
BUSI 611

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Research Project Outline Assignment Instructions


You will complete a full sentence Outline for the second part of the Research Project.


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The Outline must include a thesis statement, the research questions/issues being addressed, how much space will be allotted for each section of the paper, and a preliminary reference list of at least 15 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. All references must be less than 10 years old. When the assignment is returned, read all instructor feedback in order to implement it on future assignments.

What to consider as you prepare the outline:

1. What is the topic?

2. Why is it significant?

3. What background material is relevant?

4. What is our thesis or purpose statement?

5. What organizational plan will best support our purpose?

6. How much space is estimated per section?

*Also consider the elements noted on the
Research Project Final Assignment Instructions
when completing your Outline.

Full Sentence Outline:

The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline. The main difference, as the title suggests, is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay.

Thesis Statement:

Questions/Issues Being Addressed:

I. Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.

A. Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific community to be harmful (Smith, 2014).

1. The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary releasers of

hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an current APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize current APA format with in-text citations.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The tool is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores generally indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher a score, the higher the probability that there are too many quotations included in the narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

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Criteria Ratings Points


10 to >9.

0 pts


Thesis statement is
clear, logical, and sets
up the focus of the

9 to >7.0 pts


Thesis statement is clear
and logical, but the
purpose is unclear.

7 to >0.0 pts


Thesis statement is
present but lacks
clarity, logic, and

0 pts

Not Present

Thesis statement
is unclear or not
present in the

10 pts


10 to >9.0 pts


Research questions are
clearly stated and
capture the full scope of
the approach of
research effort.

9 to >7.0 pts

Research questions are
stated but lack full clarity.

7 to >0.0 pts

Research questions
are stated but require
more depth to ensure

0 pts
Not Present

questions are not
stated clearly,
and the scope of
research is not

10 pts

References 15 to >13.0 pts


Minimum of 15 sources,
less than 10 years old,
are used. All citations
follow current APA
format with no errors.

13 to >12.0 pts


Only 10-14 sources
provided. Cited sources
include 1–2 errors in
current APA format

12 to >0.0 pts


Only 5-9 sources
provided. Cited
sources include 2–4
errors in current APA

0 pts
Not Present

Nine or fewer
sources are
present. Cited
sources include
5 or more errors
in current APA


5 pts


10 to >9.0 pts

Spelling and grammar
are correct.

9 to >7.0 pts

Spelling and grammar
are mostly correct with
only 1–2 errors noted.

7 to >0.0 pts

Spelling and
grammar require
further review with
3–6 errors noted.

0 pts
Not Present

Spelling and
grammar review
is not evident or
incomplete; 7 or
more errors are

10 pts

Research Project Outline Grading Rubric | BUSI611_B01_202220

Criteria Ratings Points

Outline 5 to >4.0 pts


Sections of the paper
are determined with
estimated space for
each section. Sections
clearly build on focus
from the thesis
statement and research

4 to >3.0 pts


Sections of the paper are
determined with
estimated space for each
section. Sections appear
to build on focus stated
in thesis statement but
further clarity is needed.

3 to >0.0 pts


Sections of the paper
are determined, but
the estimated space
for each section is
not. Sections mostly
build on focus stated
in thesis statement.

0 pts
Not Present

Sections of the
paper are not
Sections do not
appear to build
on focus stated
in thesis

5 pts

Total Points: 50

Research Project Outline Grading Rubric | BUSI611_B01_202220

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