Nursing of Philosophy Assignment

 Write an article about your philosophy of nursing 

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In this article, you will discuss your philosophy of nursing and how that philosophy relates to a selected nursing theory.

  • Discuss your personal philosophy of nursing. 
  • Briefly introduce your selected theorist and their theory.
  • Discuss how the theory aligns with your personal philosophy of nursing. 

Here are some helpful links to get you started thinking about this.

What is a Personal Philosophy of Nursing – and How Can it Help My Career? (Links to an external site.)

Paging Dr. Nurse…Hopefully Terminal – Adventures in the life of a full-time DNP student, RN, Army Reservist, and Mom (Links to an external site.)

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This should be a formal article (i.e. follow APA 7th edition rules, use a cover page, have a reference page, in-text citations, etc.) 

The body of the article should be 400 –500 words (about 2 pages double-spaced). 

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