organizational response to an uncertain and risky problem

The organization is google….attached is the criteria

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 MGT408 Unit 6 Assignment and Rubric MGT408 Unit 6 Assignment and Rubric – Alternative Formats (164.502 KB)

The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-21 caused many business leaders to make significant changes in both what they do and how they do it. As the pandemic began to subside, many companies are/were faced with a return to a situation that was unknown, it may have been what the company knew before or maybe a completely new scenario.Refer to the attached document for full details and grading rubric.  

MGT408 – Organizational Theory
& Development
Unit 6 Assignment: Organizational Response to an Uncertain and Risky

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Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 6
Points: 100

  • Overview:
  • The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-21 caused many businesses to make significant
    changes in not only what they do but how they do it. As the pandemic began to subside,
    may organizations are/were faced with a return to a situation that was unknown.

  • Instructions:
  • Using the organzation you have chosen to follow for your assignments, research that
    organization’s response to the pandemic in several areas. Consider how it conducted its
    work during the pandemic. Consider its response to customers and suppliers. How did it
    change? How will it react to a new reality? Describe the situations it is facing in terms of
    risk or uncertainty.

  • Requirements:
  • • Develop a clear introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. Focus on
    quality of writing, as opposed to length.

    • Research and include at least one additional, credible reference from an outside
    source pertaining to the organization you chose.

    • Use Micsoft Word and APA formatting for the cover page, citations, and the
    reference page. No abstract is required.

    Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before
    you write and again after you write.

  • Evaluation Rubric for Unit 1 Assignment
  • Criteria Exemplary Proficient Deficient
    41 – 50 Points 21 – 40 Points 0 – 20 Points
    Response to
    pandemic (50

    Thorough and
    analysis of
    response to the
    pandemic; all key
    areas addressed.

    Most information
    is present but
    lacks some key

    Many significant
    elements omitted.

    18 – 20 Points 14 – 17 Points 0 – 13 Points
    Knowledge and
    Integration of
    Course Material
    (20 points)


    but missing
    some concepts.


    Demonstration of
    Critical Thinking
    and Reasoning
    (20 points)


    Demonstrated but
    missing some key


    9 – 10 Points 7 – 8 Points 0 – 6 Points
    Writing, Clarity,
    Readability, Flow,
    Spelling, and APA
    (10 points)

    Writing and format
    is clear,
    professional, and
    error free.

    Few errors that do
    not impede

    Errors impede

      Evaluation Rubric for Unit 1 Assignment

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