1. Write a query to display the unique TrainerFirstName from the Trainer table. Sort the
2. Write a query to display FirstName, LastName, and HireDate of employees with
HireDate greater than January 11, 2011. Sort the results by HireDate.
3. Write a query to display FirstName, LastName, and HireDate of employees hired
between January 11, 2005, and January 2011. Sort the results by HireDate.
4. Write a query to display the FirstName, LastName, DepartmentId from the Employee
table. Sort the output by DepartmentID and LastName.
5. Write a query to display the EquipmentID, EquipmentName, and
EquipmentCostAmount increase by 15% expressed as a whole number. Label the
column NewEquipmentCost. Sort the results by EquipmentID.
6. Write a query to display the FirstName, LastName, HireDate, and Year on which the
employee started (Employee table). Sort the results by Year and LastName.
7. Write a query to display the FirstName, LastName, HireDate from the Employee
table. Sort the data in descending order of HireDate.
8. Write a query to display the highest and lowest HireDate of all employees (Employee
9. Write a query to display the minimum and maximum HireDate for each Department
(hints: DepartmentID) (Employee table).
10. Write a query to display the number of trainers for each training. Source tables:
Training and Trainer. Sort the results by TrainingName.