NA Prasanna – Graduate and professional communications – outline


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Please answer the below task as per the guidelines below brief instrcutionsd and sample documents attached below

Thesis Essay Outline Assignment

For this assignment, you will be drafting an outline for your research paper. Outlines are like maps that you follow when writing. You make an outline to help keep you on track when formulating your argument.

You will be graded on the following criteria:

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« Draft an outline for your research paper. Your outline should include a plan for:

o Your introduction paragraph,

o At least 3 body paragraphs,© and a conclusion.

« Your outline should be at least one page long.

« Your outline can be a bullet-pointed list.

See Blackboard for an example of a paper outline!

Final Paper Outline: What Fall Is Known For
Student Name
Professor Name
New England College

Introduction Paragraph:
o Hook: What’s your favorite season?
o Thesis: There are many things that the season of fall is known for, like holidays,
the leaves changing colors, and pumpkins.

Body Paragraph 1:
o Topic: Perhaps one of the more famous things that fall is known for is its major
o Discuss Halloween and Thanksgiving
o Source: “The Holidays of Fall” by Peter Foster, Sullivan News
o Say that these holidays might not be associated with fall outside of America

Body Paragraph 2:
o Topic: “Fall” gets its name from the foliage.
o Discuss the leaves changing color and falling to the ground
o Source: “Why do we call it fall?” by Annabeth Merlin, Natural Linguistics
o Acknowledge that raking leaves is not the most fun part of the season

Body Paragraph 3:
o Topic: Fall is also famous for pumpkins!
o Discuss that pumpkins are ready to harvest in fall.
o Source: “Pumpkins!” by Paige Moskowitz, Annuals and Perennials
o Say that people use pumpkins for both decoration and eating

Conclusion Paragraph:
o Restate the major points:

Fall is well-known for holidays

Fall is well-known for the leaves changing color

Fall is well-known for pumpkins
o Call-to-action: We should all appreciate fall for what it has to offer us.
Graduate & Professional Skill Dev
First Name
Last Name
Student ID
Research Topic
Title Page: What is the title of your Research Paper:
Introduction: One sentence stating what you are investigating, proving, disputing, taking a position on, supporting, etc.
Must be something that can be argued. Add two or three statements that you will use to expand on your premise.
Support idea #1
Support idea #2
Support idea #3
Support idea/statement one: Expand and use your documentation to support this idea
Statement 1: Expand point 1 of this support statement
Statement 1: Expand point 2 of this support statement
Statement 1: Expand point 3 of this support statement
Support idea/statement two: Expand and use your documentation to support this idea
Statement 2: Expand point 1 of this support statement
Statement 2: Expand point 2 of this support statement
Statement 2: Expand point 3 of this support statement
Support idea/statement three: Expand and use your documentation to support this idea
Statement 3: Expand point 1 of this support statement
Statement 3: Expand point 2 of this support statement
Statement 3: Expand point 3 of this support statement
Conclusion: Restate your original premise
Statement 1 Reinforce your first evidence
Statement 2 Reinforce your second evidence
Statement 3 Reinforce your third evidence
Graduate & Professional Skill Dev
CT 5000
APA Citing Source Exercise
Student ID__________________________________________________________
In Class: Using the Blackboard resources or one of the recommended citation generators i.e.
Purdue Owl, Scribbr, Citation Machine, generate a bibliography citation and an inline citation
for each of the three sources you are considering for your final thesis essay. These should be
the same references you are basing your outline on.
Free APA Citation Generator | Verified by Experts | Scribbr
Bibliography Entry
Inline Citation
Bibliography Entry
Inline Citation
Bibliography Entry
Inline Citation

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