Organizational Behaviour

Description The purpose of this assignment is to explore an organizational behaviour concept by 

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conducting an interview.  

Working on this assignment individually, you will choose one of the available options 

below, prepare a list of related questions, record the interview (audio or visual), and 

summarize the findings in 500 words. Please keep in mind that the interview should not 

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exceed 5 minutes. 

You will be graded on your audio recording and report. 

Available Topics Choose one of the topics below: 

• Interview a manager and prepare a memo summarizing the relative importance 

she or he places on the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation. Include 

whether these needs have changed over time and what job aspects satisfy these 


• Interview: Identify a person at work or at school and arrange an interview in 

which you practice good reflective listening skills. Ask the person questions about 

a topic you think may interest her or him. Pay particular attention to being patient, 

calm, and non-reactive. After the interview, summarize what you learned. (8.9d: 


• Interview a classmate or colleagues at work and ask about what he or she 

believes contributes to cohesiveness in work groups and teams. Ask the person 

what the conclusions are based on. 

Final submission should include: 

• The list of interview questions 

• Audio or video recording of the interview 

• Report discussing your findings in relation to the concepts in the chapter 

(summary of the interview) 

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