears of the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem in the western United States eat huge amounts of army cutworm moths, which huddle in masses high on remote mountain slopes. In this predator–prey interaction, one grizzly bear can dig out and lap up as many as 40,000 cutworm moths in a day. Consisting of 50–70% fat, the moths offer a nutrient that the bear can store in its fatty tissues and draw on during its winter hibernation.

In a giant kelp forest ecosystem, sea urchins prey on kelp, a type of seaweed (

Science Focus 5.1

). As a keystone species, southern sea otters (

Core Case Study

) prey on the sea urchins and prevent them from destroying the kelp forests. An adult southern sea otter can eat as many as 1,500 sea urchins a day.

Science Focus 5.1

Threats to Kelp Forests

A kelp forest contains large concentrations of seaweed called giant kelp. Anchored to the ocean floor, its long blades grow toward the sunlit surface waters (Figure 5.1, right). Under good conditions, the blades can grow 0.6 meter (2 feet) in a day and the plant can grow as tall as a 10-story building. The kelp blades are flexible and can survive all but the most violent storms and waves.

Kelp forests support many marine plants and animals and are one of the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems. These forests also reduce shore erosion by blunting the force of incoming waves and trapping some of the outgoing sand.

Sea urchins, such as the purple urchin (

Figure 5.A

), prey on kelp plants. Large populations of these predators can rapidly devastate a kelp forest because they eat the bases of young kelp plants. Scientific studies by biologists, including James Estes of the University of California at Santa Cruz, indicate that the southern sea otter (Core Case Study) is a keystone species that helps sustain kelp forests by controlling populations of purple and other sea urchin species.

Figure 5.A

The purple sea urchin inhabits the coastal waters of the U.S. state of California and feeds on kelp.


Another threat to kelp forests is polluted water running off the land. The pollutants in runoff can include pesticides and herbicides that can kill kelp plants and other species and upset the food webs in these aquatic forests. Another runoff pollutant is fertilizer. Its plant nutrients (mostly nitrates) can cause excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants. This growth blocks some of the sunlight needed to support the growth of giant kelp.

Some scientists warn that the warming of the world’s oceans is a growing threat to kelp forests, which require cool water. If coastal waters get warmer during this century, as projected by climate models, many or most of California’s coastal kelp forests could disappear.

Critical Thinking

1. List three ways in which we could reduce the degradation of giant kelp forest ecosystems.

Predators use a variety of ways to capture prey. Herbivores can walk, swim, or fly to the plants they feed on. Many carnivores, such as cheetahs, use their speed to chase down and kill prey, such as zebras. Eagles and hawks have keen enough eyesight to spot their prey from the air as they fly. Some predators such as female African lions work in groups to capture large or fast-running prey.

Other predators use camouflage to hide in plain sight and ambush their prey. For example, praying mantises (see 

Figure 4.4

, right sit on flowers or plants of a color similar to their own and ambush visiting insects. White ermines (a type of weasel), snowy owls, and arctic foxes (

Figure 5.5

) hunt their prey in snow-covered areas. Some predators use chemical warfare to attack their prey. For example, some spiders and poisonous snakes use venom to paralyze their prey and to defend against their predators.

Figure 5.5

A white arctic fox hunts its prey by blending into its snowy background to avoid being detected.

Paul Nicklen/National Geographic Image Collection

Prey species have evolved many ways to avoid predators. Some can run, swim, or fly fast and some have highly developed senses of sight, sound, or smell that alert them to the presence of predators. Other adaptations include protective shells (abalone and turtles), thick bark (giant sequoia trees), spines (porcupines and sea urchins), and thorns (cacti and rose bushes).

Other prey species use camouflage to blend into their surroundings. Some insect species resemble twigs (

Figure 5.6a

), or bird droppings on leaves. A leaf insect can be almost invisible against its background (

Figure 5.6b

), as can an arctic hare in its white winter fur.

Figure 5.6

These prey species have developed specialized ways to avoid their predators: (a, b) camouflage, (c, d, e) chemical warfare, (d, e, f) warning coloration, (f) mimicry, (g) deceptive looks, and (h) deceptive behavior.

Prey species also use chemical warfare. Some discourage predators by containing or emitting chemicals that are poisonous (oleander plants), irritating (stinging nettles and bombardier beetles, 

Figure 5.6c

), foul smelling (skunks and stinkbugs), or bad tasting (buttercups and monarch butterflies, 

Figure 5.6d

). When attacked, some species of squid and octopus emit clouds of black ink, allowing them to escape by confusing their predators.

Learning from Nature

Researchers have studied the bombardier beetle’s high-pressure combustion chamber in its abdomen, used to expel a poison that forces predators to vomit the beetle after eating it. Engineers hope to apply this research to industrial or medical spray technology.

Many bad-tasting, bad-smelling, toxic, or stinging prey species flash a warning coloration that eating them is risky. Examples are the brilliantly colored, foul–tasting monarch butterflies (Figure 5.6d) and poisonous frogs (

Figure 5.6e

). When a bird eats a monarch butterfly, it usually vomits and learns to avoid monarchs.

Some butterfly species gain protection by looking and acting like other, more dangerous species, a protective device known as mimicry. For example, the nonpoisonous viceroy butterfly (

Figure 5.6f

) mimics the monarch butterfly. Other prey species use behavioral strategies to avoid predation. Some attempt to scare off predators by puffing up (blowfish), spreading their wings (peacocks), or mimicking a predator (

Figure 5.6h

). Some moths have wings that look like the eyes of much larger animals (

Figure 5.6g

). Other prey species gain some protection by living in large groups such as schools of fish and herds of antelope.

Biologist Edward O. Wilson (

Individuals Matter 4.1

) proposed two criteria for evaluating the dangers posed by various brightly colored animal species. First, if they are small and strikingly beautiful, they are probably poisonous. Second, if they are strikingly beautiful and easy to catch, they are probably deadly.

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Over time, a prey species develops traits that make it more difficult to catch. Its predators then face selection pressures that favor traits that increase their ability to catch their prey. Then the prey species must get better at eluding the more effective predators.

This back-and-forth adaptation is called 


, a natural selection process in which changes in the gene pool of one species lead to changes in the gene pool of another species. It can play an important role in controlling population growth of predator and prey species. When populations of two species interact as predator and prey over a long time, coevolution can help the predator succeed and it can help the prey avoid being eaten.

For example, bats prey on certain species of moths (

Figure 5.7

) that they hunt at night using echolocation. They emit pulses of high-frequency sound that bounce off their prey and capture the returning echoes that tell them where their prey is located. Over time, certain moth species have evolved ears that are sensitive to the sound frequencies that bats use to find them. When they hear these frequencies, they drop to the ground or fly evasively. Some bat species evolved ways to counter this defense by changing the frequency of their sound pulses. In turn, some moths evolved their own high-frequency clicks to jam the bats’ echolocation systems. Some bat species then adapted by turning off their echolocation systems and using the moths’ clicks to locate their prey. This is a classic example of coevolution.

Figure 5.7

Coevolution: This bat is using ultrasound to hunt a moth. As the bats evolve traits to increase their chances of getting a meal, the moths evolve traits to help them avoid being eaten.

Michael Duham/Minden Pictures/Superstock

Learning from Nature

Bats and dolphins use echolocation to navigate and locate prey in the darkness of night and in the ocean’s murky water. Scientists are studying how they do this to improve our sonar systems, sonic imaging tools for detecting underground mineral deposits, and medical ultrasound imaging systems.

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5.1dParasitism, Mutualism, and Commensalism


 occurs when one species (the parasite) lives in or on another organism (the host). The parasite benefits by extracting nutrients from its host. The parasite weakens its host but rarely kills it, since doing so eliminates the source of its benefits. Parasites can be plants, animals, or microorganisms.

Tapeworms are parasites that live part of their life cycle inside their hosts. Others such as mistletoe plants and blood-sucking sea lampreys (

Figure 5.8

) attach themselves to the outsides of their hosts and suck nutrients from them. Some parasites move from one host to another (fleas and ticks) while others (such as certain protozoa) spend their adult lives within a single host. Parasites help keep their host populations in check.

Figure 5.8

Parasitism: This blood-sucking, parasitic sea lamprey has attached itself to an adult lake trout from one of the Great Lakes of the United States and Canada.

Great Lakes Fishery Commission



, two species interact in ways that benefit both species by providing each with food, shelter, or some other resource. An example is pollination of flowering plants by species such as honeybees, hummingbirds, and butterflies that feed on the nectar of flowers. These pollinators get food in the form of nectar and spread the pollen from flower to flower, which helps the flower species produce seeds and reproduce.

Figure 5.9

 shows an example of a mutualistic relationship that combines nutrition and protection. It involves birds that ride on the backs or heads of large animals such as elephants, rhinoceroses, and impalas. The birds remove and eat parasites and pests (such as ticks and flies) from the animals’ bodies and often make noises warning the animals when predators are approaching.

Figure 5.9

Mutualism: This red-billed oxpecker feeds on parasitic ticks that infest animals such as this impala and warns of approaching predators.

Uwe Bergwitz/

Another example of mutualism involves clownfish, which usually live within sea anemones (see chapter-opening photo), whose tentacles sting and paralyze most fish that touch them. The clownfish, which are not harmed by the tentacles, gain protection from predators and feed on the waste matter left from the anemones’ meals. The sea anemones benefit because the clownfish protect them from some of their predators and parasites.

Mutualism might appear to be a form of cooperation between species. However, each species is acting for its own survival.


 is an interaction between two species in which one species benefits and the other species is unaffected. For example, plants called epiphytes (air plants), attach themselves to the trunks or branches of trees (

Figure 5.10

) in tropical and subtropical forests. The epiphytes gain better access to sunlight, water from the humid air and rain, and nutrients falling from the tree’s upper leaves and limbs. Their presence apparently does not harm the tree. Similarly, birds benefit by nesting in trees, generally without harming them.

Figure 5.10

Commensalism: This pitcher plant is attached to a branch of a tree without penetrating or harming the tree. This carnivorous plant feeds on insects that become trapped inside it.



Watch this animation to see the difference between primary and secondary succession.

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5.2aEcological Succession

The types and numbers of species in biological communities and ecosystems change in response to changing environmental conditions. The gradual change in species composition in a given community or ecosystem is called 

ecological succession


There are two major types of ecological succession, depending on the conditions present at the beginning of the process. 

Primary ecological succession

 involves the gradual establishment of communities of different species in lifeless areas—in terrestrial systems with no soil or in aquatic systems with no bottom sediments. Examples include bare rock exposed by a retreating glacier (

Figure 5.11

), an abandoned highway or parking lot, and a newly created shallow pond or lake (

Figure 5.12

). Primary succession can take hundreds to thousands of years because of the need to build up fertile soil or aquatic sediments to provide the nutrients needed to establish a community of producers.

Figure 5.11

Primary ecological succession: Over almost a thousand years, these plant communities developed, starting on bare rock exposed by a retreating glacier on Isle Royal, Michigan (USA), in western Lake Superior. The details of this process vary from one site to another.

Figure 5.12

Primary ecological succession in a lake basin in which sediments and plants have been gouged out by a glacier. When the glacier melts, the lake basin begins accumulating sediments and plant and animal life. Over hundreds to thousands of years, the lake can fill with sediments and become a terrestrial habitat.

Pioneer species

 are the first species to occupy the barren environment and are often carried there by wind or water. Common pioneer species are mosses and lichens (Figure 5.12) because they can grow on rock. They spread and break the rock into pieces that start the long soil formation process. When they die and decompose, they provide nutrients for the thin soil layer.

The other, more common type of ecological succession is called 

secondary ecological succession

, in which a community or ecosystem develops on the site of an existing community or ecosystem and replaces or adds to the existing set of resident species. This type of succession begins in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed, removed, or destroyed, but where some soil or bottom sediment remains. Candidates for secondary succession include abandoned farmland (



), burned or cut forests, heavily polluted streams, and flooded land. Because some soil or sediment is present, new vegetation can begin to grow, usually within a few weeks. On land, growth begins with the germination of seeds already in the soil and seeds imported by wind or in the droppings of birds and other animals.

Figure 5.13

Secondary ecological succession: Natural restoration of disturbed land on an abandoned farm field in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It took 150 to 200 years after the farmland was abandoned for the area to become covered with a mature oak and hickory forest. Primary and secondary ecological succession are examples of natural ecological restoration.


Watch this animation to see the difference between primary and secondary succession.
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Ecological succession is an important ecosystem service that tends to enrich the biodiversity of communities and ecosystems by increasing species diversity and interactions among species. Such interactions enhance an ecosystem’s sustainability by promoting population control and by increasing the complexity of food webs, which enhances energy flow and nutrient cycling.

Ecologists have identified three factors that affect how and at what rate ecological succession occurs. One is facilitation, in which one set of species makes an area suitable for species with different niche requirements, and often less suitable for itself. For example, as lichens and mosses gradually build up soil on a rock in primary succession, herbs and grasses can move in and crowd out the lichens and mosses (

Figure 5.11).

A second factor is inhibition, in which some species hinder the establishment and growth of other species. For example, needles dropping off some pine trees make the soil beneath the trees too acidic for most other plants to grow there. A third factor is tolerance, in which plants in the late stages of succession succeed because they are not in direct competition with other plants for key resources. Shade-tolerant plants, for example, can live in shady forests because they do not need as much sunlight as the trees above them do (

Figures 5.11

 and 5.13).

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5.2bIs There a Balance of Nature?

According to the traditional view, ecological succession proceeds in an orderly sequence along an expected path until a certain stable type of climax community (Figures 5.11 and 5.13), which is assumed to be in balance with its environment, occupies an area. This equilibrium model of succession is what ecologists once meant when they talked about the balance of nature.

Over the last several decades, many ecologists have changed their views about balance and equilibrium in nature based on ecological research. There is a general tendency for succession to lead to more complex, diverse, and presumably more resilient ecosystems that can withstand changes in environmental conditions if the changes are not too large or too sudden. However, the current scientific view is that we cannot predict a given course of succession or view it as inevitable progress toward an ideally adapted climax plant community or ecosystem. Rather, ecological succession reflects the ongoing struggle by different species for enough light, water, nutrients, food, space, and other key resources. In other words, research shows that there is no balance of nature consisting of a permanent and stable state.

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5.2cLiving Systems Are Sustained through Constant Change

All living systems, from a cell to the biosphere, are constantly changing in response to changing environmental conditions. Living systems have processes that interact to provide some degree of stability, or sustainability. However, this stability, or the capacity to withstand external stress and disturbance, is maintained by constant change in response to changing environmental conditions. Nature is dynamic, not static, and is not fragile as revealed by how the earth’s life has changed and evolved for 3.8 billion years in response to drastic changes in environmental conditions.

Ecologists distinguish between two aspects of sustainability in ecosystems. 

Ecological inertia

, or 


 is the ability of an ecosystem to survive moderate disturbances. A second factor, 


, is the ability of an ecosystem to be restored through secondary ecological succession after a severe disturbance.

Evidence suggests that some ecosystems have one of these properties but not the other. However, once a large tract of tropical rain forest is cleared or severely damaged, the resilience of the degraded forest ecosystem may be so low that the degradation reaches an ecological tipping point. Once it exceeds that point, the forest might not be restored by secondary ecological succession. One reason is that most of the nutrients in a tropical rain forest are stored in its vegetation, not in the topsoil. Once the nutrient-rich vegetation is gone, frequent rains can remove most of the remaining soil nutrients and thus prevent the return of a tropical rain forest to a large cleared area.

By contrast, grasslands are much less diverse than most forests. Thus, they have low inertia and can burn easily. Because most of their plant matter is stored in underground roots, these ecosystems have high resilience and can recover quickly after a fire because their root systems produce new grasses. Grassland can be destroyed only if its roots are plowed up and something else is planted in its place, or if it is severely overgrazed by livestock or other herbivores.

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5.3aPopulations Can Grow, Shrink, or Remain Stable

A population is a group of interbreeding individuals of the same species (

Figure 5.14

). Most populations live together in clumps or groups such as packs of wolves, schools of fish (Figure 5.14), and flocks of birds. Living in groups allows them to cluster where resources are available, provides some protection from predators, and helps some predator species to find and capture prey.

Figure 5.14

A population, or school, of Big Eye Trevally Jack in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Leonardo Gonzalez/

Population size

 is the number of individual organisms in a population at a given time. Four variables—births, deaths, immigration, and emigration—govern changes in population size. A population increases through birth and immigration (the arrival of individuals from outside the population). Populations decrease through death and emigration (the departure of individuals from the population):

Scientists use sampling techniques to estimate the sizes of large populations of species such as oak trees that are spread over a large area and squirrels that move around and are hard to count. Typically, they count the number of individuals in one or more small sample areas and use this information to estimate the number of individuals in a larger area.

A population’s 

age structure

—its distribution of individuals among various age groups—can have a strong effect on how rapidly its numbers grow or decline. Age groups are usually described in terms of organisms not mature enough to reproduce (the pre-reproductive stage), those capable of reproduction (the reproductive stage), and those too old to reproduce (the post-reproductive stage).

The size of a population will likely increase if it is made up mostly of individuals in their reproductive stage, or soon to enter this stage. In contrast, the size of a population dominated by individuals in their post-reproductive stage will tend to decrease over time.

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5.3bSeveral Factors Can Limit Population Size

Each population in an ecosystem has a 

range of tolerance

—a range of variations in its physical and chemical environment within which it is most likely to survive. For example, a trout population (

Figure 5.15

) will thrive within a narrow band of temperatures (optimum level or range), although a few individuals can survive above and below that band (Figure 5.15). If the water becomes too hot or too cold, none of the trout can survive.

Figure 5.15

Range of tolerance for a population of trout to changes in water temperature.

Various physical or chemical factors can determine the number of organisms in a population and how fast a population grows or declines. Sometimes one or more factors, known as 

limiting factors

, are more important than other factors in regulating population growth.

Learning from Nature

Biomimicry researchers are hoping to learn how plants that have a high tolerance for salty seawater can teach us how to design better ways of providing fresh drinking water in drought-prone areas.

On land, precipitation often is the limiting factor.


precipitation levels in desert ecosystems limit desert plant growth. Lack of key soil nutrients limits the growth of plants, which in turn limits populations of animals that eat plants, and animals that feed on such plant-eating animals.

Limiting physical factors for populations in aquatic systems include water temperature (Figure 5.15), depth, and clarity (allowing for more or less sunlight). Other important factors are nutrient availability, acidity, salinity, and the level of oxygen gas in the water (dissolved oxygen content).

Too much of a physical or chemical factor can also be limiting. For example, too much water or fertilizer can kill land plants. If acidity levels are too high in an aquatic environment, some of its organisms can be harmed.

An additional factor that can limit the sizes of some populations is 

population density

, the number of individuals in a population found within a defined area or volume. Density-dependent factors are variables that become more important as a population’s density increases. In a dense population, parasites and diseases can spread more easily, resulting in higher death rates, and competition for resources such as food and water can intensify. On the other hand, a higher population density can help sexually reproducing individuals to find mates more easily to produce offspring. Other factors such as drought, and climate change are considered density-independent factors, because they can affect population sizes regardless of density.

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5.3cNo Population Can Grow Indefinitely: J-Curves and S-Curves

The populations of some species, such as bacteria and many insect species, have an ability to increase their numbers exponentially. For example, with no controls on its population growth, a species of bacteria that can reproduce every 20 minutes would generate enough offspring to form a 0.3-meter-deep (1-foot-deep) layer over the surface of the entire earth in only 36 hours. Plotting such numbers against time yields a J-shaped curve of exponential growth (

Figure 5.16

, left). Members of such populations typically reproduce at an early age, have many offspring each time they reproduce, and reproduce many times with short intervals between generations.

Figure 5.16

According to this idealized mathematical model, populations of species can undergo exponential growth represented by a J-shaped curve (left) when resource supplies are plentiful. As resource supplies become limited, a population undergoes logistic growth, represented by an S-shaped curve (right), when the size of the population approaches the carrying capacity of its habitat.

However, there are always limits to population growth in nature. Research reveals that a rapidly growing population of any species eventually reaches some size limit imposed by limiting factors. These factors include sunlight, water, temperature, space, nutrients, or exposure to predators or infectious diseases. Environmental resistance is the sum of all such factors in a habitat.

Limiting factors largely determine an area’s carrying capacity, the maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely. As a population approaches the carrying capacity of its habitat, the J-shaped curve of its exponential growth (Figure 5.16, left) is converted to an S-shaped curve of logistic growth, or growth that often fluctuates around the carrying capacity of its habitat (Figure 5.16, right).

However, the rate of population growth and the carrying capacity for a population are not fixed and can rise or fall as environmental conditions change the factors that promote and limit the population’s growth. Nature is constantly changing and is never in balance. In other words, the curve in Figure 5.16 is a simplified and idealized mathematical model of the growth rate and carrying capacity of populations in nature.

Some populations do not make a smooth transition from exponential growth to logistic growth. Instead, they use up their resource supplies and temporarily overshoot, or exceed, the carrying capacity of their environment. In such cases, the population suffers a sharp decline, called a dieback, or population crash, unless part of the population can switch to new resources or move to an area that has more resources. Such a crash occurred when reindeer were introduced onto a small island in the Bering Sea in the early 1900s (

Figure 5.17


Figure 5.17

Exponential growth, overshoot, and population crash of a population of reindeer introduced onto the small Bering Sea island of St. Paul in 1910.

Data Analysis:

1. By what percentage did the population of reindeer grow between 1923 and 1940?

Patterns of Population growth

Watch this animation to see what factors affect population size.

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5.3dReproductive Patterns

Species vary in their reproductive patterns. Species with a capacity for a high rate of population growth (r) (Figure 5.16, left) are called 

r-selected species

. These species tend to have short life spans and produce many, usually small offspring and give them little or no parental care. As a result, many of the offspring die at an early age. To overcome such losses, r-selected species produce large numbers of offspring so a few will likely survive and have many offspring to sustain the species. Examples of r-selected species include algae, bacteria, frogs, and most insects.

Such species tend to be opportunists. They reproduce and disperse rapidly when conditions are favorable or when a disturbance such as a fire or clear-cutting of a forest opens up a new habitat or niches for invasion. Once established, their populations may crash because of unfavorable changes in environmental conditions or invasion by more competitive species. This explains why most opportunist species go through irregular and unstable boom-and-bust cycles in their population sizes.

At the other extreme are 

K-selected species

. They tend to reproduce later in life, have few offspring, and have long life spans. Typically, the offspring of K-selected mammal species develop inside their mothers (where they are safe). After birth, they mature slowly and one or both parents care for and protect them. In some cases, they live in herds or groups until they reach reproductive age.

The population size of K-selected species tends to be near the carrying capacity (K) of its environment (Figure 5.16, right). Examples of K-selected species include most large mammals such as elephants, whales, and humans, birds of prey, large and long-lived plants such as the saguaro cactus, and most tropical rain forest trees. Many of these species—especially those with low reproductive rates, such as elephants, sharks, giant redwood trees, and California’s southern sea otters (Core Case Study and 

Science Focus 5.2

)—are vulnerable to extinction. Most organisms have reproductive patterns between the extremes of r-selected and K-selected species. 

Table 5.1

 compares typical traits of r-selected and K-selected species.

Table 5.1

Typical Traits of r-Selected and K-Selected Species








r-Selected Species

K-Selected Species

Reproductive potential



Population growth rate



Time to reproductive maturity



Number of reproductive cycles



Number of offspring

Size of offspring



Degree of parental care

Life span

Population size

Variable with crashes

Stable, near carrying capacity

Role in environment

Usually prey

Usually predators

Science Focus 5.2

The Future of California’s Southern Sea Otters

The population of southern sea otters (Core Case Study) has fluctuated in response to changes in environmental conditions (

Figure 5.B

). One change was a rise in populations of the orcas (killer whales) that feed on them. Scientists hypothesize that orcas started feeding more on southern sea otters when populations of their normal prey, sea lions and seals, began declining. In addition, between 2010 and 2015, the number of sea otters killed or injured by sharks increased, possibly because warmer ocean water brought some sharks closer to the shore.

Figure 5.B

Changes in the population size of southern sea otters off the coast of the U.S. state of California, 1983–2018.

(Compiled by the authors using data from U.S. Geological Survey.)

Another factor affecting sea otters may be parasites that breed in the intestines of cats. Scientists hypothesize that some southern sea otters are dying because coastal area cat owners flush feces-laden cat litter down their toilets or dump it in storm drains that empty into coastal waters. The feces contain parasites that can infect otters.

Toxic algae blooms also threaten otters. The algae thrive on urea, a nitrogen-containing ingredient in fertilizer that washes into coastal waters. Other pollutants released by human activities include PCBs and other fat-soluble toxic chemicals. These chemicals can kill otters by accumulating to high levels in the tissues of the shellfish that otters eat. Because southern sea otters feed at high trophic levels and live close to the shore, they are vulnerable to these and other pollutants in coastal waters.

Other threats to otters include oil spills from ships. The entire California southern sea otter population could be wiped out by a large oil spill from a single tanker off the central west coast or by the rupture of an offshore oil well, should drilling for oil be allowed off this coast. Some sea otters die when they are trapped in underwater nets and traps for shellfish. Others are killed by boat strikes and gunshots.

Figure 5.B shows the change in the population size of the southern sea otter since 1967, ten years before it was protected as an endangered species. In 2016, the sea otter population was 3,272 the highest it has been since 1985. In 2017, the population was 3,186 and in 2018, it was 3,128. Thus, for three years the sea otter population has averaged above 3,090, which means it can be considered for removal from the federal endangered species list. Such a delisting would be a success story for the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the otters would still be protected under a California state law.

Critical Thinking

1. How would you design a controlled experiment to test the hypothesis that cat litter flushed down toilets might be killing southern sea otters?

The reproductive pattern of a species may give it a temporary advantage. However, the key factor in determining the ultimate population size of a species is the availability of suitable habitat with adequate resources. Changes in habitat or other environmental conditions can reduce the populations of some species while increasing the populations of other species, such as white-tailed deer in the United States (see Case Study that follows).

Case Study

Exploding White-Tailed Deer Populations in the United States

By 1900, habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunting had reduced the white-tailed deer (

Figure 5.18

) population in the United States to about 500,000 animals. In the 1920s and 1930s, laws were passed to protect the remaining deer. Hunting was restricted and predators, including wolves and mountain lions that preyed on the deer, were nearly eliminated.

Figure 5.18

White-tailed deer populations in the United States have been growing.

Roy Toft/National Geographic Image Collection

These protections worked, perhaps too well for some suburbanites and farmers. Today there are over 30 million white-tailed deer in the United States. During the last 50 years, suburbs have expanded and many Americans have moved into the wooded habitat of deer. The gardens and landscaping around their homes provide deer with flowers, shrubs, garden crops, and other plants they like to eat.

Deer prefer to live in the edge areas of forests and woodlots for security and go to nearby fields, orchards, lawns, and gardens for food, so white-tailed deer populations have soared in suburban areas.

In woodlands, larger populations of the deer are consuming native ground-cover vegetation, which has allowed nonnative weed species to take over and upset ecosystem food webs. The deer also help to spread Lyme disease (carried by deer ticks) to humans. In addition, each year about 1.5 million deer–vehicle collisions injure thousands and kill more than 160 people per year, on average—the highest human death toll from encounters with any wild animal in the United States.

There are no easy solutions to the deer population problem in the suburbs. Changes in hunting regulations that allow for the killing of more female deer have cut down the overall deer population. However, this has had a limited effect on deer populations in suburban areas because it is too dangerous to allow widespread hunting with guns in such populated communities. Some areas have hired experienced and licensed archers who use bows and arrows to help reduce deer numbers, being careful not to endanger nearby residents.

Some communities spray the scent of deer predators or of rotting deer meat in edge areas to scare off deer. Others scare off deer by using electronic equipment that emits high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear. Some homeowners surround their gardens and yards with high, black plastic mesh fencing.

Deer can be trapped and moved from one area to another, but this is expensive and must be repeated whenever they move back into an area. In addition, there are questions concerning where to move the deer and how to pay for such programs.

Darts loaded with contraceptives can be shot into female deer to hold down their birth rates, but this is expensive and must be repeated every year. Another approach is to trap dominant males and use chemical injections to sterilize them. However, this is costly and will require years of testing. In addition, ethical questions about this approach would have to be considered.

Meanwhile, suburbanites can expect deer to chow down on their shrubs, flowers, and garden plants unless they can protect their properties with fences, repellents, or other methods. Suburban dwellers could also stop planting trees, shrubs, and flowers that attract deer around their homes.

Critical Thinking

1. If the earth experiences significant warming during this century as projected, is this likely to favor r-selected or K-selected species? Explain.

Critical Thinking

1. Some people blame the white-tailed deer for invading farms and suburban yards and gardens to eat food that humans have made easily available to them. Others say humans are mostly to blame because they have invaded deer territory, eliminated most of the predators that kept deer populations under control, and provided the deer with plenty to eat in their lawns, gardens, and crop fields. Which view do you hold? Why? Do you see a solution to this problem?

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5.3eSurvivorship Curves

Individuals of species with different reproductive strategies tend to have different life expectancies. This can be illustrated by a 

survivorship curve

, which shows the percentages of the members of a population surviving at different ages. There are three generalized types of survivorship curves: late loss, early loss, and constant loss (

Figure 5.19

). A late loss population (K-selected species such as elephants and rhinoceroses) typically has high survivorship to a certain age, and then high mortality. A constant loss population (such as many songbirds) typically has a constant death rate at all ages. For an early loss population (many r-selected species and annual plants), survivorship is low early in life. These generalized survivorship curves only approximate the realities of nature.

Figure 5.19

Survivorship curves for populations of different species, obtained by showing the percentages of the members of a population surviving at different ages.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which type of survivorship curve applies to the human species?

Top: Gualtiero boffi/ Center: IrinaK/ Bottom: ultimathule/

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5.3fHumans Are Not Exempt from Nature’s Population Controls

Humans are not exempt from population crashes. In 1845, Ireland experienced such a crash after a fungus destroyed its potato crop. About 1 million people died from hunger or diseases related to malnutrition and millions more migrated to other countries, sharply reducing the Irish population.

During the 14th century, bubonic plague spread through densely populated European cities and killed at least 25 million people—one-third of the European population. The bacterium that causes this disease normally lives in rodents. It was transferred to humans by fleas that fed on infected rodents and then bit humans. The disease spread like wildfire through crowded cities, where sanitary conditions were poor and rats were abundant. Today several antibiotics can be used to treat bubonic plague.

So far, technological, social, and other cultural changes have expanded the earth’s carrying capacity for the human species. We have used large amounts of energy and matter resources to occupy formerly uninhabitable areas. We have expanded agriculture and controlled the populations of other species that compete with us for resources. Some say we can keep expanding our ecological footprint in this way indefinitely because of our technological ingenuity. Others say that at some point, we will reach the limits that nature eventually imposes on any population that exceeds or degrades its resource base. We discuss these issues in 

Chapter 6


Big Ideas

· Certain interactions among species affect their use of resources and their population sizes.

· The species composition and population sizes of a community or ecosystem can change in response to changing environmental conditions through a process called ecological succession.

· No population can escape natural limiting factors and grow indefinitely.

Patterns of Population growth
Watch this animation to see what factors affect population size.
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Tying It All TogetherSouthern Sea Otters and Sustainability

fred goldstein/

The southern sea otters of California are part of a complex ecosystem made up of large underwater kelp forests, bottom-dwelling creatures, and other species that depend on one another for survival. The sea otters act as a keystone species, mostly by feeding on sea urchins and keeping them from destroying the kelp.

In this chapter, we focused on how biodiversity promotes sustainability, provides a variety of species to restore damaged ecosystems through ecological succession, and limits the sizes of populations. Populations of most plants and animals depend, directly or indirectly, on solar energy, and all populations play roles in the cycling of nutrients in the ecosystems where they live. In addition, the biodiversity in different terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems provides alternative paths for energy flow and nutrient cycling, better opportunities for natural selection as environmental conditions change, and natural population control mechanisms. When we disrupt these paths, we violate the three scientific principles of sustainability.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. What difference would it make if the southern sea otter (

Core Case Study) became extinct primarily because of human activities? What are three things we could do to help prevent the extinction of this species?

2. Use the second law of thermodynamics (

Chapter 2

) and the concept of food chains and food webs to explain why predators are generally less abundant than their prey.

3. How would you reply to someone who argues that we should not worry about the effects that human activities have on natural systems because ecological succession will repair whatever damage we do?

4. How would you reply to someone who contends that efforts to preserve species and ecosystems are not worthwhile because nature is largely unpredictable?

5. What is the reproductive strategy of most species of insect pests and harmful bacteria? Why does this make it difficult for us to control their populations?

6. List three examples of how your life might be affected if changing environmental conditions favor r-selected species during the latter half of this century.

7. List two factors that may limit human population growth in the future. Do you think that we are close to reaching those limits? Explain.

8. If the human species were to suffer a population crash, name three species that might move in to occupy part of our ecological niche. What are three species that would likely decline as a result? Explain why these other species would decline.

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Visit a nearby land area, such as a partially cleared or burned forest, grassland, or an abandoned crop field, and record signs of secondary ecological succession. Take notes on your observations and formulate a hypothesis about what sort of disturbance led to this succession. Include your thoughts about whether this disturbance was natural or caused by humans. Study the area carefully to see whether you can find patches that are at different stages of succession and record your thoughts about what sorts of disturbances have caused these differences. You might want to research the topic of ecological succession in such an area.

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Chapter Review

Data Analysis

The graph below shows changes in the size of an Emperor penguin population in terms of numbers of breeding pairs on the island of Terre Adelie in the Antarctic. Scientists used this data along with data on the penguins’ shrinking ice habitat to project a general decline in the island’s Emperor penguin population, to the point where they will be endangered in 2100. Use the graph to answer the following questions.

1. If the penguin population fluctuates around the carrying capacity, what was the approximate carrying capacity of the island for the penguin population from 1960 to 1975? What was the approximate carrying capacity of the island for the penguin population from 1980 to 2010?

2. What was the overall percentage decline in the penguin population from 1975 to 2010?

3. What is the projected overall percentage decline in the penguin population between 2010 and 2100?

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Case Study

Why Are Amphibians Vanishing?

Learning Objective

· LO 4.1List three reasons why we need to care about the growing rate of amphibian extinctions.

Amphibians are a class of animals that includes frogs (chapter 

opening photo

, toads, and salamanders. Amphibians were among the first vertebrates (animals with backbones) to leave the earth’s waters and live on land. They have adjusted to and survived environmental changes more effectively than many other species, but their environment is changing rapidly.

An amphibian lives part of its life in water and part on land. Human activities such as the use of pesticides and other chemicals can pollute the land and water habitats of amphibians. Many of the more than 8,000 known amphibian species (90% of them frogs) have problems adapting to these changes.

Since 1980, populations of hundreds of amphibian species have declined or vanished (

Figure 4.1

). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), about 33% of known amphibian species face extinction. A 2015 study by biodiversity expert Peter Crane found that 200 frog species have gone extinct since the 1970s, and frogs are going extinct 10,000 times faster than their historical rates.

Figure 4.1

Specimens of some of the nearly 200 amphibian species that have gone extinct since the 1970s.

Joel Sartore/National Geographic Image Collection

No single cause can account for the decline of many amphibian species, but scientists have identified a number of factors that affect amphibians at various points in their life cycles. For example, frog eggs lack shells to protect the embryos they contain from water pollutants and adult frogs ingest the insecticides contained in many of the insects they eat. We explore these and other factors later in this chapter.

Why should we care if some amphibian species become extinct? Scientists give three reasons. First, amphibians are sensitive biological indicators of changes in environmental conditions. These changes include habitat loss, air and water pollution, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, and a warming climate. The growing threats to the survival of an increasing number of amphibian species indicate that environmental conditions for amphibians and many other species are deteriorating in many parts of the world.

Second, adult amphibians play important roles in biological communities. They eat more insects (including mosquitoes) than do many species of birds. In some habitats, the extinction of certain amphibian species could lead to population declines or extinction of animals that eat amphibians or their larvae, such as reptiles, birds, fish, mammals, and other amphibians.

Third, amphibians play a role in human health. A number of pharmaceutical products come from compounds found in secretions from the skin of certain amphibians. Many of these compounds have been isolated and used as painkillers and antibiotics and in treatments for burns and heart disease. If amphibians vanish, these potential medical benefits and others that scientists have not yet discovered would vanish with them.

The threat to amphibians is part of a greater threat to the earth’s biodiversity. In this chapter, we discuss biodiversity, how it arose on the earth, why it is important, and how it is threatened. We will also consider possible solutions to these threats.

4.1aEarth’s Organisms Are Many and Varied

Every organism is composed of one or more cells. Based on their cell structure, organisms can be classified as eukaryotic or prokaryotic. All organisms except bacteria are 


. Their cells are encased in a membrane and have a distinct nucleus (a membrane-bounded structure containing genetic material in the form of DNA) and several other internal parts enclosed by membranes (

Figure 4.2

, right). Bacterial cells are 


, enclosed by a membrane but containing no distinct nucleus or other internal parts enclosed by membranes (Figure 4.2, left).

Figure 4.2

Comparison of key components of a eukaryotic cell (left) and prokaryotic cell (right).

Scientists group organisms into categories based on their varying characteristics, a process called taxonomic classification. The largest category is the kingdom, which includes all organisms that have one or several common features. Biologists recognize six kingdoms. Two are different types of bacteria (eubacteria and archaebacteria) with single cells that are prokaryotic (Figure 4.2, left). The other four kingdoms are protists, plants, fungi, and animals (Figure 4.2 right).

Protists are mostly many-celled eukaryotic organisms such as golden brown and yellow-green algae, and protozoans. Most fungi are many-celled organisms such as mushroom, molds, mildews, and yeasts.

Plants include certain types of algae (including red, brown, and green algae), mosses, ferns, trees, and flowering plants whose flowers produce seeds. Flowering plant species make up about 90% of the plant kingdom. Some flowering plants such as corn and marigolds are 


 that live for one growing season, die, and have to be replanted. Others are 


, such as roses and grapes, which can live for two or more seasons before they die and have to be replanted.

Animals are many-celled eukaryotic organisms. Most are 


, with no backbones. They include jellyfish, worms, insects, shrimp, snails, clams, and octopuses. Other animals, called 


, have backbones. Examples include amphibians (

Core Case Study

), fishes, reptiles (alligators and snakes), birds (robins and eagles), and mammals (humans, whales, elephants, bats, and tigers).

Kingdoms are divided into phyla, which are divided into subgroups called classes. Classes are subdivided into orders, which are further divided into families. Families consist of genera (singular, genus), and each genus contains one or more species. 

Figure 4.3

 shows the detailed taxonomic classification for the current human species: Homo sapiens sapiens.

Figure 4.3

How the current human species got its name: Homo sapiens sapiens.

A species is a group of living organisms with characteristics that distinguish it from other groups of organisms. In sexually reproducing organisms, individuals must be able to mate with similar individuals and produce fertile offspring in order to be classified as a species.

Estimates of the number of species range from 7 million to 100 million, with a best guess of 7 million to 10 million species. Biologists have identified about 2 million species.

2 Million

Number of species that scientists have identified out of the world’s estimated 7 million to 100 million species

Well over half of the world’s identified species are insects that play important ecological roles in sustaining the earth’s life. For example, pollination is a vital ecosystem service that allows flowering plants to reproduce. When pollen grains are transferred from the flower of one plant to a receptive part of the flower of another plant of the same species, reproduction occurs. Many flowering species depend on bees and other insects to pollinate their flowers (

Figure 4.4

, left). In addition, insects that eat other insectssuch as the praying mantis (Figure 4.4, right)—help to control the populations of at least half the species of insects that we call pests. This free pest control service is another vital ecosystem service. In addition, insects make up an increasing part of the human food supply in some parts of the world.

Figure 4.4

Importance of insects: Bees (left) and numerous other insects pollinate flowering plants that serve as food for many plant eaters, including humans. This praying mantis, which is eating a moth (right), and many other insect species help to control the populations of most of the insect species we classify as pests.

Klagyivik Viktor/; Dr. Morley Read/

Some insect species reproduce at an astounding rate and can rapidly develop new genetic traits such as resistance to pesticides. They also have an exceptional ability to evolve into new species when faced with changing environmental conditions.

Research indicates that some human activities are threatening insect populations such as honeybees. We discuss this environmental problem more fully in 

Chapter 9


Learning from Nature

Even the lowly mosquito provides benefits to humans by serving as a model for a new type of hypodermic needle, based on the mosquito’s use of a multi-part mouth to work its way through a layer of skin without creating pain. (The pain of a mosquito bite comes from a chemical injected into the skin after it has been penetrated.)


Biodiversity, or 

biological diversity

, is the variety of life on the earth. It has four components, as shown in 

Figure 4.5


Figure 4.5

Natural capital: The major components of the earth’s biodiversity—one of the planet’s most important renewable resources and a key component of its natural capital (

Figure 1.3


Right side, top left: Laborant/; right side, top right: leungchopan/; right side, top center: Elenamiv/; bottom right: Juriah Mosin/

One is 

species diversity

, the number and abundance of the different kinds of species living in an ecosystem. Species diversity has two components, one being 

species richness

, the number of different species in an ecosystem. The other is 

species evenness

, a measure of the comparative abundance of all species in an ecosystem.

A species-rich ecosystem has a large number of different species. However, this tells us nothing about how many members of each species are present. If it has many of one or more species and just a few of others, its species evenness is low. If it has roughly equal numbers of each species, its species evenness is high. For example, if an ecosystem has only three species, its species richness is low. However, if there are roughly equal numbers of each of the three species, the species evenness is high. Species-rich ecosystems such as rain forests tend to have high species evenness. Ecosystems with low species richness, such as tree farms, tend to have low species evenness.

Species diversity can enhance the stability of ecosystems. For example, a forest with many different tree species is more stable than a forest with just one tree species, which is the case with a tree farm.

The species diversity of ecosystems varies with their geographical location. For most terrestrial plants and animals, species diversity (primarily species richness) is highest in the tropics and declines as we move from the equator toward the poles. The most species-rich environments are tropical rain forests, large tropical lakes, coral reefs, and the ocean-bottom zone.

The second component of biodiversity is 

genetic diversity

, which is the variety of genes found in a population or in a species (

Figure 4.6

). Genes contain genetic information that give rise to specific traits, or characteristics, that are passed on to offspring through reproduction. Species whose populations have greater genetic diversity have a better chance of surviving and adapting to environmental changes.

Figure 4.6

Genetic diversity in this population of a Caribbean snail species is reflected in the variations of shell color and banding patterns. Genetic diversity can also include other variations such as slight differences in chemical makeup, sensitivity to various chemicals, and behavior.

The third component of biodiversity, 

ecosystem diversity

, refers to the earth’s diversity of biological communities such as deserts, grasslands, forests, mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Biologists classify terrestrial (land) ecosystems into 


—large regions such as forests, deserts, and grasslands characterized by distinct climates and certain prominent species (especially vegetation). Biomes differ in their community structure based on the types, relative sizes, and stratification of their plant species (

Figure 4.7


Figure 4.8

 shows the major biomes found across the midsection of the United States. We discuss biomes in detail in 

Chapter 7


Figure 4.7

Community structure: Generalized types, relative sizes, and stratification of plant species in communities or ecosystems in major terrestrial biomes.

Figure 4.8

The variety of biomes found across the midsection of the United States.

First: Zack Frank/; second: Robert Crum/; third: Joe Belanger/; fourth: Protasov AN/; fifth: Maya Kruchankova/; sixth: Marc von Hacht/

Large areas of forest and other biomes tend to have a core habitat and edge habitats with different environmental conditions and species, called 

edge effects

. For example, a forest edge is usually more open, bright, and windy and has greater variations in temperature and humidity than a forest interior. Humans have fragmented many forests, grasslands, and other biomes into isolated patches with less core habitat and more edge habitat that supports fewer species.

Natural ecosystems within biomes rarely have distinct boundaries. Instead, one ecosystem tends to merge with the next in a transitional zone called an 


. It is a region containing a mixture of species from adjacent ecosystems along with some migrant species not found in either of the bordering ecosystems.

The fourth component of biodiversity is 

functional diversity

—the variety of processes such as energy flow and matter cycling that occur within ecosystems (

Figure 3.9

) as species interact with one another in food chains and food webs. This component of biodiversity includes the variety of ecological roles organisms play in their biological communities and the impacts these roles have on their overall ecosystems.

A more biologically diverse ecosystem with a greater variety of producers can produce more plant biomass, which in turn can support a greater variety of consumer species. Biologically diverse ecosystems also tend to be more stable because they are more likely to include species with traits that enable them to adapt to changes in the environment, such as disease or drought.

We should care about and avoid degrading the earth’s biodiversity because it is vital to maintaining the natural capital (

Figure 1.3) that keeps us alive and supports our economies. We use biodiversity as a source of food, medicine, building materials, and fuel. Biodiversity also provides natural ecosystem services such as air and water purification, renewal of topsoil, decomposition of wastes, and pollination. In addition, the earth’s variety of genetic information, species, and ecosystems provide raw materials for the evolution of new species and ecosystem services, as they respond to changing environmental conditions. Biodiversity is an ecological life insurance policy. When we celebrate, protect, and enhance the earth’s biodiversity, we are helping to preserve our own species and economic systems, which depend on the natural capital that biodiversity provides. We owe much of what we know about biodiversity to researchers such Edward O. Wilson (

Individuals Matter 4.1


Individuals Matter 4.1

Edward O. Wilson: A Champion of Biodiversity

Jim Harrison

As a boy growing up in the southeastern United States, Edward O. Wilson became interested in insects at age 9. He has said, “Every kid has a bug period. I never grew out of mine.”

Before entering college, Wilson had decided he would specialize in the study of ants. He became one of the world’s experts on ants and then widened his focus to include the entire biosphere. One of Wilson’s landmark works is The Diversity of Life, published in 1992. In that book, he presented the principles and practical issues of biodiversity more completely than anyone had to that point. Today, he is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on biodiversity—often referred to as “the father of biodiversity.”

Wilson continues actively writing and lecturing about the importance of species and the need for global biodiversity discovery and inventory in order to better understand our planet and identify conservation priorities. In 2016, he published Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life, a call to conserve half the Earth’s lands and seas in order to ensure species have the space they need to thrive in perpetuity. The E. O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation is now bringing this vision to life through the Half-Earth Project.

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4.3aEach Species Plays a Role

Each species plays a role within the ecosystem it inhabits. Ecologists describe this role as a species’ 

ecological niche

. It is a species’ way of life in its ecosystem and includes everything that affects its survival and reproduction, such as how much water and sunlight it needs, how much space it requires, what it feeds on, what feeds on it, how and when it reproduces, and the temperatures and other conditions it can tolerate. A species’ niche differs from its 


, which is the place, or type of ecosystem, in which a species lives and obtains what it needs to survive.

Ecologists use the niches of species to classify them as generalists or specialists. A 

generalist species

 such as a raccoon has a broad niche (

Figure 4.9

, right curve). Generalist species can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and often tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. Other generalist species are flies, cockroaches, rats, coyotes, and humans.

Figure 4.9

Specialist species such as the giant panda have a narrow niche (left curve) and generalist species such as the raccoon have a broad niche (right curve).

In contrast, a 

specialist species

, such as the giant panda, occupies a narrow niche (
Figure 4.9
, left curve). Such species may be able to live in only one type of habitat, eat only one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of environmental conditions. For example, different specialist species of some shorebirds feed on certain crustaceans, insects, or other organisms found on sandy beaches and their adjoining coastal wetlands (

Figure 4.10


Figure 4.10

Various bird species in a coastal wetland occupy specialized feeding niches. This specialization reduces competition and allows for sharing of limited resources.

Because of their narrow niches, specialists are more likely to become endangered or extinct when environmental conditions change. For example, China’s giant panda (
Figure 4.9
, left) is vulnerable to extinction because of a combination of habitat loss, low birth rate, and its specialized diet consisting mainly of bamboo.

Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? It depends. When environmental conditions undergo little change, as in a tropical rain forest, specialists have an advantage because they have fewer competitors. Under rapidly changing environmental conditions, the more adaptable generalist species usually is better off.

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4.3aEach Species Plays a Role
Each species plays a role within the ecosystem it inhabits. Ecologists describe this role as a species’ 
ecological niche
. It is a species’ way of life in its ecosystem and includes everything that affects its survival and reproduction, such as how much water and sunlight it needs, how much space it requires, what it feeds on, what feeds on it, how and when it reproduces, and the temperatures and other conditions it can tolerate. A species’ niche differs from its 
, which is the place, or type of ecosystem, in which a species lives and obtains what it needs to survive.
Ecologists use the niches of species to classify them as generalists or specialists. A 
generalist species
 such as a raccoon has a broad niche (
Figure 4.9
, right curve). Generalist species can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and often tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. Other generalist species are flies, cockroaches, rats, coyotes, and humans.
Figure 4.9
Specialist species such as the giant panda have a narrow niche (left curve) and generalist species such as the raccoon have a broad niche (right curve).

In contrast, a 
specialist species
, such as the giant panda, occupies a narrow niche (
Figure 4.9
, left curve). Such species may be able to live in only one type of habitat, eat only one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of environmental conditions. For example, different specialist species of some shorebirds feed on certain crustaceans, insects, or other organisms found on sandy beaches and their adjoining coastal wetlands (
Figure 4.10
Figure 4.10
Various bird species in a coastal wetland occupy specialized feeding niches. This specialization reduces competition and allows for sharing of limited resources.

Because of their narrow niches, specialists are more likely to become endangered or extinct when environmental conditions change. For example, China’s giant panda (
Figure 4.9
, left) is vulnerable to extinction because of a combination of habitat loss, low birth rate, and its specialized diet consisting mainly of bamboo.
Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? It depends. When environmental conditions undergo little change, as in a tropical rain forest, specialists have an advantage because they have fewer competitors. Under rapidly changing environmental conditions, the more adaptable generalist species usually is better off.
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4.3cIndicator Species

Species that provide early warnings of changes in environmental conditions in an ecosystem are called 

indicator species

. They are like biological smoke alarms. In this chapter’s Core Case Study, you learned that some amphibians are classified as indicator species. Scientists have been working hard to identify some of the possible causes of the declines in amphibian populations (

Science Focus 4.1


Science Focus 4.1

Causes of Amphibian Declines

Scientists who study amphibians have identified natural and human-related factors that can cause the decline and disappearance of these indicator species.

One natural threat is parasites such as flatworms that feed on certain amphibian eggs. Research indicates that this has caused birth defects such as missing limbs or extra limbs in some amphibians.

Another natural threat comes from viral and fungal diseases. An example is the chytrid fungus that infects a frog’s skin and causes it to thicken. This reduces the frog’s ability to take in water through its skin and leads to death from dehydration. An even deadlier fungal disease is Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (or Bd), which invades skin cells and multiplies, causing the frog’s skin to peel away. Such diseases can spread easily, because adults of many amphibian species congregate in large numbers to breed.

Habitat loss and fragmentation is another major threat to amphibians. It is mostly a human-caused problem resulting from the clearing of forests and the draining and filling of freshwater wetlands for farming and urban development.

Another human-related problem is higher levels of UV radiation from the sun. Ozone  that forms in the stratosphere protects the earth’s life from harmful UV radiation emitted by the sun. During the past few decades, ozone-depleting chemicals released into the troposphere by human activities have drifted into the stratosphere and have destroyed some of the stratosphere’s protective ozone. The resulting increase in UV radiation can kill embryos of amphibians in shallow ponds as well as adult amphibians basking in the sun for warmth. International action has been taken to reduce the threat of stratospheric ozone depletion, but it will take about 50 years for ozone levels to recover to levels that existed before this threat arose.

Pollution from human activities also threatens amphibians. Frogs and other species are exposed to pesticides in ponds and in the bodies of insects that they eat. This can make them more vulnerable to bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases and to some parasites. Amphibian expert and National Geographic Explorer Tyrone Hayes, a professor of biology at University of California-Berkeley, conducts research on how some pesticides can harm frogs and other animals by disrupting their endocrine systems.

Climate change is also a concern. Amphibians are sensitive to even slight changes in temperature and moisture. Warmer temperatures may lead amphibians to breed too early. Extended dry periods also lead to a decline in amphibian populations by drying up breeding pools that frogs and other amphibians depend on for reproduction and survival through their early stages of life (

Figure 4.A


Figure 4.A

This golden toad lived in Costa Rica’s high-altitude Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. The species became extinct in 1989, apparently because its habitat dried up.

Charles H. Smith/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Overhunting is another human-related threat, especially in areas of Asia and Europe, where frogs are hunted for their leg meat. Another threat is the invasion of amphibian habitats by nonnative predators and competitors, such as certain fish species. Some of this immigration into habitats is natural, but humans accidentally or deliberately transport many species to amphibian habitats.

According to most amphibian experts, a combination of these factors, which vary from place to place, is responsible for most of the decline and extinctions of amphibian species. This amounts to a biological “fire alarm.”

Critical Thinking

1. Of the factors listed above, which three do you think could be most effectively controlled by human efforts?

Birds are excellent biological indicators. They are found almost everywhere and are affected quickly by environmental changes such as the loss or fragmentation of their habitats and the introduction of chemical pesticides.

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4.3dKeystone Species

A keystone is the wedge-shaped stone placed at the top of a stone archway. Remove this stone and the arch collapses. In some communities and ecosystems, ecologists hypothesize that certain species play a similar role. A 

keystone species

 has such a large effect on the types and abundance of other species in an ecosystem that without it, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or might cease to exist.

Keystone species play several critical roles in helping to sustain ecosystems. One is the pollination of flowering plant species by butterflies, honeybees (Figure 4.4, left), hummingbirds, bats, and other species. In addition, top predator keystone species feed on and help to regulate the populations of other species. Examples are wolves, leopards, lions, some shark species, and the American alligator (see the following Case Study).

Case Study

The American Alligator—A Keystone Species That Almost Went Extinct

The American alligator (

Figure 4.12

) is a keystone species in wetland ecosystems where it is found in the southeastern United States. These alligators play several important ecological roles. They dig deep depressions, or gator holes. These depressions hold freshwater during dry spells and serve as refuges for aquatic life. They supply freshwater and food for fishes, insects, snakes, turtles, birds, and other animals.

Figure 4.12

Keystone species: The American alligator plays an important ecological role in its marsh and swamp habitats in the southeastern United States by helping support many other species.

Arto Hakola/

The large nesting mounds that alligators build provide nesting and feeding sites for some herons and egrets, and red-bellied turtles lay their eggs in old gator nests. In addition, by eating large numbers of gar, a predatory fish, alligators help maintain populations of game fish that gar eat, such as bass and bream. When alligators excavate holes and build nesting mounds, they help keep vegetation from invading shorelines and open-water areas. Without this ecosystem service, freshwater ponds and coastal wetlands where alligators live would fill in with shrubs and trees, and dozens of species could disappear from these ecosystems.

In the 1930s, hunters began killing American alligators for their exotic meat and their soft belly skin, used to make expensive shoes, belts, and pocketbooks. Other people hunted alligators for sport or out of dislike for the large reptile. By the 1960s, hunters and poachers had wiped out 90% of the alligators in the state of Louisiana, and the Florida Everglades population waswas near extinction.

In 1967, the U.S. government placed the American alligator on the endangered species list. By 1987, because it was protected, its populations had made a strong comeback and the alligator was removed from the endangered species list. Today, there are well over a million alligators in Florida. The state now allows property owners to kill alligators that stray onto their land.

To conservation biologists, the comeback of the American alligator is an important success story in wildlife conservation. Recently, however, large and rapidly reproducing Burmese and African pythons released deliberately or accidently by humans have invaded the Florida Everglades. These nonnative invaders feed on young alligators, and could threaten the long-term survival of this keystone species in the Everglades.

Critical Thinking

The American Alligator and Biodiversity

1. What are two ways in which the American alligator supports one or more of the four components of biodiversity (

Figure 4.5) within its environment?

The loss of a keystone species in an ecosystem can lead to population declines and, in some cases, to extinctions of other species that depend on them for certain ecosystem services. This is why it important for scientists to identify keystone species and work to protect them.

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4.4aEvolution Explains How Life Changes Over Time

How did the earth end up with such an amazing diversity of species? The scientific answer is 

biological evolution

 or simply 


—the process by which the genes of populations of species change genetically over time. According to this scientific theory, species have evolved from earlier, ancestral species through 

natural selection

—the process in which individuals with certain genetic traits are more likely to survive and reproduce under a specific set of environmental conditions. These individuals then pass these traits on to their offspring.

A huge body of scientific evidence supports this idea. As a result, biological evolution through natural selection is the most widely accepted scientific theory that explains how the earth’s life has changed over the past 3.8 billion years and why we have today’s diversity of species.

Most of what we know about the history of life on the earth comes from 


—the remains or traces of past organisms. Fossils include mineralized or petrified replicas of skeletons, bones, teeth, shells, leaves, and seeds, or impressions of such items found in rocks (

Figure 4.13

). Scientists have discovered fossil evidence in successive layers of sedimentary rock such as limestone and sandstone. They have also studied evidence of ancient life contained in ice core samples drilled from glacial ice at the earth’s poles and on mountaintops.

Figure 4.13

This fossil shows the mineralized remains of an early ancestor of the present-day horse. It roamed the earth more than 35 million years ago. Notice that you can also see fish skeletons on this fossil.

Ira Block/National Geographic Image Collection

This body of evidence is called the fossil record. It is uneven and incomplete because many past forms of life left no fossils and some fossils have decomposed. Scientists estimate that the fossils found so far represent probably only 1% of all species that have ever lived. There are still many unanswered scientific questions about the details of evolution by natural selection, and research continues in this area.

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4.4bEvolution Depends on Genetic Variability and Natural Selection

The idea that organisms change over time and are descended from a single common ancestor has been discussed since the early Greek philosophers. There was no convincing explanation of how this could happen until 1858 when naturalists Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913) independently proposed the concept of natural selection as a mechanism for biological evolution. Darwin gathered evidence for this idea and published it in his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

Biological evolution by natural selection involves changes in a population’s genetic makeup through successive generations. Populations—not individuals—evolve by becoming genetically different.

The first step in this process is the development of 

genetic variability

: a variety in the genetic makeup of individuals in a population. This occurs primarily through 


, or changes in the coded genetic instructions in the DNA in a gene. During an organism’s lifetime, the DNA in its cells is copied each time one of its cells divides and whenever it reproduces. In a lifetime, this happens millions of times and results in various mutations.

Most mutations result from random changes in the DNA’s coded genetic instructions that occur in only a tiny fraction of these millions of divisions. Some mutations also occur from exposure to external agents such as radioactivity, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, and certain natural and human-made chemicals called mutagens.

Mutations can occur in any cell, but only those that take place in the genes of reproductive cells are passed on to offspring. Sometimes a mutation can result in a new genetic trait, called a heritable trait, which can be passed from one generation to the next. In this way, populations develop genetic differences among their individuals. Biologists refer to the genes of a population as a 

gene pool


The next step in biological evolution is natural selection, which explains how populations evolve in response to changes in environmental conditions by changing their genetic makeup. Through natural selection, environmental conditions favor increased survival and reproduction of certain individuals in a population. These favored individuals possess heritable traits that give them an advantage over other individuals in the population. Such a trait is called an 


, or 

adaptive trait

. An adaptive trait improves the ability of an individual organism to survive and to reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals in a population can under prevailing environmental conditions.

An example of natural selection at work is genetic resistance. It occurs when one or more organisms in a population have genes that can tolerate a chemical (such as a pesticide or antibiotic) that normally would be fatal. The resistant individuals survive and reproduce more rapidly than the members of the population that do not have such genetic traits. Genetic resistance can develop quickly in populations of organisms such as bacteria and insects that produce large numbers of offspring. For example, some disease-causing bacteria have developed genetic resistance to widely used antibacterial drugs, or antibiotics (

Figure 4.14


Figure 4.14

Evolution by natural selection: (a) A population of bacteria is exposed to an antibiotic, which (b) kills all individuals except those possessing a trait that makes them resistant to the drug; (c) the resistant bacteria multiply and eventually (d) replace all or most of the nonresistant bacteria.

Through natural selection, humans have evolved traits that have enabled them to survive in many different environments and to reproduce successfully. If we think of the earth’s 4.6 billion years of geological and biological history as one 24-hour day, the human species arrived about a tenth of one second before midnight. In that short time, we have dominated most of the earth’s land (

Figure 1.9

) and aquatic systems. Evolutionary biologists attribute our ability to dominate the earth to three major adaptations (

Figure 4.15


· Strong opposable thumbs that allowed humans to grip and use tools better than the few other animals that have thumbs

· The ability to walk upright, which gave humans agility and freed up their hands for many uses

· A complex brain, which allowed humans to develop many skills, including the ability to communicate complex ideas.

Figure 4.15

Homo sapiens sapiens: Three advantages over other mammals have helped us to become the earth’s dominant species within an eye blink of time in the 3.8-billion-year history of life on the earth.

To summarize the process of biological evolution by natural selection: Genes mutate, individuals are selected, and populations that are better adapted to survive and reproduce under existing environmental conditions evolve.

Evolutionary biologists study patterns of evolution by examining the similarities and differences among species based on their physical and genetic characteristics. They use this information to develop branching 

evolutionary tree

, or 

phylogenetic tree

, diagrams that depict the hypothetical evolution of various species from common ancestors (

Figure 4.16

). They use fossil, DNA, and other evidence to hypothesize the evolutionary pathways and connections among species.

Figure 4.16

Simplified phylogenetic tree (or tree of life) diagram showing the hypothesized evolution of life on the earth into six major kingdoms of species over 3.8 billion years.

On an evolutionary timescale, as new species arise, they have new genetic traits that can enhance their survival as long as environmental conditions do not change dramatically. The older species from which they originated and the new species evolve and branch out along different lines or lineages of species that can be recorded in phylogenetic tree diagrams (
Figure 4.16

4.4cLimits to Adaptation through Natural Selection

In the not-too-distant future, will adaptations to new environmental conditions through natural selection protect us from harm? For example, will adaptations allow the skin of our descendants to become more resistant to the harmful effects of the sun’s UV radiation, enable their lungs to cope with air pollutants, and improve the ability of our livers to detoxify pollutants in our bodies?

Scientists in this field say not likely because of two limitations on adaptation through natural selection. First, a change in environmental conditions leads to adaptation only for genetic traits already present in a population’s gene pool, or if they arise from random mutations.

Second, even if a beneficial heritable trait is present in a population, the population’s ability to adapt may be limited by its reproductive capacity. Populations of genetically diverse species that reproduce quickly often can adapt to a change in environmental conditions in a short time (days to years). Examples are dandelions, mosquitoes, rats, bacteria, and cockroaches. By contrast, species that cannot produce large numbers of offspring rapidly—such as elephants, tigers, sharks, and humans—take thousands or even millions of years to adapt through natural selection.

4.4dMyths about Evolution through Natural Selection

There are a number of misconceptions about biological evolution through natural selection. Here are five common myths:

· Survival of the fittest means survival of the strongest. To biologists, fitness is a measure of reproductive success, not strength. Thus, the fittest individuals are those that leave the most descendants, not those that are physically the strongest.

· Evolution explains the origin of life. It does not. However, it does explain how species have evolved after life came into being around 3.8 billion years ago.

· Humans evolved from apes or monkeys. Fossil and other evidence shows that humans, apes, and monkeys evolved along different paths from a common ancestor that lived 5 million to 8 million years ago.

· Evolution by natural selection is part of a grand plan in nature in which species are to become more perfectly adapted. There is no evidence of such a plan. Instead, evidence indicates that the forces of natural selection and random mutations can push evolution along any number of paths.

· Evolution by natural selection is not important because it is just a theory. This reveals a misunderstanding of the concept of a scientific theory, which is based on extensive evidence and is accepted widely by the scientific experts in a particular field of study. Numerous polls show that evolution by natural selection is widely accepted by over 95% of biologists because it best explains the earth’s biodiversity and how populations of different species have adapted to changes in the earth’s environmental conditions over billions of years.

4.5aHow Do New Species Arise?

Under certain circumstances, natural selection can lead to an entirely new species. Through this process, called 


, one species evolves into two or more different species. For sexually reproducing organisms, a new species forms when a separated population of a species evolves to the point where its members can no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspring with members of another population of its species that did not change or that evolved differently.

Speciation, especially among sexually reproducing species, happens in two phases: first geographic isolation, and then reproductive isolation

Geographic isolation

 occurs when different groups of the same population of a species become physically isolated from one another for a long time. Part of a population may migrate in search of food and then begin living as a separate population in an area with different environmental conditions. Winds and flowing water may carry a few individuals far away where they establish a new population. A flooding stream, a new road, a hurricane, an earthquake, or a volcanic eruption, as well as long-term geological processes (

Science Focus 4.2

), can also separate populations. Human activities, such as the creation of large reservoirs behind dams and the clearing of forests, can also create physical barriers for certain species. The separated populations can develop different genetic characteristics because they are no longer exchanging genes.

Science Focus 4.2

Geological Processes Affect Biodiversity

The earth’s surface has changed dramatically over its long history. Scientists discovered that huge flows of molten rock within the earth’s interior have broken its surface into a number of gigantic solid plates, called tectonic plates. For hundreds of millions of years, these plates have drifted slowly on the planet’s mantle formed today’s continents (

Figure 4.B


Figure 4.B

Over millions of years, the earth’s landmasses have moved very slowly on several gigantic tectonic plates to different locations and formed today’s continents (right).

Critical Thinking:

1. How might an area of land splitting apart cause the extinction of a species?

Rock and fossil evidence indicates that 200–250 million years ago, all of the earth’s present-day continents were connected in a supercontinent called Pangaea (Figure 4.B, left). About 175 million years ago, Pangaea began splitting apart as the earth’s tectonic plates moved. Eventually tectonic movement resulted in the present-day locations of the continents (Figure 4.B, right).

The movement of tectonic plates has had two important effects on the evolution and distribution of life on the earth. First, the locations of continents and oceanic basins have greatly influenced the earth’s climate, which plays a key role in where plants and animals can live. Second, the breakup, movement, and joining of continents have allowed species to move and adapt to new environments. This led to the formation of a large number of new species through speciation.

Along boundaries where they meet, tectonic plates may pull away from, collide with, or slide alongside each other. Tremendous forces produced by these interactions along plate boundaries can lead to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These geological activities can also affect biological evolution by causing fissures in the earth’s crust, which can isolate populations of species on either side of the fissure. Over long periods, this can lead to the formation of new species as each isolated population changes genetically in response to new environmental conditions.

Volcanic eruptions that occur along the boundaries of tectonic plates can also affect extinction and speciation by destroying habitats and reducing, isolating, or wiping out populations of species. These geological processes are further discussed in 

Chapter 14


Critical Thinking

1. The earth’s tectonic plates, including the one you are riding on, typically move at about the rate at which your fingernails grow. If they stopped moving, how might this affect the future biodiversity of the planet?


reproductive isolation

, mutation and change by natural selection operate independently in the gene pools of geographically isolated populations. If this process continues long enough, members of isolated populations of sexually reproducing species can become different in genetic makeup. Then they cannot produce live, fertile offspring if they rejoin their original populations and attempt to interbreed. When that is the case, speciation has occurred and one species has become two (

Figure 4.17


Figure 4.17

Geographic isolation can lead to reproductive isolation, divergence of gene pools, and speciation.

4.5bArtificial Selection, Genetic Engineering, Gene Editing, and Synthetic Biology

For thousands of years, humans have used 

artificial selection

 to change the genetic characteristics of populations with similar genes. First, they select one or more desirable genetic traits that already exist in the population of a plant or animal. Then they use selective breeding, or crossbreeding, to control which members of a population have the opportunity to reproduce to increase the numbers of individuals in a population with the desired traits (

Figure 4.18


Figure 4.18

Artificial selection involves the crossbreeding of species that are close to one another genetically. In this example, similar fruits are being crossbred to yield a pear with a certain color.

Learning from Nature

Artificial selection is a classic case of learning from nature. It involves learning how natural processes produce a particular trait in a fruit or vegetable and then using crossbreeding to enhance that trait.

Artificial selection is not a form of speciation. It is limited to crossbreeding between genetic varieties of the same species or between species that are genetically similar to one another. Most of the grains, fruits, and vegetables we eat are produced by artificial selection. Artificial selection has also given us food crops with higher yields, cows that give more milk, trees that grow faster, and many different varieties of dogs and cats. However, traditional crossbreeding is a slow process.

Scientists have learned how to speed this process of manipulating genes in order to get desirable genetic traits or eliminate undesirable ones. They do this by transferring segments of DNA with the desired trait from one species to another through a process called 

genetic engineering

. In this process, also known as gene splicing, scientists alter an organism’s genetic material by adding, deleting, or changing segments of its DNA to produce desirable traits or to eliminate undesirable ones. Scientists have used genetic engineering to develop modified crop plants, new drugs, pest-resistant plants, and animals that grow rapidly.

There are five steps in this process:

1. Identify a gene with the desired trait in the DNA found in the nucleus of a cell from the donor organism.

2. Extract a small circular DNA molecule, called a plasmid, from a bacterial cell.

3. Insert the desired gene from 

step 1

 into the plasmid to form a recombinant DNA plasmid.

4. Insert the recombinant DNA plasmid into a cell of another bacterium, which rapidly divides and reproduces large numbers of bacterial cells with the desired DNA trait.

5. Transfer the genetically modified bacterial cells to a plant or animal that is to be genetically modified.

The result is a 

genetically modified organism (GMO)

 with its genetic information modified in a way not found in natural organisms. Genetic engineering enables scientists to transfer genes between different species that would not interbreed in nature. For example, scientists can put genes from a cold-water fish species into a tomato plant to give it properties that help it resist cold weather. Recently, scientists have learned how to treat certain genetic diseases by altering or replacing the genes that cause them. Genetic engineering has revolutionized agriculture and medicine. However, it is a controversial technology, as we discuss in 

Chapter 12


In 2012, scientists developed a new gene editing technique called RISPRCRISPR. This easy and cheap technique allows researchers to snip, insert, delete, or modify genetic material at targeted spots in DNA molecules with increased precision.

Gene editing has great promise for correcting disease-causing mutations in DNA molecules. It could be used treat cancers and other human diseases and to modify the DNA in human embryos to remove disease-causing mutations. It has been used to cure mice with HIV and hemophilia and to engineer pigs to make them suitable organ donors for humans. Gene editing can be done to cells outside the human body. Then the modified cells can be implanted in the human body. These genetic changes can then be passed on to future generations.

One worry is that gene editing could become so easy and cheap (a gene editing kit can be ordered online for $150) that anybody could do it and not be subject to regulations. Individuals could possibly alter cells in human embryos, eggs, and sperm to come up with “designer babies” with genes that favor certain traits. This could lead to discrimination against certain groups and a host of other major ethical challenges.

A new and rapidly growing form of genetic engineering is synthetic biology. It enables scientists to make new sequences of DNA and use such genetic information to design and create artificial cells, tissues, body parts, and organisms not found in nature. Synthetic biology can bypass the long process of evolution by natural selection and create new forms of life in a short time.

This process starts with a computer code of an organism’s entire genetic sequence (genome). Then engineers insert new sequences of the four nucleotide bases, adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) (

Figure 2.9

), to create a new and different genetic sequence, or genome. Next, they transplant the new genome into the cell of a bacterium to transform it into a different, human-created species of bacteria. This technology uses science and engineering to alter the planet’s life by reducing the cell to a machine that can assemble forms of life like products in a factory.

Proponents of synthetic biology want to use it to create bacteria that can use sunlight to produce clean-burning hydrogen gas, which can be used to fuel motor vehicles. This could help us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Synthetic biology might also be used to create bacteria and algae that break down oil, industrial wastes, toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and radioactive waste in contaminated soil and water. It could be used to create vaccines to prevent diseases and drugs to combat parasitic diseases such as malaria. It might be used to develop instructions for three-dimensional printers to print human body parts, car parts, and clothing.

Scientists are a long way from achieving such goals, but the potential is there. If used properly and ethically, this new technology could help us live more sustainably. The problem is that, like any technology, synthetic biology can be used for good or bad. For example, it could be used to create biological weapons such as deadly bacteria that spread new diseases, to destroy existing oil deposits, or to interfere with the chemical cycles that keep us alive. It might also end up hindering the ability of decomposers to breakdown and recycle wastes, or it might add new pollutants to soil and water. This is why many scientists call for increased monitoring and regulation of this new technology to help control its use.

Learning from Nature

Scientists are applying synthetic biology by studying how organisms in nature operate. For example, some bacteria can consume substances that are harmful to humans, and scientists hope to create a bacterium that can be used to cleanse the human body of such substances.

4.5cExtinction Eliminates Species

Another factor affecting the number and types of species on the earth is 

biological extinction

or simply extinction, which occurs when an entire species ceases to exist. When environmental conditions change dramatically, a population of a species faces three possible futures: adapt to the new conditions through natural selection, migrate (if possible) to another area with more favorable conditions, or become extinct in the area where they are found.

Species found in only one area, called 

endemic species

, are especially vulnerable to extinction. They exist on islands and in other isolated areas. For example, many species in tropical rain forests have highly specialized roles and are vulnerable to extinction. These organisms are unlikely to be able to migrate or adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Many of these endangered species are amphibians (Core Case Study).

Extinction is a natural and ongoing process. Fossils and other scientific evidence indicate that 99.9% of all species that have existed on the earth are now extinct. Throughout most of the earth’s long history, species have disappeared at a low rate, called the 

background extinction rate

. Based on the fossil record and analysis of ice cores, biologists estimate that the average annual background extinction rate has been about 0.0001% of all species per year, which amounts to 1 species lost for every million species on the earth per year. At this rate, if there were 10 million species on the earth, about 10 of them, on average, would go extinct every year.

Evidence indicates that life on the earth has been sharply reduced by several periods of 

mass extinction

 during which extinction rates rise well above the background rate. In such a catastrophic, widespread, and often global event, 50-95% of all species are wiped out because of major, widespread environmental changes such as long-term climate change, massive flooding because of rising sea levels, huge meteorites striking the earth’s surface, and gigantic volcanic eruptions. Such events can trigger drastic environmental changes on a global scale, including massive releases of debris into the atmosphere that block sunlight for an extended period. This can kill off most plant species and the consumers that depend on them for food. Fossil and geological evidence indicates that there have been five mass extinctions (at intervals of 25–60 million years) during the past 500 million years (

Figure 4.19


Figure 4.19

Scientific evidence indicates that the earth has experienced five mass extinctions over the past 500 million years and that human activities have initiated a new sixth mass extinction.

A mass extinction provides an opportunity for the evolution of new species that can fill unoccupied ecological niches or newly created ones. Scientific evidence indicates that each past mass extinction has been followed by an increase in species diversity as shown by the wedges in Figure 4.19). However, this recovery process takes millions of years.

As environmental conditions change, the balance between speciation and extinction determines the earth’s biodiversity. The existence of millions of species today means that speciation, on average, has kept ahead of extinction. However, evidence indicates that the global extinction rate is rising sharply. Many scientists see this is as evidence that we are experiencing the beginning of a new sixth mass extinction caused mostly by human activities (Figure 4.19). We examine this issue and ways to deal with it in Chapter 9. The 

Case Study 

that follows discusses the threat of extinction for the monarch butterfly because of human activities.

Case Study

The Threatened Monarch Butterfly

The beautiful North American monarch butterfly (

Figure 4.20

 and the front cover of this book) is in trouble. This species is known for its annual 3,200- to 4,800-kilometer (2,000- to 3,000-mile) migration from the northern United States and Canada to a small number of tropical forest areas in central Mexico. They arrive on a predictable schedule and later return to their North American home. Another monarch population in the Midwestern United States makes a shorter annual journey to coastal northern California and then returns home.

Figure 4.20

Monarch butterflies in Mexico.

Melinda Fawer/

During their annual round-trip journeys, these two populations of monarchs face serious threats from bad weather and numerous predators. In 2002, a single winter storm killed an estimated 75% of the monarch population migrating to Mexico.

During their migration, the monarchs need access to milkweed plants to lay their eggs. Once the butterfly larvae hatch, the caterpillar survives to become a butterfly by feeding on the milkweed plant. Without milkweed, the monarch butterfly cannot reproduce and faces extinction.

Once the monarchs reach their winter forest destinations in Mexico and California, they cling to trees (

Figure 4.20) by the millions as they rest. Each year, biologists estimate the monarch’s population size by measuring the total areas of forest they occupy at these destinations.

The overall estimated monarch population varies from year to year, mostly because of changes in weather and other natural conditions. However, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that since 1975, this overall population has dropped by nearly a billion. The size of Monarch butterfly populations wintering in Mexican forests varies from year to year, often because of weather and other environmental factors. However, since 1996, there has been an overall decline in their annual populations.

The monarchs face three serious threats from human activities in addition to the historic natural threats. One threat is the steady loss of their winter forest habitat in Mexico, due to logging (most of it illegal), and loss of their northern California habitat due to coastal development. A second threat is reduced access to milkweed plants essential for their survival during their migration. Almost all of the natural prairies in the United States, which were abundant with milkweed plants, have been replaced by croplands where milkweed plants grow much more sparsely only as weeds between rows of crops and on roadsides.

A third threat over the past decade is the explosive growth of cropland in the American Midwest planted with corn and soybean varieties genetically engineered to resist herbicides that are used to kill weeds, including milkweed. Some of these herbicides are thought to be killing monarchs as well as their food source.

So why should we care if the monarch butterfly becomes extinct, largely because of human activities? One reason is that monarchs provide an important ecological service by pollinating a variety of flowering plants (including corn) along their migration routes as they feed on the nectar from the blossoms of such plants. Another reason for many people is the belief that it is ethically wrong for us to cause the premature extinction of the monarch butterfly or other species.

What can we do to reduce the threat to this amazing species? Researchers call for protecting their migratory pathways and for the government to protect the monarch by classifying it as a threatened species. They propose that we sharply reduce the use of herbicides to kill milkweed. In addition, many people are trying to help by planting milkweed and other plants that attract pollinators such as butterflies and honeybees (whose populations are also decreasing, as we discuss in Chapter 9).

Learning from Nature

Scientists are studying the Monarch butterfly to find out how they are able to navigate their age-old annual migration routes and arrive at the same places in Mexico and California on the same day of each year. This knowledge could have benefits for human aviation.

Big Ideas

· Each species plays a specific ecological role, called its niche, in the ecosystems where it is found.

· As environmental conditions change, the genes in some individuals mutate and give those individuals genetic traits that enhance their abilities to survive and to produce offspring with these traits.

· The degree of balance between speciation and extinction in response to changing environmental conditions determines the earth’s biodiversity, which helps to sustain the earth’s life and our economies.

Tying It All TogetherAmphibians and Sustainability

Robert King/

This chapter’s 

Core Case Study describes the increasing losses of amphibian species and explains why these species are important ecologically. In this chapter, we studied the importance of biodiversity—the numbers and varieties of species found in different parts of the world, along with genetic, ecosystem, and functional diversity.

We examined the variety of niches, or roles played by species in ecosystems. For example, we saw that some species, including many amphibians, are indicator species that warn us about threats to biodiversity, ecosystems, and the biosphere. Others such as the American alligator are keystone species that play vital roles in sustaining the ecosystems where they live.

We also studied the scientific theory of biological evolution through natural selection, which explains how life on the earth changes over time due to changes in the genes of populations and how new species can arise. We learned that the earth’s species biodiversity is the result of a balance between the formation of new species (speciation) and extinction of species due to changing environmental conditions.

The ecosystems where amphibians and other species live are functioning examples of the three scientific principles of sustainability in action. These species depend on solar energy, the cycling of nutrients, and biodiversity. Disruptions in any of these forms of natural capital can result in degradation of these species’ populations and their ecosystems.

Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. What might happen to humans and a number of other species if most or all amphibian species (Core Case Study) were to go extinct?

2. How might a reduction in species diversity affect the other three components of biodiversity?

3. Is the human species a keystone species? Explain. If humans become extinct, what are three species that might also become extinct and what are three species whose populations might grow?

4. Why should we care about saving the monarch butterfly from extinction caused by human activities? Do you care? Why or why not?

5. How would you respond to someone who tells you:

1. We should not believe in biological evolution because it is “just a theory.”

2. We should not worry about air pollution because natural selection will enable humans to develop lungs that can detoxify pollutants.

6. How would you respond to someone who says that because extinction is a natural process, we should not worry about the loss of biodiversity when species become extinct largely because of our activities?


List three aspects of your lifestyle that could be contributing to some of the losses of the earth’s biodiversity. For each of these, what are some ways to avoid making this contribution?

8. Congratulations! You are in charge of the future evolution of life on the earth. What are the three most important things that you would do? Explain.

Chapter Review
Doing Environmental Science

1. Study an ecosystem of your choice, such as a meadow, a patch of forest, a garden, or an area of wetland. (If you cannot do this physically, do so virtually by reading about an ecosystem online or in a library.) Determine and list five major plant species and five major animal species in your ecosystem. Which, if any, of these species are indicator species and which of them, if any, are keystone species? Explain how you arrived at these hypotheses. Then design an experiment to test each of your hypotheses, assuming you would have unlimited means to carry them out.

Chapter Review
Data Analysis

The following table is a sample of a very large body of data reported by J. P. Collins, M. L. Crump, and T. E. Lovejoy III in their book Extinction in Our Times—Global Amphibian Decline. It compares various areas of the world in terms of the number of amphibian species found and the number of amphibian species that were endemic, or unique to each area. Scientists like to know these percentages because endemic species tend to be more vulnerable to extinction than do non-endemic species. Study the table and then answer the following questions.


Number of Species

Number of Endemic Species

Percentage Endemic

Pacific/Cascades/Sierra Nevada Mountains of North America



Southern Appalachian Mountains of the United States



Southern Coastal Plain of the United States



Southern Sierra Madre of Mexico



Highlands of Western Central America



Highlands of Costa Rica and Western Panama



Tropical Southern Andes Mountains of Bolivia and Peru



Upper Amazon Basin of Southern Peru



1. Fill in the fourth column by calculating the percentage of amphibian species that are endemic to each area. 

2. Which two areas have the highest numbers of endemic species? Name the two areas with the highest percentages of endemic species.

3. Which two areas have the lowest numbers of endemic species? Which two areas have the lowest percentages of endemic species?

4. Which two areas have the highest percentages of non-endemic species?




One way to protect existing wildlands from human exploitation is to designate them as 


areas essentially undisturbed by humans that are protected by federal law from harmful human activities (

Figure 10.23

). For example, forestry, road and trail development, mining, and building construction are not allowed. Theodore Roosevelt (see 

Figure 1.14

), the first U.S. president to set aside protected areas, summarized his thoughts on what to do with wilderness: “Leave it as it is. You cannot improve it.”

Figure 10.23


iablo Lake lies in a wilderness area of North


ascades National Park in the U.S. state of Washington.


Most developers and resource extractors oppose establishing protected wilderness areas because they contain resources that could provide short-term economic benefits.


cologists and conservation biologists take a longer view. To them, wilderness areas are protected islands of biodiversity and ecosystem services needed to support life and human economies both now and in the future and to serve as centers for future evolution in response to changes in environmental conditions.

In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed the Wilderness Act, which allowed the government to protect undeveloped tracts of U.S. public land from development as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System (

Figure 10.23). The country’s area of protected wilderness grew nearly 12-fold between 1964 and 2015. Even so, less than 5% of all U.S. land is protected as wilderness—more than 54% of it in Alaska. Only about 2% of the land of the lower 48 states is protected as wilderness, most of it in the West.


Percentage of land protected as wilderness in the lower 48 U.S. states

As the human population and its ecological footprint expand, it will be increasingly difficult and expensive to protect existing wilderness areas and to establish new ones. In addition, climate change is projected to threaten the biodiversity and composition of many existing wilderness areas.

10.4cParks and Other Nature Reserves

According to the IUCN, there are more than 6,500 major national parks located in more than 120 countries (see chapter-opening


). However, most of these parks are too small to sustain many large animal species. In addition, many of them are “paper parks” that receive little protection, especially in less-developed countries.

Many parks also suffer from invasions by harmful nonnative species that can outcompete and reduce the populations of native species. Some national parks are so popular that large numbers of visitors are degrading the natural features that make them attractive (see the 

Case Study

 that follows).

Case Study

Stresses on U.S. Public Parks

The U.S. National Park System, established in 1912, includes 59 major national parks, sometimes called the country’s crown jewels, that are owned jointly by all U.S. citizens (see chapter-opening 

photo). The U.S. National Park System also has 358 monuments, recreational areas, battlefields, historic sites, and other sites. States, counties, and cities also operate public parks.

In 1872, Congress set aside public land for Yellowstone National Park—the world’s first national park. Historian, conservationist, and writer Wallace Stegner called it “the best idea America ever had.”

Popularity threatens many parks.


etween 1960 and 2017, the number of recreational visitors to U.S. national parks more than tripled, reaching about 331 million. In 2017, the three most visited places in the National Park System are the Blue Ridge Parkway, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

In some U.S. parks and other public lands, dirt bikes, dune buggies, jet skis, snowmobiles, and other off-road vehicles destroy or damage vegetation, disturb wildlife, and degrade the park experience for many visitors. Some visitors expect parks to have grocery stores, laundries, bars, and other such conveniences. Cell phone towers now degrade the pristine nature of some parks.

A number of parks also suffer damage from the migration or deliberate introduction of nonnative species. European wild boars (see 

Figure 9.11

), imported into the state of North Carolina in 1912 for hunting, threaten vegetation in parts of the popular Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Nonnative mountain goats in Washington State’s Olympic National Park trample and destroy the root systems of native vegetation and accelerate soil erosion.

Native species—some of them threatened or endangered—are killed in, or illegally removed from, almost half of all U.S. national parks. However, the endangered gray wolf was successfully reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park after a 50-year absence (

Science Focus 10.3


Many U.S. national parks have become threatened islands of biodiversity surrounded by commercial development. The parks’ wildlife and recreational value are threatened by nearby activities such as mining, logging, livestock grazing, coal-fired power plants, and urban development. The National Park Service reports that air pollution, mainly caused by coal-fired power plants and dense vehicle traffic, impairs scenic views more than 90% of the time in many U.S. national parks. In 2018, scientists at Colorado State University found high noise levels from road traffic, air traffic, and nearby mining, drilling, and logging in more than 60% of the 492 areas they studied. Such noise pollution can diminish the park experience for many visitors.

The National Park Service estimated that in 2018, the national parks had at least an $11.6 billion backlog for long overdue maintenance and repairs to trails, buildings, and other park facilities. Some analysts say that some of the funds needed for such purposes could come from private concessionaires who provide campgrounds, restaurants, hotels, and other services for park visitors. They pay the government franchise fees averaging only about 6–7% of their gross receipts, and many large concessionaires with long-term contracts pay as little as 0.75%. Analysts say these percentages could reasonably be increased to around 20%.

Since the 1930s, there have been efforts to sell U.S. National Parks and other public lands to private owners and developers. These pressures are increasing, as discussed in 

Chapter 25


Parks in less-developed countries have the greatest biodiversity of all the world’s parks, but only about 1% of these parklands are protected. Local people in many of these countries enter the parks illegally in search of wood, game animals, and other natural products that they need for their daily survival. Loggers and miners also operate illegally in many of these parks, as do wildlife poachers who kill animals to obtain and sell items such as rhino horns, elephant tusks, and furs. Park services in most of the less-developed countries have too little money and too few personnel to fight these invasions, either by force or through education.

Science Focus 10.3

Reintroducing the Gray Wolf to Yellowstone National Park

In the 1800s, at least 3


gray wolves (

Figure 10.B

) roamed over 75% of America’s lower 48 states—especially in the West. The wolves preyed on bison, elk, caribou, and deer. Between 1850 and 1900, most of them were shot, trapped, or poisoned by ranchers, hunters, and government employees. This drove the gray wolf to near extinction in the lower 48 states.

Figure 10.B

After becoming almost extinct in much of the western United States, the gray wolf was listed and protected as an endangered species in 1974.

Volodymyr Burdiak/

Ecologists recognize the important role that this keystone predator species once played in the Yellowstone National Park region. The wolves culled herds of bison, elk, moose, and mule deer, and kept down coyote populations. By leaving some of their kills partially uneaten, they provided meat for scavengers such as ravens, bald eagles, ermines, grizzly bears, and foxes.

When the number of gray wolves declined, herds of plant-browsing elk, moose, and mule deer expanded and over browsed the willow and aspen trees growing near streams and rivers. This led to increased soil erosion and declining populations of other wildlife species such as beaver, which eat willow and aspen. This in turn affected species that depend on wetlands created by dam-building beavers.

In 1974, the gray wolf was listed as an endangered species in the lower 48 states. However, in 2019, the Interior Department proposed removing endangered species protection for the gray wolf in the lower 48 states because of an increase in its population to more than 5,000.

In 1987, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed reintroducing gray wolves into Yellowstone National Park to try to help stabilize the ecosystem. The proposal brought angry protests from ranchers who feared the wolves would leave the park and attack large numbers of their cattle and sheep and from hunters who feared the wolves would kill too many big-game animals. Mining and logging companies objected, fearing that the government would halt their operations on wolf-populated federal lands.

In 1996, USFWS officials captured 41 gray wolves in Canada and northwest Montana and relocated them in Yellowstone National Park. Scientists estimate that the long-term carrying capacity of the park is 110 to 150 gray wolves. In December 2018, the park had 104 wolves in 11 packs.

The reintroduction of this keystone species has turned the park into a living ecological laboratory. Wildlife ecologist Robert Crabtree and other scientists have been using radio collars to track some of the wolves and study the ecological effects of reintroducing the wolves. Their research indicates that the return of this keystone predator has decreased populations of elk, the wolves’ primary food source. The leftovers of elk killed by wolves have also been an important food source for scavengers such as bald eagles and ravens.

The wolves’ presence, with a projected decline in elk numbers, was supposed to promote the regrowth of young aspen trees that elk feed on and had depleted. However, a study led by U.S. Geological Survey scientist Matthew Kauffman indicated that the aspen were not recovering despite a 60% decline in elk numbers. Declining populations of elk were also supposed to allow for the return of willow trees along streams. Research indicates that willows have only partly recovered.

The wolves have cut in half the Yellowstone population of coyotes—the top predators in the absence of wolves. This has reduced coyote attacks on cattle from area ranches and has led to larger populations of small animals such as ground squirrels, mice, and gophers, which are hunted by coyotes, eagles, and hawks.

Overall, this experiment has had some important ecological benefits for the Yellowstone ecosystem, but more research is needed. The focus has been on the gray wolf, but other factors such as drought and the rise of populations of bears and cougars may play a role in the observed ecological changes and need to be examined. Some scientists hypothesize that the long-term absence of wolves led to a number of changes in plant and animal numbers and diversity that are difficult to reverse

The wolf reintroduction has also produced economic benefits for the region. One of the main attractions of the park for many visitors is the hope of spotting wolves chasing their prey across its vast meadows.

Critical Thinking

1. If the gray wolf population in the park were to reach its estimated carrying capacity of 110 to 150 wolves, would you support a program to kill wolves to maintain this population level? Why or why not? Can you think of other alternatives?

2. 10.4dDesigning and Managing Nature Reserves

3. In establishing nature reserves, the size and design of the reserve is important. Research by Thomas E. Lovejoy (

Chapter 3

, Individuals Matter) and other scientists indicates that large nature reserves typically sustain more species and provide greater habitat diversity than do small reserves. Research also indicates that in some areas, several well-placed medium-size reserves may better protect a variety of habitats and sustain more biodiversity than a single large reserve can.

4. Establishing protected habitat corridors between isolated reserves can benefit more species and allow migration by vertebrates that need large ranges. Corridors also allow some species to move to areas that are more favorable if climate change alters their existing areas.

5. On the other hand, corridors can threaten isolated populations by allowing movement of fire, disease, and pest and invasive species between reserves. They can also increase exposure of migrating species to natural predators, human hunters, and pollution. Some research suggests that the benefits of corridors outweigh their potential harmful effects, especially as the climate changes.


Conservation biologists call for using the buffer zone concept, whenever possible, to design and manage nature reserves. Establishing a buffer zone means strictly protecting an inner core of a reserve, usually by establishing one or more buffer zones in which local people can extract resources sustainably without harming the inner core (see the Case Study that follows). By 2018, the United Nations had used this concept to create a global network of 686 biosphere reserves in 122 countries. However, most biosphere reserves fall short of these design ideals and receive too little funding for their protection and management.


Case Study

8. Identifying and Protecting Biodiversity in Costa Rica

9. For several decades, Costa Rica (

Core Case Study

) has been using government and private research agencies to identify the plants and animals that make it one of the world’s most biologically diverse countries (

Figure 10.24

). The government consolidated the country’s parks and reserves into several large conservation areas, or megareserves, with the goal of protecting and sustaining 80% of the country’s biodiversity (

Figure 10.25


10. Figure 10.24

11. This scarlet macaw parrot is one of the more than half a million species found in Costa Rica.



Vladimir Melnik/

14. Figure 10.25

15. Solutions: Costa Rica has created several megareserves. Green areas are protected natural parklands and yellow areas are the surrounding buffer zones.



Each reserve contains a protected inner core surrounded by two buffer zones that local and indigenous people can use for sustainable logging, crop farming, cattle grazing, hunting, fishing, and ecotourism. Instead of shutting local people out of reserve areas, this approach enlists local people as partners in protecting a reserve from activities such as illegal logging and poaching. It is an application of the biodiversity and win-win principles of sustainability.

18. In addition to its ecological benefits, this strategy has paid off financially. Today, Costa Rica’s largest source of income is its $2.9-billion-a-year travel and tourism industry, almost two-thirds of which involves ecotourism.

There are potential threats to Costa Rica’s conservation efforts. One is the clearing of forests to grow pineapples in plantations for export to China. Ecotourism helps to fund parks and conservation efforts and reduces exploitation of conservation areas by providing income for local people in visited areas, but excessive numbers of ecotourists can degrade sensitive ar0.4eSustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: An Ecosystem Approach

Most wildlife biologists and conservationists believe that the best way to keep from hastening the extinction of wild species through human activities is to protect threatened habitats and ecosystem services. This ecosystems approach would generally employ the following five-point plan:

1. Map the world’s terrestrial ecosystems and create an inventory of the species contained in each of them, along with the ecosystem services they provide.

2. Identify terrestrial ecosystems that are resilient and can recover if not overwhelmed by harmful human activities, along with ecosystems that are fragile and need protection.

3. Protect the most endangered terrestrial ecosystems and species, with emphasis on protecting plant biodiversity and ecosystem services.

4. Restore as many degraded ecosystems as possible.

5. Make development biodiversity-friendly by providing significant financial incentives (such as tax breaks and subsidies) and technical help to private landowners who agree to help protect endangered ecosystems.

0.4fProtect Biodiversity Hotspots and Ecosystem Services

The ecosystem approach calls for identifying and taking emergency action to protect the earth’s 

biodiversity hotspots

. They are areas rich in highly endangered species found nowhere else and threatened by human activities. These areas have suffered serious ecological disruption, mainly due to rapid population growth and the resulting pressure on natural resources and ecosystem services.

Figure 10.26

 shows 34 terrestrial biodiversity hotspots biologists have identified. According to the IUCN, these areas cover only about 2% of the earth’s land surface, but are home for the majority of the world’s endangered species, as well as for 1.2 billion people.

Figure 10.26

Endangered natural capital: Biologists have identified these 34 biodiversity hotspots. Compare this map with the global map of the human ecological footprint, shown in 

Figure 1.9


Critical Thinking:

1. Why do you think so many hotspots are located near coastal areas?

(Compiled by the authors using data from the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at Conservation International.)

This approach can conserve nearly half of the world’s terrestrial plant and animal species by preserving only about 2.3% of the earth’s land surface. However, only 5% of the total area of these hotspots is truly protected with government funding and law enforcement, as described in the Case Study that follows.

Case Study

Madagascar: An Endangered Biodiversity Hotspot

Madagascar, the world’s fourth largest island, lies in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa. Most of its numerous species have evolved in near isolation from mainland Africa and all other land areas for at least 40 million years. As a result, roughly 90% of the more than 200,000 plant and animal species (

Figure 10.27

) found in this Texas-size biodiversity hotspot are found nowhere else on the earth.

Figure 10.27

Madagascar is the only home for six of the world’s eight baobab tree species (left), old-growth trees that are disappearing. This tree survives the desert-like conditions on part of the island by storing water in its large bottle-shaped trunk. The island is also the only home of more than 70 species of lemurs, including the threatened Verreaux’s sifaka, or dancing lemur (right).

Left: David Thyberg/ Right: Richlindie/

Many of Madagascar’s plant and animal species are among the world’s most endangered, primarily because of habitat loss. People have cut down or burned more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests to get firewood and lumber and to make way for small farms, large rice plantations, and cattle grazing.

Only about 17% of the island’s original vegetation remains, which means most of its topsoil is exposed. Hence, Madagascar is one of the world’s most eroded countries. Huge quantities of its topsoil have run off its hills, flowing as sediment in its rivers and emptying into its coastal waters. This explains why Madagascar is one of the world’s most threatened biodiversity hotspots.

Since 1984, the government, conservation organizations, and scientists worldwide have mounted efforts to slow the country’s rapid loss of biodiversity. Such efforts are hampered by Madagascar’s rapid population growth. Between 1994 and 2018, its population grew from 12 million to 26 million and is projected to grow to 54 million by 2050. The country is also very poor, with 90% of its population struggling to survive on the equivalent of less than $2.25 per day. This puts pressure on its dwindling forest resources.

Despite the efforts to preserve Madagascar’s biodiversity, less than 3% of its land area is officially protected. To reduce the rapid losses of biodiversity, the country will need to slow its population growth drastically and teach many of its people how to make a living from reforestation, ecotourism, and more sustainable uses of its forests, wildlife, and soil resources.

7. 10.4gProtecting Ecosystem Services

8. Another way to sustain the earth’s biodiversity is to identify and protect areas in which vital ecosystem services (see the orange boxed labels in 

Figure 1.3

) are being impaired. Scientists call for identifying highly stressed areas with high poverty levels where most people are dependent on ecosystem services for survival. This ecosystem services approach recognizes that most of the world’s ecosystems are already dominated or influenced by human activities and that such pressures are increasing as the human population, urbanization, resource use, and the human ecological footprint all expand.

9. Proponents of this approach recognize that setting aside and protecting reserves and wilderness areas, especially highly endangered biodiversity hotspots and ecosystems, is vital. They also call for protecting the human communities that exist in these areas. Without addressing such issues as poverty, population growth, urbanization, and resource use, ecosystem services will continue to decline. Environmental scientist Gretchen Daily has developed tools to guide investments in restoring ecosystem services, in poor countries as well as more-developed countries (

Individuals Matter 10.2


10. Individuals Matter 10.2

11. Gretchen Daily—Shining a Light on Ecosystem Services


13. Courtesy of Gretchen Daily

14. Gretchen Daily, Professor of Environmental Science at Stanford University, is alarmed by the growing threats to natural capital. She is considered one of the world’s experts on natural capital and ecosystem services.

15. In 2006, Daily cofounded the Natural Capital Project with Stanford University, World Wildlife Fund, and The Nature Conservancy. It has three major goals. First, develop credible and practical methods for measuring the economic and other values of ecosystem services. Second, find ways to integrate these values into major decisions made by governments and businesses. Third, tailor and replicate models that work across world regions or industry sectors.

16. The group has developed a software tool called InVEST (for Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs). It helps users compare how different choices, such as where and how to develop or conserve land, can affect the ecosystem service benefits provided by forests or wetlands. It assigns long-term economic values to services such as flood control, water purification, and climate stability and projects how these services are likely to grow or shrink as a result of choices such as clear-cutting, selective logging, restoration, and preservation. This tool is being used in more than 185 countries, helping landowners and investors evaluate the effects of these and other factors in deciding how to use a piece of forested land. After heavy deforestation through the 1990s, China has invested over $100 billion in reforestation, for example, and is now reaping financial and well-being benefits of hydropower production efficiency, a more secure water supply, and flood control.

10.4hRestoring Damaged Ecosystems

Almost every natural place on the earth has been impacted to some degree by human activities, often in harmful ways. Much of the damage can be partially reversed through 

ecological restoration

, the process of repairing damage to ecosystems caused by human activities. Examples include replanting forests (see the Case Study that follows), reintroducing keystone native species (Science Focus 10.3), removing harmful invasive species, freeing river flows by removing dams, and restoring grasslands, coral reefs, wetlands, and stream banks (

Figure 10.21

, right). This is an important way to expand our beneficial environmental impact.

Case Study

Ecological Restoration of a Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica

Costa Rica (Core Case Study) is the site of one of the world’s largest ecological restoration projects. In the lowlands of its Guanacaste National Park, a tropical dry forest was burned, degraded, and fragmented for conversion to cattle ranches and farms. Now it is being restored and reconnected to a rain forest on nearby mountain slopes.

Daniel Janzen, professor of conservation biology at the University of Pennsylvania and a leader in the field of restoration ecology, used his own MacArthur Foundation grant money to purchase the Guanacaste forestland for designation as a national park. He has also raised more than $10 million for restoring the park.

Janzen recognizes that ecological restoration and protection of the park will fail unless the people living in the surrounding area believe they will benefit from such efforts. His vision is to see that the nearly 40,000 people who live near the park play an essential role in the restoration of the forest.

In the park, local farmers are paid to remove nonnative species and to plant tree seeds and seedlings started in Janzen’s laboratory. Local grade school, high school, and university students and citizens’ groups study the park’s ecology during field trips. The park’s location near the Pan American Highway makes it an ideal area for ecotourism, which stimulates the local economy.

This project also serves as a training ground in tropical forest restoration for scientists from around the world. Research scientists working on the project give guest classroom lectures and lead field trips. Janzen believes that education, awareness, and involvement—not guards and fences—are the best ways to protect largely intact ecosystems from unsustainable use. This is an application of the biodiversity and win-win principles of sustainability.

By studying how natural ecosystems recover, scientists are learning how to employ and enhance ecological succession processes by using a variety of approaches, including the following four:

· Restoration: returning a degraded habitat or ecosystem to a condition as close as possible to its original one.

· Rehabilitation: turning a degraded ecosystem into a functional or useful ecosystem without trying to restore it to its original condition. Examples include removing pollutants from abandoned mining or industrial sites and replanting trees to reduce soil erosion in clear-cut forests.

· Replacement: replacing a degraded ecosystem with another type of ecosystem. For example, a degraded forest might be replaced by a productive pasture or tree plantation.

· Creating artificial ecosystems: for example, artificial wetlands have been created in some areas to help reduce flooding and to treat sewage.

Researchers have suggested the following four-step strategy for carrying out most forms of ecological restoration and rehabilitation.

1. Identify the causes of the degradation, such as pollution, farming, overgrazing, mining, or invasive species.

2. Stop the degradation by eliminating or sharply reducing these factors.


Reintroduce keystone species to help restore natural ecological processes, as was done with gray wolves in the Yellowstone ecosystem (

Science Focus 10.3).

4. Protect the area from further degradation to allow natural recovery (

Figure 10.19

, right).

By following this general plan, conservationist and National Geographic Explorer Sean Gerrity is working with his 35-person team in the U.S. state of Montana to create American Prairie Reserve, the largest nature reserve in the continental United States, a refuge for people and wildlife preserved forever as a part of America’s heritage. Their goal is to restore the wildlife and ecosystem services that were common to this unique area of North America’s grasslands for more than 11,000 years.

10.4iSharing Ecosystems with Other Species

We dominate most of the world’s ecosystems, which is a cause of species extinction and loss of ecosystem services. Ecologist Michael L. Rosenzweig calls for us to share some of the spaces we dominate with other species—an approach he calls 

reconciliation ecology

. It focuses on establishing and maintaining new habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live, work, or play. This is a way for us to increase our beneficial environmental impact.

Learning from Nature

Researchers from the carpet manufacturer Interface examined a forest floor to get ideas for designing a carpet pattern. They decided to mimic the forest floor by creating a random, non-repeating design that became one of their best-selling lines of carpeting. It also saved the company money by allowing installers to cut waste dramatically, as the installations were not dependent on a repeating pattern.

By encouraging sustainable forms of ecotourism, people can protect local wildlife and ecosystems and provide economic resources for their communities. In the Central American country of Belize, for instance, conservation biologist Robert Horwich helped establish a local sanctuary for the black howler monkey. He convinced local farmers to set aside strips of forest to serve as habitats and corridors through which these monkeys can travel. The reserve, run by a local women’s cooperative, has attracted ecotourists and biologists. Local residents receive income for housing and guiding these visitors.

Without proper controls, ecotourism can lead to degradation of popular sites if they are overrun by visitors or are degraded by the construction of nearby hotels and other tourist facilities. However, when managed properly, ecotourism can be a useful form of reconciliation ecology.

Reconciliation ecology is also a way to protect vital ecosystem services. For example, some people are learning how to protect insect pollinators, such as butterflies and honeybees (see 

Chapter 9

 Core Case Study), which are vulnerable to pesticides and habitat loss. Neighborhoods and municipal governments are doing so by reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides on their lawns, fields, golf courses, and parks. People can also plant gardens of flowering plants as a source of food for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. According to honeybee experts, people trying to help bees in this way should avoid using glyphosate herbicides and plants that contain neonicotinoid insecticides.

People have also worked together to protect bluebirds within human-dominated habitats. In such areas, bluebird populations have declined because most of their nesting trees have been cut down. Specially designed boxes have provided artificial nesting places for bluebirds. Their widespread use has allowed populations of this species to grow.

These and many other examples of people working together on projects to restore degraded ecosystems are applications of the biodiversity and win-win principles of sustainability. 

Figure 10.28

 lists some ways in which you can help sustain and expand the earth’s terrestrial biodiversity.

Figure 10.28

Individuals matter: Ways to help sustain terrestrial biodiversity.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of these actions do you think are the most important ones to take? Why? Which of these things do you already do?

Protecting the earth’s vital biodiversity and increasing our beneficial environmental impact will not be implemented without bottom-up political pressure on elected officials from individual citizens and groups. It also will require cooperation among scientists, engineers, and key people in government and the private sector. Individuals also need to “vote with their wallets” by buying only products and services that do not harm terrestrial biodiversity.

Big Ideas

· The economic value of the ecosystem services provided by the world’s ecosystems is far greater than the value of raw materials obtained from those systems.

· We can manage forests, grasslands, and nature reserves more effectively by protecting more land and by preventing overuse and degradation of these areas and the renewable resources they contain.

· We can sustain terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services and increase our beneficial environmental impact by protecting severely threatened areas and ecosystem services, restoring damaged ecosystems, and sharing with other species much of the land that we dominate.

· ying It All TogetherSustaining Costa Rica’s Biodiversity



Eduardo Rivero/

· In this chapter, you learned how human activities are destroying or degrading much of the earth’s terrestrial biodiversity. You learned the importance of preserving what remains of diverse and highly endangered biodiversity hotspots and of sustaining the earth’s ecosystem services. You also saw how to reduce this destruction and degradation by using the earth’s resources more sustainably and by employing restoration ecology and reconciliation ecology. The 

Core Case Study introduced much of this by reporting on what Costa Rica is doing to protect and restore its precious biodiversity.

· Preserving terrestrial biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides involves applying the three scientific principles of sustainability. First, it means respecting biodiversity and understanding the value of sustaining it. In addition, if we rely less on fossil fuels and more on direct solar energy and its indirect forms, such as wind and flowing water, we will generate less pollution. We will also interfere less with chemical cycling and other forms of natural capital that sustain biodiversity and our own lives and economies.

· Applying the three additional principles of sustainability will also help preserve biodiversity. By placing economic value on ecosystem services, we would acknowledge their importance by helping implement full-cost pricing. Working together to find win-win solutions to problems of environmental degradation benefits the earth and its people. Our actions can be guided by an ethical responsibility to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services for current and future generations.

Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. Why do you think Costa Rica (Core Case Study) has set aside a much larger percentage of its land for biodiversity conservation than the United States has? Should the United States reserve more of its land for this purpose? Explain.

2. If we fail to protect a much larger percentage of the world’s remaining old-growth forests and tropical rain forests, what are three harmful effects that this failure is likely to have on any children and grandchildren you eventually might have?

3. In the early 1990s, Miguel Sanchez, a subsistence farmer in Costa Rica, was offered $600,000 by a hotel developer for a piece of land that he and his family had been using sustainably for many years. An area under rapid development surrounded the land, which contained an old-growth rain forest and a black sand beach. Sanchez refused the offer. Explain how Sanchez’s decision was an application of the ethical principle of sustainability. What would you have done if you were Sanchez? Explain.

4. Halting the destruction and degradation of tropical rain forests is a key to preserving the world’s biodiversity and slowing global climate change. Since this will benefit the entire world during this and future generations, should the United States and the world’s other more-developed nations pay tropical, less-developed countries to preserve their remaining tropical forests, as Norway and the United Kingdom have done? Explain. Do you think that the long-term economic and ecological benefits of doing this would outweigh the short-term economic costs? Why or why not?

5. Are you in favor of establishing more wilderness areas in the United States (or in the country where you live)? Explain. What might be some disadvantages of doing this?

6. You are a defense attorney arguing in court for preserving an old-growth forest that developers want to clear for a suburban development. Give your three strongest arguments for preserving this ecosystem. How would you counter the argument that preserving the forest would harm the economy by causing a loss of jobs in the timber industry?

7. Do you support or oppose the U.S. 2003 Healthy Forests Restoration Act (Section 10.2)? Why or why not?

8. It would cost about $76 billion a year to sustain the earth’s terrestrial biodiversity. Do you think we should spend this money? How might a decision not to make this investment affect you and any children or grandchildren you might have?

Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Pick an area near where you live or go to school that hosts a variety of plants and animals. It could be a yard, an abandoned lot, a park, a forest, or some part of your campus. Visit this area at least three times and make a survey of the plants and animals that you find there, including any trees, shrubs, groundcover plants, insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Also, take a small sample of the topsoil and find out what organisms are living there. (Be careful to get permission from whoever owns or manages the land before doing any digging.) Using guidebooks and other resources to help identify different species, record your findings, and categorize them into the general types of organisms listed above. Then do some research to find out about the ecosystem services that some or all of these organisms provide. Try to find and record five of these services. Finally, do some research to find a range of values that economists have assigned to these ecosystem services at the global level. Write a report summarizing your findings.

Chapter Review

Ecological Footprint Analysis

The table below compares five countries in terms of rain forest area and losses. Study the table and then answer the questions that follow.


Area of Tropical Rain Forest (square kilometers)

Area of Deforestation per Year (square kilometers)

Annual Rate of Tropical Forest Loss















1. What is the annual rate of tropical rain forest loss, as a percentage of total forest area, in each of the five countries? Answer by filling in the blank column in the table.

2. What is the annual rate of tropical deforestation collectively in all of the countries represented in the table?

3. According to the table, and assuming the rates of deforestation remain constant, which country’s tropical rain forest will be destroyed first?

4. Assuming the rate of deforestation in country C remains constant, how many years will it take for all of its tropical rain forests to be destroyed?

5. Assuming that a hectare ‍‍ of tropical rain forest absorbs 0.85 metric tons ‍‍ of carbon dioxide per year, what would be the total annual growth in the carbon footprint (carbon emitted but not absorbed by vegetation because of deforestation) in metric tons of carbon dioxide per year for each of the five countries in the table?


8. Below is where the book information came from Chapter 10

· 10.4b

Wilderness Areas

· 10.4c

Parks and Other Nature Reserves

· 10.4d

Designing and Managing Nature Reserves

· 10.4e

Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: An Ecosystem Approach

· 10.4f

Protect Biodiversity Hotspots and Ecosystem Services

· 10.4g

Protecting Ecosystem Services

· 10.4h

Restoring Damaged Ecosystems

· 10.4i

Sharing Ecosystems with Other Species

· Tying It All Together

Sustaining Costa Rica’s Biodiversity

Chapter Review

Critical Thinking


Doing Environmental Science


Ecological Footprint Analysis


Chapter Introduction


Core Case Study

Tropical Rain Forests Are Disappearing

· 3.1

Earth’s Life-Support System

· 3.1a

Earth’s Life-Support System Has Four Major Components

· 3.1b

Three Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life

· 3.2

Ecosystem Components

· 3.2a

Ecosystems Have Several Important Components

· 3.2b

Soil Is the Foundation of Life on Land

· 3.3

Energy in an Ecosystem

· 3.3a

Energy Flows through Ecosystems in Food Chains and Food Webs

· 3.3b
Some Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster Than Others Do

· 3.4

Matter in an Ecosystem

· 3.4a
Nutrients Cycle Within and Among Ecosystems

· 3.4b

The Water Cycle

· 3.4c

The Carbon Cycle

· 3.4d

The Nitrogen Cycle

· 3.4e

The Phosphorus Cycle

· 3.5

How Do Scientists Study Ecosystems?

· 3.5a

Studying Ecosystems Directly

· 3.5b

Laboratory Research and Models

· 3.5c
Four Laws of Ecology

· Tying It All Together

Tropical Rain Forests and Sustainability


Chapter Review


Critical Thinking


Doing Environmental Science


Data Analysis

· Chapter Introduction

· Cleared area of tropical rainforest in Uganda (Africa)




ore Case StudyTropical Rain Forests Are Disappearing
Learning Objective

· LO 3.1State three reasons why we need to care about the ongoing loss of rain forests.

Tropical rain forests are found near the earth’s equator and contain an amazing variety of life. These lush forests are warm year round and have high humidity because it rains almost daily. Rain forests cover only 7% of the earth’s land but contain up to half of the world’s known plant and animal species found on land. The diversity of species in these forests makes them excellent natural laboratories in which to study 


communities of organisms that interact with one another and with the physical environment of matter and energy in which they live.

To date, human activities have destroyed or degraded more than half of the earth’s rain forests (see chapter-opening 


). People continue clearing the forests to grow crops, graze cattle, and build settlements (

Figure 3.1

). Ecologists warn that without protection, most of these ecologically important forests will be gone or severely degraded by the end of this century.

Figure 3.1

Natural capital degradation: Satellite image of the loss of tropical rain forest, cleared for farming, cattle grazing, and settlements, near the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz between June 1975 (left) and May 2003 (right). This is the latest available view of the area but forest degradation has continued since 2003.

Left: United Nations Environment Programme; United Nations Environment Programme

Why should we care that tropical rain forests are disappearing? Scientists give three reasons. First, clearing these forests causes the extinction of many plant and animal species by destroying the habitats where they live. The loss of key species in these forests can have a ripple effect that leads to the extinction of other species they help support.

Second, destroying these forests contributes to atmospheric warming and speeds up climate change. How does this occur? Eliminating large areas of trees faster than they can grow back means that there are fewer plants using photosynthesis to remove some of the excess carbon dioxide  emitted into the atmosphere when carbon-containing fossil fuels are burned. The resulting increased levels of  in the atmosphere contributes to atmospheric warming and climate change, which you will learn more about in 

Chapter 19


Third, large-scale loss of tropical rain forests can change regional weather patterns in ways that can prevent the regrowth of rain forests in cleared or degraded areas. When this irreversible ecological tipping point is reached, tropical rain forests in such areas become drier and less-diverse tropical grasslands.

In this chapter, you will learn how tropical rain forests and other ecosystems work, how human activities are affecting them, and how we can help sustain them.

3.1Earth’s Life-Support System

· LO 3.1ADescribe the four main systems, or spheres, that make up the earth’s life-support system.

· LO 3.1BExplain how the flow of energy from the sun and the greenhouse effect are connected within the biosphere.

· LO 3.1CExplain the roles that solar energy, nutrient cycling, and gravity play in sustaining life.

· 3.1aEarth’s Life-Support System Has Four Major Components

· The earth’s life-support system consists of four main systems (

Figure 3.2

) that interact with one another. They are the atmosphere (air), the hydrosphere (water), the geosphere (rock, soil, and sediment), and the biosphere (living things).

· Figure 3.2

· Natural capital: The earth consists of a land sphere (geosphere), an air sphere (atmosphere), a water sphere (hydrosphere), and a life sphere (biosphere).





 is a spherical mass of air surrounding the earth’s surface that is held by gravity. Its innermost layer, the troposphere, extends about 19 kilometers (12 miles) above sea level at the equator and about 6 kilometers (4 miles) above the earth’s North and South Poles. The troposphere contains the air we breathe. It is 78% nitrogen  and 21% oxygen . The remaining 1% of air is mostly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane. The troposphere is the layer in which the earth’s weather occurs and where life can survive.

· The 


 is the atmospheric layer above the troposphere. It reaches 17 to 50 kilometers (12–31 miles) above the earth’s surface. The lower stratosphere, called the ozone layer, contains enough ozone  gas to filter out about 95% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It acts as a global sunscreen that allows life to exist on the earth’s surface.

· The 


 contains all of the water on or near the earth’s surface. It is found as water vapor in the atmosphere, as liquid water on the surface and underground, and as ice—polar ice, icebergs, glaciers, and ice in frozen soil-layers called permafrost. Salty oceans that cover about 71% of the earth’s surface contain 97% of the planet’s water and support almost half of the world’s species. About 2.5% of the earth’s water is freshwater and three-fourths of that is ice.

· The 


 contains the earth’s rocks, minerals, and soil. It consists of an intensely hot core, a thick mantle of very hot rock, and a thin outer crust of rock and soil. The crust’s upper portion contains soil chemicals or nutrients that organisms need to live, grow, and reproduce. It also contains nonrenewable fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—and minerals that we extract and use.

· The 


 consists of the parts of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere where life is found. If the earth were the size of an apple, the biosphere would be no thicker than the apple’s skin.

3.1bThree Factors Sustain the Earth’s Life

Life on the earth depends on three interconnected factors:

1. One-way flow of high-quality energy from the sun. The sun’s energy supports plant growth, which provides energy for plants and animals, in keeping with the solar energy principle of sustainability. As solar energy interacts with carbon dioxide , water vapor, and several other gases in the troposphere, it warms the troposphere—a process known as the 

greenhouse effect


Figure 3.3

). Without this natural process, the earth would be too cold to support most of the forms of life we find here today.

2. Cycling of nutrients through parts of the biosphere. Nutrients are chemicals that organisms need to survive. Because the earth does not get significant inputs of matter from space, its fixed supply of nutrients must be recycled to support life. This is in keeping with the chemical cycling principle of sustainability.

3. Gravity allows the planet to hold on to its atmosphere and enables the movement and cycling of chemicals through air, water, soil, and organisms.

Figure 3.3

Greenhouse Earth. High-quality solar energy flows from the sun to the earth. It is degraded to lower-quality energy (mostly heat) as it interacts with the earth’s air, water, soil, and life forms, and eventually some of it returns to space. Certain gases in the earth’s atmosphere retain enough of the sun’s incoming energy as heat to warm the planet as a result of the greenhouse effect.

National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2008.

3.2Ecosystem Components

· LO 3.2AExplain the relationships among the biosphere, ecosystems, communities, populations, and organisms using an organism of your choice (which could even be you).

· LO 3.2BList two consumer organisms that feed on a common producer organism of your choice.

· LO 3.2CDescribe the diet of a detritus feeder and a decomposer and explain their role in chemical cycling.

· LO 3.2DWrite the chemical equations that represent photosynthesis and aerobic respiration.

· LO 3.2EList six components of soil.

· LO 3.2FExplain how topsoil supports terrestrial life.

3.2aEcosystems Have Several Important Components

Ecology is the science that focuses on how organisms interact with one another and with their nonliving physical environment of matter and energy. Scientists classify matter into levels of organization ranging from atoms to galaxies. Ecologists study five levels of matter—the biosphere, ecosystems, 



, and 


—all shown and defined in 

Figure 3.4


Figure 3.4

Ecology focuses on the top five of these levels of the organization of matter in nature.

The biosphere and its ecosystems are made up of living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components (

Figure 3.5

). Living components include plants, animals, and microbes. Nonliving components include water, air, nutrients, rocks, heat, and solar energy.

Figure 3.5

Key living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of an ecosystem in a field.

Ecologists assign each organism in an ecosystem to a feeding level, or 

trophic level

, based on its source of nutrients. Organisms are classified as producers and consumers based on whether they make (produce) or find (consume) their food.


 are organisms, such as green plants, that make the nutrients they need from compounds and energy obtained from their environment. In the process known as 


, green plants capture solar energy that falls on their leaves. They use it to combine carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrates such as glucose , which they store as a source of chemical energy. In the process, they emit oxygen  gas into the atmosphere. This oxygen keeps us and most other animal species alive. The following chemical reaction summarizes the overall process of photosynthesis.

About 2.8 billion years ago, producer organisms called cyanobacteria, most of them floating on the surface of the ocean, started carrying out photosynthesis and adding oxygen to the atmosphere. After several hundred million years, oxygen levels reached about 21%—high enough to keep humans and other oxygen-breathing animals alive.

Learning from Nature

Scientists hope to make a molecular-sized solar cell by mimicking how a leaf uses photosynthesis to capture solar energy. These artificial leaf films might be used to coat the roofs, windows, or walls of a building and provide electricity for most homes and other buildings.

On land, most producers are green plants such as trees and grasses. In freshwater and ocean ecosystems, algae and aquatic plants growing near shorelines are the major producers. In open water, the dominant producers are phytoplankton—mostly microscopic organisms that float or drift in the water.

Some producer bacteria live in dark and extremely hot water around fissures on the ocean floor. Their source of energy is heat from the earth’s interior, or geothermal energy. They are an exception to the solar energy principle of sustainability.

The other organisms in an ecosystem are 


 that cannot make their food. They get the nutrients they need by feeding on other producers, or other consumers or on the wastes and remains of producers and consumers.

There are several types of consumers. 

Primary consumers

, or 


 (plant eaters), are animals that eat mostly green plants. Examples are caterpillars, giraffes, and zooplankton (tiny sea animals that feed on phytoplankton). 


 (meat eaters) are animals that feed on the flesh of other animals. Some carnivores, including spiders, lions (

Figure 3.6

), and most small fishes, are 

secondary consumers

 that feed on the flesh of herbivores. Other carnivores such as tigers, hawks, and killer whales (orcas) are 


 (or higher-level) consumers that feed on the flesh of herbivores and other carnivores. Some of these relationships are shown in Figure 3.5. 


 such as pigs, rats, and humans eat both plants and animals.

Figure 3.6

This lioness (a carnivore) is feeding on a freshly killer zebra (an herbivore) in Kenya, Africa.


Critical Thinking

1. When you ate your most recent meal, were you an herbivore, a carnivore, or an omnivore?

Decomposers are consumers that get nourishment by breaking down (decomposing) the wastes or remains of plants and animals. These nutrients return to the soil, water, and air for reuse by producers. Most decomposers are bacteria and fungi, such as molds and mushrooms. Other consumers, called 

detritus feeders

, or detritivores, feed on the wastes or dead bodies (detritus) of other organisms. Examples are earthworms, soil insects, hyenas, and vultures (

Figure 3.7


Figure 3.7

The vultures and Marabou storks, eating the carcass of an animal that was killed by another animal, are detritivores.


Detritivores and decomposers can transform a fallen tree trunk into simple inorganic molecules that plants can absorb as nutrients (

Figure 3.8

). In natural ecosystems, the wastes and dead bodies of organisms are resources for other organisms in keeping with the chemical cycling principle of sustainability. Without decomposers and detritivores, many of which are microscopic organisms, the planet’s land surfaces would be buried in plant and animal wastes, dead animal bodies, and garbage.

Figure 3.8

Various detritivores and decomposers (mostly fungi and bacteria) can “feed on” or digest parts of a log and eventually convert its complex organic chemicals into simpler inorganic nutrients that can be taken up by producers.

Producers, consumers, and decomposers use the chemical energy stored in glucose and other organic compounds to fuel their life processes. In most cells, this energy is released by 

aerobic respiration

, which uses oxygen to convert glucose and other organic compounds back into carbon dioxide and water. The overall chemical reaction for the aerobic respiration is shown in the following equation:

Some decomposers, such as yeast and some bacteria get the energy they need by breaking down glucose (or other organic compounds) in the absence of oxygen. This form of cellular respiration is called 

anaerobic respiration

, or 


. Instead of carbon dioxide and water, the products of this process are compounds such as methane gas , ethyl alcohol , acetic acid (, the key component of vinegar), and hydrogen sulfide (, a highly poisonous gas that smells like rotten eggs). Note that all organisms get their energy from aerobic or aerobic respiration, but only plants carry out photosynthesis.

To summarize, ecosystems and the biosphere are sustained by the one-way energy flow from the sun and the nutrient cycling of key materials—in keeping with two of the scientific principles of sustainability (

Figure 3.9


Figure 3.9

Natural capital: The main components of an ecosystem are energy, chemicals, and organisms. Nutrient cycling and the flow of energy—first from the sun, then through organisms, and finally into the environment as low-quality heat—link these components.

3.2bSoil Is the Foundation of Life on Land


 is a complex mixture of rock pieces and particles, mineral nutrients, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms that support plant life, which supports animal life. Life on land depends on roughly 15 centimeters (6 inches) of topsoil. The minerals that make up your muscles, bones, and most other parts of your body come almost entirely from soil.

Soil is one of the most important components of the earth’s natural capital. It purifies water and supplies most of the nutrients needed for plant growth. Through aerobic respiration, organisms living in soil remove some of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and store it as organic carbon compounds, thereby helping to control the earth’s climate.

Soil formation begins when physical, chemical, and biological processes called 


 break down bedrock into small pieces. Various forms of plant and animal life begin living on the weathered particles. Their wastes and decaying bodies add organic matter and minerals to the slowly forming soil. Decomposers and detritivores break down fallen leaves and wood (Figure 3.8) and add organic matter and nutrients to the soil. Air (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) and water occupy pores or spaces between soil particles. Over hundreds to thousands of years, various types of life build up distinct layers of mineral and organic matter on a soil’s original bedrock.

Most mature soils contain several horizontal layers or horizons. A cross-sectional view of the horizons of a soil is called a 

soil profile


Figure 3.10

, right). The major horizons in a mature soil are O (leaf litter), A (topsoil), B (subsoil), and C (weathered parent material), which build up over the parent material. Each layer has a distinct texture, composition, and thickness that vary with the soils formed in different climates and biomes such as deserts, grasslands, and forests (

Figure 3.11

). Soil forms faster in wet, warm climates.

Figure 3.10

Natural capital: Generalized soil formation and soil profile.

Critical Thinking:

1. What role do you think the tree in this figure plays in soil formation? How might the soil formation process change if the tree were removed?

Figure 3.11

Natural capital: Soil profiles of the principal soil types typically found in five types of terrestrial ecosystems.

The roots of most plants and the majority of a soil’s organic matter are found in the soil’s two upper layers: the O-horizon of leaf litter and the A-horizon of topsoil. In a fertile soil, these two layers teem with bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and numerous small insects, all interacting by feeding on and decomposing one another. The leaf litter and topsoil layers are also habitats for larger animals such as snails, reptiles, amphibians, and burrowing animals such as moles.

Every handful of topsoil contains billions of bacteria and other decomposer organisms. They break down some of the soil’s complex organic compounds into a mixture of the partially decomposed bodies of dead plants and animals, called humus. A fertile soil that produces high crop yields has a thick topsoil layer with a lot of humus mixed with minerals from weathered rock.

Moisture in topsoil dissolves nutrients needed for plant growth. The resulting solution is drawn up by the roots of the plants and transported through their stems into the leaves of plants. This movement of nutrients from the topsoil to plant leaves and to insects and other animals that eat the leaves is part of the chemical cycling process essential for the earth’s life. Healthy soils retain more water and help reduce the severity of drought by releasing some of the water into the atmosphere. 

Figure 3.12

 shows the movement of plant nutrients in soils.

Figure 3.12

Pathways of plant nutrients in soils.

The color of topsoil indicates how useful it is for growing crops or other plants. Black or dark brown topsoil is rich in nitrogen and organic matter. A gray, bright yellow, or red topsoil is low in organic matter and needs the addition of nitrogen to support most crops.

The B-horizon (subsoil) and the C-horizon (parent material) contain most of a soil’s inorganic matter, mostly broken-down rock, consisting of various mixtures of sand, silt, clay, and gravel. The C-horizon sits on the soil’s parent material, which is often bedrock.

Soils can include particles of three different sizes: very small clay particles, medium-size silt particles, and larger sand particles. The relative amounts of these different sizes and types of these mineral particles, the composition of organic materials, and the amount of space between the particles determine the texture of a soil. A soil’s texture affects how rapidly water flows through it (

Figure 3.13


Figure 3.13

Natural capital: The size, shape, and degree of clumping of soil particles determine the number and volume of spaces for air and water within a soil. Water can flow more easily through soils with more spaces (left) than through soils with fewer spaces (right).

Soil is a renewable resource but it is renewed very slowly and becomes a nonrenewable resource if we deplete it faster than nature can replenish it. The formation of just 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) of topsoil can take hundreds to thousands of years. Removing plant cover from soil exposes its topsoil to erosion by water and wind. This explains why protecting and renewing topsoil is a key to sustainability. You will learn more about soil erosion and soil conservation in 

Chapter 12


3.3aEnergy Flows through Ecosystems in Food Chains and Food Webs

Chemical energy, stored as nutrients in the bodies and wastes of organisms, flows through ecosystems from one trophic (feeding) level to another in food chains and food webs. A sequence of organisms with each one serving as a source of nutrients or energy for the next level of organisms is called a 

food chain


Figure 3.14


Figure 3.14

In a food chain, chemical energy in nutrients flows through various trophic levels.

Critical Thinking:

1. Think about what you ate for breakfast. At what level or levels on a food chain were you eating?

Every use and transfer of energy by organisms from one feeding level to another involves a loss of some high-quality energy to the environment as low-quality energy in the form of heat, as required with the second law of thermodynamics. A graphic display of the energy loss at each trophic level is called a 

pyramid of energy flow

Figure 3.15

 illustrates this energy loss for a food chain, assuming a 90% energy loss for each level of the chain.

Figure 3.15

Generalized pyramid of energy flow showing the decrease in usable chemical energy available at each succeeding trophic level in a food chain or food web. This model assumes that with each transfer from one trophic level to another, there is a 90% loss of usable energy to the environment in the form of low-quality heat. (Calories and joules are used to measure energy. .)

Critical Thinking:

1. Why is a vegetarian diet more energy efficient than a meat-based diet?


Energy Flow and Feeding People

Energy flow pyramids explain why the earth could support more people if they all ate at a low trophic level by consuming grains, vegetables, and fruits directly rather than passing such crops through another trophic level and eating the meat of herbivores such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens. About two-thirds of the world’s people survive primarily by eating wheat, rice, and corn at the first trophic level, mostly because they cannot afford to eat much meat.

Ecologists can estimate the number of organisms feeding at each trophic level. Here is a hypothetical example: 100,000 blades of grass (producer) might support 30 rabbits (herbivore), which might support 1 fox (carnivore). Ecologists also measure 


—the total mass of organisms in each trophic level—as illustrated by this hypothetical example: 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds) of producers might provide 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of food for herbivores, which might provide 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of food for carnivores, which might supply a top carnivore with 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) of food.

In natural ecosystems, most consumers feed on more than one type of organism, and most organisms are eaten or decomposed by more than one type of consumer. Because of this, organisms in most ecosystems form a complex network of interconnected food chains called a 

food web

. Food chains and food webs show how producers, consumers, and decomposers are connected to one another as energy flows through trophic levels in an ecosystem. 

Figure 3.16

 shows an aquatic food web and 

Figure 3.17

 shows a terrestrial food web.

Figure 3.16

A greatly simplified aquatic food web found in the southern hemisphere. The shaded middle area shows a simple food chain that is part of these complex interacting feeding relationships. Many more participants in the web, including an array of decomposer and detritus feeder organisms, are not shown here.

Figure 3.17

Greatly simplified terrestrial food web found in a temperate desert ecosystem. The shaded middle area shows a simple food chain that is part of these complex interacting feeding relationships. Many more participants in the web, including an array of decomposer and detritus feeder organisms, are not shown.

Learning from Nature

There is no waste in nature because the wastes or remains of one organism provide food for another. Scientists and engineers study food webs to learn how to reduce or eliminate food waste and some of the other wastes we produce.

3.3bSome Ecosystems Produce Plant Matter Faster Than Others Do

Scientists measure the rates at which ecosystems produce chemical energy to compare ecosystems and understand how they interact. 

Gross primary productivity (GPP)

 is the rate at which an ecosystem’s producers (such as plants and phytoplankton) convert solar energy into chemical energy stored in compounds found in their tissues. It is usually measured in terms of energy production per unit area over a given time span, such as kilocalories per square meter per year . To stay alive, grow, and reproduce, producers must use some of their stored chemical energy for their own aerobic respiration.

Net primary productivity (NPP)

 is the rate at which producers use photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the rate at which they use some of this stored chemical energy through aerobic respiration. NPP measures how fast producers can make the chemical energy that is stored in their tissues and that is potentially available to the consumers in an ecosystem.

Gross primary productivity is similar to the rate at which you make money, or the number of dollars you earn per year. Net primary productivity is similar to the amount of money earned per year that you can spend after subtracting your expenses such as the costs of transportation, clothes, food, and supplies.

Terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic life zones differ in their NPP as illustrated in 

Figure 3.18

. Despite its low NPP, the open ocean produces more of the earth’s biomass per year than any other ecosystem or life zone. This happens because oceans cover 71% of the earth’s surface and contain huge numbers of phytoplankton and other producers.

Figure 3.18

Estimated annual average net primary productivity in major life zones and ecosystems expressed as kilocalories of energy produced per square meter per year .


1. What are the three most productive and the three least productive systems?

(Compiled by the authors using data from R. H. Whittaker, Communities and Ecosystems, 2nd ed., New York: Macmillan, 1975.)

Tropical rain forests have a high net primary productivity (NPP) because they have a large number and variety of producer trees and other plants to support a large number of consumers. When such forests are cleared (Core Case Study) or burned to make way for crops or for grazing cattle, they suffer a sharp drop in net primary productivity and lose plant and animal species.

Only the plant matter represented by NPP is available as nutrients for consumers. Thus, the planet’s NPP ultimately limits the number of consumers (including humans) that can survive on the earth. This is one of nature’s important lessons.

3.4aNutrients Cycle Within and Among Ecosystems

The elements and compounds that make up nutrients move continually through air, water, soil, rock, and living organisms within ecosystems in cycles called 

nutrient cycles

, or 

biogeochemical cycles

 (life-earth-chemical cycles). They represent the chemical cycling principle of sustainability in action. These cycles are driven directly or indirectly by incoming solar energy and by the earth’s gravity. They include the hydrologic (water), carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. Human activities are altering these important components of the earth’s natural capital (

Figure 1.3



Nutrient Cycles and Life

Nutrient cycles connect past, present, and future forms of life. Some of the carbon atoms in your skin may once have been part of an oak leaf, a dinosaur’s skin, or a layer of limestone rock. Your grandmother, George Washington, or a hunter–gatherer who lived 25,000 years ago may have inhaled some of the nitrogen  molecules you just inhaled.

3.4bThe Water Cycle

Water  is an amazing substance (

Science Focus 3.1

) that is essential for life on the earth. The 

hydrologic cycle

, or the 

water cycle

, collects, purifies, and distributes the earth’s fixed supply of water, as shown in 

Figure 3.19


Figure 3.19

Natural capital: Simplified model of the water cycle, or hydrologic cycle, in which water circulates in various physical forms within the biosphere. The red arrows and boxes identify major effects of human activities on this cycle.

Critical Thinking:

1. What are three ways in which your lifestyle directly or indirectly affects the hydrologic cycle?

Science Focus 3.1

Water’s Unique Properties

Water  is a remarkable substance with a unique combination of properties:

· Water exists as a liquid over a wide temperature range because of forces of attraction between its molecules. If liquid water had a much narrower range of temperatures between freezing and boiling, the oceans would probably have frozen solid or boiled away long ago.

· Liquid water changes temperature slowly because it can store a large amount of heat without a large change in its own temperature. This helps protect living organisms from temperature changes, moderates the earth’s climate, and makes water an excellent coolant for car engines and power plants.

· It takes a large amount of energy to evaporate water because of the attractive forces between its molecules. Water absorbs large amounts of heat as it changes into water vapor and releases this heat as the vapor condenses back to liquid water. This helps to distribute heat throughout the world and to determine regional and local climates. It also makes evaporation a cooling process—explaining why you feel cooler when perspiration evaporates from your skin.

· Liquid water can dissolve more compounds than other liquids. Water carries dissolved nutrients into the tissues of living organisms, flushes waste products out of those tissues, serves as an all-purpose cleanser, and helps to remove and dilute the water-soluble wastes of civilization. This property also means that water-soluble wastes can easily pollute water.

· Water filters out wavelengths of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation that would harm some aquatic organisms. This allows life to exist in the upper layer of aquatic systems.

· Unlike most liquids, water expands when it freezes. This means that ice floats on water because it has a lower density (mass per unit of volume) than liquid water has. Otherwise, lakes and streams in cold climates would freeze solid from the bottom up and loose most of their aquatic life. Because water expands on freezing, it can break pipes, crack a car’s engine block (if it does not contain antifreeze), break up pavement, and fracture rocks (which helps form soil).

Critical Thinking

1. Pick two of the properties listed above and, for each property, explain how life on the earth would be different if the property did not exist.

The sun provides the energy needed to power the water cycle. Incoming solar energy causes evaporation—the conversion of some of the liquid water in the earth’s oceans, lakes, rivers, soil, and plants to vapor. Most water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it condenses into droplets in clouds. Gravity then draws the water back to the earth’s surface as precipitation such as rain, snow, or sleet.

Most precipitation falling on terrestrial ecosystems becomes 

surface runoff

—water that flows into streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and the ocean. Some of the water evaporates back into the atmosphere, while some seeps into the upper layers of soils and is used by plants,

Water that seeps deeper into the soil is known as 


. Groundwater collects in 


, which are underground layers of water-bearing rock. Some precipitation is converted to ice that is stored in glaciers.


Percentage of the earth’s freshwater supply that is available to humans and other species

Only about 0.024% of the earth’s vast water supply is available to humans and other species as liquid freshwater in accessible groundwater deposits and in lakes, rivers, and streams. The rest of the planet’s water is too salty, is too deep underground to extract at affordable prices, or is stored as ice in glaciers. Because water is good at dissolving many different compounds, it can easily be polluted. However, natural processes in the water cycle can purify water, which makes the cycle a vital ecosystem service.

Human activities alter the water cycle in three major ways (see the red arrows and boxes in 
Figure 3.19
). First, people sometimes withdraw freshwater from rivers, lakes, and aquifers at rates faster than natural processes can replace it. As a result, some aquifers are being depleted and some rivers no longer flow to the ocean.

Second, people clear vegetation from land for agriculture, mining, road building, and other activities, and cover much of the land with buildings, concrete, and asphalt. This increases water runoff and reduces infiltration that would normally recharge groundwater supplies.

Third, people drain and fill wetlands for farming and urban development. Left undisturbed, wetlands provide the ecosystem service of flood control. Wetlands act like sponges to absorb and hold overflows of water from drenching rains or rapidly melting snow.

3.4cThe Carbon Cycle

Carbon is the basic building block of the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA, and other organic compounds required for life. Various compounds of carbon circulate through the biosphere, the atmosphere, and parts of the hydrosphere, in the 

carbon cycle

 shown in 

Figure 3.20


Figure 3.20

Natural capital: Simplified model showing the circulation of various chemical forms of carbon in the global carbon cycle. Red arrows show major harmful impacts of human activities on this cycle. (Yellow box sizes do not show relative reservoir sizes.)

Critical Thinking:

1. What are three ways in which you directly or indirectly affect the carbon cycle?

A key component of the carbon cycle is carbon dioxide  gas. It makes up about 0.040% of the volume of the troposphere. Carbon dioxide (along with water vapor in the water cycle) affects the temperature of the atmosphere through the greenhouse effect (Figure 3.3) and thus plays a major role in determining the earth’s climate. If the carbon cycle removes too much  from the atmosphere, the atmosphere will cool, and if it generates too much , the atmosphere will get warmer. Thus, even slight changes in this cycle caused by natural or human factors can affect the earth’s climate, which helps determine the types of life that can exist in various places, as you will learn in 

Chapter 7


Carbon is cycled through the biosphere by a combination of photosynthesis by producers, which removes  from the air and water, and aerobic respiration by producers, consumers, and decomposers that add  to the atmosphere. Typically,  remains in the atmosphere for 100 years or more. Some of the  in the atmosphere dissolves in the ocean. In the ocean, decomposers release carbon that is stored as insoluble carbonate minerals and rocks in bottom sediment for long periods.

Over millions of years, some of the carbon in deeply buried deposits of dead plant matter and algae have been converted into carbon-containing fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas (

Figure 3.20). Within a few hundred years, we have extracted and burned huge quantities of fossil fuels that took millions of years to form, which explains why fossil fuels are classified as nonrenewable resources. This has added large quantities of  to the atmosphere and altered the carbon cycle (see red arrows in Figure 3.20). In effect, we have been adding  to the atmosphere faster than the carbon cycle can recycle it.

As a result, levels of  in the atmosphere have been rising sharply since about 1960. There is considerable scientific evidence that this disruption of the carbon cycle is helping to warm the atmosphere and change the earth’s climate. The oceans remove some of this  from the atmosphere but as a result, the acidity of ocean waters is rising. This ocean acidification is bad news for organisms that are adapted to less-acidic ocean waters and is a serious and growing global environmental problem.

Another way in which we alter the carbon cycle is by clearing carbon-absorbing vegetation from forests, especially tropical forests (

Figure 3.1), faster than they can grow back (Core Case Study). This reduces the ability of the carbon cycle to remove excess  from the atmosphere and contributes to climate change, which we discuss in Chapter 19.

3.4dThe Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen gas  makes up 78% of the volume of the lower atmosphere and is a crucial component of proteins, many vitamins, and DNA. However,  in the atmosphere cannot be absorbed and used directly as a nutrient by plants or other organisms. It becomes a plant nutrient only as a component of nitrogen-containing ammonia , ammonium ions , and nitrate ions .

These chemical forms of nitrogen are created in the 

nitrogen cycle


Figure 3.21

) by lightning, which converts  to , and by specialized bacteria in topsoil. Other bacteria in topsoil and in the bottom sediments of aquatic systems convert  to  and nitrate ions  that are taken up by the roots of plants. Plants then use these forms of nitrogen to produce various proteins, nucleic acids, and vitamins. Animals that eat plants consume these nitrogen-containing compounds, as do detritus feeders and decomposers. Bacteria in waterlogged soil and bottom sediments of lakes, oceans, swamps, and bogs convert nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas , which is released to the atmosphere to begin the nitrogen cycle again.

Figure 3.21

Natural capital: Simplified model showing the circulation of various chemical forms of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle, with major harmful human impacts shown by the red arrows. (Yellow box sizes do not show relative reservoir sizes.)

Critical Thinking:

1. What are two ways in which the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle are linked?

Humans intervene in the nitrogen cycle in several ways (see red arrows in 

Figure 3.21
). When we burn gasoline and other fuels, the resulting high temperatures convert some of the  and  in air to nitric oxide (NO). In the atmosphere, NO can be converted to nitrogen dioxide gas  and nitric acid vapor , which can return to the earth’s surface as damaging acid deposition, commonly called acid rain. Acid rain damages stone buildings and statues. It can also kill forests and other plant ecosystems, and wipe out life in ponds and lakes.

We remove large amounts of  from the atmosphere and combine it with  to make ammonia  and ammonium ions  used to make fertilizers. In addition, we add the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide  to the atmosphere through the action of anaerobic bacteria on nitrogen-containing fertilizer or animal manure applied to the soil. This greenhouse gas can warm the atmosphere and take part in reactions that deplete stratospheric ozone, which keeps most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from reaching the earth’s surface.

People also alter the nitrogen cycle in aquatic ecosystems by adding excess nitrates . The nitrates contaminate bodies of water through agricultural runoff of fertilizers, animal manure, and discharges from municipal sewage treatment systems. This plant nutrient can cause excessive growth of algae that can disrupt aquatic systems. Our nitrogen inputs into the environment have risen sharply and are projected to continue rising (

Figure 3.22


Figure 3.22

Global trends in the inputs of nitrogen into the atmosphere from human activities, with projections to 2050.

Data Analysis:

1. By what percentage did the overall nitrogen input increase between 1960 and 2000? By what percentage is it projected to increase between 2000 and 2050?

Compiled by the authors using data from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the Fertilizer Industry Association

3.4eThe Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus (P) is an element that is essential for living things. It is necessary for the production of DNA and cell membranes, and is important for the formation of bones and teeth.

The cyclic movement of phosphorus (P) through water, the earth’s crust, and living organisms is called the 

phosphorus cycle


Figure 3.23

). Most phosphorus compounds in this cycle contain phosphate ions , which are an important plant nutrient. Phosphorus does not cycle through the atmosphere because few of its compounds exist as a gas. Phosphorus also cycles more slowly than water, carbon, and nitrogen.

Figure 3.23

Natural capital: Simplified model showing the circulation of various chemical forms of phosphorus (mostly phosphates) in the phosphorus cycle, with major harmful human impacts shown by the red arrows. (Yellow box sizes do not show relative reservoir sizes.)

Critical Thinking:

1. What are two ways in which the phosphorus cycle and the nitrogen cycle are linked?

As water runs over exposed rocks, it slowly erodes inorganic compounds that contain phosphate ions. Water carries these ions into the soil, where they are absorbed by the roots of plants and by other producers. Phosphate compounds are then transferred by food webs from producers to consumers and eventually to detritus feeders and decomposers.

Much of the phosphate that erodes from rocks is carried into rivers, streams, and the ocean, where phosphates can be deposited as marine sediments and remain trapped for millions of years. Over time, geological processes can uplift and expose these seafloor deposits, from which phosphate can be eroded and re-enter the phosphorus cycle.

Most soils contain little phosphate, which often limits plant growth. For this reason, people often fertilize soil by adding phosphorus as phosphate salts mined from the ground. Lack of phosphorus also limits the growth of producer populations in many freshwater streams and lakes. This is because phosphate salts are only slightly soluble in water and do not release many phosphate ions to producers in aquatic systems.

Human activities, including the removal of large amounts of phosphate from the earth to make fertilizer, disrupt the phosphorus cycle (see red arrows in Figure 3.23). Clearing tropical forests (Core Case Study) exposes and erodes the topsoil, which reduces phosphate levels in tropical soils.

Eroded topsoil and fertilizer washed from fertilized crop fields, lawns, and golf courses carry large quantities of phosphate ions into streams, lakes, and oceans. There they stimulate the growth of producers such as algae and various aquatic plants, which can upset chemical cycling and other processes in bodies of water. According to a number of scientific studies, we are disrupting the phosphorus cycle because our inputs of phosphorus into the environment (primarily for use as fertilizer) have exceeded the planet’s environmental limit for phosphorus (

Science Focus 3.2


Science Focus 3.2

Planetary Boundaries

For most of the past 10,000–12,000 years, humans have been living in an era called the Holocene. During this era, we have enjoyed a favorable climate and other environmental conditions. This general stability allowed the human population to grow, develop agriculture, and take over a large share of the earth’s land and other resources (

Figure 1.9


Most geologists contend that we are still living in the Holocene era, but some scientists disagree. According to them, when the Industrial Revolution began (around 1750) we entered an era called the Anthropocene (the era of man or humans). In this new era, our ecological footprints have expanded significantly (Figure 1.9 and 

Figure 1.10

) and are changing and stressing the earth’s life-support system, especially since 1950.

In 2015, an international team of 18 leading researchers in their fields, led by Will Steffen and Johan Rockstrom of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, published a paper estimating how close we are to exceeding several major planetary boundaries, or ecological tipping points, because of human activities (

Figure 3.A

). They warn that exceeding them could change how the planet operates and could trigger abrupt and long-lasting or irreversible environmental changes. This could seriously degrade the earth’s life-support system and our economies.

Figure 3.A

Planetary boundaries for ten major components of the earth’s life-support system. A team of scientists estimated that human activities have exceeded the boundary limits for three systems (shown in red) and are close to the limits for five other systems (shown in orange). There is not enough information to evaluate the other two systems (shown in white).

(Compiled by the authors using data from Johan Rockström, Paul Crutzen, and James Hansen, et al., 2009, “Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity,” Ecology and Society, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 32.); Photo: Sailorr/

The researchers estimated that we have exceeded or nearly exceeded several boundaries, including disruption of the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, mostly from greatly increased use of fertilizers to produce food; biodiversity loss from replacing biologically diverse forests and grasslands with simplified fields of single crops; land system change from agriculture and urban development; and climate change from disrupting the carbon cycle, mostly by overloading it with carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels.

However, there is an urgent need for more research to verify these findings and fill in the missing data on these planetary boundaries. This would help scientists to further evaluate how close we are to exceeding them and how exceeding them could affect humans, other species, and the earth’s life-support systems. Regardless of what we call the era we are living in, such information, combined with taking action to live more sustainably, could help us to avoid exceeding such boundaries by shrinking our ecological footprints while expanding our beneficial environmental impacts.

Critical Thinking

1. Select one of the planetary boundaries shown in 

Figure 3.A and think about how exceeding that boundary might speed our exceeding one or more other boundaries.

Learning from Nature

Scientists study the water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles to help us learn how to recycle the wastes we create.

3.5aStudying Ecosystems Directly

Ecologists and other scientists use several approaches to increase their scientific understanding of ecosystems. These approaches include field and laboratory research and mathematical and other types of models.

Field research involves going into forests and other natural settings to study ecosystems. Ecologists use a variety of methods for field research. They include collecting water and soil samples, identifying and studying the species in an area, observing feeding behaviors, and using global positioning system (GPS) to track the movements of animals. Most of what we know about ecosystems has come from such research (

Individuals Matter 3.1

). GREEN CAREER: Ecologist

Individuals Matter 3.1

Thomas E. Lovejoy—Forest Researcher and Biodiversity Educator

Luiz Rampelotto/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom

For several decades, conservation biologist and National Geographic Explorer Thomas E. Lovejoy has played a major role in educating scientists and the public about the need to understand and protect tropical forests. He has carried out research in the Amazon forests of Brazil since 1965, which focused on estimating the minimum area necessary for sustaining biodiversity in national parks and biological reserves in tropical forests. In 1980, he coined the term biological diversity.

Lovejoy served as the principal adviser for the popular and widely acclaimed public television series Nature. He has also written numerous articles and books on issues related to conserving biodiversity. In addition to teaching environmental science and policy at George Mason University, he has held several prominent posts, including director of the World Wildlife Fund’s conservation program, president of the Society for Conservation Biology, and executive director of the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP). In 2012, he was awarded the Blue Planet Prize for his efforts to understand and sustain the earth’s biodiversity.

Scientists also use a variety of methods to study tropical forests (Core Case Study). Some erect construction cranes to reach the canopies. This, along with climbing trees and installing rope walkways between treetops, helps them identify and observe the diversity of species living or feeding in these treetop habitats.

Learning from Nature

Scientists are developing a robot modeled on the inchworm, which works its way up tree trunks by using sensors to feel for surfaces that allow for good grip. These tree-climbing robots could carry equipment up into trees for forest researchers.

Ecologists carry out controlled experiments by isolating and changing a variable in part of an area and comparing the results with nearby unchanged areas. You learned about a classic example of this in the 

Core Case Study of 

Chapter 2


Scientists also use aircraft and satellites equipped with sophisticated cameras and remote sensing devices to scan and collect data on the earth’s surface. They use geographic information system (GIS) software to capture, store, analyze, and display such data. For example, GIS software can convert digital satellite images into global, regional, and local maps. These maps show variations in vegetation, gross primary productivity, soil erosion, deforestation, air pollution emissions, water usage, drought, flooding, pest outbreaks, and other variables.

Some researchers attach tiny radio transmitters to animals and use global positioning systems (GPSs) to track where and how far animals go. This technology is important for studying endangered species. Scientists also study nature by using cell phone cameras and mounting time-lapse cameras or video cameras on small drones and on stationary objects such as trees to capture images of wildlife. GREEN CAREERS: GIS Analyst; Remote Sensing Analyst

3.5bLaboratory Research and Models

Ecologists supplement their field research by conducting laboratory research. In laboratories, scientists create, simplified systems in containers such as culture tubes, bottles, aquariums, and greenhouses, and in indoor and outdoor chambers. In these structures, they control temperature, light, , humidity, and other variables.

These systems make it easier for scientists to carry out controlled experiments. Laboratory experiments are often faster and less costly than similar experiments in the field. However, scientists must consider how well their scientific observations and measurements in simplified, controlled systems in laboratory conditions reflect what takes place under the more complex and often-changing conditions found in nature.

Since the late 1960s, ecologists have developed mathematical models that simulate ecosystems, and they run the models on high-speed supercomputers. The models help them understand large and complex systems, such as lakes, oceans, forests, and the earth’s climate, that cannot be adequately studied and modeled in field or laboratory research. GREEN CAREER: Ecosystem modeler

Ecologists call for greatly increased research on the condition of the world’s ecosystems to see how they are changing and how well they can adapt to projected changing environmental conditions during this century. This would help scientists develop strategies for preventing or slowing their degradation.

.5cFour Laws of Ecology

Here are four basic principles or laws of ecology proposed by ecologist Barry Commoner in 1971.

Everything is connected to everything else. (Interdependence

) Humans and other species are connected to and dependent on other species and on the earth for their survival. The challenge of ecology and environmental science is to identify these connections in nature and learn which ones are the most important.


Everything must go somewhere. (There is no “away.”)
 There is no “away” to which we can throw our wastes. Because of the law of conservation of matter, the atoms in the earth’s mater can neither be created nor destroyed. Matter can be transformed into different chemicals and materials but will always be around in some form because the atoms that makeup all matter cannot be destroyed (law of conservation of matter, 

Chapter 2

). There is no waste in nature because the wastes of organisms are recycled and become resources (nutrients) for other organisms based on the chemical (nutrient) recycling principle of sustainability.

There is no free lunch. (Everything costs something.)
 Everything that we do to our life-support system has an environmental cost and often a financial one. Many people treat natural resources such as clean air, clean water, wildlife, and public lands (such as protected wilderness areas) as “free” resources that anyone can use. The cumulative effect of large numbers of people using such resources can pollute, degrade, or deplete them, and this is the tragedy of the commons (

Chapter 1

). Then governments and taxpayers end up paying the bills for expensive environmental cleanup, restoration, and wildlife protection that could have been prevented.

Nature knows best.
 Over billions of years, nature has experienced catastrophic and long-lasting environmental changes, including five mass extinctions of the earth’s species. Despite these events, nature has sustained a variety of life on the earth for billions of years. Biomimicry (Core Case Study, 
Chapter 1
) is the scientific effort to identify and copy these lessons from nature.

Observing these four laws would help us avoid going beyond ecological tipping points that could cause severe environmental degradation and economic disruption. Examples of such tipping points include:

· Severe disruption of key chemical cycles

· Significant reduction of life-sustaining biodiversity from excessive losses of species, the natural ecosystems where they live, and the ecosystem services these ecosystems provide

· Climate change from increasing levels of  and other greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere by burning carbon containing fossil fuels and other human activities

· Ocean acidification and disruption of marine ecosystems caused by absorption of some of the  emitted into the atmosphere, mostly from burning fossil fuels

· Ozone depletion—the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere that protects life on land from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, caused by chemicals emitted into the atmosphere through human activities

· Human consumption of water faster than it can be renewed by the water cycle

· Increased air and water pollution resulting from failure to enact and enforce pollution control laws and regulations.

The scientific challenge is to

1. identify the levels of such tipping points and the projected effects of exceeding them on ecosystems, human well-being, and human economies, and

2. develop strategies for not exceeding estimated tipping point levels.

Big Ideas

· Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun through the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients within the biosphere, and gravity.

· Some organisms produce the nutrients they need, others survive by consuming other organisms, and still others live on the wastes and remains of organisms while recycling nutrients that are used again by producer organisms.

· Human activities are altering the chemical cycling of nutrients and the flow of energy through food chains and webs in ecosystems.

.5cFour Laws of Ecology

Here are four basic principles or laws of ecology proposed by ecologist Barry Commoner in 1971.

Everything is connected to everything else. (Interdependence
) Humans and other species are connected to and dependent on other species and on the earth for their survival. The challenge of ecology and environmental science is to identify these connections in nature and learn which ones are the most important.

Everything must go somewhere. (There is no “away.”)
 There is no “away” to which we can throw our wastes. Because of the law of conservation of matter, the atoms in the earth’s mater can neither be created nor destroyed. Matter can be transformed into different chemicals and materials but will always be around in some form because the atoms that makeup all matter cannot be destroyed (law of conservation of matter, 
Chapter 2
). There is no waste in nature because the wastes of organisms are recycled and become resources (nutrients) for other organisms based on the chemical (nutrient) recycling principle of sustainability.

There is no free lunch. (Everything costs something.)
 Everything that we do to our life-support system has an environmental cost and often a financial one. Many people treat natural resources such as clean air, clean water, wildlife, and public lands (such as protected wilderness areas) as “free” resources that anyone can use. The cumulative effect of large numbers of people using such resources can pollute, degrade, or deplete them, and this is the tragedy of the commons (
Chapter 1
). Then governments and taxpayers end up paying the bills for expensive environmental cleanup, restoration, and wildlife protection that could have been prevented.
Nature knows best.
 Over billions of years, nature has experienced catastrophic and long-lasting environmental changes, including five mass extinctions of the earth’s species. Despite these events, nature has sustained a variety of life on the earth for billions of years. Biomimicry (Core Case Study, 
Chapter 1
) is the scientific effort to identify and copy these lessons from nature.
Observing these four laws would help us avoid going beyond ecological tipping points that could cause severe environmental degradation and economic disruption. Examples of such tipping points include:
· Severe disruption of key chemical cycles
· Significant reduction of life-sustaining biodiversity from excessive losses of species, the natural ecosystems where they live, and the ecosystem services these ecosystems provide
· Climate change from increasing levels of  and other greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere by burning carbon containing fossil fuels and other human activities
· Ocean acidification and disruption of marine ecosystems caused by absorption of some of the  emitted into the atmosphere, mostly from burning fossil fuels
· Ozone depletion—the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere that protects life on land from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, caused by chemicals emitted into the atmosphere through human activities
· Human consumption of water faster than it can be renewed by the water cycle
· Increased air and water pollution resulting from failure to enact and enforce pollution control laws and regulations.
The scientific challenge is to
1. identify the levels of such tipping points and the projected effects of exceeding them on ecosystems, human well-being, and human economies, and
2. develop strategies for not exceeding estimated tipping point levels.
Big Ideas
· Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun through the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients within the biosphere, and gravity.
· Some organisms produce the nutrients they need, others survive by consuming other organisms, and still others live on the wastes and remains of organisms while recycling nutrients that are used again by producer organisms.
· Human activities are altering the chemical cycling of nutrients and the flow of energy through food chains and webs in ecosystems.
Critical Thinking

1. How would you explain the importance of tropical rain forests (Core Case Study) to people who think that such forests have no connection to their lives?

2. Explain

1. why the flow of energy through the biosphere depends on the cycling of nutrients, and

2. why the cycling of nutrients depends on gravity.

3. Explain why microbes are important. What are two ways in which they benefit your health or lifestyle? Write a brief description of what you think would happen to you if microbes were eliminated from the earth.

4. Make a list of the foods you ate for lunch or dinner today. Trace each type of food back to a particular producer species. Describe the sequence of feeding levels that led to your feeding.

5. Use the second law of thermodynamics (see Chapter 2) to explain why many poor people in less-developed countries live on a mostly vegetarian diet.

6. List three ways in which your life and the lives of any children or grandchildren you might eventually have would be affected if human activities continue to modify the water cycle.

7. What would happen to an ecosystem if

1. all of its decomposers and detritus feeders were eliminated,

2. all of its producers were eliminated, and

3. all of its insects were eliminated? Could an ecosystem exist with producers and decomposers but no consumers? Explain.

8. For each of the proposed four laws of ecology listed near the end of this chapter, find one way in which observing or breaking the law is connected to one or more of the seven possible tipping points. Explain each case.

9. Doing Environmental Science

10. Visit a nearby terrestrial ecosystem and identify its major producers, primary and secondary consumers, detritus feeders, and decomposers. Take notes and describe at least one example of each of these types of organisms. Make a simple sketch showing how these organisms might be related to each other or to other organisms in a food chain or food web. Think of two ways in which this food web or chain could be disrupted. Write a report summarizing your research and conclusions.

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Chapter Introduction

Endangered green sea turtle and diver over a coral reef.

Khoroshunova Olga/

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Case Study

The Jellyfish Invasion

Learning Objectives

· LO 11.1Describe a jellyfish bloom and the problems it can cause.

· LO 11.2Explain why some marine scientists are concerned about the rapid growth of jellyfish populations.

Jellyfish, which are not fish, were the first invertebrate animals in the earth’s oceans. They dominated the oceans around 500 million years ago in the Cambrian period, long before fish evolved.

A jellyfish (see 

Figure 8.2

) is mostly made of water and has no brain, blood, head, heart, bones, or protective shell. The bell-shaped bodies of jellyfish are filled with a jelly-like substance. A network of nerves at the base of their dangling tentacles can detect warmth, food, odors, and vibration.

Jellyfish move by drifting on water currents and by squirting pulsating jets of water from their bodies. They use tentacles dangling from their bodies to sting or stun prey, to draw food into their mouth on the underside of their body, and to defend themselves against predators such as other jellyfish, tuna, sharks, swordfish, and sea turtles.

Jellyfish eat almost anything that floats their way. Most are carnivorous and typically feed on zooplankton, fish eggs, small fish, shrimp, and other jellyfish. They are caught for food in 15 countries, and are considered a delicacy in countries such as China and Japan.

Jellyfish sizes vary widely. Some are as small as a mosquito. The largest jellyfish is the lion’s mane (

Figure 11.1

). It has a body up to 2.4 meters (8 feet) wide, has tentacles as long as 30 meters (100 feet), and can weigh as much as 150 kilograms (350 pounds).

Figure 11.1

The lion’s mane is the largest jellyfish species.

wizdata/Fotolia LLC

The sting of a jellyfish can cause itching or a burning sensation that lasts for several days. Most stings occur when people accidentally brush up against a jellyfish. However, a sting from the Portuguese man-of-war, the Australian box jelly, or the tiny Irukandji jellyfish can kill a human within minutes if untreated. Each year, the stings of lethal jellyfish kill around 40 people on average.

Jellyfish are often found in large swarms, or blooms, of thousands, even millions of individuals. In recent years, the number of these blooms has been rising. Often, they are as big as 5 to 6 city blocks in diameter.

Jellyfish blooms cause beach closings, disrupt commercial fishing operations by clogging or tearing nets, wipe out coastal fish farms, and shut down ship engines. They can also close down coal-burning and nuclear power plants by blocking their cooling water intakes.

According to Chinese oceano


er Wei Hao and other marine scientists, the startling growth of jellyfish populations threatens to upset marine food webs and ecosystem services and turn some of the world’s most productive ocean areas into jellyfish empires. Once jellyfish take over a marine ecosystem, past evidence indicates that they might dominate it for millions of years. Later in this chapter, we discuss why jellyfish populations have been increasing at an alarming rate.

In this chapter, we examine the effects of human activities on aquatic biodiversity. We also explore ways to prevent or lessen these effects in order to help sustain aquatic life.

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11.1Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity

· LO 11.1AList three general patterns that scientists have observed related to marine biodiversity.

· LO 11.1BList six reasons why we should care about sustaining aquatic biodiversity.

· LO 11.1CState the extent of the threat to coral reefs according to World Resources Institute (WRI) estimates.

· LO 11.1DDescribe five major threats to coral reefs and the threats to mangrove forests, sea grass beds, and ocean bottom habitats.

· LO 11.1EExplain how ocean acidification threatens marine biodiversity.

· LO 11.1FExplain how threats represented by the acronym HIPPCO can threaten aquatic biodiversity, using at least two examples for each threat.

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11.1aAquatic Biodiversity

We live on a water planet with 71% of its surface covered by salty ocean water to an average depth of 3.7 kilometers (2.3 miles). Yet, we have explored less than 5% of the earth’s interconnected oceans and have limited knowledge about marine biodiversity. We also have limited knowledge about freshwater biodiversity.

Scientists have observed three general patterns related to marine biodiversity. First, the greatest marine biodiversity occurs around coral reefs, in estuaries, and on the deep-ocean floor. Second, biodiversity is greater near the coasts than in the open sea because of the larger variety of producers and habitats in coastal areas. Third, biodiversity is generally greater in the bottom region of the ocean than in the surface region because of the larger variety of habitats and food sources on the ocean bottom.

The deepest part of ocean, where sunlight does not penetrate (see 

Figure 8.5

), is the planet’s least explored environment but this is changing. More than 2,400 scientists from 80 countries are working on a 10-year project to catalog the species in the deep ocean zone. They have used remotely operated deep-sea vehicles to identify more than 17,000 species living in this zone and are adding a few thousand new species every year.

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11.1bWhy Should We Care About Aquatic Biodiversity?

Why should we care about sustaining life in the oceans? What difference will it make if coral reefs, sharks, or whales disappear? There are a number of economic, health-related, and ecological reasons:

· Worldwide, about 300 million jobs in fishing and tourism depend on the oceans.

· About 42% of the world’s people get 15–20% of their animal protein and essential nutrition from seafood.


Oceans generate 50-70% of the oxygen we breathe, mostly from the phytoplankton floating on or near the ocean surface.

· Oceans help slow atmospheric warming and climate change by absorbing about 25% of the carbon dioxide produced by human activities.

· Oceans absorb 90% of the excess heat that human activities add to the atmosphere.

· Natural barriers such as coral reefs, mangrove forests, and sea-grass beds reduce the impacts on land from tsunamis and major storms.


Minimum percentage of the oxygen we breathe that is added to the atmosphere by the oceans

These economic and ecosystem services are provided by the diversity of species living and interacting in the oceans. This explains why learning about and sustaining marine biodiversity should be one of our top priorities. As oceanographer and National Geographic Explorer Sylvia Earle reminds us: “With every drop of water you drink, with every breath you take, you are connected to the sea, no matter where on Earth you live.” Freshwater systems, which occupy only 1% of the earth’s surface, also provide important economic and ecological services (see 

Figure 8.1



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11.1cHuman Activities Threaten Aquatic Biodiversity

A serious threat to marine biodiversity is the loss and degradation of aquatic habitat. Human activities have destroyed or degraded much of the world’s coastal wetlands, coral reefs (see 

Chapter 8


Core Case Study

), mangroves, seagrass beds, and the ocean floor. They also have disrupted many freshwater ecosystems such as rivers and lakes.

Ecologist Douglas J. McCauley and a team of other scientists reviewed data about the state of the oceans from hundreds of sources and concluded that “the oceans are facing a major extinction event.” They also said that “the impacts are accelerating but they’re not so bad we can’t reverse them.”

As with terrestrial biodiversity, the greatest threats to aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services can be remembered with the aid of the acronym HIPPCO, with H standing for habitat loss and degradation.

Shallow, warm-water coral reefs that are centers of aquatic biological diversity (

Figure 11.2

) are disappearing. They occupy only 0.1% of the world’s oceans, but are home for about 25% of world’s marine fish species. They also provide jobs and about $375 billion a year in economic and ecosystem services, according to National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch. For example, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef—the world’s largest coral reef system—provides about 70,000 jobs and millions of dollars a year in tourism revenue.

Figure 11.2

Coral reefs are endangered centers of marine biodiversity.


Since the 1920s, about half of the world’s shallow, warm-water coral reefs (90% in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean) have been destroyed (

Figure 11.3) or degraded, according to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. Threats include coastal development, overfishing, pollution, warmer ocean water, and ocean acidification.

Figure 11.3

Dead coral reef.

Richard Whitcombe/


Percentage of the world’s shallow warm-water coral reefs that have been destroyed or degraded

A World Resources Institute (WRI) study estimated that 75% of the world’s remaining shallow warm-water coral reefs are at risk of being destroyed by a combination of warmer ocean water, overfishing, pollution, and ocean acidification (

Science Focus 11.1

). Today, shallow coral reefs, on average, are exposed to the warmest and most acidic ocean waters of the past 400,000 years—a double threat from the excess carbon dioxide that we have been adding to the atmosphere, mostly from burning fossil fuels.

Science Focus 11.1

Ocean Acidification: The Other  Problem

The burning of large amounts of carbon-containing fossil fuels, especially since 1950, has added carbon dioxide  to the atmosphere faster than it can be removed by the carbon cycle (see 

Figure 3.20

). According to extensive research, this increase in the atmospheric concentration of  has played an important role in the observed increase in the lower atmosphere’s average temperature and in changing the earth’s climate, especially since 1980. Extenstive research and climate models indicate that continuing to increase  levels in the atmosphere will very likely play an important role in the disruption of the earth’s climate during this century, as discussed in 

Chapter 1



Ocean acidification, a rise in the acidity of the oceans, is another serious environmental problem related to increased  emissions. The oceans have helped reduce atmospheric warming and climate change by absorbing about 25% of the excess  that human activities have added to the atmosphere.

However, when this absorbed  combines with ocean water, it forms carbonic acid , a weak acid also found in carbonated drinks. This increases the level of hydrogen ions  in the water and makes the water less basic (with a lower pH; see 

Figure 2.6

). This also decreases the level of carbonate ions  in the water because these ions react with hydrogen ions  to form bicarbonate ions .

The problem is that many aquatic species—including phytoplankton, corals, sea snails, crabs, and oysters—use carbonate ions to produce calcium carbonate , the main component of their shells and bones. In less basic waters, carbonate ion concentrations drop (

Figure 11.A

) and shell-building species and coral reefs grow more slowly. When the hydrogen ion concentration of seawater gets high enough, the calcium carbonate in the shells and bones of these organisms begins to dissolve.

Figure 11.A

Calcium carbonate levels in ocean waters, calculated from historical data (left), and projected for 2100 (right). Colors shifting from blue to red indicate where waters are becoming less basic. In the late 1800s, when  began to accumulate rapidly in the atmosphere, tropical corals were not yet affected by ocean acidification. However, carbonate levels have dropped substantially near the Poles, and by 2100, they may be too low even in the tropics for most coral reefs to survive. (Sources: Andrew G. Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego, and Sarah Cooley, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Used by permission from National Geographic.)

Maps: Ted Sickley; NGM Maps/National Geographic Image Collection

According to a study by more than 540 of the world’s experts on ocean acidification, the average acidity of ocean water has risen 30% (actually a 30% decrease in average basicity) since 1800. It has risen 15% since the 1990s, with the largest increase occurring in deep cold waters near the poles, especially in the Arctic Sea, and along the West Coast of the United States, and is projected to keep acidifying throughout this century. According to the study, the oceans are acidifying “faster than at any time during the last 300 million years.” The report warned that this would reduce the ability of the oceans to help slow the rate of climate change by absorbing  from the atmosphere.

We can slow the rise of acidity levels in ocean waters by protecting and restoring mangrove forests, sea grasses, and coastal wetlands. These aquatic systems take up and store some of the atmospheric  that is at the heart of this problem.

Marine biologists project that if we fail to act rapidly to reduce this serious threat, ocean food webs will shift dramatically. As corals and other calcifying organisms die off green algae and jellyfish (Core Case Study), which thrive in acidic and warm waters, will dominate many ocean food webs.

Critical Thinking

1. How might widespread losses of some forms of marine aquatic life due to ocean acidification affect life on land? How might it affect your life? (Hint: Think food webs.)

Warmer ocean waters can cause shallow tropical corals to expel their colorful algae and leave behind white coral—a process called 

coral bleaching

 (see Figure 8.1). It can weaken and sometimes kill corals. For example, 93% of the corals in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have experienced coral bleaching. Ocean acidification (see Science Focus 11.1) also threatens to weaken or dissolve coral. According to marine biologist Malin L. Pinsky, “If you cranked up the aquarium heater and dumped some acid in the water, your fish would not be very happy. In effect, that’s what we are doing to the oceans.”


Sunscreens and Coral Reefs

Certain ingredients in many sunscreens have been shown to promote the growth of a harmful virus within the algae that live in coral reefs. When people dive down to see the reefs, these chemicals can wash off. This can kill the algae and promote coral bleaching.

The loss of coral reefs is not just an ecological disaster. It affects the half a billion people that depend on coral reefs for food, especially protein. Projected future losses of coral reefs could worsen hunger in parts of the world.

If given enough time, many species of corals can adapt to changes in environmental conditions such as warmer and perhaps more acidic water. However, corals are threatened with rapidly rising water temperatures, acidity, and sea levels during this century, which will not give them enough time for adaptation.

According to fossil and other evidence, coral reefs were devastated in each of the earth’s five mass extinctions that took place over the last half-billion years (see 

Figure 4.19

). Evidence indicates that in each mass extinction, high levels of dissolved  and prolonged ocean warming and acidification played a role in dissolving the calcium carbonate that coral polyps use to build the reefs. With each mass extinction, the corals disappeared and did not come back for 4 million to 10 million years. If we have triggered a sixth mass extinction as some scientists say, many of the coral species that are currently centers of marine biodiversity are likely to disappear again for millions of years.

Learning from Nature

Some reefs have been resilient enough to recover from coral bleaching, and scientists are researching how this occurs. Scientists are also investigating how shallow reefs in certain naturally acidic waters have survived. They hope to use this knowledge to help other coral reefs survive.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) scientists reported that a fifth of the world’s ecologically and economically important mangrove forests (see 

Figure 8.8

) have been lost since 1980. They continue to be destroyed for firewood, coastal construction, and shrimp farming. Another study revealed that


of the world’s coastal sea-grass beds (see 

Figure 8.9

) have been degraded or destroyed, mostly by dredging and coastal development.


Percentage of the world’s coastal sea-grass beds that have been degraded or destroyed

Sea-bottom habitats are being degraded and destroyed by impacts from dredging operations and trawler fishing boats. Like giant submerged bulldozers, thousands of trawler fishing boats drag huge nets weighted down with chains and steel plates over the ocean floor to harvest a few species of bottom fish and shellfish (Figure 11.4). This destroys large areas of deep, cold-water coral reefs and other ocean-bottom habitats. Marine scientist Elliot Norse calls bottom trawling “probably the largest human-caused disturbance to the biosphere.” An increase in seabed mining also threatens biologically diverse ocean-bottom habitats.

Figure 11.4

Natural Capital Degradation: An area of ocean bottom before (left) and after a trawler net scraped it like a gigantic bulldozer (right).

Critical Thinking:

1. What land activities are comparable to this?

Courtesy of Peter J. Auster/National Undersea Research Center

Habitat disruption is also a problem in freshwater aquatic zones. The main causes are the building of dams and excessive withdrawal of river water for irrigation and urban water supplies. These activities destroy aquatic habitats, decrease water flows, and disrupt freshwater biodiversity. Globally, the extinction rate for freshwater species is five times the rate for terrestrial species, according to the latest IUCN Red List.

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11.1dHarmful Invasive Species

Another problem that threatens aquatic biodiversity is the deliberate or accidental introduction of hundreds of harmful invasive species into coastal waters, wetlands, and lakes throughout the world. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, harmful invasive species are responsible for about two-thirds of all fish extinctions in the United States since 1900 and have caused huge economic losses.

Many of the more than 1,450 different aquatic invader species in the United States arrived in the ballast water stored in tanks in large cargo ships to keep them stable. The ships take in ballast water from one harbor, along with whatever microorganisms and tiny fish species it contains, and dump it into another—an environmentally and economically harmful effect of globalized trade. Even when ballast water is flushed from an oceangoing ship’s tank before it enters a harbor—which is now required in many ports—the ship can still bring invaders that are stuck to its hull.

One invasive species that worries scientists and the fishing industry on the east coast of North America is a species of lionfish, (Figure 11.5). Scientists believe it escaped from outdoor aquariums in Miami, Florida, that were damaged by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Figure 11.5

The common lionfish has invaded the eastern coastal waters of North America, where it has few, if any, predators.

Cigdem Sean Cooper/

Lionfish populations have exploded at the highest rate of any species ever recorded by scientists in this part of the world. One scientist described the lionfish as “an almost perfectly designed invasive species.” It reaches sexual maturity rapidly, has large numbers of offspring, and is protected by venomous spines. It competes with popular reef fish species such as grouper and snapper, taking their food and eating their young. One ray of hope for controlling this population is that the lionfish tastes good. Scientists are hoping to see a growing market for lionfish as seafood, but it is difficult and costly to prepare.


Lionfish and Coral Reef Destruction

Researchers have found that lionfish eat at least 50 species of prey fish, including parrotfish, that normally consume enough algae around coral reefs to keep the algae from overgrowing and killing the corals. Scientists warn that, where lionfish are now the dominant species, such as in the Bahamas, unchecked algae could overwhelm and destroy some coral reefs.

In addition to threatening native species, invasive species can disrupt and degrade whole ecosystems and their ecosystem services. This is the focus of study for a growing number of researchers (

Science Focus 11.2


Science Focus 11.2

How Invasive Carp Have Muddied Some Waters

Lake Wingra lies within the city of Madison, Wisconsin, surrounded mostly by a forest preserve. The lake contains a number of invasive plant and fish species, including purple loosestrife (see 

Figure 9.9

) and common carp. The carp were introduced in the late 1800s, and since then have made up as much as half of the fish biomass in the lake. They devour algae called chara, which would normally cover the lake bottom and stabilize its sediments. Consequently, fish movements and winds stir these sediments, which accounts for much of the water’s excessive turbidity, or cloudiness.

Knowing this, Dr. Richard Lathrup, a limnologist (lake scientist) who worked with Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources, speculated that if the carp were removed, the bottom sediments would settle and become stabilized, allowing the water to clear. Clearer water would in turn allow native plants to receive more sunlight and become reestablished on the lake bottom, replacing purple loosestrife and other invasive plants that now dominate its shallow shoreline waters.

Lathrop and his colleagues installed a thick, heavy vinyl curtain around a 1-hectare (2.5-acre), square-shaped perimeter that extended out from the shore. This barrier hung from buoys on the surface to the bottom of the lake, isolating the volume of water within it. The researchers then removed all of the carp from this study area observed results. Within 1 month, the waters within the barrier were noticeably clearer, and within a year, the difference in clarity was dramatic (

Figure 11.B

), and native plants once again grew in the shallow shoreline waters.

Figure 11.B

Lake Wingra in Madison, Wisconsin (USA) became clouded with sediment partly because of the introduction of invasive species such as the common carp. Removal of carp in the experimental area shown here resulted in a dramatic improvement in the clarity of the water.

© Mike Kakuska

Lathrop notes that removing and keeping carp out of Lake Wingra would be a daunting task, perhaps impossible, but his controlled scientific experiment clearly shows the effects that an invasive species can have on an aquatic ecosystem. In addition, it reminds us that preventing the introduction of invasive species in the first place is the best and least expensive way to avoid such effects.

Critical Thinking

1. What are two other results of this controlled experiment that you might expect? (Hint: Think food webs.)

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11.1ePopulation Growth and Pollution

According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), about


of the world’s people live along or near seacoasts, mostly in large coastal cities. This coastal population growth—the first P in HIPPCO—has added to the already intense pressure on the world’s coastal zones. The UNEP estimates that about 80% of all ocean pollution comes from land-based coastal activities.


Percent of ocean pollution that comes from land-based coastal activities

Today, more than 400 oxygen-depleted zones (“dead zones”) have formed in coastal areas around the world, and the number is increasing. They form when high levels of plant nutrients from fertilizers and soil erosion flow from the land into rivers that empty into coastal waters. These inputs support large algal blooms. When these algae die, they sink to the bottom, where bacteria begin to decompose them. Because the decomposition requires oxygen, levels of this dissolved gas in the water become depleted. Marine organisms either suffocate due to lack of dissolved oxygen or leave the area if they can. It is another example of how human activities can lead to changes in ocean chemistry and biodiversity.

Mercury and other toxic pollutants from industrial and urban areas can harm people and some forms of aquatic life. Some of the highly toxic mercury in ocean waters comes from natural sources. However, toxic mercury released into the atmosphere by coal-burning plants can move over the ocean, be taken up by ocean producers, and magnified to high levels in ocean food webs. Because of this input from natural and human sources, top predator fish such as sharks, tilefish, swordfish, king mackerel, and white tuna can contain high levels of toxic mercury.

Partially decomposed particles of plastic items dumped from ships and garbage barges, and left as litter on beaches, kill up to 1 million seabirds and 100,000 mammals annually (Figure 11.6). These animals mistake the plastic particles for plankton or small fish. Certain compounds in these plastics can be concentrated in some types of seafood that people eat. By the middle of this century, the world’s oceans may contain more plastic wastes than fish by weight.

Figure 11.6

This Hawaiian monk seal was slowly starving to death before a discarded piece of plastic was removed from its snout.

Doris Alcorn/U.S. National Maritime Fisheries

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11.1fClimate Change

Climate change also threatens aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services. Greenhouse gas emissions and heat, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels, have played an important role in warming the atmosphere and changing the earth’s climate. For decades, the earth’s oceans have absorbed about 90% of this excess heat. If they had not, the earth’s atmosphere would be much warmer and the climate would be changing much more rapidly. As energy expert John Abraham puts it: “The ocean is doing us a favor by grabbing about 90% of our heat output. But it is not going to do it forever.”

As a result, the ocean has been getting warmer. The surface warms the most, but vertical currents (see 

Figure 7.11

) transfer some of this heat to deep water. This ocean heating affects marine food webs and makes some marine habitats unlivable for some species by exceeding the range of temperatures they can tolerate (see 

Figure 5.15

). Unless they can migrate to cooler water, they can face extinction. Measurements indicate that the rate at which the ocean absorbs heat is slowing. Eventually some of this heat will flow back into the atmosphere and accelerate atmospheric warming and climate change.

Ocean warming has caused some marine species to migrate from the equator toward the poles to cooler waters. This can threaten some of these species because their new habitats can be less hospitable, having lower dissolved oxygen levels. A warmer ocean could also boost populations of some species such as the coral-eating thorn-of-crown starfish that poses a threat to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

The ocean has also removed and dissolved about 27% of the excess  that human activities have added to the atmosphere, which has helped slow atmospheric warming and climate change. However, as ocean water warms, it holds less . Thus, rising ocean temperatures could release huge amounts of  into the atmosphere and trigger rapid climate change.

A big threat from a warmer atmosphere and ocean is a rising sea level due to thermal expansion as ocean water warms and the partial melting of land-based ice in glaciers and ice sheets as atmospheric temperatures rise. In 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that the average global sea level is likely to rise by 40–60 centimeters (1.3–2 feet) by the end of this century—about 10 times the rise that occurred in the 20th century. Recent research projects a rise of 0.2–2.0 meters (8 inches–6 feet) by 2100. A rise in sea level of 0.9 meter (3 feet) would destroy shallow coral reefs, swamp some low-lying islands, drown many coastal wetlands, and put parts of many coastal areas and cities underwater. In addition, some Pacific island nations could lose more than half of their protective coastal mangrove forests by 2100, according to a UNEP study.


Protecting Mangroves and Dealing with Climate Change

Protecting mangrove forests and restoring them in areas where they have been destroyed are important ways to reduce the impacts of rising sea levels and storm surges, because mangrove forests can slow storm-driven waves. These ecosystem services will become more important if tropical storms continue to intensify because of climate change. Protecting and restoring these natural coastal barriers is much cheaper and more effective than building concrete sea walls or moving threatened coastal towns and cities inland.

Warmer and more acidic ocean water is also stressing phytoplankton, the foundation of marine food webs (see 

Figure 3.16

). These tiny life forms produce at least half of the earth’s oxygen and absorb much of the  emitted by human activities. A team of scientists led by marine ecologist Boris Worm found that global phytoplankton populations have declined by 40% since the 1950s, probably because of warmer and more acidic ocean waters.

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Another threat to aquatic biodiversity is overfishing. Fish and fish products provide 20% of the world’s animal protein for billions of people. A 


 is a concentration of a wild aquatic species suitable for commercial harvesting in a given ocean area or inland body of water.

Five countries—China, Spain, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea—account for 85% of the fish caught in the world’s oceans. China’s deep-sea fishing fleet, assisted by nearly $22 billion a year in subsidies from the Chinese government, is by far the world’s top contributor to overfishing.

Today, more than 4 million fishing boats hunt for and harvest fish from the world’s oceans. Industrial fleets use a variety of methods to find and harvest fish and shellfish. They include global satellite positioning equipment, sonar fish-finding devices, huge nets, long fishing lines, spotter planes and drones, and refrigerated factory ships that can process and freeze their enormous catches. These highly efficient fleets supply the growing demand for seafood, but critics say that they are overfishing many species (

Figure 11.7

), reducing marine biodiversity, and degrading important marine ecosystem services. 

Figure 11.8

 shows the major methods used for the commercial harvesting of various marine fishes and shellfish.

Figure 11.7

The threatened Atlantic bluefin tuna is being overfished because of its high market value.


Figure 11.8

Major commercial fishing methods used to harvest various marine species, along with some methods used to raise fish through aquaculture.

For example, trawlers have destroyed vast areas of ocean-bottom habitat (

Figure 11.4

). In addition, their nets often capture endangered sea turtles (

Figure 11.9

), causing them to drown.

Figure 11.9

This endangered green sea turtle died after being caught in a fishing net.

Mark Foley/State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory

Another fishing method, purse-seine fishing (Figure 11.8), is used to catch surface-dwelling species such as tuna, mackerel, anchovies, and herring, which tend to feed in schools near the surface or in shallow waters. After a spotter plane locates a school, the fishing vessel encloses it with a large purse-seine net. Some of these nets have killed large numbers of dolphins that swim on the surface above schools of tuna.

Some fishing vessels also use long-lining, which involves putting out lines up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) long, hung with thousands of baited hooks to catch swordfish, tuna, sharks, and ocean-bottom species such as halibut and cod. Long lines also hook and kill large numbers of sea turtles, dolphins, and seabirds each year.

With drift-net fishing, fish are caught by drifting nets that can hang as deep as 15 meters (50 feet) below the surface and extend to 64 kilometers (40 miles) long. These nets trap and kill large quantities of unwanted fish, called 


, along with marine mammals and sea turtles. Nearly one-third of the world’s annual fish catch by weight consists of bycatch species that are mostly thrown overboard dead or dying. This adds to the depletion of these species and puts stress on some of the species that feed on them.

fishprint is the area of ocean needed to sustain the fish consumption of an average person, a nation, or the world based on the weight of fish they consume annually. It helps scientists and government officials distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable levels of fishing and evaluate the effects of fishing policies.

The world’s highly efficient fishing fleets help supply the growing demand for seafood but critics say they are overfishing many species, reducing marine biodiversity, and degrading important marine ecosystem services. According to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 57% of the world’s commercial fisheries have been fully exploited and another 30% have been overfished.


Percentage of the world’s commercial fisheries that have been harvested at full capacity (57%) or overfished (30%)

In most cases, overfishing leads to commercial extinction, which occurs when it is no longer profitable to continue harvesting the affected species. Overfishing can temporarily deplete a species, as long as depleted areas and fisheries are allowed to recover. However, as industrialized fishing fleets take more and more of the world’s available fish and shellfish, recovery times for severely depleted populations are increasing and can be two decades or more.

Overfishing has led to the collapse of some of the world’s major fisheries such as the Atlantic cod fishery off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada (

Figure 11.10

). According to research by a team of marine scientists, the fishery has not recovered since it collapsed decades ago because the Gulf of Maine has warmed, which decreased reproduction and increased mortality among the once-abundant Atlantic cod. This put at least 35,000 fishers and fish processors out of work in more than 500 coastal communities.

Figure 11.10

Natural Capital Degradation: Collapse of Newfoundland’s Atlantic cod fishery.

Data Analysis:

1. By roughly what percentage did the catch of Atlantic cod drop between the peak catch in 1960 and 1970? (Compiled by the authors using data from Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.)

One result of the increasingly efficient global hunt for fish is that larger individuals of commercially valuable wild species—including cod, marlin, swordfish, and tuna—are becoming scarce. This is not surprising because, for example, a single bluefin tuna can sell for $180,000 in Japan. Another effect of overfishing is that when larger predatory species dwindle, rapidly reproducing invasive species such as jellyfish (

Core Case Study) can take over and disrupt ocean food webs. Some depleted fisheries might not recover.

The decline in commercially valuable large species, has led the fishing industry to turn to other species such as sharks, which are now being overfished (see the Case Study that follows). In addition, as large species are overfished, the fishing industry has been working its way down to lower trophic levels of marine food webs by shifting to smaller marine species known as forage fish, such as anchovies, herring, sardines, and shrimp-like krill. Much of this catch is converted to fishmeal and fish oil, and fed to farmed fish. Scientists warn that this reduces the food supply for larger fish species and makes it harder for them to rebound from overfishing. The result is further disruption of marine ecosystems and their ecosystem services.

Case Study

Why Should We Protect Sharks?

Sharks have roamed the world’s oceans for at least 400 million years. Certain shark species are keystone species in their ecosystems. These sharks, feeding at or near the top of their food webs, remove many injured and sick animals. Without this ecosystem service, the oceans would be clogged with dead and dying fish and marine mammals. Shark activity also influences the distribution and feeding habits of other species, which helps maintain balance in marine ecosystems.

The world’s more than 1,000 known species of sharks vary widely in size. They range from the 15-centimeter (6-inch) long dwarf dog shark to the whale shark (

Figure 11.11

, left), which can grow to the length of a city bus and weigh as much as two full-grown African elephants.

Figure 11.11

The threatened whale shark (left), which feeds on plankton, is the ocean’s largest fish and is quite friendly to humans. The great hammerhead shark (right) is endangered.

Left: Rich Carey/ Shutterstock.comRight: frantisekhojdysz/

Many people, influenced by movies, popular novels, and media coverage of shark attacks, think of sharks as vicious monsters. In reality, the three largest species—the whale shark (

Figure 11.11, left), basking shark, and megamouth shark—are gentle giants. These sharks swim through the water with their mouths open, filtering out and swallowing huge quantities of zooplankton and small fish.

Media reports on shark attacks greatly exaggerate the dangers to humans from sharks. Every year, members of a few species, including the great white, bull, tiger, and hammerhead sharks (

Figure 11.11, right), injure 60 to 80 people and typically kill 5 to 10 people worldwide and 1 person in the United States. Sometimes these sharks are thought to mistake swimmers and people on surfboards or paddle boards for their usual prey of sea lions and other marine mammals. According to shark attack files at the Florida Museum of History, you are much more likely to be killed by a falling coconut, than by a shark. In 2017, many more people in the world were killed taking selfies (97) than by shark attacks (4).

Each year human activities kill more than 200 million sharks. As many as 73 million sharks die each year after being caught for their valuable fins, a practice called shark finning. After capture, their fins are cut off. Then the sharks are thrown into the water and in the worst cases, they bleed to death or drown because they can no longer swim. Sharks are also killed for their livers, meat, hides, and jaws, and because we fear or hate them. Each year, an estimated 100 million sharks die when fishing lines and nets trap them.

Harvested shark fins are widely used in Asia as an ingredient in expensive soup ($100 or more a bowl) and as an alleged pharmaceutical cure-all. The large dorsal fin of a whale shark (Figure 11.11, left) can be worth up to $10,000 in Hong Kong or Taiwan and is often hung outside Asian restaurants to advertise shark fin soup. According to the wildlife conservation group WildAid, there is no reliable evidence that shark fins provide flavor or have any nutritional or medicinal value. The group also warns that consuming shark fins and shark meat can be harmful to human health because they often contain high levels of mercury and other toxins.

According to an IUCN study, 25% of the world’s open-ocean shark species are threatened with extinction, primarily from overfishing. Because some sharks are keystone species, their extinction can threaten the ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide. Sharks are especially vulnerable to population declines because they grow slowly, mature late, and have only a few offspring per generation. Today, sharks are among the earth’s most vulnerable and least protected animals.

With research support from the National Geographic Society, the late Samuel H. Gruber, biologist, devoted his life to studying lemon sharks in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas. One of his goals was to help us understand and reduce the slaughter of these sharks, which he called “fantastic and amazing creatures.” Protecting sharks is one way for us to live more sustainably by increasing our beneficial environmental impacts.

Overfishing can also make affected species more vulnerable to the stresses of ocean warming and ocean acidification. Marine mammals such as whales have also been threatened by overfishing (see the second 

Case Study that follows), as have endangered sea turtles (see third Case Study that follows).

Case Study

Protecting Whales: A Success Story . . . So Far

Overharvesting threatens some marine mammals with extinction. The most prominent examples are whales, or cetaceans, that range in size from the 0.9-meter (3-foot) porpoise to the giant 15- to 30-meter (50- to 100-foot) highly endangered blue whale. Cetaceans are divided into two major groups: toothed whales and baleen whales (

Figure 11.12


Figure 11.12

Cetaceans are classified as either toothed whales or baleen whales.

Toothed whales, such as the porpoise, sperm whale, and killer whale (orca), bite and chew their food and feed mostly on squid, octopus, and other marine animals. Baleen whales, such as the blue, gray, humpback, minke, and fin, are filter feeders. Attached to their upper jaws are plates made of baleen, or whalebone, which they use to filter plankton, especially tiny shrimp-like krill (Figure 3.16), from the seawater.

Whales are easy to kill because of their large size and because of their need to come to the surface to breathe. Whale hunters became efficient at hunting and killing whales using radar, spotters in airplanes, fast ships, and harpoon guns. Whale harvesting, mostly in international waters, has followed the classic pattern of a tragedy of the commons (see Chapter 1, 

Degrading Commonly Shared Renewable Resources: The Tragedy of the Commons

). In the 20th century, whalers from 46 countries, led by Norway, Japan, the U.S.S.R., and the United Kingdom killed about 3 million whales. Between 1925 and 1975, this overharvesting drove 8 of the 11 major species to commercial extinction and the blue whale close to biological extinction.

The endangered blue whale is the earth’s largest animal. Its heart is the size of a small car, its tongue weighs as much as an adult elephant, and some of its blood vessels are big enough for you to swim through. It is also one of the fastest-swimming animals in the sea.

In 1946, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established to regulate the whaling industry by setting annual quotas to prevent overharvesting. However, IWC quotas often were based on insufficient data or were ignored by whaling countries. Without enforcement powers, the IWC was not able to stop the decline of most commercially hunted whale species.

In 1970, the United States stopped all commercial whaling and banned all imports of whale products. Under pressure from conservationists and governments of many nonwhaling nations, the IWC imposed a moratorium on commercial whaling starting in 1986. It worked. The estimated number of whales killed commercially worldwide dropped from a peak of nearly 40,000 in 1958 to about 1,500 in 2016. The population of the endangered blue whale has increased from about 1,000 in the mid-1920s to 15,000 today, with 2,000 of them living in California coastal waters.

Most whaling today is done by Japan, Norway, and Iceland. Since the 1986 ban on commercial whaling, these nations and some tropical island nations have pressured the IWC to lift the ban and reverse the international ban on buying and selling whale products. They contend that the ban on whaling is emotionally motivated and interferes with their cultural diet traditions, which they say are no different from the western cultural tradition of killing cows for beef. Many conservationists dispute this claim and contend that whales are intelligent and highly social mammals that should be protected for ethical and ecological reasons.

Whaling proponents also point out that populations of minke, humpback, and several other whale species have rebounded enough since the moratorium on whaling to be removed from the ban. Others question IWC estimates of the allegedly recovered whale species, noting the inaccuracy of such estimates in the past.

Case Study
Threatened Sea Turtles

Among the most threatened of all marine species are sea turtles (see chapter-opening photo) that have been roaming the oceans for more than 110 million years—about 550 times longer than the latest human species has been around. Today six of the seven species of sea turtles (

Figure 11.13

) are in danger of becoming extinct, mostly because human activities taking place during the last 100 years have reduced the world’s number of sea turtles by about 95%.

Figure 11.13

There are seven species of sea turtles, six of them threatened with extinction. All but the flatback are found in U.S. waters and are listed as endangered.

Sea turtles spend most of their lives traveling the world’s oceans, but adult females normally return to the beaches where they were born to lay their eggs. They come ashore at night and use their back flippers to dig nests on sand beaches and coastal dunes. Each female lays a clutch of around 100 to 110 eggs, buries them, and returns to the ocean. After the baby turtles hatch, they dig their way out of the nest, often at night, to scamper toward the water. During this dangerous trip, birds and other predators eat many of them. Only about one of every thousand sea turtle hatchlings survives to adulthood.

Sea turtles are threatened by trawler fishing (Figure 11.4), which destroys many of the coral gardens that have served as their feeding grounds. The turtles are also hunted for their skin and their eggs are taken for food. They often drown after becoming entangled in fishing nets (Figure 11.9) and lines, as well as in lobster and crab traps.

Beachgoers and motor vehicles sometimes crush their nests. Artificial lights can disorient newly hatched baby turtles, which try to find their way to the ocean by moving toward moonlight reflected from the ocean’s surface. Going in the wrong direction increases their chances of ending up as food for predators.

Pollution of ocean water is another threat. Sea turtles can mistake discarded plastic bags for jellyfish and choke to death trying to eat them. In addition, the threat of rising sea levels from climate change during this century will flood many sea turtle nesting habitats and change ocean currents, which could disrupt their migration routes.

Several sea turtle species eat jellyfish (

Core Case Study) and help control their populations. Continuing population declines of these endangered sea turtles could promote the takeover of parts of the sea by rapidly expanding populations of jellyfish (

Science Focus 11.3


In U.S. waters, the National Marine Fisheries Service requires the use of turtle excluder devices on commercial fishing nets that allow captured sea turtles to escape (

Figure 11.14

). Since 1990, fishing regulations have reduced accidental sea turtle deaths in U.S. waters by 90%.

Figure 11.14

This endangered loggerhead turtle is escaping a fishing net equipped with a turtle excluder device.


Science Focus 11.3

Why Are Jellyfish Populations Increasing?

Jellyfish look fragile but have a number of survival traits. They can reproduce rapidly, survive without food for long periods by shrinking and waiting until conditions improve, eating many different things, and feeding in murky waters. They can also survive in low-oxygen, warm, and acidic waters.

Scientists have identified several possible causes for the increased number and size of jellyfish swarms in many areas of the world’s oceans (Core Case Study). One likely factor is the decline in populations of their natural predators such as tuna, sharks, swordfish, and endangered sea turtles, mostly due to overfishing. Overfishing also increases food sources for jellyfish because it reduces populations of fish such anchovies and sardines that eat much of the same food as jellyfish. As humans overfish commercially valuable fish species, jellyfish can take over, eat fish eggs and small fish, and hinder or prevent the recovery of overfished species.

Human activities play a key role in ocean warming and ocean acidification, which are favorable for jellyfish. Another environmental change caused by human activities is the overfertilization of coastal waters by huge inputs of the plant nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. They come from the runoff of fertilizers from large areas of land into rivers that flow into coastal waters. The excess plant nutrients create massive blooms of algae and other plankton, which die, sink, and are decomposed.

This process, called cultural eutrophication, depletes dissolved oxygen in ocean bottom waters and kills or drives away marine organisms that require oxygen. Jellyfish populations can erupt in these so-called “dead zones” such as the massive one that forms each year in the Gulf of Mexico. At least 400 other dead zones, where almost nothing but jellyfish survives, form in various parts of the world.

Jellyfish have also benefited from the rapid increase in global trade involving ships carrying goods throughout the world. Some species of jellyfish can survive in the ballast water of ships, and polyps of various jellyfish species can attach to ship hulls and end up inhabiting new areas of the ocean throughout the world.

More research is needed, but the rise of jellyfish in the world’s ocean waters is probably the result of a mixture of these factors. Think about it. We are doing things that favor jellyfish: depleting populations of their major predators, depleting populations of fish species that compete with them for food, warming and making the oceans more acidic, creating numerous large oxygen-depleted zones, and using ships to spread them throughout the world.

Critical Thinking

1. What are two ways in which exploding jellyfish populations might affect your life or the lives of any children and grandchildren you might eventually have?

Industrialized fishing requires huge amounts of energy to propel the ships, fuel spotter planes, and freeze the catches. The species that require the largest energy input are, in order, shrimp, lobster, Pacific albacore tuna, scallops, and skipjack tuna.

Learning from Nature

Sharks easily glide through the water because tiny grooves in their skin form continuous channels for water flow. Scientists are studying this to design ship hulls that will save energy and money by moving through the water with less resistance.

Learning from Nature

The huge humpback whale can turn quickly in tight circles to trap its prey, and scientists have found that bumps on the front of its fins, called tubercles, help it to do so. Engineers are now applying this knowledge to designing blades for wind turbines, hydroelectric turbines, and irrigation pumps, all of which work more efficiently with tubercle technology.

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11.2Protecting and Sustaining Marine Biodiversity

· LO 11.2ADescribe four factors that make protection of marine biodiversity difficult.

· LO 11.2BExplain how marine protected areas (MPAs) can help protect marine biodiversity and list two limitations of many MPAs.


LO 11.2CExplain how no-take marine reserves can benefit fish populations.

· LO 11.2DExplain why preventing aquatic ecosystem degradation is far less expensive and more effective than restoring degraded aquatic systems.

· LO 11.2EDescribe the integrated coastal management strategy for using coastal resources more sustainably.

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11.2aProtecting Marine Species with Laws and Treaties

Protecting marine biodiversity is difficult for several reasons:

· The human ecological footprint and the fishprint are expanding so rapidly that it is difficult to monitor their impacts.

· Much of the damage to the oceans and other bodies of water is not visible to most people.

· Many people incorrectly view the seas as an inexhaustible resource that can absorb an almost infinite amount of waste and pollution and still produce all the seafood and other products we want.

· Most of the world’s ocean area lies outside the legal jurisdiction of any country. Thus, much of it is an open-access resource, subject to overexploitation. This is a classic example of the tragedy of the commons (see Chapter 1).

Nevertheless, there are several ways to protect and sustain marine biodiversity, thereby increasing our beneficial environmental impact. One involves passing and enforcing laws. For example, we can protect endangered and threatened aquatic species, as discussed in 

Chapter 9

, and we can restore and sustain degraded streams, wetlands, and other aquatic systems.

National and international laws and treaties that help protect marine species include the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), the 1979 Global Treaty on Migratory Species, the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA; see Chapter 9), the U.S. Whale Conservation and Protection Act of 1976, and the 1995 International Convention on Biological Diversity. The ESA and several international agreements have been used to identify and protect endangered and threatened marine species, including whales, seals, sea lions, and sea turtles. However, it is hard to get all nations to comply with some of these agreements. Even when agreements and regulations are enforced, the resulting fines and punishments for violators are often inadequate.

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11.2bEstablishing Marine Sanctuaries

By international law, a country’s offshore fishing zone extends to 370 kilometers (200 nautical miles) from its shores. Foreign fishing vessels can take certain quotas of fish within such zones, called exclusive economic zones, but only with a government’s permission. Ocean areas beyond the legal jurisdiction of any country are known as the high seas, and laws and treaties pertaining to them are difficult to monitor and enforce.

For example, poachers catch an estimated one of every five fish sold in stores and served in restaurants. This illegal catch is difficult to monitor and control. However, in 2015 a new satellite tracking system, funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, was launched to help crack down on this illegal activity.

The United Nations Law of the Sea treaty went into effect in 1984 and by 2018, had been signed by 168 countries but not by the United States. Under this treaty, the world’s coastal nations have jurisdiction over 42% of the ocean surface and about 90% of the world’s fish stocks. Instead of using this treaty to protect their fishing grounds, many governments have promoted overfishing by subsidizing fishing fleets and failing to establish and enforce stricter regulation of fish catches in their coastal waters.

We can establish protected marine sanctuaries. Since 1986, the IUCN has helped several nations to establish a global system of marine protected areas (MPAs)—areas of ocean partially protected from human activities. According to the U.S. National Ocean Service, more than 5,800 MPAs cover about 2.8% of the world’s ocean surface and their numbers are growing.

However, most MPAs allow dredging, trawler fishing (Figure 11.4), and other ecologically harmful resource extraction activities. In addition, many of them are too small to be effective in protecting larger species. However, since 2007, the U.S. state of California has been establishing the nation’s most extensive network of MPAs covering 16% of the state’s coastal water in which fishing is banned or strictly limited. Costa Rica (see 

Chapter 10

 Core Case Study) expanded one of its MPAs to help protect a number of marine species, including the critically endangered leatherback sea turtle and the endangered scalloped hammerhead shark (Figure 11.11, right). The United States has more than 1,700 MPAs, which receive varying degrees of protection.

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11.2cEstablishing Marine Reserves

Many scientists and policymakers call for protecting and sustaining entire marine ecosystems and their ecosystem services within a global network of fully protected no-take marine reserves, some of which already exist. These areas are declared off-limits to commercial fishing, dredging, mining, and waste disposal in order to enable their ecosystems to recover and flourish.

When patrolled and protected, marine reserves work and they work quickly. Studies show that in fully protected marine reserves, on average, commercially valuable fish populations double, average fish size grows by almost a third, fish reproduction triples, and species diversity increases by almost one-fourth. These improvements can happen within 2 to 4 years after strict protection begins. Reserves also benefit nearby fisheries because fish move into and out of the reserves. Currents also carry fish larvae produced inside reserves to adjacent fishing grounds, thus bolstering fish populations there. In addition, marine reserves increase the ability of protected marine ecosystems to respond to the growing stresses of ocean warming and ocean acidification.

In 2014, the United States created the world’s largest marine reserve by expanding its Kingman Reef Reserve around a couple of remote Pacific Islands. This marine reserve is more than twice the size of the U.S. state of Texas. Deep-sea mining and tuna fishing are banned in these waters.

Despite the importance of protected reserves, only 1.6% of the world’s oceans and only 0.03% of U.S. coastal waters are strictly protected compared to 5% of the world’s land. In other words, at least 98.4% of the world’s oceans are not effectively protected from harmful human activities. In addition, many existing reserves are fully protected only on paper because of shortages of funding and a need for more trained staff to manage and monitor them.


Percentage of the world’s oceans that lack full protection from harmful human activities

Many marine scientists propose setting aside 10–30% of the world’s oceans as fully protected marine reserves—an important way to increase our beneficial environmental impact. Sylvia Earle, one of the world’s leading marine scientists, is spearheading this effort (

Individuals Matter 11.1


Individuals Matter 11.1

Sylvia Earle—Advocate for the Oceans

Tyrone Turner/National Geographic Image Collection

Sylvia Earle is one of the world’s most respected oceanographers and is a National Geographic Society Explorer. She has taken a leading role in helping us to understand and protect the world’s oceans. Time magazine named her the first Hero for the Planet and the U.S. Library of Congress calls her “a living legend.”

Earle has led more than 100 ocean research expeditions and has spent more than 7,000 hours underwater, either diving or descending in research submarines to study ocean life. She has focused her research on the ecology and conservation of marine ecosystems, with an emphasis on developing deep-sea exploration technology.

She is the author of more than 175 publications and has been a participant in numerous radio and television productions. During her long career, Earle has also served as the Chief Scientist of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). She also founded three companies that develop submarines and other devices for deep-sea exploration and research. She has received more than 100 major international and national honors, including a place in the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

Earle is currently leading a campaign called Mission Blue to finance research and to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, which she calls “hope spots.” Her goal is to help save and restore the oceans, which she calls “the blue heart of the planet.” She says, “There is still time, but not a lot, to turn things around. . . . This mostly blue planet has kept us alive. It’s time for us to return the favor.”

Marine scientists also call for establishing protected corridors to connect the global network of marine reserves, especially those in coastal waters. This would help species move to different habitats in response to the effects of ocean warming, acidification, and many forms of ocean pollution.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you support setting aside at least 30% of the world’s oceans as fully protected no-take marine reserves? Why or why not? How would this affect your life?

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11.2dRestoring Marine Biodiversity and Preventing Aquatic Ecosystem Degradation

A dramatic example of marine system restoration is Japan’s attempt to restore its largest coral reef—90% of it dead—by seeding it with new corals. Divers drill holes into the dead reefs and insert ceramic discs holding sprigs of fledgling coral. 

Figure 11.15

 shows how protection has helped to restore coral reefs near Kanton Island, an atoll located in the South Pacific.

Figure 11.15

Recovery of a coral reef in a protected area near Kanton Island in the South Pacific.

Brian J. Skerry/National Geographic Image Collection

Many scientists support efforts to restore aquatic systems, but they warn that these projects could fail if the problems that caused their degradation are not addressed. They call for more emphasis on preventing aquatic ecosystem degradation, which is far less expensive and more effective than restoration efforts.

For example, a study by IUCN and scientists from the Nature Conservancy concluded that the world’s shallow coral reefs and mangrove forests could survive currently projected climate change if we reduce other threats such as overfishing and pollution. However, while some shallow coral species may be able to adapt to warmer temperatures, they may not have enough time to do this unless we act now to slow down the rate of ocean warming.

To deal with problems of pollution and overfishing, marine scientists call for countries and coastal communities to monitor and regulate fishing and coastal land development and greatly reduce pollution from land-based activities. Coastal residents should also think about the chemicals they put on their lawns and the kinds of waste they generate, much of which ends up in coastal waters.

One strategy emerging in some coastal communities is integrated coastal management—a community-based effort to develop and use coastal resources more sustainably. The overall aim of such programs is for fishers, business owners, developers, scientists, citizens, and politicians to identify shared problems and goals in their use of marine resources. The idea is to develop workable, cost-effective, and adaptable solutions that will help to preserve biodiversity, ecosystem services, and environmental quality, while also meeting economic and social goals.

This requires participants to seek reasonable short-term trade-offs that can lead to long-term ecological and economic benefits—an example of applying the win-win principle of sustainability. For example, fishers might have to give up harvesting various fish species in certain areas until stocks recover enough to restore biodiversity in those areas. This might help them to secure a more sustainable future for their businesses.

Australia manages its huge Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in this way, and more than 100 integrated coastal management programs are being developed throughout the world. Another example of such management in the United States is the Chesapeake Bay Program (see 

Chapter 8, Case Study).

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11.3Managing and Sustaining Marine Fisheries

· LO 11.3AExplain why many fishery and environmental scientists argue for using the precautionary principle for managing fisheries and large marine ecosystems.

· LO 11.3BDescribe a co-management approach to managing local fisheries.

· LO 11.3CExplain how government subsidies can encourage overfishing.

· LO 11.3DDescribe four ways in which consumers can support sustainable production of seafood.

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11.3aEstimating and Monitoring Fishery Populations

The first step in protecting and sustaining the world’s marine fisheries is to make the best possible estimates of their fish and shellfish populations. The traditional approach has used a maximum sustained yield (MSY) model to project the maximum number of individuals that can be harvested annually from fish or shellfish stocks without causing a population drop. However, the MSY concept has not worked very well because of the difficulty in estimating the populations and growth rates of fish and shellfish stocks. In addition, harvesting a particular species at its estimated maximum sustainable level can affect the populations of other marine species.

In recent years, some fishery biologists and managers have begun using the optimum sustained yield (OSY) concept, which attempts to take into account interactions among species. Similarly, another approach is multispecies management of a number of interacting species, which takes into account their competitive and predator–prey interactions. An even more ambitious approach is to develop complex computer models for managing multispecies fisheries in large marine systems. However, it is a political challenge to get groups of nations to cooperate in planning and managing such large systems.

There are uncertainties built into using any of these approaches because the biology of marine species and their interactions is poorly understood, and because of limited data on changing ocean conditions. As a result, many fishery and environmental scientists are increasingly interested in using the precautionary principle for managing fisheries and large marine systems. This means sharply reducing fish harvests and closing some overfished areas until they recover and until we have more information about what levels of fishing they can sustain.

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11.3bRegulating Fish Harvests

An obvious step to take in protecting marine biodiversity—and therefore fisheries—is to regulate fishing. Traditionally, many coastal fishing communities have developed allotment and enforcement systems for controlling fish catches in which each fisher gets a share of the total allowable catch. Such catch-share systems have sustained fisheries and jobs in many communities for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years.

However, the influx of large state-of-the-art fishing boats and international fishing fleets has weakened the ability of many coastal communities to regulate and sustain local fisheries. Community management systems have often been replaced by co-management, in which coastal communities and the government work together to manage fisheries.

With this approach, a central government typically sets quotas for various species and divides the quotas among communities. The government may also limit fishing seasons and regulate the types of fishing gear that can be used to harvest a particular species. Each community then allocates and enforces its quota among its members based on its own rules. When it works, community-based co-management illustrates that we can prevent overfishing and the tragedy of the commons.

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11.3cGovernment Subsidies Can Encourage Overfishing

Governments around the world give more than $35 billion per year in subsidies to fishers to help them keep their businesses running, according to fishery experts U. R. Sumaila and Daniel Pauly. In 2018, UN scientists estimated that harmful fishing subsidies—those that encourage overfishing and expansion of the fishing industry—amount to more than $20 billion per year. The result is too many boats chasing too few fish. Some argue that such subsidies are not a wise investment because they promote overfishing of targeted fish stocks. In 2018, the World Bank reported that poor fisheries management squanders roughly $80 billion per year in lost economic potential.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you think that government fishing subsidies that promote unsustainable fishing should be eliminated or drastically reduced? Explain. Would your answer be different if your livelihood depended on commercial fishing?

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11.3dChoosing Sustainably Produced Seafood

An important component of sustaining aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services is pressure from consumers who demand sustainably produced seafood. Consumers can choose to purchase only sustainably harvested seafood or sustainably farmed seafood. One way to help consumers make such choices is to label sustainably caught and raised fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The London-based Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was created in 1999 to support sustainable fishing and to certify sustainably produced seafood. Another approach is to certify and label products of sustainable aquaculture, or fish-farming operations.

Consumers of seafood raised by aquaculture can help sustain aquatic biodiversity by consuming plant-eating species of fish, such as tilapia, catfish, and carp. Carnivorous species, such as salmon and shrimp, raised through aquaculture are often fed fishmeal made from wild-caught fish and some of these species are being overfished.

Individuals can also help reduce the waste of seafood. A study published in Global Environmental Change found that American consumers discard about 0.6 billion kilograms (1.3 billion pounds) of seafood annually. This, combined with waste that occurs in producing seafood, amounts to nearly half of all edible seafood going to waste each year in the United States. 

Figure 11.16

 summarizes actions that individuals, organizations, and governments can take to help sustain global fisheries, marine biodiversity, and marine ecosystem services.

Figure 11.16

Ways to manage fisheries more sustainably and protect marine biodiversity.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which four of these solutions do you think are the best ones? Why?

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11.4Protecting and Sustaining Wetlands

· LO 11.4AList six ecosystem services provided by coastal and inland wetlands.

· LO 11.4BExplain how more than half of U.S. wetlands have been lost due to human activities.

· LO 11.4CExplain why at least half of the attempts to create new wetlands through mitigation banking have failed, according to the National Academy of Sciences.

· LO 11.4DSummarize the story of the degradation of, and attempts to restore, the Florida Everglades.

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11.4aCoastal and Inland Wetlands Are Disappearing

Coastal wetlands and marshes (

Figure 8.7

) and inland wetlands—often called swamps, bogs, or fens—support aquatic biodiversity and provide vital economic and ecosystem services. Their ecosystem services include feeding downstream waters and reducing flooding by acting as “nature’s sponges” by absorbing and slowing the movement of storm water. Wetlands also reduce storm damage by absorbing waves (coastal wetlands), recharge groundwater supplies, and reduce water pollution by filtering and cleaning flowing water. They also, reduce erosion, and provide fish and wildlife habitat. They are often called “nurseries of life” because they are home for a variety of species and provide foods such as rice, shrimps, oysters, and crabs. Some inland wetlands are the handiwork of beavers, which build dams to create their own pond habitats (See 

Science Focus 11.4


Science Focus 11.4

The Ecological Importance of Beavers

Beavers are nature’s engineers. These large rodents use their powerful jaws and strong teeth to cut down trees (

Figure 11.C

, left), from which they use the limbs and branches to build dams and to create their own pond habitats (Figure 11.C, right). Within the ponds, they then build hollow mounds, called lodges, where they live and raise their young.

Figure 11.C

Beavers cut down trees (left), which they use to build dams (right) in order to creates ponds or wetlands where they live.

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Beavers are keystone species, because they strongly influence their ecosystems by creating wetlands and ponds and providing habitat and food for a number of other species. Studies show that after beavers modify an area, it becomes richer in biodiversity with a greater abundance of plant life, birds, and reptiles. Ponds created by the dams can also host a diversity of fish and invertebrates.

Beaver dams can reduce erosion of stream banks and raise the water table, which can lead to growth of more and different vegetation over a wider area. The wetlands slow runoff and store water that would otherwise flow downstream. By keeping more water on the nearby land, beaver dams reduce the harmful effects of droughts in arid areas. Sediments sink to the bottoms of the beaver ponds, which improves downstream water quality. This nutrient-rich bottom sediment provides food for organisms living on the bottom of the pond or wetland. In addition, these ecological changes create fertile new ecosystems called “beaver meadows.”

Although beavers play keystone roles in the ecosystems they create, they can cause problems. In building dams and seeking food, they strip areas of their trees, especially aspens, their tree of choice. Their dams often cause flooding on private land that the landowners do not want flooded. Beaver dams can break open, causing downstream flooding of croplands and timberland.

By 1900, most beavers in North America had been killed off. However, because of U.S. laws enacted in the 1930s, the beaver population in North America has grown to around 10 to 15 million.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you think that the ecological advantages of beaver dams outweigh the environmental harm they can cause? Explain.

Despite their ecological and economic value, the United States has lost more than half of its coastal and inland wetlands since 1900. Other countries have lost even more, and the rate of loss of wetlands throughout the world is accelerating. China, for example, has lost about 60% of its original coastal wetlands, New Zealand has lost 92%, and Italy has lost 95%. The U.S. state of Louisiana has the largest area of coastal wetlands in the lower 48 states but is losing them faster than any other state

For centuries, people have drained, filled in, or covered over swamps, marshes, and other wetlands to create rice fields or other cropland, to accommodate expanding cities and suburbs, and to build roads. Wetlands have also been destroyed to extract minerals, oil, and natural gas, and to eliminate breeding grounds for insects that cause diseases such as malaria. To make matters worse, coastal wetlands in many parts of the world will probably be under water before the end of this century because of rising sea levels.

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11.4bPreserving and Restoring Wetlands

Some laws protect wetlands. In the United States, zoning laws have been used to steer development away from wetlands. The U.S. government requires a federal permit to fill in wetlands occupying more than 1.2 hectares (3.0 acres) or to deposit dredged material in wetlands. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this law has helped to cut the average annual wetland loss by 80% since 1969.

However, there are continuing attempts by land developers to weaken such wetlands protection. Only about 6% of the country’s remaining inland wetlands is federally protected, and state and local wetland protection is inconsistent and generally weak because of intense pressure from coastal developers and landowners.


Percentage of U.S. inland wetlands that are not protected by federal law against development and degradation

The stated goal of current U.S. federal policy is zero net loss in the functioning and value of coastal and inland wetlands. A policy known as mitigation banking allows destruction of existing wetlands as long as an equal or greater area of the same type of wetland is created, enhanced, or restored. However, a study by the National Academy of Sciences found that at least half of the attempts to create new wetlands failed to replace lost ones. Furthermore, most of the created wetlands did not provide the ecosystem services of natural wetlands, even decades after completion. The study also found that wetland creation and restorations often fail to meet the standards set for them and are not adequately monitored.

Creating and restoring wetlands has become a profitable business. Private investment bankers make money by buying wetland areas and restoring or upgrading them or creating new wetland. This creates wetlands banks or credits that the bankers sell to developers. This approach is a small step toward full-cost pricing because it puts a monetary value on the biodiversity and ecosystem services of wetlands that are sold by the bankers.

It is difficult to restore, enhance, or create wetlands (see the 

Case Study that follows). Thus, most U.S. wetland banking systems require replacing each area of destroyed wetland with twice the area of restored, enhanced, or created wetland (

Figure 11.17

) as a built-in ecological insurance policy.

Case Study

Can We Restore the Florida Everglades?

South Florida’s Everglades was once a 100-kilometer-wide (62-mile-wide), knee-deep sheet of water flowing slowly south from Lake Okeechobee to Florida Bay (

Figure 11.18

, red dashed lines). As this shallow body of water—known as the “River of Grass”—trickled south, it created a vast network of wetlands with a variety of wildlife habitats.

Figure 11.18

Florida’s Everglades is the site of the world’s largest ecological restoration project—an attempt to undo and redo an engineering project that has been destroying this vast wetland and threatening water supplies for south Florida’s rapidly growing population.

To help preserve the wilderness in the lower end of the Everglades system, in 1947 the U.S. government established Everglades National Park. However, this protection effort did not work—as conservationists had predicted—because of a massive water distribution and land development project to the north. Between 1962 and 1971, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers transformed the wandering 166-kilometer-long (103-mile-long) Kissimmee River into a mostly straight 84-kilometer (52-mile) canal flowing into Lake Okeechobee (Figure 11.18, black dashed line). The canal provided flood control by speeding the flow of water, but it drained large wetlands north of Lake Okeechobee, which farmers then converted to grazing land.

This and other projects have provided south Florida’s rapidly growing population with a reliable water supply and flood protection. However, much of the original Everglades has been drained, paved over, polluted by agricultural runoff, and invaded by a number of plant and animal species. The Everglades is now less than half its original size and much of it has dried out, leaving large areas vulnerable to summer wildfires.

The Everglades National Park is known for its astonishing biodiversity, and each year more than a million people visit the park. However, its biodiversity has been decreasing, mostly because of habitat loss, pollution, and invasive species. About 90% of the wading birds in Everglades National Park have vanished and populations of many remaining wading bird species have dropped sharply. In addition, populations of vertebrates, from deer to turtles, are down 75–95%.

By the 1970s, state and federal officials recognized that this huge plumbing project was reducing populations of native plants and wildlife—a major source of tourism revenues for Florida. It was also cutting the water supply for the 7 million residents of south Florida. In 1990, Florida’s state government and the U.S. government agreed on a plan for the world’s largest ecological restoration project, known as the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is supposed to carry out this joint federal and state plan to partially restore the Everglades.

The project has several ambitious goals, including restoration of the curving flow of more than half of the Kissimmee River; removal of 400 kilometers (248 miles) of canals and levees that block natural water flows south of Lake Okeechobee; conversion of large areas of farmland to marshes; the creation of 18 large reservoirs and underground water storage areas to store water for the lower Everglades and for south Florida’s population; building of a canal–reservoir system for catching the water now flowing out to sea and pumping it back into the Everglades; and raising a major highway that has dammed parts of the Florida Bay for nearly 100 years.

Will this huge ecological restoration project work? It depends not only on the abilities of scientists and engineers but also on prolonged political and economic support from citizens, the state’s powerful sugarcane and agricultural industries, and elected state and federal officials. Some restrictions on phosphorus discharges from sugarcane plantations have been relaxed, which could worsen pollution problems. The project has also had cost overruns and funding shortages and is considerably behind schedule.

However, in 2018, funding was increased at the state and local levels to expedite some parts of the restoration plan, including storage of water in a reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee. In addition, the raising of a long stretch of a major highway will be completed in early 2019, reconnecting large areas of the Everglades and allowing water to flow and nourish long-degraded areas.

Figure 11.17

This human-created wetland is located near Orlando, Florida (USA).

Jose Antonio Perez/

Ecologists urge using mitigation banking only as a last resort. They also call for making sure that new replacement wetlands are created and evaluated before existing wetlands are destroyed.

Critical Thinking

1. Should a new wetland be created and evaluated before anyone is allowed to destroy the wetland it is supposed to replace? Explain.

Critical Thinking

1. Do you support carrying out the proposed plan for partially restoring the Florida Everglades, including making the federal government (taxpayers) responsible for half of the funding? Explain.

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11.5Protecting and Sustaining Freshwater Lakes, Rivers, and Fisheries

· LO 11.5AList six threats to freshwater ecosystems.

· LO 11.5BExplain how four prominent invasive species now threaten the Great Lakes ecosystem.

· LO 11.5CList four ecosystem services provided by rivers and streams and four threats to those services.

· LO 11.5DExplain why protecting a stream or lake from pollution requires protecting its watershed.

· LO 11.5EList the three major requirements of sustainable management of freshwater fisheries.

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11.5aFreshwater Ecosystems Are in Jeopardy

The ecosystem and economic services provided by many of the world’s freshwater lakes, rivers, and fisheries are severely threatened by human activities. According to studies by U.S., Canadian, and Mexican scientists, at least 40% of the freshwater fish species in North America are vulnerable, threatened, or endangered.

Many of the world’s freshwater wetlands have been destroyed. Aquatic species have been crowded out of at least half of the world’s freshwater habitat areas and more than 60% of the world’s longest rivers have been dammed or otherwise engineered. Invasive species, pollution, and climate change threaten the ecosystems of many lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Many freshwater fish stocks are overharvested and during this century, increasing human population pressure and climate change will intensify these threats.

Sustaining and restoring the biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by freshwater lakes and rivers is a complex and challenging task, as shown by the following Case Study.

Case Study

Can the Great Lakes Survive Repeated Invasions by Alien Species?

Invasions by nonnative species are a major threat to the biodiversity and ecological functioning of many lakes, as illustrated by what has happened to the five Great Lakes, located on the border between the United States and Canada.

Collectively, the Great Lakes are the world’s largest body of freshwater. Since the 1920s, these lakes have been invaded by at least 180 nonnative species and the number keeps rising. Many of the alien invaders arrive on the hulls of, or in bilge-water discharges of, oceangoing ships that have been entering the Great Lakes through the St. Lawrence Seaway since 1959.

One of the biggest threats, the sea lamprey, reached the westernmost Great Lakes as early as 1920. This parasite attaches itself to almost any kind of fish and kills the victim by sucking out its blood (

Figure 5.8

). Over the years, it has depleted populations of many important sport fish species such as lake trout. The United States and Canada keep the lamprey population down by applying a chemical that kills lamprey larvae where they spawn in streams that feed the lakes. These and other control measures cost more than $20 million annually.

In 1986, larvae of the zebra mussel (Figure 9.9) arrived in ballast water discharged from a European ship near Detroit, Michigan. This thumbnail-sized mollusk reproduces rapidly. It has displaced other mussel species and thus depleted the food supply for some other Great Lakes aquatic species. The mussels have also clogged irrigation pipes, shut down water intake pipes for power plants and city water supplies, fouled beaches, and jammed ships’ rudders. They have grown in thick masses on many boat hulls, piers, and other exposed aquatic surfaces (

Figure 11.19

). The mussel has also spread to freshwater communities in parts of southern Canada and, as of 2018, 32 U.S. states. Damages and attempts to control this mussel cost the two countries well over $1 billion a year—an average of more than $114,000 per hour.

Figure 11.19

These zebra mussels are attached to a water current meter in Lake Michigan.


Sometimes, native species can help control a harmful invasive species. For example, populations of zebra mussels are declining in some parts of the Great Lakes because a native sponge growing on their shells is preventing them from opening up their shells to breathe. However, it is not clear whether the sponges will effectively control the invasive mussels and what harmful ecological effects the sponges might have.

In 1989, a larger and potentially more destructive species, the quagga mussel, invaded the Great Lakes, probably discharged in the ballast water of a Russian freighter. It can survive at greater depths and tolerate more extreme temperatures than the zebra mussel can. By 2018, scientists reported that quagga mussels had almost completely carpeted the bottom of Lake Michigan and that the mussel had reached all five Great Lakes. This has reduced the food supply for many fish and other species, thus leading to a major disruption of the lakes’ food webs. There is concern that quagga mussels may spread by river transport and eventually colonize eastern U.S. ecosystems such as the Chesapeake Bay (see 

Chapter 8, Case Study) and waterways in parts of Florida.

The Asian carp (

Figure 11.20

) is the most recent threat to the Great Lakes system. In the 1970s, catfish farmers in the southern United States imported two species of Asian carp to help remove suspended matter and algae from their aquaculture farm ponds. Heavy flooding during the 1990s caused many of these ponds to overflow, which allowed some of the carp to enter the Mississippi River. After working their way up the Mississippi River system, these invaders are now close to entering Lake Michigan, if they have not already done so. Joel Brammeier, president of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, warned that “if Asian carp get into Lake Michigan, there is no stopping them.”

Figure 11.20

Asian carp may be the next major invasive species to threaten the Great Lakes.

© Michigan Sea Grant College Program

These fish can quickly grow as long as 1.2 meters (4 feet) and weigh up to 50 kilograms (110 pounds). They can eat as much as 20% of their own body weight in plankton every day, which can disrupt lake food webs. When startled they jump clear of the water, and several boaters have been hit and injured by jumping carp. These fish have no natural predators in the rivers they have invaded or in the Great Lakes.

Federal, state, and local agencies are developing plans to prevent the Asian carp from reaching and spreading throughout the Great Lakes, which would threaten the lakes’ $7 billion-a-year fishing industry. Proposed measures include electric barriers to limit access through rivers flowing into the Great Lakes and laws to prevent the transporting of fish across state borders. In addition, some chemical companies are developing carp-specific poisons. In 2017, an Asian carp was found and removed within a few miles of the lake beyond an electronic barrier designed to block its entry into the lake. However, as of 2018, there was no evidence of a population of the carp established in the lake.

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11.5bManaging River Basins

Rivers and streams provide important ecosystem services (

Figure 11.21

), but overfishing, pollution, dams, and water withdrawal for irrigation are disrupting these services. Currently, these ecosystem services are given little or no monetary value when the costs and benefits of dam and reservoir projects are assessed. According to environmental economists, attaching even crudely estimated monetary values to these ecosystem services—an application of the full-cost pricing principle of sustainability—would help to sustain them.

Figure 11.21

Rivers and streams provide some important ecosystem services.

Critical Thinking:

1. Which two of these services do you think are the most important? Why?

An example of such disruption and loss of freshwater biodiversity is what happened in the Columbia River, which runs through parts of southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States. The river and all of its tributaries have more than 400 dams. Of those, 14 are on the main stem of the Columbia River and are used to provide hydroelectric power.

The Columbia River dams have benefited many people, but have also sharply reduced populations of wild salmon. These migratory fish hatch in the upper reaches of the streams and rivers that form the headwaters of the Columbia River. They migrate to the ocean where they spend most of their adult lives, and then swim upstream to return to the place where they were hatched to spawn and die. Dams interrupt their life cycle by interfering with the migration of young fish downstream, and blocking the return of mature fish attempting to swim upstream to their spawning grounds.

Since the dams were built, the Columbia River’s wild Pacific salmon population has dropped by an estimated 90 to 94% and nine of the Pacific Northwest salmon species are listed as endangered or threatened. As of 2018, the U.S. federal government and northwest electric utilities have spent nearly $7 billion in efforts to save the salmon, with little success.

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11.5bManaging River Basins
Rivers and streams provide important ecosystem services (Figure 11.21), but overfishing, pollution, dams, and water withdrawal for irrigation are disrupting these services. Currently, these ecosystem services are given little or no monetary value when the costs and benefits of dam and reservoir projects are assessed. According to environmental economists, attaching even crudely estimated monetary values to these ecosystem services—an application of the full-cost pricing principle of sustainability—would help to sustain them.
Figure 11.21
Rivers and streams provide some important ecosystem services.
Critical Thinking:
1. Which two of these services do you think are the most important? Why?

An example of such disruption and loss of freshwater biodiversity is what happened in the Columbia River, which runs through parts of southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States. The river and all of its tributaries have more than 400 dams. Of those, 14 are on the main stem of the Columbia River and are used to provide hydroelectric power.
The Columbia River dams have benefited many people, but have also sharply reduced populations of wild salmon. These migratory fish hatch in the upper reaches of the streams and rivers that form the headwaters of the Columbia River. They migrate to the ocean where they spend most of their adult lives, and then swim upstream to return to the place where they were hatched to spawn and die. Dams interrupt their life cycle by interfering with the migration of young fish downstream, and blocking the return of mature fish attempting to swim upstream to their spawning grounds.

Since the dams were built, the Columbia River’s wild Pacific salmon population has dropped by an estimated 90 to 94% and nine of the Pacific Northwest salmon species are listed as endangered or threatened. As of 2018, the U.S. federal government and northwest electric utilities have spent nearly $7 billion in efforts to save the salmon, with little success.
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11.5dProtecting Freshwater Fisheries

Sustainable management of freshwater fisheries involves supporting populations of commercial and sport fish species, preventing such species from being overfished, and reducing or eliminating populations of harmful invasive species. The traditional approach to managing freshwater fish species is to regulate the time and length of fishing seasons and the number and size of fish that can be taken.

Other techniques include building reservoirs and ponds, stocking them with fish, and protecting and creating fish spawning sites. In addition, some fishery managers try to protect fish habitats from sediment buildup and other forms of pollution. They also work to prevent or reduce large human inputs of plant nutrients that spur the excessive growth of aquatic plants.

Some fishery managers seek to control predators, parasites, and diseases by improving habitats, breeding genetically resistant fish varieties, and using antibiotics and disinfectants. Hatcheries can be used to restock ponds, lakes, and streams with prized species such as trout, and entire river basins can be managed to protect valued species such as salmon.

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11.6Priorities for Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity

· LO 11.6ASummarize the six priorities of the ecosystem approach to sustaining aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services.

· LO 11.6BExplain how individuals can support the ecosystem approach to sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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11.6aEcosystem Approach to Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Edward O. Wilson (see 

Individuals Matter 4.1

) and other biodiversity experts have proposed the following priorities for an ecosystem approach to sustaining aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services:

· Map and inventory the world’s aquatic biodiversity.

· Identify and preserve the world’s aquatic biodiversity hotspots and areas where deteriorating ecosystem services threaten people and many forms of aquatic life.

· Create large and fully protected marine reserves to allow damaged marine ecosystems to recover and fish stocks to be replenished.

· Protect and restore the world’s lakes and river systems, which are among the world’s most threatened ecosystems, but emphasize pollution prevention because ecological restorations are expensive and have a high failure rate.

· Initiate worldwide ecological restoration projects in systems such as coral reefs and inland and coastal wetlands.

· Find ways to raise the incomes of people who live on or near protected waters so that they can become partners in the protection and sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems.

There is growing evidence that the current harmful effects of human activities on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services could be reversed over the next two decades. Doing this will require implementing an ecosystem approach to sustaining both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. According to Edward O. Wilson, such a conservation strategy would cost about $30 billion per year—an amount that could be provided by a tax of 4 cents per cup of coffee consumed in the world each year.

Critical Thinking

1. Would you be willing to pay 4 cents more for each cup of coffee you buy to help pay for sustaining ecosystems and biodiversity? Why or why not?

This strategy for protecting the earth’s vital biodiversity and ecosystem services will not be implemented without political pressure on elected officials from individual citizens and groups. It will also require cooperation among scientists, engineers, and business and government leaders in applying the win-win principle of sustainability.

A key part of this strategy will be for individuals to “vote with their wallets” by trying to buy only products and services that have no or low harmful impacts on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. For example, we can eat more sustainable seafood. California’s highly respected Monterey Bay Aquarium (

Figure 9.21

) publishes and regularly updates a sustainable seafood guide called Seafood Watch that can be viewed at its website or with a free mobile phone app.

According to Sylvia Earle (Individuals Matter 11.1), failure to act now “means that in 50 years there may be no coral reefs and no commercial fishing, because the fish will simply be gone. . . . Imagine what that means to our life-support system.”

Big Ideas

· The world’s aquatic systems provide important economic and ecosystem services, and scientific investigation of these poorly understood ecosystems could lead to immense ecological and economic benefits.

· Aquatic ecosystems and fisheries are being severely degraded by human activities that lead to aquatic habitat disruption and loss of biodiversity.

· We can sustain aquatic biodiversity by establishing protected sanctuaries, managing coastal development, reducing water pollution, and preventing overfishing.

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Tying It All TogetherInvading Jellyfish and Aquatic Sustainability

Olga Khoroshunova/

This chapter began with a look at populations of a number of jellyfish species that are exploding, disrupting marine food webs, and taking over parts of the ocean (

Core Case Study

). Throughout the chapter, we examined how loss of aquatic habitats, invasive species, population pressures, climate change, ocean acidification, and overexploitation are harming many marine and freshwater aquatic species. We looked at how many of the world’s fisheries are being depleted. We discussed why jellyfish populations are exploding and why this is a serious threat.

We also explored possible solutions to these problems, including the jellyfish invasions. We know that when areas of the oceans are left undisturbed, marine ecosystems tend to recover their natural functions, and fish populations can rebound quickly. In addition, the best approach to sustaining freshwater biodiversity is to use an ecosystem approach.

We can achieve greater success in sustaining aquatic biodiversity by applying the three scientific principles of sustainability. This means reducing inputs of sediments and excess nutrients, which cloud water, lessen the input of solar energy, and upset aquatic food webs and the natural cycling of nutrients in aquatic systems. It also means valuing aquatic biodiversity and putting a high priority on preserving the biodiversity and ecosystem services of aquatic systems. Applying the full-cost pricing, win-win, and ethical principles of sustainability can help us to achieve these goals.

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Chapter Review

Critical Thinking

1. Why should you be concerned about jellyfish populations taking over large areas of the world’s oceans? Why are jellyfish viewed as indicator species?

2. What do you think are the three greatest threats to aquatic biodiversity? For each of them, explain your thinking.

3. Overall, why are aquatic species more vulnerable to extinction hastened by human activities than terrestrial species are?

4. How might the continued overfishing of marine species affect your life? How could it affect the lives of any children or grandchildren you might have? What are three things you could do to help prevent overfishing?

5. Should fishers who harvest fish from a country’s publicly owned waters be required to pay the government fees for the fish they catch? Explain. If your livelihood depended on commercial fishing, would you be for or against such fees?

6. Why do you think no-fishing marine reserves recover their biodiversity faster and more effectively than do protected areas where fishing is allowed but restricted? Explain.

7. Some scientists consider ocean acidification to be one of the most serious environmental and economic threats that the world faces. How do you contribute to ocean acidification in your daily life? What would you do to help reduce the threat of ocean acidification?

8. How might your life and the lives of any children or grandchildren you might have be affected if we fail to control the spread of jellyfish populations? What are three things you could do to help prevent this from happening?

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Chapter Review

Doing Environmental Science

1. Pick a coastal area, river, stream, lake, or wetland near where you live and research and write a brief account of its history. Then survey and take notes on its present condition. Has its condition improved or deteriorated during the last 10 years? What governmental or private efforts are being used to protect this aquatic system? Write a report summarizing your findings. Based on your report along with your ecological knowledge of this system, write up some recommendations to policymakers for protecting it. Try presenting your recommendations to one or more local policymakers.

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Chapter Review

Ecological Footprint Analysis

A fishprint provides a measure of a country’s fish harvest in terms of area. The unit of area used in fishprint analysis is the global hectare (gha), a unit weighted to reflect the relative ecological productivity of the area fished. When compared with the fishing area’s sustainable biocapacity (its ability to provide a stable supply of fish year after year, expressed in terms of yield per area), its fishprint indicates whether the country’s annual fishing harvest is sustainable. The fishprint and biocapacity are calculated using the following formulas:

The following graph shows the earth’s total fishprint and biocapacity. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

1. Based on the graph,

1. What was the status of the global fisheries with respect to sustainability in 2000?

2. In what year did the global fishprint begin to exceed the biological capacity of the world’s oceans?

3. By how much did the global fishprint exceed the biological capacity of the world’s oceans in 2000?


Assume a country harvests 18 million metric tons of fish annually from an ocean area with an average productivity of 1.3 metric tons per hectare and a weighting factor of 2.68. What is the annual fishprint of that country?

3. Assume biologists determine that this country’s sustained yield of fish is 17 million metric tons per year.

1. What is the country’s sustainable biological capacity?

2. Is the county’s annual fishing harvest sustainable?

3. To what extent, as a percentage, is the country undershooting or overshooting its biological capacity?

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Question 1


(8 points)


Look up the Environmental Worldviews described in Chapter 1 of Miller & Spoolman. 

a. Which one is closest to your Environmental World view? Why?

b. List the basic beliefs of your environmental worldview. 

c. Are your actions consistent with your environmental worldview?

[Note: Save your answer somewhere, you will be referring to it again, later in the course.]

Question 1 options:

Question 2 (8 points)


What would happen to an ecosystem if all its decomposers and scavengers were eliminated? Explain in detail.

Question 2 options:

Question 3 (8 points)


A tree grows and increases its mass. Explain why this phenomenon is not a violation of the law of conservation of matter.

Question 3 options:

Question 4 (8 points)


Congratulations! You are in charge of the future of life on the earth.

What three things would you put on the top of your list to do, in order to insure the continuation of species threatened by human civilization?

Question 4 options:

Question 5 (8 points)


(a) Why could some developing countries get stuck in “stage 2” of the Demographic Transition? Explain.

(b)  Name three countries that may face this problem.

Question 5 options:

Question 6 (8 points)


Congratulations! You are in charge of the world.

What are the three most important features of your plan to help sustain the earth’s terrestrial biodiversity? (Number them 1., 2., 3.)

Question 6 options:

Question 7 (8 points)


How do human activities increase the harmful effects of prolonged drought?

Suggest three ways to alter some of these activities in order to make them less harmful. (Number them 1., 2., 3.)

Question 7 options:

Question 8 (8 points)


How would you respond if someone told you not to worry about Global Climate Change because its “just a theory”? (Hint: What’s the difference between a hypothesis and a theory).

Question 8 options:

Question 9 (18 points)


Research the major sources of the water supply in your community.

a. What are they? 

b. Who are the biggest consumers of water in your community?

c. What has happened to water prices (adjusted for inflation) during the past 20 years in your community?

d. Are they too low to encourage water conservation and reuse? (Would it be better for the environment and environmental sustainability if they were higher? Why?)

e. What water supply problems are projected for your community?

f. What solutions can you think of to solve those problems?

Note:  This is an 18 point question, Include all the details!

Question 9 options:

Question 10 (18 points)


What biomes are best suited for:

(a) raising crops?

(b) grazing livestock?

(c) Use the three scientific principles of sustainability to come up with three guidelines for raising crops on a more sustainable basis. (Number them 1., 2., 3.)

a. Use the three scientific principles of sustainability to come up with three guidelines for grazing livestock on a more sustainable basis. (Number them 1., 2., 3.)

Note:  This is an 18 point question, Include all the details!

Question 10 options:

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