NA ANIL KB – Network Technologies module 3

Hello,Module 3 DiscussionPlease answer these questions in no less than six sentences supporting your answers and end it with your own question on the topic. Then reply to two other students’ questions for full credit (5 points) Support your argument with references in APA format (not Wikipedia).

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    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three major types of guided media (twisted pair, coaxial copper, and optical fiber)?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of single-mode and multi-mode optical fiber cable?
  • What are the parameters that dictate where each type of fiber optic cable is used?


Final Project Milestone #3: Status Report #2

TOPIC ::: Project Topic: Enhancing Network Security Through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)In 7G Networks

Please use the form linked below to submit your Final Project Status Report #2 with an informal outline of your paper by Sunday

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