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Prepare your complete,.

I don’t see a significant difference in your Trio in this Unit 4 Individual Project submission. Please open the paper I returned to you in preparation for the last Individual Project of RES861. There are required 
 listed for you there.

For the last Individual Project, you’ll refine and produce a final version of the Research Prospectus. Please remember, this document is an official university milestone for your dissertation journey. A successful Research Prospectus is one that meets ALL requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation research study. 

Ensure you use the “Final Individual Project Research Prospectus 
” rubric posted within the document returned to you. In this self-evaluation, click on EACH box of the rubric to designate “Meets” or “Does Not Meet” for each section. If you did not meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column(s), identify the work to be completed or continued, in the last column and retain this rubric within the document for your final submission.

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The following is the breakdown of your earned points for the assignment under three CTU category/project criteria.

Maximum/Total Possible Points: 300

Total Point Earned: See total score in gradebook

1. Task Requirements Points: 
This category/project criteria refers to the University requirements set forth in the assignment instructions, the Research Prospectus Template, and Research Prospectus Rubric.                                                      60
 out of 75

2. Demonstration and Application of Knowledge Points: 
This category/project criteria refers to how well the submission demonstrates subject matter expertise and knowledge of the general and specific research topic.                                    
105 out of 165

3. Academic Writing and Format Points: 
This category/project criteria refers to how well the submission is written at the appropriate, doctoral level, and proper format used, per APA and the CTU Research Prospectus Template.                           5
0 out of 60

Have a great week!

Use this Microsoft Word document already in APA format to write your IP assignments.
APA 7th edition, 12-point font

Preparing the Final Research Prospectus
Prepare your complete, final version of your Research Prospectus that incorporates all feedback you received from your instructor when you submitted your Research Prospectus draft for the Unit 4 Individual Project. The Research Prospectus is an official university milestone document for your dissertation journey. A successful Prospectus is one that meets all requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation study; thus, a final instructor-approved Research Prospectus is expected for this assignment and so that you may continue on your dissertation journey.

The final Research Prospectus must be formatted per the template requirements as well as accurate APA.

For the final Unit 6 Individual Project, you’ll refine and produce a final version of the Research Prospectus. Please remember, as posted in the curriculum and discussed at length in Live chat 9, the Research Prospectus is an official university milestone document for your dissertation journey. A successful Prospectus is one that meets all requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation study.  

Next Steps:

1. Remove any red, placeholder text, comments bubbles, instructional text, and the rubric inserted in the Unit 4 IP before you complete and submit your Unit 6 Individual Project.

2. Use spell check, use Grammarly, review your document in full for proper APA and proofread your document thoroughly. The final Research Prospectus MUST be formatted per the template requirements as well as accurate APA.

3. After additional updates and revision, submit your paper to the Smarthinking tutoring service for a paper review again. This time selecting different options than you have previously. Incorporate Smarthinking tutor feedback into your final paper. (Remember, Smarthinking takes about 24 hours.)

4. Finally, use the “Final Unit 6 Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” rubric (posted under Learning Materials) to conduct a final self-evaluation, clicking on EACH box to designate “Meets” or “Does Not Meet” for each section. This rubric is also located under Announcements and included in the Unit 4 IP returned to you.

5. If you did NOT meet ALL of the criteria under the “Meets” column(s), identify the work to be completed or continued, in the last column.

6. Then, paste the “Final Unit 6 Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” Rubric on the first page of your final Unit 6 Individual Project (below the title page/before the Abstract) BEFORE submitting for grading.

Instructor’s Comments:

Please remember, the Research Prospectus is a critical Pass/No Pass assignment in RES861. It lays the foundation for your dissertation and per CTU, must be “deemed satisfactory for forward progression”.


Research Prospectus

 must be declared satisfactory to pass the course.

What is MOST important in the final document is your Trio. The submission of a satisfactory Research Prospectus is the critical Pass/No Pass assignment, per CTU. 

You’ve got this! Keep going; you want to finish STRONG!

Remember, you MUST cite relevant and specific scholarly research to support statements within your document. You are setting the foundation for future research, here. Your prospectus must clearly identify a specific gap in existing knowledge to be filled by your future study. 

To help you “check the CTU requirements off the list”, go through the self-assessment I’ve included in the document returned to you as you make revisions and edit.

Balancing work and home life in the photography industries in San Antonio, TX
A Qualitative Study
Colorado Technical University

Ivette Clark
February 2022

Thank you for your Unit 4 Individual Project submission. Here, I looked for a total of 8–10 pages and that all sections of the Research Prospectus were complete, with the previous and additionally completed sections of:
· Title Page
· Abstract
· Introduction
· Research Method Rationale
· References
· Appendices (optional)
Please review and act upon the Next Steps listed below in full before final submission.

Now, for the last Individual Project of the term, you’ll refine and produce a final version of the Research Prospectus. Please remember, as posted in the curriculum and discussed at length in Live Chat, the Research Prospectus is an official university milestone document for your dissertation journey. A successful Prospectus is one that meets all requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation study.

Next Steps:
1. Remove all guidance text and comment bubbles; and “accept” track changes (also turn off track changes) before you complete and submit your final Individual Project.
2. Use spell check, use Grammarly, and review your document in full for proper APA. Proofread your document thoroughly. The final Research Prospectus MUST be formatted as per the template as well as contain accurate APA formatting. If steps 1 & 2 are incomplete, the final submission will not pass.
3. After additional updates and revision, submit your paper to the Smarthinking tutoring service for a final paper review. This time select different review options than you have previously and then incorporate Smarthinking tutor feedback into your final paper. (Remember, Smarthinking takes about 24 hours.)
4. Finally, use the “Final Individual Project Research Prospectus
” rubric (with the blue header) below to conduct a self-evaluation, clicking on EACH box to designate “Meets” or “Does Not Meet” for each section.
5. If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column(s), identify the work to be completed (or continued), in the last column.
6. Then, retain the “Final Unit 6 Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” Rubric on the first page of your final Unit 6 Individual Project BEFORE submitting for grading.

Final Individual Project

Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation


(Please check)

Does Not Meet
(Please check)

Identification of incomplete sections and the work to be completed or continued…

Front Matter

Title Page

· Title no more than 12 words
· Title reflects method choice
· Title aligned with Trio and discipline/ concentration

· Title no more than 12 words
· Title reflects method choice
· Title lacks alignment with Trio
· Title page APA errors

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.


· Meets 150-word limit
· Summary of all required components

· Exceeds 150 words
· Missing summary for required components

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.


· No more than 2 pages
· Key terms defined
· Adequate introduction to the study problem
· Adequate citations for scholarship support

· Exceeds 2 pages in length
· Missing term definitions
· Unclear introduction to the study problem
· Inadequate citations for scholarship support

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Trio Comment by Thiry, Katie: At the start of the term, I posted a reminder of the “Trio Alignment: Problem, Purpose, and Research Question”, a Presentation by Dr. Debra Burrington. I urge you to retain it and review it again as your work progresses.
It is located in the Doctoral Resource Center’s Symposium Archive and linked here, for your convenience. 

Problem Statement

· Meets length requirement (250-350 words)
· Meets paragraph format
· Adequate citations for scholarship support of the study problem

· Exceeds length requirement
· Incomplete scholarship citations to justify problem
· Problem lacks alignment with Purpose and RQ

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Study Purpose

· Purpose well aligned with Problem and RQ
· All required components introduced
· Adequate statement of proposed contribution

· Purpose lacks alignment with Problem and RQ
· Missing required components
· Missing statement of proposed contribution

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Research Question

· RQ aligned with Problem and Purpose
· RQ phrasing aligned with traditions/ conventions of method choice
· RQ phrasing aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

· RQ lacks alignment with Problem and Purpose
· RQ phrasing not aligned with traditions/conventions of method choice
· RQ phrasing not aligned with conventions of the discipline/ concentration

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Research Method Rationale

· Adequate description of research traditions
· Adequate paradigmatic perspective
· Adequate rationale for method fit

· Missing research traditions
· Missing paradigmatic perspective
· Inadequate rationale for method fit
· Lacks alignment with discipline/concentration

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Review of the Literature Plan Comment by Thiry, Katie: Since this term you were only required to produce a plan for a Review of the Literature rather than an actual draft of the Literature Review, this means, as you continue reviewing the literature and begin to draft your Chapter 2 (Literature Review) your Trio should (and will naturally) be further refined.

· Adequate description of literature review plan
· Literature review themes align with study problem
· Literature review themes align with discipline/concentration

· Incomplete description of literature review plan
· Literature review themes lack alignment with study problem
· Literature review themes lack alignment with discipline/concentration

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.

Back Matter


· Double spaced with proper indent
· Formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Spacing/indent errors
· High error rate of APA 7th ed. guidelines

If you did NOT meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column, please identify the work do be completed.


· Adequately formatted per APA 7th ed. guidelines

· Formatting errors per APA 7th ed. guidelines

Remove this section completely if you did not include an Appendices.

The process of creating a balance between work and personal is very intricate in regard to the crucial requirement of promoting balance. Gaining a work-life balance is crucial for the lives of all persons since it generates reliable family management and allows the working persons to attain mental satisfaction. Every person has many parts of their life that promote better outcomes depending on their expectations. In this regard, there is a crucial requirement of promoting better work management when a person creates a structure for dealing with all their needs. It gets easy to facilitate job satisfaction when negative components like stress, pains, aches, digestive issues, and issues of hypertension affect a person’s capability of working. This paper shall analyze various concepts involved in offering a balance between work and personal lives to facilitate proper wellbeing for all persons involved. Stress is detrimental and causes the persons involved to get affected by improper employee management while they may attempt to conform to organizational expectations. This study shall perform analyses of all structures to improve on appropriate work management. Comment by Thiry, Katie: No indent, per APA.
Keywords: work management, work-life balance, mental satisfaction

Many people have a hard time juggling work and family life in today’s ever-busier work environment. Roopavathi and Kulothungan (2021) pointed out that a lot of people have been looking for a work-life balance, which is also called (WLB). However, very few have found meaning or term that fits. It is about changing the way people work so that they can do other things, like taking care of their children or elderly relatives, at the same time. WLB does not mean that there is an equal amount of money. WLB is a mix of interactions between different parts of a person’s life. The benefits and drawbacks of that imbalance can affect many different parts of society. The drawbacks caused by the WLB will affect both the employee and the employer. These drawbacks could have a bad effect on the employee’s job and life satisfaction, mental wellbeing, physical health, and how well it will affect how well they work at their job at their company. Comment by Thiry, Katie: Use consistent font style and size.
Similarly, Kohll (2018) cautioned that People who have a good work-life balance are more likely to have a good work environment. Stress can cause hypertension, digestive problems, chronic aches and pains, and heart problems in the body which are all detrimental health issues that might affect a person’s capability of balancing their personal and work life (Gragnano et al., 2020). Also, long-term stress can hurt the way your mind works. It can make you more likely to be depressed and anxious as well as sleepless. The focus of this study will be to identify factors that lead to WLB issues across all agencies. The results identified by this study will help stakeholders to make sound decisions regarding WLB among it is employees.
Study Problem
The problem to be addressed in this quantitative study is the lack of flexibility to balance work and home life by photographers at Company X in San Antonio. When the Employees starts complaining that they can’t attend activities or functions for their children or personal problem, it is understandable that workers are stressed out as they strive to keep up with the demands of their professions and the needs of their families (Kossek & Lautsch, 2018). A more harmonious work-life balance could be achieved when one is able to work and at the same time maintain to participate in helpful and required social activities. A balanced work-life necessitates adaptability. Finding a good work-life balance promotes the concept of workplace flexibility. The experience of the researcher had it that Employees are more productive when their employers allow them to work flexible hours, work from home, and work in various locations. Employees sometimes need their respective authorities to show understanding when it comes to taking unexpected time out because of personal reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Comment by Thiry, Katie: You still have not isolated a researchable problem. Comment by Thiry, Katie: Review this sentence. What are you trying to communicate here?
Many firms, institutions, and companies struggle with staff retention. This struggle is prevalent in professional disciplines like IT and others (Hoanca & Craig, 2019). Therefore, offering some degree of flexibility to employees (among other incentives) might be helpful. Employers should begin by offering an accommodating schedule to both full and part-time employees while at the same time ensuring that the core needs of the company are satisfied. Flexibility in the schedule can sometimes be misused by employees, but the common understanding that both parties must work to achieve the goal of the company will help to save money in terms of human costs. Employer-sponsored insurance does not have to be made available to part-time workers (Chung & Van der Lippe, 2020). Also, they aren’t compensated for overtime. Part-time workers have an easier time juggling their professional and personal lives because of the fewer hours they work.
Allowing employees to set their work schedules may also benefit a company. When employees have options rather than being told when they should be working, they may better manage their personal life. Even though it varies by industry, some businesses might let their employees set their work hours. The chance to set up one’s schedule is a highly sought-after privilege in the business world.

Study Purpose
The purpose of the quantitative search approach/design is to evaluate the potential ways of ensuring flexibility to balance work and home life by photographers at Company X in San Antonio. Maintaining a healthy work environment necessitates those employees strike a solid work-life balance. It is also crucial to the productivity of the employees (Alarcon et al., 2021). Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is critical for avoiding burnout and lowering stress. Anxiety disorders, such as persistent stress, are quite common in the workplace. High blood pressure, digestive difficulties, prolonged discomfort, and cardiac issues are all side effects of an inhospitable work environment. Chronic stress has been linked to depression, anxiety, and insomnia. The effects of a stressful workplace can have profound consequences for one’s mental health. Burnout happens in the workplace when people are subjected to prolonged periods of high stress. Employees who work a lot of overtime hours risk being burned out. Exhaustion, mood swings, impatience, and a decrease in work production are all symptoms of burnout. A favorable work environment can enhance creativity and ensure that ideas flourish to the point of realizing groundbreaking discoveries (Maestre, 2019). Comment by Thiry, Katie: This reads like an essay vs supporting your purpose section. Review the goal of a purpose statement.
Sampling method
Sampling is a method of data reduction (Tagawa, 2020). Stratified sampling will be used in the research for photographers in San Antonio. Stratified sampling is a probability tool that is used in surveys (Parsons, 2014). It is the sampling type that is needed in a statistically represented study (Napolitano et al., 2018). The method will help in grouping the photographers for analysis and presentation of issues relating to work and home life. The sampling method can minimize errors without compromising the accuracy of the evaluation to be made (Yu et al., 2019). The general population is separated into groups with comparable features, known as strata, because of this strategy. Use it when different subgroups may have varied interests, and you want to ensure that all of them are represented. By removing sample bias, stratified sampling increases the accuracy and representativeness of the results. The issue is that it requires knowledge of the necessary sampling frame properties (details of which aren’t always readily available), and it is difficult to decide which qualities to stratify by. A stratified sample of the same size as a random sample can produce more accurate results. In some circumstances, smaller sample size is needed to provide the same level of precision as a stratified sample; hence the latter is preferred. In addition to reducing the researcher’s effect, this strategy produces a more representative sample by eliminating researcher bias.
Proposed Sample Size
A sample is a subset of the population used in the study. The population cannot be accessed during the research process. Therefore, a representation of the population, the sample is used during the research. The sample is the selected group of entities that the researcher uses to collect data and is less than the population. The sample size is expected to be 30 photographers, both employers, and employees from across San Antonio, with special reference to those in company X.
Data Collection Method
Interviews will be the data collection method applied in this research. This is an excellent approach to obtaining data on the issue of work and home balance for photographers in San Antonio. The method is good since it can incorporate the feelings and opinions of the photographers in Company X, and it is possible to gather quotes useful in striking a balance between home and work life. The interviews will be casual and formal, depending on the situations at hand. The interviews will present details about work and home life for the photographers in the region.
Data Analyst Software
Business intelligence (BI) software is one of the most widely used types of data analysis. These business analytics-specific tools will be useful for any data analyst responsible for acquiring, interpreting, and reporting critical results. Predictive analytics, self-service, and complex SQL modes enable these systems to scale to any level of comprehension without requiring extensive IT intervention. Analysts can identify trends and make tactical decisions by presenting a wide range of key features. Business intelligence is a must-have element for any data analytics tool list, and data pine is suitable for both novice and advanced users. This all-in-one platform promises to make the entire analysis process more efficient and time efficient.
Research Question
The study research questions are as follows and offer a reliable method of handling work management in terms of promoting accurate work assessment to facilitate productivity.
What strategies can be implemented for photographers in company X that will ensure Comment by Thiry, Katie: This is not a RQ. A list of strategies is easy to come by. What is already known about your topic? What are you aiming to contribute to the body of knowledge?
flexibility to balance work and home life?
How shall the photographers promote appropriate photograph collection for the research direction?
According to the criteria of gender, age, employment type, leisure activities, and engagement in extra work events, how shall the research generate appropriate outcomes in relation to the persons involved?
Are there any special extracurricular activities that persons in the work environment engage in to support their balance?
Is it possible to implement adaptability to events that occur in different person lives when they are required to facilitate a balance between their work and their social life where all are equally important?
Q6 Comment by Thiry, Katie: You’re introducing too many RQ. Ensure you have focus.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the proper handling of employees in terms of the ability to remain productive and provide for their families concurrently?
That a flexible work environment will yield numerous advantages for both employer and
Work balance can get attained once employees realize their intricate connection to work environments that are mandatory for their needs.
External environmental factors affect the capability of employees to work effectively, and thus they need extra support for their wellbeing.
Workers can adapt to any type of environment regardless of its type as long as they integrate zeal in their actions.

Research Method Rationale
The research method selected for this study surveys. The use of surveys is highly imperative since it promotes appropriate management of research components based on the existence of a large amount of data that can get collected and serve the entire research area. Data collection for the work-balance requirement shall get conducted as expected in regard to Research Prospectu Comment by Thiry, Katie: Incomplete sentence.
Introduction Comment by Thiry, Katie: Why is the intro here?
Many people have a hard time juggling work and family life in today’s ever-busier work environment. Roopavathi and Kulothungan (2021) pointed out that a lot of people have been looking for a work-life balance, which is also called (WLB). However, very few have found meaning or term that fits. It is about changing the way people work so that they can do other things, like taking care of their children or elderly relatives, at the same time. WLB does not mean that there is an equal amount of money. WLB is a mix of interactions between different parts of a person’s life. The benefits and drawbacks of that imbalance can affect many different parts of society. The drawbacks caused by the WLB will affect both the employee and the employer. These drawbacks could have a bad effect on the employee’s job and life satisfaction, mental wellbeing, physical health, and how well it will affect how well they work at their job at their company.
Similarly, Kohll (2018) cautioned that People who have a good work-life balance are more likely to have a good work environment. Stress can cause hypertension, digestive problems, chronic aches and pains, and heart problems in the body which are all detrimental health issues that might affect a person’s capability of balancing their personal and work life (Gragnano et al., 2020). Also, long-term stress can hurt the way your mind works. It can make you more likely to be depressed and anxious as well as sleepless. The focus of this study will be to identify factors that lead to WLB issues across all agencies. The results identified by this study will help stakeholders to make sound decisions regarding WLB among it is employees.
Study Problem
The problem to be addressed in this quantitative study is the lack of flexibility to balance work and home life by photographers at Company X in San Antonio. When the Employees starts complaining that they can’t attend activities or functions for their children or personal problem, it is understandable that workers are stressed out as they strive to keep up with the demands of their professions and the needs of their families (Kossek & Lautsch, 2018). A more harmonious work-life balance could be achieved when one is able to work and at the same time maintain to participate in helpful and required social activities. A balanced work-life necessitates adaptability. Finding a good work-life balance promotes the concept of workplace flexibility. The experience of the researcher had it that Employees are more productive when their employers allow them to work flexible hours, work from home, and work in various locations. Employees sometimes need their respective authorities to show understanding when it comes to taking unexpected time out because of personal reasons or unforeseen circumstances.
Many firms, institutions, and companies struggle with staff retention. This struggle is prevalent in professional disciplines like IT and others (Hoanca & Craig, 2019). Therefore, offering some degree of flexibility to employees (among other incentives) might be helpful. Employers should begin by offering an accommodating schedule to both full and part-time employees while at the same time ensuring that the core needs of the company are satisfied. Flexibility in the schedule can sometimes be misused by employees, but the common understanding that both parties must work to achieve the goal of the company will help to save money in terms of human costs. Employer-sponsored insurance does not have to be made available to part-time workers (Chung & Van der Lippe, 2020). Also, they aren’t compensated for overtime. Part-time workers have an easier time juggling their professional and personal lives because of the fewer hours they work.
Allowing employees to set their work schedules may also benefit a company. When employees have options rather than being told when they should be working, they may better manage their personal life. Even though it varies by industry, some businesses might let their employees set their work hours. The chance to set up one’s schedule is a highly sought-after privilege in the business world.
Study Purpose
The purpose of the quantitative search approach/design is to evaluate the potential ways of ensuring flexibility to balance work and home life by photographers at Company X in San Antonio. Maintaining a healthy work environment necessitates those employees strike a solid work-life balance. It is also crucial to the productivity of the employees (Alarcon et al., 2021). Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is critical for avoiding burnout and lowering stress. Anxiety disorders, such as persistent stress, are quite common in the workplace. High blood pressure, digestive difficulties, prolonged discomfort, and cardiac issues are all side effects of an inhospitable work environment. Chronic stress has been linked to depression, anxiety, and insomnia. The effects of a stressful workplace can have profound consequences for one’s mental health. Burnout happens in the workplace when people are subjected to prolonged periods of high stress. Employees who work a lot of overtime hours risk being burned out. Exhaustion, mood swings, impatience, and a decrease in work production are all symptoms of burnout. A favorable work environment can enhance creativity and ensure that ideas flourish to the point of realizing groundbreaking discoveries (Maestre, 2019).
Sampling method
Sampling is a method of data reduction (Tagawa, 2020). Stratified sampling will be used in the research for photographers in San Antonio. Stratified sampling is a probability tool that is used in surveys (Parsons, 2014). It is the sampling type that is needed in a statistically represented study (Napolitano et al., 2018). The method will help in grouping the photographers for analysis and presentation of issues relating to work and home life. The sampling method can minimize errors without compromising the accuracy of the evaluation to be made (Yu et al., 2019). The general population is separated into groups with comparable features, known as strata, because of this strategy. Use it when different subgroups may have varied interests, and you want to ensure that all of them are represented. By removing sample bias, stratified sampling increases the accuracy and representativeness of the results. The issue is that it requires knowledge of the necessary sampling frame properties (details of which aren’t always readily available), and it is difficult to decide which qualities to stratify by. A stratified sample of the same size as a random sample can produce more accurate results. In some circumstances, smaller sample size is needed to provide the same level of precision as a stratified sample; hence the latter is preferred. In addition to reducing the researcher’s effect, this strategy produces a more representative sample by eliminating researcher bias.
Proposed Sample Size
A sample is a subset of the population used in the study. The population cannot be accessed during the research process. Therefore, a representation of the population, the sample is used during the research. The sample is the selected group of entities that the researcher uses to collect data and is less than the population. The sample size is expected to be 30 photographers, both employers, and employees from across San Antonio, with special reference to those in company X.
Data Collection Method
Interviews will be the data collection method applied in this research. This is an excellent approach to obtaining data on the issue of work and home balance for photographers in San Antonio. The method is good since it can incorporate the feelings and opinions of the photographers in Company X, and it is possible to gather quotes useful in striking a balance between home and work life. The interviews will be casual and formal, depending on the situations at hand. The interviews will present details about work and home life for the photographers in the region.
Data Analyst Software
Business intelligence (BI) software is one of the most widely used types of data analysis. These business analytics-specific tools will be useful for any data analyst responsible for acquiring, interpreting, and reporting critical results. Predictive analytics, self-service, and complex SQL modes enable these systems to scale to any level of comprehension without requiring extensive IT intervention. Analysts can identify trends and make tactical decisions by presenting a wide range of key features. Business intelligence is a must-have element for any data analytics tool list, and data pine is suitable for both novice and advanced users. This all-in-one platform promises to make the entire analysis process more efficient and time efficient.
Research Question
The study research questions are as follows and offer a reliable method of handling work management in terms of promoting accurate work assessment to facilitate productivity.
What strategies can be implemented for photographers in company X that will ensure
flexibility to balance work and home life?
How shall the photographers promote appropriate photograph collection for the research direction?
According to the criteria of gender, age, employment type, leisure activities, and engagement in extra work events, how shall the research generate appropriate outcomes in relation to the persons involved?
Are there any special extracurricular activities that persons in the work environment engage in to support their balance?
Is it possible to implement adaptability to events that occur in different person lives when they are required to facilitate a balance between their work and their social life where all are equally important?
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the proper handling of employees in terms of the ability to remain productive and provide for their families concurrently?
That a flexible work environment will yield numerous advantages for both employer and
Work balance can get attained once employees realize their intricate connection to work environments that are mandatory for their needs.
External environmental factors affect the capability of employees to work effectively, and thus they need extra support for their wellbeing.
Workers can adapt to any type of environment regardless of its type as long as they integrate zeal in their actions.

Research Method Rationale
The research method selected for this study surveys. The use of surveys is highly imperative since it promotes appropriate management of research components based on the existence of a large amount of data that can get collected and serve the entire research area. Data collection for the work-balance requirement shall get conducted as expected in regards to the suitability of components in the life of every person. Use of a short period of time shall be possible in the research based on the capability of producing inexpensive components for research. Integration of surveys shall promote an effective structure after dealing with different components in the field and then forming a connection among all of them to determine their suitability for the research direction. The use of photography as the survey technique offers a proper method of facilitating study expectations since the photographers shall be instructed to take photos connected to actions involved at work and home to facilitate an understanding of how people balance the two.
Review of the Literature Plan
The literature review would be about the flexibility of the workplace and home life that matters most to the retention of employees and even the cases of turnover rates. During the COVID-19 pandemic is where certain professions were affected significantly, and most families were starved because of the government regulations towards containing the pandemic. The professions include the photographers that would be of interest in the research. The literature review would be more of the balancing of the workplace tasks and that of employees’ personal life. There is the aspect of flexibility that is important in the workplace, and I would target the literature that has information relating to flexibility in the workplace and its benefits. On the other hand, literature about the lack of flexibility and its impact on the retention and turnover rates of the employees in the stated workplaces. The articles chosen would also relate the aspect of flexibility with the current COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected operations in the country.
Analysis of different peer-reviewed documents shall be the technique applied to find ideas in the research. Searching for peer-reviewed documents is mandatory based on their intricate content that supports the research direction. It is possible to generate a reliable analysis process once different documents get used to validate research components. The literature process shall generate a reliable understanding of how different study components validate the analysis of work balance. The literature review shall provide document analysis which is highly imperative to determine themes related to work-life balance. The major themes are mental balance, peace, being robust, handling pressure, and conforming to organizational expectations.
Nature of Articles
Peer-reviewed articles would be used for literature review on the flexibility of the workplace topic. The scholarly sources would be used because they would have relevant results and discussion that was done based on the academic guidelines. The peer-reviewed articles used would be those from 2019 to 2022. The articles that would be reviewed are those that were conducted using both the qualitative and quantitative methodology, including that of mixed methodology. The methods have to be considered to ensure that the studies’ results and discussion are relevant and good to use for research.
Research Review Checklist
Before conducting the literature review, more focus is directed towards what is already known about the topic that is present in the literature and making sure that it adds value to bringing out the information needed for the target research. The research sources that have already done research supporting the topic of interest are chosen. The gaps in knowledge about the topic are also determined. Significant researchers are also determined for the literature review in making sure that the researchers work used is significant and of value to the research. I would also choose the literature review sources based on the methodology that I would use. The intended audience for the literature review is also an issue of concern that I would consider.
Type of Reviews
I would identify patterns and themes from the literature concerning workplace flexibility during the pandemic, especially for careers like photography. Data collection in this stage shall create a reliable process of generating appropriate work management after learning about the impact of external stress on an employee. I would arrange the patterns and themes and collect information from different sources that support the themes.
Search of Literature
I would search the literature about the topic from different databases that include
Google Scholar to get the scholarly literature sources that would provide the information that supports the research. Examples of the research sources that I would use for the literature review include the following:
The plan to conduct the review of literature will involve Organize the Research
The chosen literature sources are then organized after selecting those that meet the
Peer-reviewed standards including those that make opinions and conclusions that add value to the chosen topic. The chosen literature is then organized in preparation for writing the literature review.
Writing the Literature
The literature review is then written in themes and patterns that support the topic of

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