Organizational Management Performance

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  1. Complete the Organizational Performance Management Table worksheet.

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HCS/456 v5

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Organizational Performance Management Table

HCS/456 v5

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Organizational Performance Management Table

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Choose a health care organization and research it to complete this table, and then share it with your learning team as you collaborate to complete your presentation. Include your tables as appendices in your presentation.

1. Provide a name of or link to a specific health care organization. Summarize the key products or services provided by the organization and identify the primary customers it serves.

Organization Overview

2. Outline the overall content of the major regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards that affect the organization. Provide the title, section, parts, or subparts, or the numbering system, etc. of the specific regulations or accreditation requirements. Responses should be at least 100 words.

For example: Use of electronic signatures in electronic medical records is equivalent to handwritten signatures on paper; FDA regulation;

Title 21 CFR Part 11

, Subpart C, § 11.200 Electronic Signature

Organization Regulations, Accreditation, and Standards

3. Highlight the effect the organization’s regulations, accreditation requirements, and other standards have on risk management functions and activities. Responses should be at least 100 words.

Effects on Risk Management

4. Identify specific components of performance-management systems—policies and procedures, self-audits, benchmarking, complaint management, corrective or preventive action, education and training, communication, and other mechanisms—to be used by the organization. Responses should be at least 100 words.

Organizational Performance Management Systems

5. Provide several links to relevant sources that will be useful as your learning team completes the paper.

Additional Links

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