Operant and Classical Conditioning


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Discussion 4.1 – Operant and Classical Conditioning

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Discussion 4.1: Operant and Classical Conditioning

  • Demonstrate an example of classical conditioning from your own life.
  • Demonstrate an example of operant conditioning from your own life.
  • Evaluate and defend which type of conditioning you felt was the most effective.

Discussion Expectations:  

The minimum requirements for class discussions are to respond directly to the discussion prompt and to respond to at least two other posts, by other students or the instructor, by the end of the week. The discussion will close on the due date and will NOT be reopened for a late submission. 

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  1. Submit one main post responding directly to each part of the discussion prompt(s) by Thursday at 11:59 PM ET.

    This should be a substantive response (between 75 -150 words minimum) to the topic(s) in your own words, referencing (using APA format) what you have discovered in your required reading and other learning activities.
    You may use resources in addition to your textbook that support your post(s); however, you must mention the source(s) that you used in your post(s) using APA format in-text citations and reference lists. You can 

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