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Source: “Othello,” specifically Act 3 Scene 3 Lines 90-480 Examine rhetorical strategies from a specific section in “Othello.”   Examine Act 3, Scene 3, Lines 90-480 in “Othello” and create a short essay that asserts how Iago’s rhetorical strategies affect Othello. You should make it clear what rhetorical strategies you see being used and why this is significant/effective/ineffective.   In order to do well, you must have:  Intro paragraph that starts with a hook, provides some context, and assert a thesis about specific rhetorical elements that alter Othello’s perspective Body paragraphs that use textual evidence to support the ideas and strong topic sentences that work like mini thesis statements Control over your sentences and an academic tone (minimal grammatical mistakes, third person, no colloquial language) Conclusion that rephrases the thesis, sums up key ideas, emphasizes the “so what?” element and ends with a global statement. You should aim for this to be about 500 words. Don’t get too hung up on the word count, but in order to truly go in depth in your analysis and ideas, you need this to be fully developed. 

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