Optics and Properties of Light

Homework 9

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1. If an object is place in front of a lens 50 cm away and the object forms 30 cm away from the lens (on the right hand side) what is the focal length?

2. Describe what is meant by collimated light.

3. What would be considered a point source? What behavior do the light rays exhibit? You can draw a picture if it portrays the light behavior properly.

4. During the laser/diffraction grating portion of the experiment, an angle was calculated for each order of the diffracted beam. Let’s say you wanted to find the wavelength of light associated with a 30 degree angle and it is the second order beam. With the same diffraction grating we used in class (500 lines/mm) what is the wavelength?

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5. Will you be able to see this light? (Hint: you may have to look up the range for visible light. I.e Google the visible spectrum of light)


(2 points) What was the slope of the line produced by the intensity vs. cos2θ plot for the polarized light section? Print out the plot and turn it in with the homework.

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