Nursing code of ethics

This code outlines principles of professional nursing behavior. Search the web and discuss one of the nine provisions of the Code of Ethics. Briefly describe how this provision is evident in your personal practice. Also select one of the nine provisions and describe its use in your institution. NURS 4402 Discussion Board Guidelines Guidelines: Please post an original response for this forum. The original posts require (1) scholarly discussion, (2) consist of a minimum of 300 words, and (3) a minimum of 1 current peer-reviewed sources that were used to support the response. Listed below is the code of ethics: Code of Ethics ANA Nursing Ethics is part of The Center for Ethics and Human Rights, which maintains the ANA Nursing Code of Ethics. Provision 1 The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attribute 

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