Review the leadership behaviors described in chapter 12, and then describe the leadership behaviors you display. Provide specific examples of how/when you display these behaviors. If you do not/have not ever displayed any of the leadership behaviors, describe behaviors you believe you could display and describe opportunities you may have at work or school to display those behaviors.
Next, review the types of leader decision making approaches in the chapter. Describe a decision you made in your work, school, or personal life that involved one or more other people and the leader decision making approach you used to make the decision. Provide specific examples.
Lastly, review Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, Situational Leadership, Path-Goal Theory of Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory, Servant Leadership, and Authentic Leadership from this week’s textbook reading. Describe a leader you have worked with at work, school, or volunteering and identify the leadership theory they display(ed). Describe their leadership approach, providing specific examples that illustrate the leadership theory you identified. Explain the impact their leadership approach had on you.
Be sure to thoroughly explain your experience the skills and competencies you discuss, provide clear examples, and support your points with evidence from the course content or your own research.
When posting, acknowledge where your ideas come from by mentioning your resources and include a link when appropriate. You do not need to include formal citations for discussions.
Respond to two peers. Compare and contrast your experience and the leadership theories you discussed in your post with theirs. Be sure to add new insights, incorporate examples, and back up your points with evidence from the course content or outside sources. Go beyond agreeing with peers, congratulating others on good posts, and thanking people for making good points.
Discussion Rubric
Criteria (Points) |
Exemplary |
Proficient |
Developing |
Needs Improvement |
Not Evident |
Quality of initial post (30 pts) |
· Addresses all aspects of the discussion prompt. · Includes original thought, substantial depth, and is relevant to the week’s topic(s). · Demonstrates strong logical thinking, reasoning, and analysis with extensive evidence and examples. (30 pts) |
· Addresses all aspects of the discussion prompt.
· Includes some original thought and is mostly relevant to the week’s topic(s). · Demonstrates some logical thinking, reasoning, and analysis with some evidence and examples. (27 pts) |
· Addresses some aspects of the discussion prompt. · Ideas expressed in discussion posts show a minimal understanding of the discussion topic. · Points are general in nature and/or occasionally may not be relevant. Few evidence or examples provided. (25 pts) |
· Does not address the discussion prompt. · Ideas expressed lack an understanding of the discussion topic. · Comments are irrelevant, off-topic, and/or confusing to follow. · Viewpoint, if given, is not supported with evidence or examples. (22 pts) |
No initial post submitted. (0 pts) |
Connection to course materials (30 pts) |
Multiple, strong, direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are clearly stated. (30 pts) |
Some direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.) and are mostly clearly stated. (27 pts) |
Minimal direct connections are made to readings and/or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.). Connections are largely inferred and somewhat unclear at times. (25 pts) |
No connections are made to readings or other course materials (lectures, media, resources, etc.), and/or if made, are not clearly stated and are largely personal opinions. (22 pts) |
No initial post submitted. (0 pts) |
Timeliness of initial post (5 pts) |
Initial post is submitted on or before the Thursday due date. (5 pts) |
Initial post is submitted one day late, on Friday. (4 pts) |
Initial post is submitted two days late, on Saturday. (3 pts) |
Initial post is submitted three days late, on Sunday, the last day of the week. (2 pts) |
Quality of responses to peers (20 pts) |
· Construction of new insights are evident. · New evidence and examples incorporated. (20 pts) |
· Construction of new insights are evident.
· No new evidence and examples incorporated. (18 pts) |
Rehashes or summarizes ideas with limited analysis or original thought. (16 pts) |
Responses are limited to comments like “Great post” or “I agree” or “You made great points in your post”, etc. (14 pts) |
No responses to peers submitted. (0 pts) |
Timeliness and number of responses to peers (5 pts) |
· Responded to more than (the required minimum of) two peers. · Responded to comments and questions from others on own initial post. (5 pts) |
· Responded to the minimum of two peers. · Responded to comments and questions from others on own initial post. |
· Responded to only one peer and responded to comments and questions from others on own initial post. OR · Responded to the minimum of two peers and did not respond to comments and questions from others on own initial post. (3 pts) |
Responded to only one peer and did not respond to comments and questions from others on own initial post. (2 pts) |
Mechanics (10 pts) |
· Discussion posts are well written and clearly articulated with correct grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. · Sources are credited. (10 pts) |
· Discussion posts are well written and clearly articulated with minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. · Sources are credited. (9 pts) |
· Discussion posts have several errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. · Sources are credited. |
· Discussion posts have many errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. · Sources are not credited. (6 pts) |
No posts submitted. (0 pts) |
College of Online Education
Johnson & Wales University