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Consider the following scenario: You have been hired as the chief of police in a community where there are strained police–community relations due to several instances of cultural insensitivity. In addition, police department morale is low due to complaints regarding cultural insensitivity among the police officers.

The Assignment

Create a 4- to 5-page professional report in which you outline a plan to a) improve police–community relations and b) address the morale and cultural insensitivity issues in the police force.

Part I: Explain two specific steps or programs that you would implement to improve police–community relations. Be specific, and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (2–3 pages)

Part II: Explain two steps or programs that you would implement within the police force to address morale and cultural insensitivity. Be specific and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (2–3 pages)

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